1,494 research outputs found

    Search for electromagnetic properties of the neutrinos at the LHC

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    Exclusive production of neutrinos via photon-photon fusion provides an excellent opportunity to probe electromagnetic properties of the neutrinos at the LHC. We explore the potential of processes pp-> p gamma gamma p -> p nu anti-nu p and pp -> p gamma gamma p -> p nu anti-nu Z p to probe neutrino-photon and neutrino-two photon couplings. We show that these reactions provide more than seven orders of magnitude improvement in neutrino-two photon couplings compared to LEP limits.Comment: 11 pages, 4 tables, New backgrounds have been adde

    Model-independent extraction of Vtq|V_{tq}| matrix elements from top-quark measurements at hadron colliders

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    Current methods to extract the quark-mixing matrix element Vtb|V_{tb}| from single-top production measurements assume that VtbVtd,Vts|V_{tb}|\gg |V_{td}|, |V_{ts}|: top quarks decay into bb quarks with 100% branching fraction, s-channel single-top production is always accompanied by a bb quark and initial-state contributions from dd and ss quarks in the tt-channel production of single top quarks are neglected. Triggered by a recent measurement of the ratio R=Vtb2Vtd2+Vts2+Vtb2=0.90±0.04R=\frac{|V_{tb}|^{2}}{|V_{td}|^{2}+|V_{ts}|^{2}+|V_{tb}|^{2}}=0.90 \pm 0.04 performed by the D0 collaboration, we consider a Vtb|V_{tb}| extraction method that takes into account non zero d- and s-quark contributions both in production and decay. We propose a strategy that allows to extract consistently and in a model-independent way the quark mixing matrix elements Vtd|V_{td}|, Vts|V_{ts}|, and Vtb|V_{tb}| from the measurement of RR and from single-top measured event yields. As an illustration, we apply our method to the Tevatron data using a CDF analysis of the measured single-top event yield with two jets in the final state one of which is identified as a bb-quark jet. We constrain the Vtq|V_{tq}| matrix elements within a four-generation scenario by combining the results with those obtained from direct measurements in flavor physics and determine the preferred range for the top-quark decay width within different scenarios.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figure

    Predictions from Heavy New Physics Interpretation of the Top Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    We derive generic predictions at hadron colliders from the large forward-backward asymmetry observed at the Tevatron, assuming the latter arises from heavy new physics beyond the Standard Model. We use an effective field theory approach to characterize the associated unknown dynamics. By fitting the Tevatron t \bar t data we derive constraints on the form of the new physics. Furthermore, we show that heavy new physics explaining the Tevatron data generically enhances at high invariant masses both the top pair production cross section and the charge asymmetry at the LHC. This enhancement can be within the sensitivity of the 8 TeV run, such that the 2012 LHC data should be able to exclude a large class of models of heavy new physics or provide hints for its presence. The same new physics implies a contribution to the forward-backward asymmetry in bottom pair production at low invariant masses of order a permil at most.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. v2: added remarks on EFT validity range, dijet bounds and UV completions; matches published versio

    Scalar-mediated ttˉt\bar t forward-backward asymmetry

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    A large forward-backward asymmetry in ttˉt\bar t production, for large invariant mass of the ttˉt\bar t system, has been recently observed by the CDF collaboration. Among the scalar mediated mechanisms that can explain such a large asymmetry, only the t-channel exchange of a color-singlet weak-doublet scalar is consistent with both differential and integrated ttˉt\bar t cross section measurements. Constraints from flavor changing processes dictate a very specific structure for the Yukawa couplings of such a new scalar. No sizable deviation in the differential or integrated ttˉt\bar t production cross section is expected at the LHC.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure and 2 tables. v2: Corrected Eqs.(50,51,74), adapted Fig.1, Tab.1 and relevant discussions. Extended discussion of top decay and single to

    Charge asymmetries of top quarks at hadron colliders revisited

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    A sizeable difference in the differential production cross section of top- compared to antitop-quark production, denoted charge asymmetry, has been observed at the Tevatron. The experimental results seem to exceed the theory predictions based on the Standard Model by a significant amount and have triggered a large number of suggestions for "new physics". In the present paper the Standard Model predictions for Tevatron and LHC experiments are revisited. This includes a reanalysis of electromagnetic as well as weak corrections, leading to a shift of the asymmetry by roughly a factor 1.1 when compared to the results of the first papers on this subject. The impact of cuts on the transverse momentum of the top-antitop system is studied. Restricting the ttbar system to a transverse momentum less than 20 GeV leads to an enhancement of the asymmetries by factors between 1.3 and 1.5, indicating the importance of an improved understanding of the ttˉt\bar t-momentum distribution. Predictions for similar measurements at the LHC are presented, demonstrating the sensitivity of the large rapidity region both to the Standard Model contribution and effects from "new physics".Comment: 23 pages. Final version to appear in JHE

