9 research outputs found

    Characterisation of an unbound granular mixture with waste tyre rubber for subballast layers

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    Scrap tyres are a solid waste material produced in large quantities. One potential way of disposal is to use rubber particles from shredded tyres as a construction material. Within this context, this paper presents a comprehensive set of laboratory and field tests carried out to evaluate the characteristics of coarse aggregates mixed with rubber particles. The main objective is to assess whether these mixes could be used to form the subballast layer in new railway lines. All the technical features usually required for subballast were tested, including degradation, bearing capacity, density, resilient modulus, etc. The results show that adding between 1 and 10 % of rubber (in weight) improves resistance to degradation. On the other hand, bearing capacity is reduced, but still well over the usual range for common subballast if the rubber content is limited to <5 %. Moreover, the extension and compaction of these mixes can be done using conventional construction equipment.MartĂ­nez FernĂĄndez, P.; Medel Perallon, E.; Hidalgo Signes, C.; Insa Franco, R. (2015). Characterisation of an unbound granular mixture with waste tyre rubber for subballast layers. Materials and Structures. 48(12):3847-3861. doi:10.1617/s11527-014-0443-z384738614812Sharma VK, Fortuna F, Mincarini M, Berillo M, Cornacchia G (2000) Disposal of waste tyres for energy recovery and safe environment. Appl Energy 65(1–4):381–394Commission European (1999) Directive on the Landfill of Waste 1999/31/EC. Off J Eur Union 182:1–19ASTM D6270-98 (1998) Standard practice for use of scrap tires in civil engineering applications. ASTM, West ConshohockenCommission European (2008) Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC. Off J Eur Union 312:3–30SIGNUS (2012) Activity Report 2012. Available at: http://www.signus.es/ . 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