16 research outputs found

    Er norsk misjon fortsatt liv laga? : norsk misjonsengasjement og vegen vidare

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    In this article I try to reflect on the status of Norwegian missionary activity. The background of the reflections is a significant fall in the number of foreign missionaries from Norway. I argue that these changes do not signify the end of Norwegian participation in the world of global mission. But I suggest that we are facing substantial changes in the way we do our part. In the first part of the article I draw attention to what one may call different mission paradigms that we can detect through the history of the Christian church. In the second part of the article I try to apply insights from these paradigms on our current situation, and suggest that the way forward lies in combining a will to continuity with an ability to accept change not as a threat but as a modus vivendi.publishedVersio

    PF-1 Endometritis in Mix Breed Dog

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    Endometritis is an inflamation that happen in the endometrial tissue in the uterus that caused by pathogen bacterial infection [1]. Inflamation in the uterus also can caused by hormonal problem, post partus secondary infection, and distocia [2]. Endometritis without any proper medication can developt into pyometra

    SA-15 Antibiotic Resistance Microbial Infection in Five Dogs in Bali

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    Antimicrobial Resistance is a global public health problem that is influenced by the use of antimicrobial agents in humans, animals and elsewhere. Abuse of antibiotics has increased the prevalence of human and animal microbioma resistance genes over the last 75 years (Pal et al, 2016). Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria are able to reduce or eliminate the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals or other agents designed to cure or prevent infection. Thus bacteria survive and continue to multiply causing more harm (Bisht et al 2009). A strain is resistant against an antibiotic if its minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) is higher than for the corresponding parental wild-type strain (Martinez et al, 2015;Bengtsson-palme, 2017). As well as humans, pet animal like dogs that have certain medical conditions that are often prescribed antibiotics have a higher risk of infection with antibiotic resistant bacteria. Antibiotic resistance in dog or other pet animal causes very adverse effects such as treatment failure with antibiotics that can cause severe infections, complications,  increased mortality. Antibiotic resistance leads to extended treatment time leading to increased medical expenses. Another impact that is considered very dangerous is the zoonotic potential of resistant microbes that can be transmitted to humans. Infections that do not respond to antibiotics appropriately, should be suspected of having an antibiotic resistant microbial infection. Actibiotic sensitivity test is necessary in the selection and use of appropriate antibiotics for therapy

    Er norsk misjon fortsatt liv laga? : norsk misjonsengasjement og vegen vidare

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    In this article I try to reflect on the status of Norwegian missionary activity. The background of the reflections is a significant fall in the number of foreign missionaries from Norway. I argue that these changes do not signify the end of Norwegian participation in the world of global mission. But I suggest that we are facing substantial changes in the way we do our part. In the first part of the article I draw attention to what one may call different mission paradigms that we can detect through the history of the Christian church. In the second part of the article I try to apply insights from these paradigms on our current situation, and suggest that the way forward lies in combining a will to continuity with an ability to accept change not as a threat but as a modus vivendi

    Flood frequency analyses based on streamflow time series, historical information and paleohydrological data

