109 research outputs found

    The Unusually Stable Quaternary Structure of Human Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase 1 Is Controlled by Both Metal Occupancy and Disulfide Status

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    The eukaryotic copper,zinc superoxide dismutases are remarkably stable dimeric proteins that maintain an intrasubunit disulfide bond in the reducing environment of the cytosol and are active under a variety of stringent denaturing conditions. The structural interplay of conserved disulfide bond and metal-site occupancy in human copper,zinc superoxide dismutase (hSOD1) is of increasing interest as these post-translational modifications are known to dramatically alter the catalytic chemistry, the subcellular localization, and the susceptibility of the protein to aggregation. Using biophysical methods, we find no significant change in the gross secondary or tertiary structure of the demetallated form upon reduction of the disulfide. Interestingly, reduction does lead to a dramatic change in the quaternary structure, decreasing the monomer-to-dimer equilibrium constant by at least four orders of magnitude. This reduced form of hSOD1 is monomeric, even at concentrations well above the physiological range. Either the addition of Zn(II) or the formation of the disulfide leads to a shift in equilibrium that favors the dimeric species, even at low protein concentrations (i.e. micromolar range). We conclude that only the most immature form of hSOD1, i.e. one without any post-translational modifications, favors the monomeric state under physiological conditions. This finding provides a basis for understanding the selectivity of mitochondrial SOD1 import and may be relevant to the toxic properties of mutant forms of hSOD1 that can cause the familial form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    The effects of chronic lifelong activation of the AHR pathway by industrial chemical pollutants on female human reproduction

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    Environmental chemicals, such as heavy metals, affect female reproductive function. A biological sensor of the signals of many toxic chemical compounds seems to be the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Previous studies demonstrated the environmental of heavy metals in Taranto city (Italy), an area that has been influenced by anthropogenic factors such as industrial activities and waste treatments since 1986. However, the impact of these elements on female fertility in this geographic area has never been analyzed. Thus, in the present study, we evaluated the AHR pathway, sex steroid receptor pattern and apoptotic process in granulosa cells (GCs) retrieved from 30 women, born and living in Taranto, and 30 women who are living in non-contaminated areas (control group), who were undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) protocol. In follicular fluids (FFs) of both groups the toxic and essential heavy metals, such as chromiun (Cr), Manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), were also analyzed. Higher levels of Cr, Fe, Zn and Pb were found in the FFs of the women from Taranto as compared to the control group, as were the levels of AHR and AHR-dependent cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1B1; while CYP19A1 expression was decreased. The anti-apoptotic process found in the GCs of women fromTaranto was associated with the highest levels of progesterone receptor membrane component 1(PGRMC1), a novel progesterone receptor, the expression of which is subjected to AHR activated by its highest affinity ligands (e.g., dioxins) or indirectly by other environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals. In conclusion, decreased production of estradiol and decreased number of retrieved mature oocytes found in women from Taranto could be due to chronic exposure to heavy metals, in particular to Cr and Pb

    Characterization of the Binding Interface between the Copper Chaperone Atx1 and the First Cytosolic Domain of Ccc2 ATPase

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    The interaction of the copper chaperone Atx1 and the first cytosolic domain of Ccc2 ATPase, Ccc2a, was investigated by NMR in solution. In particular, a solution of Cu(I)-15NAtx1 was titrated with apo-Ccc2a, and, vice versa, a solution of Cu(I)-15NCcc2a was titrated with apo-Atx1. By following the 15N and 1H chemical shifts, a new species is detected in both experiments. This species is the same in both titrations and is in fast exchange with the parent species on the NMR time scale. Nuclear relaxation data are consistent with the formation of an adduct. Judging from the nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy patterns, the structure of Cu(I)-15NCcc2a in the presence of apo-Atx1 is not significantly altered, whereas Cu(I)-15NAtx1 in the presence of apo-Ccc2a experiences some changes with respect to both the apoproteins and the Cu(I)-loaded proteins. The structure of the Cu(I)-15NAtx1 moiety in the adduct was obtained from 1137 nuclear Overhauser effects to a final root mean square deviation to the mean structure of 0.76 +/- 0.13 A for the backbone and 1.11 +/- 0.11 A for the heavy atoms. 15N and 1H chemical shifts suggest the regions of interaction that, together with independent information, allow a structural model of the adduct to be proposed. The apo form of Atx1 displays significant mobility in loops 1 and 5, the N-terminal part of helix alpha1, and the C-terminal part of helix alpha2 on the ms-micros time scale. These regions correspond to the metal binding site. Such mobility is largely reduced in the free Cu(I)-Atx1 and in the adduct with apo-Ccc2a. The analogous mobility of Ccc2a in both Cu(I) and apo forms is reduced with respect to Atx1. Such an adduct is relevant as a structural and kinetic model for copper transfer from Atx1 to Ccc2a in physiological conditions

