1,054 research outputs found

    The Economic Crisis as a Trigger of Convergence? Short-time work in Italy, Germany and Austria

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    In all European countries, emergency policy measures have been introduced in order to counteract the employment consequences of the economic crisis. In the context of variously composed anticrisis packages, many European countries have used Short-Time Work (STW) schemes, that is measures to subsidize a temporary reduction in working time intended to maintain an employment relationship. Countries which already had STW schemes, such as Kurzarbeit in Germany and Austria and the Cassa Integrazione Guadagni (CIG) in Italy, have loosened the eligibility requirements and extended their maximum duration. This paper focuses on the issue whether the economic crisis has spurred any convergence in the use of STW in these three social-insurance countries - Austria, Germany and Italy - or whether policy change has rather occurred in a path-dependent fashion. In order to do so, the paper also adopts a systemic approach, focusing on relationships of complementarity or functional substitution and equivalence among the various schemes comprising income maintenance systems to tackle the risks of partial or total unemployment. In addition to shedding light on a rather under-researched province of contemporary welfare states such as STW, this article also aims to contribute to the debate on the analytical levels in the study of social policy by showing the relevance and potential of adopting an intermediate level of analysis between a regime-centred and a programme-centred approach.short time work; unemployment compensation; social protection; convergence; path dependence

    Social Studies Education as a Panacea for National Security in Nigeria

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    Nigeria as a Nation is besieged with several national issues such asinsecurity of life and property, kidnapping, robbery assassination etc. Thisproblem has brought about retrogressiveness to sustainable nationaldevelopment. Based on this prevailing condition the paper try to examinehow the knowledge of social studies education be used as a vehicle in solvingproblem of national insecurity in Nigeria. The purpose of this papertherefore is to examine the role of social studies education in preparing theyoung people to be good citizen in a world that is becoming more and morecomplex. The subject matter of social studies relate directly to theorganization and development of human society. Several issues and theircorresponding recommendation were made

    Youth Restiveness and Insecurity in Niger Delta: A Focus on Delta State

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    The paper examines the issue of youth restiveness and insecurity in the Niger Delta as a whole and Delta State in particular Youth restiveness and insecurity began with agitation and demands by the youths in the Niger Delta societies for their rights economic political and environmental rights crystallizing into the inducement of the evolution and activities of youth restiveness and insecurity in the Niger Delta states in general and Delta State in particular The data used for the study were obtained from the secondary sources and were analyzed using a quantitative method to ascertain the level of the existence and effects of youth restiveness and insecurity in Niger- Delta and particularly in Delta State The paper reveals that youth restiveness and the high spate of insecurity in the Niger- Delta states and Delta State in particular has a very negative impact on the Niger Delta states economy and the Nigerian society in genera

    Cultural Violence and the Nigerian Woman

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    This paper highlights the cultural factors responsible for and negative effects of cultural violence against women in Nigeria and makes a case for raising public consciousness against it. Violence against Women or Gender-Based Violence is an age long psychological and social issue deep-rooted in Nigerian societies and African countries in general. In some societies, cultural practices, norms and beliefs fuel the behaviors and relegate woman to second class status. Some practices and gender role assignments ensure total submission of the woman to male dominance and control at home in ways that perpetuate gender inequality. The data for this paper were derived from the primary and secondary sources and both descriptive and analytical methods were used to assess the impact of cultural violence on women. The study demonstrates that there cultural violence against women manifested in all levels of socio-cultural, economic, and political status of women in Nigeria irrespective of class, education or profession. The paperreveal that in Nigeria, gender preference culturally favours the male child to continue the family name, entitles him to land and property ownership, to visit and talk with the elders where older women only cook and serve the men at family or community meetings

    Identifying the Health Needs of the East North Philadelphia Latino Youth via PhotoVoice

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    Introduction: The East North Philadelphia community contains the city’s largest Latino population, most of whom are of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent. This community in particular has unique health needs compared to the rest of the city of Philadelphia, with rates of diabetes (22.9%), asthma (28.6%), and poverty (45.5%) exceeding the national and city averages. Documenting the perceived needs of the children living here regarding their built environment will provide insight into the problems onto which the community at large needs to focus. This study aims to determine the priority needs of the community and to empower the youth to engage with and advocate for their community through photography. Methods: “PhotoVoice” projects were completed with adolescent Latino community members throughout 5 zip codes to survey the self-identified needs of the community regarding their collective health. Interviewers asked participants “what about [their] community helps or hurts their health?”, and the responses were transcribed and coded by multiple researchers to insure inter-rater reliability. Results: A thematic analysis was completed by both participants and researchers, which resulted in a list of top needs, most notably “Mental Health”, “Trauma, Safety and Violence”, “Built Environment”, and “Health Education and Health Behavior”. Conclusion: This data will be used in future advocacy work to help alleviate the burdens described by the East North Philadelphia Latino youth community

