691 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tunjangan profesi guru terhadap kinerja guru SD di Kecamatan Wedarijaksa Kabupaten Pati melalui OCB. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, karena penelitian ini disajikan dengan angka-angka. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research atau confirmatory research, yaitu penelitian yang menjelaskan tentang pengaruh kausal dan menguji keterkaitan antara beberapa variabel melalui beberapa hipotesis atau penelitian penjelasan. Dalam penelitian ini akan digunakan beberapa tehnik dalam mengumpulkan data penelitian, yaitu observasi, Studi Pustaka, Wawancara/Interview Kuisioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru SD di Kecamatan Wedarijaksa Kabupaten Pati  sebanyak 151 orang. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa  tunjangan profesi guru berpengaruh signifikan terhadap OCB guru. Semakin tinggi tunjangan profesi guru maka akan meningkatkan OCB guru. Dari penelitian ini disarankan, bahwa: tunjangan sertifikasi guru diberikan oleh pemerintah agar guru dapat meningkatkan motivasi kerja dan kinerjanya sehingga perlu kesadaran diri bagi guru agar program dapat berjalan dengan optimal.Kata Kunci: TPG, Kinerja, OC


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    Lalat merupakan serangga sebagai vektor mekanik berbagai penyakit dan hidup berdampingan dengan manusia. Survei tahap awal untuk melakukan pengendalian lalat adalah dengan cara mengumpulkan data tentang kepadatan lalat. Data kepadatan lalat dapat diperoleh dengan cara melakukan pengukuran tingkat kepadatan lalat pada lokasi dan pada waktu tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kepadatan lalat berdasarkan lokasi penelitian di lingkungan Pasar Unggas dan Rumah Pemotongan Unggas Penggaron Kota Semarang Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian lalat yang hinggap pada flygrill yang dihitung kepadatannya setiap 30 detik dengan pengulangan sebanyak 10 kali dan dilakukan penghitungan pada setiap jam mulai dari jam 06.00 hingga 13.00. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, kepadatan lalat pada tiap lokasi mengalami kondisi yang berbeda-beda. Berdasarkan Indeks kepadatan lalat, hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan mulai dari kategori rendah hingga sangat tinggi. Waktu teraktif lalat pada lokasi penelitian tersebut berkisar dari pukul 07.00-09.00 WIB. Perlu dilakukan pengendalian secara terpadu agar keberadaan lalat dapat dikendalikan, dan apabila menggunakan cara kimiawi dapat dilakukan pada jam teraktif lalat. Kata Kunci: Lalat, Kepadatan,Pasar Unggas, Rumah Pemotongan Ungga


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    Jargon is one of varieties of language created for specific functions by the people who engage in the regular situation. Certain community prefers to use a particular variety of language because they want to share the information more easily. In this study, the writer investigates the jargons used by the members of Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang Region and the meaning of those jargons. The writer believes that the Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site often uses the special terms of language that are only understood among them. Therefore, the writer was interested in finding the jargons and knowing the meaning of those jargons used. The writer applied a descriptive qualitative research design to describe and interpret the jargons used by the Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site. To collect the data, the writer used observation and interview. In this study, the writerÂ’s position was as a participatory observator because the writer was directly involved with situation to be observed. Moreover, this observation spent 3 (three) month period of time. Therefore, the writer of this study selected verbal and non-verbal interactions, especially on jargons to be observed. In interview, the writer used unstructured interview. The researcher predetermined the questions and alternative answers besides asking other related questions freely. It was devoted to collect the data needed in the study. To analyze the data, the writer applied several steps: 1) identifying the data of the jargons used at Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang region, 2) classifying the jargons used at Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang region, 3) listing the jargons and also their meaning, 4) arranging the data in the form of table, and 5) drawing conclusion based on the data. The result of this study revealed that there were 70 jargons found in Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang region. There were twenty four jargons in the form of acronym, five jargons in the form of abbreviation, seven jargons in the form of noun, three jargons in the form of verb, six jargons in the form of personal name/ call, four jargons in the form of kind of food/ drink, and three jargons in the form of branded product. Besides, there are fourteen jargons of new vocabularies which come from the members of Kaskus.Us themselves


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen lapangan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan imagery terhadap hasil tembakan atlet panahan Kabupaten Buleleng dan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil tembakan atlet panahan Kabupaten Buleleng.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian adalah atlet panahan Kabupaten Buleleng yang berjumlah 22 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji-t dengan bantuan SPSS (Statistical Pacage/Program for Social Science) versi 16.0.Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : (1) pemberian latihan imagery berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil tembakan atlet panahan Kabupaten Buleleng sebesar 11.39%. hasil uji-t menyatakan nilai thitung 3.807 nilai ttabel 1.734, berarti hipotesis teruji kebenarannya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa latihan imagery berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil tembakan atlet panahan Kabupaten Buleleng tahun 2016 dan dapat diberlakukan (generalisir) dalam sebuah program latihan.