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    Beregning av dimensjonerende flomverdier (20-1000-årsflommer) er et krav ved bygging av dammer, infrastrukturer og arealplanlegging. Robuste og pålitelige beregninger er viktig for korrekte risikovurderinger og for å ta best mulige beslutninger. En av de anbefalte metodene for å beregne dimensjonerende flommer er basert på årlige maksimalverdier fra en tidsserie med vannføring. Disse seriene tilpasses så en statistisk fordeling, vanligvis den generelle ekstremverdifordelingen (GEV-fordeling). En utfordring med denne tilnærmingen er at man som regel har relativt korte tidsserier med vannføring, de fleste er kortere enn 50 år. Estimat av en 200- eller 1000-årsflom er derfor basert på ekstrapolering av data, noe som inneholder store usikkerheter i beregningene. For å utvide datagrunnlaget for estimering av dimensjonerende flommer er det i denne studien benyttet informasjon om flommer fra før systematiske observasjoner av vannføring ble igangsatt; (i) historiske flomkilder (f.eks. flomsteiner) og (ii) paleohydrologi – flominformasjon fra sedimentprøver er undersøkt. I dette studiet er kjerneprøve FLS113 (18.0 cm lang, representerer omtrent de siste 65 årene) og FLS213 (516 cm lang, representerer trolig de siste 10 000 årene) fra Flyginnsjøen brukt. Ved å studere sedimentene i FLS113 kan man finne igjen karakteristiske flomlag for når Glomma var i flom og vannføringen oversteg terskelen, som i dag er beregnet til 1500 m3/s. Resultatene viser at det er en sammenheng mellom bifurkasjonshendelser i Glomma ved Kongsvinger og sedimentlag i kjerneprøver fra Flyginnsjøen. Dette gir grunnlag for å bruke paleohydrologi til å forlenge flomhistorien og dermed basere flomfrekvensanalysen på lengre datagrunnlag utover det instrumentelle målinger kan gi. De tidligste instrumentelle målingene startet rundt 1870. Historisk informasjon brukt i dette studiet legger til ni flommer i perioden 1650-1850 og paleohydrologisk informasjon legger til 155 flommer siden år 1200. Nye flomfrekvenskurver er laget på bakgrunn av denne utvidede flominformasjonen og man kan, ved å sammenligne disse med tidligere flomfrekvenskurver, se at det utgjør en forskjell. I diskusjons-kapittelet diskuteres det hvorvidt de ulike informasjonskildene og lengden på perioden med informasjon, har av betydning for flomfrekvensanalysene. Resultatene viser generelt at ved å inkludere historiske flomhendelser øker vannføringen for forventede gjentaksintervaller, mens ved å inkludere paleohydrologisk flomdata minker vannføringen for forventede gjentaksintervaller, sammenlignet med flomfrekvensanalyser basert på systematisk data. Bruken av historisk informasjon i flomfrekvensanalyse anses å være av verdi, da beregningene blir gjort på utvidet grunnlag om flomhistorien. Spesielt er det nyttig i beregninger av lengre gjentaksintervaller der det kun finnes korte instrumentelle måleserier. Å bruke paleohydrologisk flominformasjon i flomfrekvensanalyse er en nyere og meget spennende metode som det trengs å forskes mer på

    Lykken er et annet sted : en analyse av backpackersamfunnets selverklærte annerledeshet

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    Sammendrag Denne oppgaven omhandler backpackere på reise i Sørøst Asia. Den viser hvordan backpackernes relasjoner til hverandre fremstår som mer sentralt for dem enn stedene de reiser til. Backpackerne danner et sosialt fellesskap som jeg velger å forstå som et samfunn av reisende mennesker. De har mange flyktige relasjoner til andre backpackere som påvirker hvilken reiserute og hvilke aktiviteter de velger, og relasjonene til andre backpackere er ofte avgjørende for hvordan reisen oppleves. Backpackere fra den rike delen av verden møtes og danner sosiale grupper i svært sammenlignbare kontekster, som vanligvis finner sted i en fattigere del av verden. Alle søker de etter annerledesheten denne livsstilen muliggjør, både i forhold til det som er hjemme, og i forhold til andre sosiale grupper på stedene de reiser. Frihet, planløshet, tidløshet, og lavt budsjett er felles verdier som representerer denne annerledesheten. Jeg velger å se på backpackerne som et samfunn, fordi jeg mener dette legger til rette for en best mulig forståelse av hvordan backpackerne fungerer som en sosial gruppe. Dette perspektivet belyser hvordan samfunnet opprettholdes og reproduseres selvstendig selv om medlemmer og steder skifter. Felles verdier definerer tydelig hvem som er medlemmer ved at backpackerne definerer seg i motsetning til andre grupper de møter. For å best belyse backpackernes relasjoner har jeg utført et multilokalt feltarbeid hvor jeg har reist sammen med andre backpackere. De har kortvarige relasjoner til andre backpackere, og på samme måten har mine relasjoner til informanter vært kortvarige. På tross av manglende kontinuitet i både sted og medlemsmasse så fremstår backpackersamfunnet som vedvarende. Ved å se på hierarkier som eksisterer mellom backpackere og verdier som fremstår som felles forsøker jeg å belyse hvordan backpackersamfunnet reproduseres

    Separation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by capillary electrophoresis using nonaqueous electrolytes.