    Cultural Violence and the Nigerian Woman

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    This paper highlights the cultural factors responsible for and negative effects of cultural violence against women in Nigeria and makes a case for raising public consciousness against it. Violence against Women or Gender-Based Violence is an age long psychological and social issue deep-rooted in Nigerian societies and African countries in general. In some societies, cultural practices, norms and beliefs fuel the behaviors and relegate woman to second class status. Some practices and gender role assignments ensure total submission of the woman to male dominance and control at home in ways that perpetuate gender inequality. The data for this paper were derived from the primary and secondary sources and both descriptive and analytical methods were used to assess the impact of cultural violence on women. The study demonstrates that there cultural violence against women manifested in all levels of socio-cultural, economic, and political status of women in Nigeria irrespective of class, education or profession. The paper reveal that in Nigeria, gender preference culturally favours the male child to continue the family name, entitles him to land and property ownership, to visit and talk with the elders where older women only cook and serve the men at family or community meetings.LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(3), 69-79, 201

    Good Governance: A Panancea For Peace And Stability In Nigeria Nation

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    Governance is the process of decision making and the process by which decision are implemented or not implemented. Governance can be used in several contexts such as corporate governance. International governance, national governance and local governance. In this paper, emphasis is laid on national governance. It is an approach or perspective which focuses on state and societal institutions and the relationships between them as well as on how rules are made in the society which are accepted as legitimate and enhance values that are sought by individuals and groups within the society. Eight characteristics of good governance were examined in this paper as applied to other advanced nations of the world. Bad governance as a bane of underdevelopment and poverty in Nigeria were highlighted, touching the various aspects which contributed too the underdevelopment of the nation. Finally ways of ensuring good governance in Nigeria were discussed with the resultant effects of creating national security for the nation and stable political system. Keywords: Good Governance, Peace, Society and sustainabl

    “Libre?”: Reflexiones sobre la performance, imagen e imaginario del “indio” durante la Rio + 20

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    Anais do III Encontro de Iniciação Científica da Unila - Sessão de Antropologia - 07/11/14 – 08h30 às 11h00 - Unila-PTI - Bloco 09 – Espaço 01 – Sala 03La imagen y el imaginario común del “indio” ha sido construido históricamente por varios actores a partir de representaciones y narrativas que incluyen elementos visuales como pinturas y adornos corporales o vestimentas, y siempre asociada a nociones como la de “salvaje” o “incivilizado” y definitivamente territorializada en lo “no-urbano”. Por otro lado, en lo últimos años los movimientos indígenas han sabido apropiarse de algunos de estos referentes semánticos para dar mayor visibilidad y alcance a sus demandas. Partiendo del registro visual de las performances que los movimientos indígenas realizaron durante la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Desarrollo Sustentable, conocida como Rio +20, este trabajo pretende el análisis de estas manifestaciones performáticas, sus formas y sentidos, para contribuir en la comprensión de la influencia que esta articulación de la dimensión imagética, agenciada por los propios indígenas, ejerció y ejerce sobre las relaciones interculturales en contextos urbanos y, especialmente, en espacios de luchas: las arenas políticas de alto nivel. Agradecemos a la UNILA por la bolsa concedida.Bolsista Probic; Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    The Strange Visitor: Towards a Theory on Amazonian Rituals

