297 research outputs found

    Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) sebagai Harta Bersama Perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    Abstract: This article  discusses intellectual rights which  intellectual rights have been recently acnowledged In indonesia. From the perspective of Islamic law intellectual rights can be considered as huqûq mùliyyah (property rights). Even though they have no concrete forms, they have moral and economic values. In the context of separation between husband and wife,  intellectual rights  can be considered as marital property which should be divided upon divorce. Otherwise, it will create injustice and defiance from the principle of maslahah in Islamic law. This recent development on intellectual rights should be accommodated in legal framworks that regulate muslim marrriage in Indonesia, such as Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang Hak atas Kekayaaan Intelektual sebagai Harta Bersama menurut Hukum Islam. Hak atas kekayaan intelektual (HAKI) merupakan hak eksklusif yang diakui oleh negara melalui peraturan perundang-undangan atas kreativitas intelektual yang bersangkutan. HAKI sebagai salah satu huqûq mùliyyah (hak kekayaan), merupakan benda tidak berwujud yang mempunyai nilai hak moral dan hak ekonomi yang berguna bagi kehidupan masyarakat dan kehidupan rumah tangga. Meskipun peraturan perundang-undangan terhadap HAKI tidak memberi ketegasan dan penjelasan tentang status HAKI sebagai harta bersama suami istri, namun melalui teori maslahat dan rasa keadilan serta merujuk Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam, inkonstitusional HAKI dapat dikategorikan sebagai harta bersama dan masih relevan dengan pembagian hak masing-masing suami istri dengan bagian yang sama. Ketentuan pembagian harta bersama yang didasarkan KHI yang diberlakukan melalui Inpres No 1 tahun 1991, perlu ada penyempurnaan materi dan perubahan instrumen hukumnya, khususnya berkaitan dengan HAKI sebagai harta bersama


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    The aim of this work is to know how speech acts work in translation. It is to find out an alternative definition of translation, to know the relationship between speech acts and types of translation, and to find the possibility that speech acts are able to influence the quality of translation. Through content analysis, it is found that translation is not only the process of meaning transference but also the process of intention transference from Source Language (SL) to target Language (TL). It is also found that speech acts are in relation to types of translation. When some utterances are translated with the idea of locutionary act, the tendancy of translation type belongs to literal translation. While some which are translated with the idea of illocutionary act, it belongs to idiomatic translation. And, it is possibly true that the action of ‗loss‘ and ‗gain‘ belongs to perlocutio nary acts. In relation to quality of translation, the use of locutionary act will perform the accuracy of meaning while that of illocutionary act will lead to naturalness or acceptability. And, the effect of illocutionary force will be realized into action by making ‗loss‘ and ‗gain‘; it will increase readabilit y.Keywords: locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary, literal, idiomatic, loss, gai


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    Pelataran St. Peter di Roma, St. Mark di Venezuela maupun place Vendome di Prancis semuanya merupakan ha yang secara umum diketahuai dan dikagumi, sebagaimana monalisanya Leonardo, Mosesnya Michelangelo maupun Night watch-nya Rembrant. Tak diragukan lagi semua itu merupakan karya seni yang tinggi sebagai lukisan, sculpture, maupun karya arsitektur. Pekataran diatas kaya dengan hubungan yang unik antara ruang terbuka, bangunan disekelilingnya maupun dengan langit diatasnya, yang menunjukan kreasi sejati dari suatu pengalaman emosi yang digabung dengan usha-usaha seni lainnya. Itu sendiri baru merupakan hal penting kedua setelah penemuhan setiap kebutuhan fungsinya. Pada masa akhir-akhir ini terlihat adanya penghargaan yang berlebihan terhadap penalaran yang tercermin pada perencanaan kota. Para perencana kota seakan-akan hanya disibukkan oleh masalah fisik (terukur) saja, seperti masalah tata guna tanah, peningkatan trafik, komunikasi, zoning, pendaerahan dan sebagainya. Pertimbangan-pertimbangan square tidak lebih hanya kepada kepentingan akan susunan kota belaka. Secra fisik dan psikologis, fungsi-fungsi suatu square tidak tergantung kepada ukuran dan skala, baik pada suatu dusun yang hijau, pada suatu kota yang kecil, lapangan dari suatu perumahan disuatu kota besar maupun plasa yang monumental dari suatu metropolitan, semuanya mempunyai kegunaan yang sama. Dibuat sebagai suatu tempat berkumpul yang humanis, memberikan perlindungan terhadap kesibukan lalu lintas dan membebaskannya dari ketegangan yang ditimbulkan dari kesibukan sepanjang jaringan jalan. Kalau jalan digambarkan sungai tempat arus gerakan hubungan manusia, maka square digambarkan sebagai suatu danau, yang mengarahkan dan memberikan gerakan-gerakan hidup tidak hanya pada batas-batasnya sendiri, tapi juga menjangkau kepada jaringan jalan di sekelilingnya yang seakan bermuara kepadanya. Sebagaimana pada masa lalu maka funfsi psikologis dari suatu square dimasa sekarang dan mendatang adalah sama. Seorang perencana kota dimasa lalu menghadapi problem yang sama dengan seperti perencanaan kota sekarang, misalnya masuknya bangunan baru pada suatu pemukiman, peningkatan frekuensi kegiatan atau rorganisasi dari suatu daerah pada suatu kota lama. Atau dalam hal standar, misalnya pembuangan lengkungan suatu untuk pemberhentian kereta untuk bangsawan atau mobil, atau pembuatan ruang terbuka yang untuk kegiatan spektakuler atau monumental bagi para pemimpin-pemimpin politik dan sebagainya, tidaklah dibuat dalam prinsip yang berbeda. Fungsi juga mempengaruhi pertimbangan dari lebar, panjang dan kedalaman dari jalan maupun lapangan. Yang membedakan adalah bahwa perencanaan ruang kini menyangkut lebih banyak fungsi daripada abad yang lalu. Keinginan dan kebutuhan masa lalu tidak banyak dan sekompleks sebagaimana sekarang. Karenanya analisa dari contoh typical dari masa lalu tinggal sedikit yang didiskusikan oleh sejarah, namun demikian masih dapat dijadikan rangsangan pemikiran bagi perencanaan kota dimasa sekarang

