272 research outputs found

    Hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta with multiple impacted teeth: report of two cases

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    Amelogenesis Imperfecta (AI) represents a group of developmental conditions, genomic in origin, which affect the structure and clinical appearance of enamel of all or nearly all the teeth in a more or less equal manner. It is usually inherited either as an X-linked, autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive trait. The enamel may be hypoplastic, hypomineralised or both and affected teeth may be discolored, sensitive or prone to disintegration. Diagnosis is based on the family history, pedigree plotting and meticulous clinical observation. The treatment of patients with AI should start with early diagnosis and intervention to prevent latter restorative problems. Herein, we present two case reports of hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta with oligodontia, multiple unerupted teeth, pulpal calcification, taurodontism and anterior deep bite who were provided with functional and esthetic rehabilitation

    “Less Is More”: New Property Paradigm in the Information Age?

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    Before striking down laws increasing copyright’s domain, judges and legislators are asking for evidence that information products will be created even if copyright protection is not provided. The future of Internet technology depends on locating this evidence in time to limit expansive copyright. United States law, however, already protects information products under copyright. Hence, this counterfactual evidence that judges request cannot be generated in the United States. In response to the demand for data, American legal scholars have attempted to mine evidence from open software and other non-commercial endeavors on the Internet. However, these endeavors have been dismissed as exceptions or “cults,” unrelated to mainstream industry needs. This Article, for the first time, provides evidence of growth in the commercial software industry without intellectual property protection. Between 1993 and 2010, the software industry in India emerged as the fastest growing in the world, accounting for $76 billion in revenues by 2010. In the same time period, the software industry in India remained unaffected by changes in intellectual property protection for software. By demonstrating industry growth without strong intellectual property protections, the Indian data fills the critical gap in American literature. Moreover, the comparative data from India enables scholars to separate causality from outcomes in specific empirical and analytical studies emerging out of the United States. In the case study of California’s Silicon Valley, for instance, there is a risk that causality may be extrapolated to alternative California statutes, giving rise to errors of second order. The comparative analysis checks this potential inaccuracy. The industry in India also provides illuminating data from contracting practices—decisive evidence of the legal infrastructure firms need and will create by contract, if not found in a priori law. This study equips policy-makers to go beyond the “historic accident” explanation to understand why the software industry flourishes where it does

    The Importance of Being Factual: The U.S., China, and the Future of the Kyoto Protocol

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    By most accounts, the December 2012 Doha Round negotiations achieved little. The continued failure of member governments to reach consensus increases the risk of a catastrophic rise in global emissions. The current impasse is due in no small measure to the expressed concern of the United States that a climate change treaty will end up transferring enormous wealth from the United States to China. Analyzing the relevant market data, this Article concludes that there is little or no evidence to support the notion that ratification of the Kyoto Protocol will lead to the massive wealth transfers feared by the United States. Indeed, the market study demonstrates the opposite. By deconstructing the “China myth,” this Article achieves two tasks. First, it rebuts the principal argument that U.S. policy-makers and the Senate have offered to justify the United States’ refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Second, in taking China out of the equation, it enables U.S. climate justice theory to resume the arrested conversation about the obligations of the United States, and other developed nations, to address the problem of global emissions

    Future team leadership and empowerment in the performance of measuring virtual team productivity with information technology

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the virtual teams effectiveness in productivity, whether leadership and Empowerment with the relevant factors influencing the virtual team productivity are not. This study examines the virtual group in IT enterprises and their authority and strengthening of efficiency of a virtual group.   Theoretical framework:  An essential method for directing business for associations to stay serious and support in a global environment. What's more, that is used in numerous kinds and sizes of associations either as a key unit or as a supporting unit. Virtual groups in Indian programming organizations stand out explicitly inside the world wide IT service sector.   Design/methodology/approach: The present study is conducted by designing the set of questionnaires with respect to the leadership and empowerment of a virtual team and the performance of virtual team factors. And it is distributed to the organization, which uses a virtual team. The questionnaires were distributed to the 300 participants; only 257 responses are received from the company. From the 300 respondents, 43 responses were rejected because the response is not clear, so a total of 257 responses are taken. By using a 5-point Likert scale, the questionnaire was prepared.   Finding: The relationship between the team effectiveness, team performance, and empowering the leadership of the hypothesis are empirically tested. The result indicated that the empowerment and leadership of a virtual team enhanced the performance and productivity of a virtual team.   Research, Practical & Social Implication: The paper contributes to a better understanding of the internal processes within a virtual team in order to develop the effectiveness through Leadership and empowerment which increase the productivity.   Originality/value: Notwithstanding the inescapability of overseeing virtual groups, associations find it especially provoking for virtual colleagues to display and deal with their initiative ways of behaving

    Tradition and Modernity in the Major Novels of Albert Chinualumogu Achebe - An Analytical Study

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    Albert Chinualumogu Achebe was considered by many as one of the prominent African writer and he is known for original literary artistic writing in English during his times. This research paper critically studied the tradition and modernity in the representative novels of Achebe such as Things Fall Apart and No Longer at Ease. These novels were concerned with the traditional Igbo life as it clashed with colonial powers in the form of missionaries and colonial government. In the final analysis of this paper found that those novels can be seen as a display of the conflict between the desires to retain traditional values and there cognition that change and assimilation are absolutely necessary for survival. Keywords: Tradition, Modernity, Duality, Civilization, Ethinicity

    Morphological characterization of Indian turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) genotypes using DUS descriptor

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    Fifteen genotypes of turmeric, a commercially important crop having nutraceutical and pharmaceutical value, were characterized for 24 characters in the form of multiscale scores given by DUS guidelines. Among the characters studied, three genotypes were found to be monomorphic, 12 were dimporphic and nine were polymorphic characteristics. Apart from the DUS characters, there were some noticeable variation in the selected genotypes which can act as morphological markers for identification of genotypes; they are collar girth of the pseudostem, pigmentation in leaf lamina at initial stage which fades off in later stage and red pigmentation in emerging shoot at initial stage of sprouting. The morphological characterization of genotypes will help in linking a character to a specific trait, with potential in utilization for trait specific selection

    A Methodology for Secured Routing and Intrusion Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Abstract:-The basic aspect of evolution of wireless mesh networks is its characteristic of dynamically self organising, self configured nodes in the network that establish a mesh connectivity with lower mobility mesh routers, low power consumption of nodes that has put this technology into the emerging trends of the day to day networking applications. In general, throughput and security are two vast areas of research. Here we propose the methodology of handling both the security aspect and efficient routing. Initially the main aspect of an efficient communication is through exchange of information that shouldn’t avail ease of access by unauthenticated parties, therefore security issues have to be concentrated. Here we discuss various aspects optimal path selection for efficient routing considering the relevant routing metrics that proportionately affects the throughput. Finally several intrusion detection mechanisms are followed and basic approaches of their prevention for the black hole and grey hole attacks. All these aspects can be visualised by the network simulator tools like ns2, ns3, nctuns etc. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15072

    Modified LSB Watermarking for Image Authentication

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    This paper mainly aims at developing an authentication scheme for digital images. The LSB scheme is chosen base for our proposed work. Through literature survey it is found that conventional LSB scheme provides low embedding rat low distortion and is irreversible. Because of its irreversibility, the conventional LSB scheme cannot be used for critic applications where reversibility is mandatory. Through this literature survey, we learnt that this conventional LSB scheme us only one bit in every pixel for embedding. Our proposed scheme presents a modified LSB embedding strategy that satisfies th reversibility and improves the embedding rate by using two bits in every pixel for embedding
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