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    The aim of the present work was to investigate the separation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs: niflumic acid, flufenamic acid, piroxicam, alclofenac, tiaprofenic acid, flurbiprofen, suprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, indomethacin, carprofen, indoprofen, sulindac) in capillary electrophoresis (CE) using completely nonaqueous systems. The influence of different parameters such as nature and proportion of organic solvent (methanol, acetonitrile, 2-propanol), apparent pH (ranging from 7 to 9) and temperature (ranging from 25 to 40 degrees C) on selectivity and migration times were studied systematically in an uncoated fused-silica capillary. A nonaqueous electrolyte made of 50 mM ammonium acetate - 13.75 mM ammonia in methanol proved to resolve 11 NSAIDs at 25 degrees C and 13 NSAIDs at 36 degrees C, both within 13 min and without a modifier besides the methanol itself. The same buffer containing 30% acetonitrile provides a satisfactory separation for 13 NSAIDs within 14 min at 25 degrees C

    New flood frequency estimates for the largest river in Norway based on the combination of short and long time series

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    The Glomma River is the largest in Norway, with a catchment area of 154 450 km2. People living near the shores of this river are frequently exposed to destructive floods that impair local cities and communities. Unfortunately, design flood predictions are hampered by uncertainty since the standard flood records are much shorter than the requested return period and the climate is also expected to change in the coming decades. Here we combine systematic historical and paleo information in an effort to improve flood frequency analysis and better understand potential linkages to both climate and non-climatic forcing. Specifically, we (i) compile historical flood data from the existing literature, (ii) produce high-resolution X-ray fluorescence (XRF), magnetic susceptibility (MS), and computed tomography (CT) scanning data from a sediment core covering the last 10 300 years, and (iii) integrate these data sets in order to better estimate design floods and assess non-stationarities. Based on observations from Lake Flyginnsjøen, receiving sediments from Glomma only when it reaches a certain threshold, we can estimate flood frequency in a moving window of 50 years across millennia revealing that past flood frequency is non-stationary on different timescales. We observe that periods with increased flood activity (4000–2000 years ago and <1000 years ago) correspond broadly to intervals with lower than average summer temperatures and glacier growth, whereas intervals with higher than average summer temperatures and receding glaciers overlap with periods of reduced numbers of floods (10 000 to 4000 years ago and 2200 to 1000 years ago). The flood frequency shows significant non-stationarities within periods with increased flood activity, as was the case for the 18th century, including the 1789 CE (“Stor-Ofsen”) flood, the largest on record for the last 10 300 years at this site. Using the identified non-stationarities in the paleoflood record allowed us to estimate non-stationary design floods. In particular, we found that the design flood was 23 % higher during the 18th century than today and that long-term trends in flood variability are intrinsically linked to the availability of snow in late spring linking climate change to adjustments in flood frequency

    New flood frequency estimates for the largest river in Norway based on the combination of short and long time series

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    The Glomma River is the largest in Norway, with a catchment area of 154 450 km2. People living near the shores of this river are frequently exposed to destructive floods that impair local cities and communities. Unfortunately, design flood predictions are hampered by uncertainty since the standard flood records are much shorter than the requested return period and the climate is also expected to change in the coming decades. Here we combine systematic historical and paleo information in an effort to improve flood frequency analysis and better understand potential linkages to both climate and non-climatic forcing. Specifically, we (i) compile historical flood data from the existing literature, (ii) produce high-resolution X-ray fluorescence (XRF), magnetic susceptibility (MS), and computed tomography (CT) scanning data from a sediment core covering the last 10 300 years, and (iii) integrate these data sets in order to better estimate design floods and assess non-stationarities. Based on observations from Lake Flyginnsjøen, receiving sediments from Glomma only when it reaches a certain threshold, we can estimate flood frequency in a moving window of 50 years across millennia revealing that past flood frequency is non-stationary on different timescales. We observe that periods with increased flood activity (4000–2000 years ago and <1000 years ago) correspond broadly to intervals with lower than average summer temperatures and glacier growth, whereas intervals with higher than average summer temperatures and receding glaciers overlap with periods of reduced numbers of floods (10 000 to 4000 years ago and 2200 to 1000 years ago). The flood frequency shows significant non-stationarities within periods with increased flood activity, as was the case for the 18th century, including the 1789 CE (“Stor-Ofsen”) flood, the largest on record for the last 10 300 years at this site. Using the identified non-stationarities in the paleoflood record allowed us to estimate non-stationary design floods. In particular, we found that the design flood was 23 % higher during the 18th century than today and that long-term trends in flood variability are intrinsically linked to the availability of snow in late spring linking climate change to adjustments in flood frequency