50 research outputs found

    Modern trends and challenges of development of global aluminum industry

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    This article overviews complex study into modern trends and challenges of development of global aluminum industry. Dynamics, structure, and segmentation of global aluminum market are discussed in terms of systematic analysis. On this basis strategic map of the industry has been plotted and five forces of competition on global aluminum market have been determined which will influence directly on functioning and development of aluminum producing companies

    Evaluation of eno-carpological traits in Georgian grapevine varieties from Skra germplasm repository

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    Eno-carpological traits were evaluated in twenty one colored and fifteen white Georgian autochthonous grapevine varieties grown in the Skra Germplasm Repository, during two years (2012 and 2013). Mostly of the studied accessions were minor varieties originated from various Georgian provinces. The spectrophotometric method proposed in the framework of the COST action FA1003 has been adopted for total anthocyanin and polyphenol analyses in skin and seed extracts. The obtained results showed that the content of phenolic compounds as well as other eno-carpological parameters varies greatly according to the variety. In general, the total phenol contents ranged from 546.7 to 2818.4 mg∙kg-1 of grape, and anthocyanins varied from 49.5 to 2826.6 mg∙kg-1 of grape. The highest content of total phenolics and total anthocyanins was found in the variety 'Saperavi Budeshuriseburi'

    Description of the Vitis vinifera L. phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread in 15 countries, covering mostly of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic range: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, in two years, about 2400 accessions were described, following a common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oenological traits, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods

    Description of the vitis vinifera L. Phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread over 15 countries, covering most of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic region: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, over two years about 2,400 accessions were described. A common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oe-nological traits was followed, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods


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    Obesity — one of the main challenges for the public health around the world in the twenty-first  century. It is a leading risk factor for serious complications of the cardiovascular system resulting in 17 million deaths worldwide each year. In Russia only, among young people, the prevalence of the disease is 11,8–16,6% and growing, especially in the last decade. Along with obesity, the problem of sleep disorder becomes increasingly urgent. One of the main factors of sleep disorders with children is the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA), which is considered  as one of the main causes  of cardiovascular  problems  development  among adults. Depending  on the methods for its diagnosis, children’s OSA occurs in 1–13% of cases, and there is reason to believe that it often remains undiagnosed. With sleep disorders, children get stuck in a vicious circle that causes the development of insulin resistance, nocturnal hypoglycemia, and changes in carbohydrate metabolism.Ожирение  — одна из главных  проблем,  стоящих перед общественным здравоохранением  в ХХI веке. Оно является ведущим фактором  риска  серьезных  осложнений  работы  сердечно-сосудистой системы и приводит  ежегодно к 17 миллионам смертельных исходов во всем мире. В России только среди лиц молодого возраста распространенность заболевания  составляет  11,8–16,6% и продолжает увеличиваться, особенно в последнее  десятилетие.  С учетом роста ожирения все более актуальной становится проблема нарушений сна, часто сопутствующая этой патологии. Одно из главных мест в нарушениях сна у детей принадлежит синдрому обструктивного  апноэ сна (СОАС), который у взрослых рассматривается в качестве одной из основных причин развития сердечно-сосудистых катастроф. Детский СОАС в зависимости от используемых для его диагностики методов встречается в 1–13% случаев, и есть основания полагать, что он часто остается невыявленным. При нарушениях сна у детей запускается порочный круг, обусловливающий развитие инсулинорезистентности, ночной гипогликемии, изменения углеводного обмена


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    The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern pediatrics and neurology ― a comprehensive diagnosis and correction of sleep disorders in children. Detail the features of the clinical manifestations of sleep disorders in childhood (insomnia and parasomnia), great attention is paid to sleep apnea syndrome as a risk factor for somatic and psychopathological disorders in children. Highlight the current capabilities of complex instrumental diagnosis of sleep disorders with the use of highly effective methods of polysomnography and pulse oximetry. The actual dimensions as non-drug and drug treatment of sleep disorders in children, taking into account the pathogenetic features of their occurrence. From the standpoint of evidence-based medicine demonstrate efficient methods of herbal medicine, developed on the basis of traditional Chinese recipes, as well as modern nootropics and magnesium preparations. It is shown that sleep disorders in children not only lead to a deterioration of emotional mood, cognitive function, health and school performance, but also are associated with increasing risk of somatic disorders, which determines the need for timely diagnosis and comprehensive differentiated medical and psychological data correction of pathological conditions, taking into account the neurophysiological and biochemical mechanisms of their development, as well as polymorphism of clinical manifestations, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and quality of life of patients.  Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме современной педиатрии и неврологии ― комплексной диагностике и коррекции нарушений сна у детей. Подробно рассмотрены особенности клинических проявлений расстройств сна в детском возрасте (инсомний и парасомний), большое внимание уделено синдрому обструктивного апноэ сна как фактору риска развития соматических и психопатологических нарушений у детей. Освещены современные возможности комплексной инструментальной диагностики расстройств сна с применением высокоэффективных методов полисомнографии и пульсоксиметрии, а также актуальные аспекты как немедикаментозной, так и лекарственной терапии нарушений сна в детском возрасте с учетом патогенетических особенностей их возникновения. С позиций доказательной медицины продемонстрирована высокая эффективность способов фитотерапии, разработанных на основе традиционных китайских рецептов, а также современных ноотропных средств и препаратов магния. Показано, что расстройства сна у детей не только приводят к ухудшению эмоционального настроя, когнитивных функций, работоспособности и школьной успеваемости, но и сопряжены с нарастающим риском развития соматических нарушений, что определяет необходимость проведения своевременной диагностики и комплексной дифференцированной медико-психологической коррекции данных патологических состояний с учетом нейрофизиологических и биохимических механизмов их развития, а также полиморфизма клинических проявлений с целью повышения эффективности лечения и улучшения качества жизни пациентов.


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    The purpose of this study was to assess the nature of the sleep changes in children with various pathologies. The study included 103 children with diseases of the nervous system, ENT disorders and allergic diseases. Polysomnography was carried out to all children — the synchronous recording of various physiological parameters during sleep. The vast majority of patients in the studied groups had changed microstructure of sleep in comparison with the healthy children (control group). Disorders of breathing during sleep were manifested in the form of episodes of apnea/hypopnea. These changes were associated with the severity of somatic pathology

    The ICC statute and the ratification saga in the states of the commonwealth of independent states

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