    From Hypertension to Heart Failure: Role of Novel Beta Blocker

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    As one of the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, particularly coronary heart disease and ....


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    Abstrak Dalam penerjemahan dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia atau Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris, kita sering menemukan istilah budaya mengandung makna konsep yang berbeda atau bahkan tidak ada dalam budaya penerjemah. Perbedaan makna konsep ini akan membuat penerjemah kesulitan dalam menerjemahkan atau mencari ekuivalensi atau padanan. Istilah-istilah budaya ini terkait dengan subsistem budaya yang meliputi: ideologi, struktur sosial, teknoekonomi, dan kepribadian. Kata kunci: translator, istilah budaya, terjemahan Abstract In translation from English into Indonesian or Indonesian into English, we often find cultural terms containing different concept meanings or even are


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    This research was normative legal research in nature so the first stage that the authors did was collecting books and writings that were relevant to this research title to gather data and theory based on the problems of this research. These data were expected able to identify problems and explain the focus of the discussion. The discussion focused on material analysis related to the rights and obligations of a husband as a civil servant to his ex-wife after divorce according to Indonesian Law. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to find out 1) the rights and obligations of a husband as a civil servant to his ex-wife after divorce according to Indonesia Law, 2) the form of the implementation of rights and obligations of a husband as a civil servant itself, and 3) factors inhibiting the implementation of the rights and obligations. The method used to uncover and explain the problems was content analysis with normative, literal-historic, and empirical approaches. These approaches aimed to investigate the existence of the regulation of rights and obligations and to understand the true meaning of rights and obligations and whether the function of law has met a sense of justice, certainty, and benefits. The results revealed that the rights and obligations of a civil servant to his ex-wife have been regulated in the Indonesian Marriage Law which is under Law Number 1 of 1974 as amended by Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage and other related regulations such as the Compilation of Islamic Law. These rights and obligations are inherent in legal subjects, especially for civil servants, which must be carried out by the husband and respected by both parties. These rights consist of the right to hadhanah living, mut'ah living, iddah living, and madhiyah living. Keywords: Right and Obligation, Indonesian Law &nbsp

    Analisis Kerusakan Main Bearing pada Unit Generator Mitsubishi BMGS

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    Damage to the main bearing components on the generator set unit operating in the PLTD to supply power to PLN. Based on the initial indication of engine blow-by and high vibration in the damper area of the service meter unit (SMU): 25555. The purpose of this study is to determine the root cause of the main bearing damage that changes shape and color in the diesel engine generator set. The method used in this research is a visual inspection and removing engine components. The results and discussion of the research obtained changes in the shape and color of the main bearing, starting from the main bearing material (rotating) spalling so that it rubs against the main journal. The friction that occurs causes changes in the shape of the main bearing and causes the main bearing to rotate. The keywords on the main bearing are released due to thinning so that the main bearing rotates and closes the supply of lubricating oil to the main and rod bearings. Based on the analysis, the most likely cause of adhesive wear on Main Bearing #1 is crankshaft misalignment towards the front of the engine

    Identifikasi Kerusakan Tutup Radiator Terhadap Suhu Engine Toyota Kijang 5K

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    Lack of radiator water in the 5K Kijang car cooling system, has an impact on decreasing vehicle performance. This leakage causes the cooling water in the radiator to decrease and can trigger a high cooling system temperature (overheating) on the engine. The discussion of the effect of damage to the radiator cap on the engine temperature of the Toyota Kijang 5K is able to help improve the understanding of vehicle users in general about the cooling system, can treat and repair if there is damage to the radiator cap. The radiator cap test was carried out by observation on a 5K Toyota deer by testing the radiator cap pressure using a radiator cup tester and visualizing the radiator cap components. After inspection there is damage to the radiator cap seal and the results of the radiator cap test 0.6 kgf / cm2 which causes the radiator cap pressure to be low, while the standard pressure is 0.9 kgf / cm2 - 1.03 kgf / cm2 and there is damage to the radiator cap seal so that it can cause engine overheating. Repair steps by replacing the new radiator cap components, efforts that need to be considered to prevent losses due to damage to the cooling system components, check the level of coolant, do a daily check properly and correctly, do preventive maintenance regularly

    Issues on Water Privatization Under New Regulation: Evidence in Indonesia

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    Water plays a vital role in every human life, so the availability and sustainability of water resources need to be carefully regulated. This article attempts to analyse water governance in Indonesia under the new water resources regulation, mainly the issue of water privatization. This article is classified as normative legal research. This article shows that even though the State gives the water privatization licence to the private sector as the last priority, it seems that the Indonesian people will still encounter the same problem in the coming year. This article argues that the issue of distribution of water justice, water access, and violations of the water right related to water utilization on a large scale are challenges for the Indonesian government to resolve