    Development of a curtain wall prototype with dynamic behaviour (SmartSkin)

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    The paper presents a research project, derived from a collaboration between Universities, manufacturers and designers with international experience in curtain walls and HVAC systems. The research consisted in experimenting a technological solution for a building envelope with dynamic behaviour and high aesthetic value, which is able to respond to the influence of fixed and variable factors – internal and external – with respect to regulatory requirements and flexibility needs during the design and the operational phase. The goal is to reduce the embodied energy of the components, optimise the energy consumption during the use phase and limit the construction costs with the segmentation of the devices, the shrinkage of the floor height and the acceleration of the assembly process

    Performance Assessment in Fingerprinting and Multi Component Quantitative NMR Analyses

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    An interlaboratory comparison (ILC) was organized with the aim to set up quality control indicators suitable for multicomponent quantitative analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. A total of 36 NMR data sets (corresponding to 1260 NMR spectra) were produced by 30 participants using 34 NMR spectrometers. The calibration line method was chosen for the quantification of a five-component model mixture. Results show that quantitative NMR is a robust quantification tool and that 26 out of 36 data sets resulted in statistically equivalent calibration lines for all considered NMR signals. The performance of each laboratory was assessed by means of a new performance index (named Qp-score) which is related to the difference between the experimental and the consensus values of the slope of the calibration lines. Laboratories endowed with a Qp-score falling within the suitable acceptability range are qualified to produce NMR spectra that can be considered statistically equivalent in terms of relative intensities of the signals. In addition, the specific response of nuclei to the experimental excitation/relaxation conditions was addressed by means of the parameter named NR. NR is related to the difference between the theoretical and the consensus slopes of the calibration lines and is specific for each signal produced by a well-defined set of acquisition parameters

    Copper-Triggered Aggregation of Ubiquitin

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    Neurodegenerative disorders share common features comprising aggregation of misfolded proteins, failure of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and increased levels of metal ions in the brain. Protein aggregates within affected cells often contain ubiquitin, however no report has focused on the aggregation propensity of this protein. Recently it was shown that copper, differently from zinc, nickel, aluminum, or cadmium, compromises ubiquitin stability and binds to the N-terminus with 0.1 micromolar affinity. This paper addresses the role of copper upon ubiquitin aggregation. In water, incubation with Cu(II) leads to formation of spherical particles that can progress from dimers to larger conglomerates. These spherical oligomers are SDS-resistant and are destroyed upon Cu(II) chelation or reduction to Cu(I). In water/trifluoroethanol (80∶20, v/v), a mimic of the local decrease in dielectric constant experienced in proximity to a membrane surface, ubiquitin incubation with Cu(II) causes time-dependent changes in circular dichroism and Fourier-transform infrared spectra, indicative of increasing β-sheet content. Analysis by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy reveals, in the given order, formation of spherical particles consistent with the size of early oligomers detected by gel electrophoresis, clustering of these particles in straight and curved chains, formation of ring structures, growth of trigonal branches from the rings, coalescence of the trigonal branched structures in a network. Notably, none of these ubiquitin aggregates was positive to tests for amyloid and Cu(II) chelation or reduction produced aggregate disassembly. The early formed Cu(II)-stabilized spherical oligomers, when reconstituted in 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) liposomes and in POPC planar bilayers, form annular and pore-like structures, respectively, which are common to several neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases, and have been proposed to be the primary toxic species. Susceptibility to aggregation of ubiquitin, as it emerges from the present study, may represent a potential risk factor for disease onset or progression while cells attempt to tag and process toxic substrates
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