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    Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai rendahnya angka lulusan di dunia kerja khususnya jurusan Teknik Perbaikan Bodi Otomotif (TPBO) yang seharusnya lulusan SMK diharapkan bisa bekerja langsung sesuai dengan bidangnya. Berdasarkan data lulusan yang didapat dari BKK SMKN 8 Bandung dalam tiga tahun terakhir lulusan yang dapat bekerja sesuai dengan kompetensi kerja yang diajarkan sekolah adalah 55% pada tahun 2016, 53% pada tahun 2017, dan 58% pada tahun 2018. Dilihat dari data tersebut, setiap tahun mulai dari lulusan tahun 2016 sampai 2018 mengalami persentase rata-rata 55% pada lulusannya. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan mempengaruhi tersebut seperti: ketidak sesuaian antara kompetensi yang dicapai disekolah dengan yang dibutuhkan di lapangan kerja, kemudian minat dan kebutuhan kompetensi di dunia kerja. Kesempatan kerja yang terbatas telah membuat kompetisi semakin ketat antar pencari kerja dan seringkali mereka melamar dan menerima pekerjaan apa saja meskipun tidak sesuai dengan kualifikasi pendidikannya. Hasil Penelitian melibatkan 6 perusahaan bodi otomotif yang ada di bandung melibatkan kurikulum revisi 2013 program produktif TPBO dengan 4 mata pelajaran produktif: perbaikan panel bodi, kelistrikan bodi dan aksesoris, pengecatan bodi otomotif, dan pemeliharaan dan perbaikan interior. Total ada 43 KD dalam 4 mata pelajaran produktif mendapatkan persentase 84,4% termasuk kategori relevan dengan rincian ada 6 KD yang tidak relevan dan 37 KD dikategorikan relevan.---------The problems and taken up in this research is regarding the lack the number of graduates in the work place especially majoring in automotive body repair ( TPBO ) that is supposed to vocational high school graduates is expected to work directly in accordance with its field .Based on the data of them who obtained from bkk smkn 8 bandung in the last three years graduates that can be worked in accordance with competence work was 55 % school taught you in 2016 , 53 % in 2017 , and 58 % in 2018 .Seen from the data , every year starting from who graduated in 2016 until 2018 experienced the percentage 55 % in create graduates .To cause to affect a lot of factors such as: it of no sesuaian between competence reached at the school with that which is required in labor , then interest and the needs of the competence in the world of work. Limited employment opportunities have made competition is more strict between job seekers and sometimes they applied for and take the job anything though not in accordance with qualifying education .Research involving 6 company automotive body that is in bandung involving curriculum revision 2013 program productive tpbo to 4 subjects productive: improvement panel body , electricity body and accessories , painting automotive body , and the maintenance and repair of interior .In total, there are 43 kd in four subjects productive get the percentage 84,4 % category relevant to details there are 6 kd irrelevant and 37 kd categorized relevant

    Moderating Earning Management: Quality of Internal Auditors, Business Strategy, and Sustainability Reporting on Economic Performance

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    This research aims to determine the effect of internal auditor quality, business strategy, and sustainability reporting on economic performance with moderated by earning management partially on companies kompas100 index during the period 2013-2016.The population in this research is all companies kompas100 index listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2013-2016. The total samples tested were 9 companies selected by purposive sampling technique. Data type in this research use secondary data obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange and site respectively of company being sampled. Data analysis technique use panel data regression with Eviews 9.0 program. The result indicates that internal auditor quality have a positive effect on economic performance but after moderated by earning management of internal auditor quality has no effect on economic performance. Business strategy have a positive effect on economic performance but after moderated by earning management of business strategy has a negative effect on economic performance. Sustainability reporting have no effect on economic performance but after moderated by earning management of sustainability reporting has no effect on economic performance and return on assets as control variable have a positive effect on economic performance. Keywords: Economic performance, Internal Auditor Quality, Business Strategy, Sustainability Reporting. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-2-09 Publication date: January 31st 202


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    Racism still needs attention because it still happens until now. Where’s the Money is attractive popular movie about black people so that this research focuses on exploring the kind of racism in Where’s the Money (2017) movie to get a closer look at some kinds of coming from the action and/or dialogue. The main objective of this research is to determine the forms of racism. The researchers employed Mark Harlsted’s theory of racism by literary criticism and an objective approach. This research is also framed in a qualitative descriptive method in collecting the data. The result shows that racial discrimination often occurs in the movie. There are three types of racial discrimination found in the movie: Pre-reflected Gut Racism, Cultural Racism, and Institutional Racism. The findings are ten data showing Pre-reflected Gut Racism, eight data exhibiting Cultural Racism, and three data displaying Institutional Racism. The three data that have been collected and listed are those that have been classified based on their form and types, and also analyzed according to the approach and theories. Based on the findings, it can be seen that Whites give opportunity to a Black to join his community only for their own advantages. That is, to make a good image in the society as open-minded individuals concerning the racial issues. Most people say that racism does no longer exist, but the reality makes different views. In the US, Black Lives Matter is one of the movements which becomes a great issue and very crucial, which is also related to racial topic. Keywords: Racial Discrimination; Racism; Movie; Pre-reflected Gut Racism;     Cultural Racism; Institutional Racis
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