    A Short Term Study of Hungarians Learning Finnish Vowels

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    Turku, FinlandA group of Hungarian students (n=10) participated in a Finnish phonetics and conversation course during the first 3 months of their language studies. During the course, the students trained in the allophonic variation of Finnish speech sounds, comparing them to Hungarian sounds and participating in group conversation exercises. We call the method used on the course conscious phonetic training of foreign language speech sounds. Additionally, the students participated in one-on-one imitating exercises, which were recorded for the current study. We followed the participants' foreign sounds pronunciation development during the first semester of their studies and compared it to their peers (n=4). The results suggest that participating in the course affected the students' pronunciation skills towards the end of the three-month course, whereas, at the beginning, both of the groups' pronunciation was more similar.caslpub3672pu

    Explaining the t tbar forward-backward asymmetry without dijet or flavor anomalies

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    We consider new physics explanations of the anomaly in the top quark forward-backward asymmetry measured at the Tevatron, in the context of flavor conserving models. The recently measured LHC dijet distributions strongly constrain many otherwise viable models. A new scalar particle in the antitriplet representation of flavor and color can fit the t tbar asymmetry and cross section data at the Tevatron and avoid both low- and high-energy bounds from flavor physics and the LHC. An s-channel resonance in uc to uc scattering at the LHC is predicted to be not far from the current sensitivity. This model also predicts rich top quark physics for the early LHC from decays of the new scalar particles. Single production gives t tbar j signatures with high transverse momentum jet, pair production leads to t tbar j j and 4 jet final states.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; v2: notation clarified, references adde

    Non-universal minimal Z' models: present bounds and early LHC reach

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    We consider non-universal 'minimal' Z' models, whose additional U(1) charge is a non-anomalous linear combination of the weak hypercharge Y, the baryon number B and the partial lepton numbers (L_e, L_mu, L_tau), with no exotic fermions beyond three standard families with right-handed neutrinos. We show that the observed pattern of neutrino masses and mixing can be fully reproduced by a gauge-invariant renormalizable Lagrangian, and flavor-changing neutral currents in the charged lepton sector are suppressed by a GIM mechanism. We then discuss the phenomenology of some benchmark models. The electrophilic B-3L_e model is significantly constrained by electroweak precision tests, but still allows to fit the hint of an excess observed by CDF in dielectrons but not in dimuons. The muonphilic B-3L_mu model is very mildly constrained by electroweak precision tests, so that even the very early phase of the LHC can explore significant areas of parameter space. We also discuss the hadrophobic L_mu-L_tau model, which has recently attracted interest in connection with some puzzling features of cosmic ray spectra.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    Kolmannes ensihoitajien konsultaatioista jää lääkäreiltä kirjaamatta

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    Ensihoitajien konsultaatioita jäi Varsinais-Suomessa kirjaamatta etenkin erikoisalapäivystäjiltä paljon. Kirjaus on tärkeä oikeusturvankin kannalta, sillä näissä konsultaatiossa vastuu siirtyy vastauksen antaneelle lääkärille

    Identification of extra neutral gauge bosons at the International Linear Collider

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    Heavy neutral gauge bosons, Z's, are predicted by many theoretical schemes of physics beyond the Standard Model, and intensive searches for their signatures will be performed at present and future high energy colliders. It is quite possible that Z's are heavy enough to lie beyond the discovery reach expected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC, in which case only indirect signatures of Z' exchanges may occur at future colliders, through deviations of the measured cross sections from the Standard Model predictions. We here discuss in this context the foreseeable sensitivity to Z's of fermion-pair production cross sections at an e^+e^- linear collider, especially as regards the potential of distinguishing different Z' models once such deviations are observed. Specifically, we assess the discovery and identification reaches on Z' gauge bosons pertinent to the E_6, LR, ALR and SSM classes of models, that should be attained at the planned International Linear Collider (ILC). With the high experimental accuracies expected at the ILC, the discovery and the identification reaches on the Z' models under consideration could be increased substantially. In particular, the identification among the different models could be achieved for values of Z' masses in the discovery (but beyond the identification) reach of the LHC. An important role in enhancing such reaches is played by the electron (and possibly the positron) longitudinally polarized beams. Also, although the purely leptonic processes are experimentally cleaner, the measurements of c- and b-quark pair production cross sections are found to carry important, and complementary, information on these searches.Comment: 21 page