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    El hábito de entender el ritual como una representación de estructuras sociales y simbólicas lleva a dejar en segundo plano su eficacia simbólica y su eficacia social. O sea, su valor de «laboratorio» en que se ensayan nuevas relaciones entre sujetos o nociones. Por ello mismo los estudios sobre ritual suelen centrarse en aquellos que se consideran más «representativos», evitando aquellos que parecen informales o inauténticos, en especial los que caerían en una categoría espuria de «rituales para un público», o «para turistas». Una revisión de los rituales pano –y de los rituales amazónicos en general– revela, sin embargo, que las acciones rituales «para los otros» han ocupado desde siempre un lugar central, y que incluso en las versiones actuales más comercializadas se manifiesta el mismo impulso socializador e innovador (con un amplio margen para la improvisación) que siempre caracterizó a esas sociedades constitutivamente abiertas.The habit of understanding «ritual» as a representation of symbolic and social structures usually leaves its symbolic and social effectiveness to the background, that is, its value as a «laboratory» in which new relations between subjects or new notions can be experimented. The studies on rituals tend to focus in those considered as more «representatives» and to avoid the ones that appear to be too informal or inauthentic, especially the ones that would fall into the spurious category of «ritual for the public» or «for tourists». A review of Panoan rituals –and the Amazonian rituals in general– reveals, nevertheless, that the ritual actions «for others» have always occupied a central place. And even in the more commercial contemporary versions they manifest the same socializing and innovative impulse (with its broad improvising margin) that have always characterize those constituently open societies

    Los guerreros Kayapó: Raoni y el mundo

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    Anais do II Encontro de Iniciação Científica e de Extensão da Unila - Sessão de Antropologia - 03/07/13 – 13h30 às 18h30 - Unila-PTI - Bloco 09 – Espaço 03 – Sala 02La presente investigaci ́on es resultado de observaciones etnogr ́ a ficas realizadas durante el evento C ́ upula de los Pueblos / R ́ ıo +20, espec ́ ıficamente en el Acampamento Terra Livre, lide- rado y realizado por grupos y organizaciones ind ́ ıgenas de Am ́erica Latina. Debido a su amplia diversidad de intereses, posturas y propuestas pol ́ ıticas y formas de participaci ́ on, entre otras; limit ́e mis observaciones a un grupo en particular. Eleg ́ ı observar a los Kayap ́o: por su historia guerrera, sus compromisos y logros pol ́ ıticos, por su l ́ ıder m ́ aximo: Raoni Raoni Metuktire es uno de los ind ́ ıgenas m ́as renombrados en Brasil, debido a su participaci ́ on en la demarcaci ́on de tierras ind ́ ıgenas, su intervenci ́on en la re-formulaci ́ on de la Constituci ́ on en 1988 y sobre- todo por sus constantes v ́ ınculos con el ”primer mundo”(Menezes Bastos, 1996). Hoy en d ́ ıa es el emblema de la lucha contra Belo Monte, estando presente desde los inicios de esta lucha cuando la hidroel ́ectrica a ́ un era llamada de Kararaˆo, a finales de la d ́ecada de 1980. Luego de la pesquisa etnogr ́a fica, se analizaron los datos junto a la bibliograf ́ ıa con la pretensi ́on de entender la interacci ́on y el (no) di ́alogo entre los grupos ind ́ ıgenas y el desarrollo econ ́omico que los enfrenta. En este caso, particularizamos tales encuentros en la simbolog ́ ıa utilizada por una pel ́ ıcula (Avatar), sumado a la oportuna visita que su director (James Cameron) realiz ́ o al Xing ́ u, con la oferta de llevar a los Kayap ́ o a la pantalla grande. Durante la R ́ ıo +20, Raoni siempre estuvo acompa ̃ nado por su traductor y por su coro de guerreros, consigui ́o los extremos de dar una apacible entrevista para un grupo de j ́ ovenes antrop ́ologos, a rechazar la invitaci ́on por parte del primer ministro de Francia para ”dialogar”sobre Belo Monte, mantuvo siempre firmeza en su discurso junto a una estoica y prometedora mirada que no se dejaba intimidar por casi una centena de c ́amaras que tomaban su imagen. Este actuar de Raoni ligado a la situaci ́on vivida actualmente en el Xing ́ u, Avatar y las lecturas realizadas desencaden ́o en una reflexi ́on o interpretaci ́on sobre el ”animismo”de Avatar, donde los esp ́ ıritus, los Navi (pueblo ind ́ ıgena de la pel ́ ıcula) y los hombres blancos comparten un plano com ́ un (Viveiros de Castro, 1996; Descola, 2006). Con esto quiero decir que el cuerpo no determina a los esp ́ ıritus, pero si viceversa. Por tanto independientemente del cuerpo, los Navi pueden reconocer a un pariente por causa del esp ́ ıritu que lo hace. Finalmente, tambi ́en realizamos estudios sobre el consumo de los Kayap ́o como v ́ ınculo con el desarrollo econ ́omico y como actualizaci ́on de sus rituales (Gor- don, 2006), en contraposici ́on con la categorizaci ́on de consumos realizadas por el hombre blanco.Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA