176 research outputs found

    Síndrome De Transfusão Feto-fetal: Neurodesenvolvimento De Lactentes Tratados Com Cirurgia A Laser

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    To assess the neurodevelopmental functions of survivors of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) treated by fetoscopic laser coagulation (FLC), during the first year of life, comparing them to a control group; and to verify the influence of specific variables on neurodevelopment. Method: This was a prospective, longitudinal study. The sample comprised 33 monochorionic diamniotic twins who underwent FLC for treatment of TTTS and 22 full-term infants of single-fetus pregnancies. Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Screening Test were used for evaluation. Prenatal, perinatal and postnatal information were obtained. Results: There was an increased frequency of infants in the TTTS group with inadequate performance compared to the control group. The identified variables (fetal donor, low economic income and cardiorespiratory disease) negatively impacted expressive communication and fine motor skills. Conclusion: Although through follow-up is recommended in all TTTS survivors, particular attention is required for the high-risk group as defined in this study. © 2016, Associacao Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. All rights reserved.74430731

    Educational psychology and R&D&I : A strategic action programme for the twenty-first century

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    Current academic and professional reality in Psychology has brought the pursuit of undergraduate and graduate qualifications to an important crossroads. The objective of this study is to explain the need to adopt an integrated approach, both academic and professional, in order to construct a single scientific/technological model that underpins work in psychology in today¿s knowledge-based society. First, through a consideration of the academic and professional changes affecting the field of psychology, we identify the current parameters of Educational Psychology, giving special emphasis to scientific/technological factors. Next, we review the different professional areas of Educational Psychology, and propose R&D&I activity as an element that should represent a common theme running throughout Educational and School Psychology for the 21st century. Finally, we offer examples of the components of this new area of work in Educational Psychology, which link it with the classical fields of the discipline. We conclude by pointing out the need to analyze today¿s reality, in its scientific-technological, academic and professional aspects, with a view to making R&D&I an integral part of Psychology in general and of Educational Psychology in particular. To this end, we postulate a Strategic Action Programme to meet the challenges facing Psychology as a science and as a professio

    Unidad Experimental Demostrativa con fines educativos y de extensión.

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    La cátedra de Introducción a la Producción Animal cuenta con una Unidad Experimental Demostrativa  (UED) con fines educativos, de investigación y extensión. Ubicada entre las Facultades de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales y de  Ciencias Veterinarias, en la ciudad de La Plata (34º 52´LS 57º 58´LO15 msnm), goza del privilegio de posibilitar la articulación con el alumnado, comunidad educativa en general, productores e institutos de investigación aledaños. Consiste en un conejar de 40 reproductores y en un hato caprino de 30 cabras. Esta ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de profundizar temas específicos de la asignatura y participar de operaciones prácticas vinculadas a la disciplina. La UED cumple, en este sentido, un rol importante en la metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Zootecnia, acercando a los estudiantes a dos especies diferentes: caprinos, como representantes de los rumiantes, y conejos, como monogástricos de transición. Durante el desarrollo del curso los alumnos van aprendiendo diferentes labores y técnicas de manejo de ambas producciones (controles de peso, condición corporal, cronometría dentaria, administración de medicamentos, seguimiento productivo de las conejas, principales características de conformación externa de las diferentes razas caprinas, etc.). En ambos casos, pueden extrapolarse metodologías de manejo a otras especies de interés zootécnico. Como complemento de éstas actividades curriculares obligatorias, tanto el conejar como el hato caprino, contribuyen a incrementar la oferta de actividades optativas (pasantías y ayudantías) requeridas por el plan de estudios para completar la formación de grado. En cuanto a las líneas de investigación  y formación de posgrado la UED provee el sustento experimental a tres tesistas doctorales del área de Nutrición Animal, uno de ellos en la producción caprina y los otros en producción cunícola. Los resultados obtenidos sistemáticamente han podido transferirse a productores de la zona, aportando fundamentalmente herramientas de manejo en áreas sensibles de ambas producciones como la reproducción y la alimentación. En Cunicultura se ha difundido el manejo reproductivo intensivo, promoviendo intervalos entre partos de 35 días, mayor productividad y menor peso relativo de la alimentación de las madres en el balance económico del establecimiento. En producción caprina, actualmente se desarrollan líneas de investigación relacionadas con nutrición, efecto fisiológico de diversas dietas y su respuesta en la calidad de los productos obtenidos (composición de la leche caprina). En el ámbito de la extensión, se brinda el servicio a laboratorios e institutos, de provisión de material vivo y animales para experimentación, alojamiento, seguimiento y mantenimiento de los mismos.

    <sup>89</sup>Zr-Trastuzumab PET/CT Imaging of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer for Predicting Pathological Complete Response after Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy:A Feasibility Study

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    Background: Approximately 20% of invasive ductal breast malignancies are human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive. These patients receive neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NAT) including HER2-targeting therapies. Up to 65% of patients achieve a pathological complete response (pCR). These patients might not have needed surgery. However, accurate preoperative identification of a pCR remains challenging. A radiologic complete response (rCR) on MRI corresponds to a pCR in only 73% of patients. The current feasibility study investigates if HER2-targeted PET/CT-imaging using Zirconium-89 (89Zr)-radiolabeled trastuzumab can be used for more accurate NAT response evaluation. Methods: HER2-positive breast cancer patients scheduled to undergo NAT and subsequent surgery received a 89Zr-trastuzumab PET/CT both before (PET/CT-1) and after (PET/CT-2) NAT. Qualitative and quantitative response evaluation was performed. Results: Six patients were enrolled. All primary tumors could be identified on PET/CT-1. Four patients had a pCR and two a pathological partial response (pPR) in the primary tumor. Qualitative assessment of PET/CT resulted in an accuracy of 66.7%, compared to 83.3% of the standard-of-care MRI. Quantitative assessment showed a difference between the SUVR on PET/CT-1 and PET/CT-2 (ΔSUVR) in patients with a pPR and pCR of −48% and −90% (p = 0.133), respectively. The difference in tumor-to-blood ratio on PET/CT-1 and PET/CT-2 (ΔTBR) in patients with pPR and pCR was −79% and −94% (p = 0.133), respectively. Three patients had metastatic lymph nodes at diagnosis that were all identified on PET/CT-1. All three patients achieved a nodal pCR. Qualitative assessment of the lymph nodes with PET/CT resulted in an accuracy of 66.7%, compared to 50% of the MRI. Conclusions: NAT response evaluation using 89Zr-trastuzumab PET/CT is feasible. In the current study, qualitative assessment of the PET/CT images is not superior to standard-of-care MRI. Our results suggest that quantitative assessment of 89Zr-trastuzumab PET/CT has potential for a more accurate response evaluation of the primary tumor after NAT in HER2-positive breast cancer.</p

    Action-emotion Style, Learning Approach, and Coping Strategies, in undergraduated University Students

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    El Estilo Acción-Emoción (EAE) es un constructo psicológico de tipo motivacional-afectivo referido a la motivación de logro, basado en el Patrón de Conducta tipo A (PCTA), característico de los alumnos, en interacción con situaciones de estrés. La combinación de la competitividad y la sobrecarga laboral, con las emociones de la impaciencia y hostilidad, conduce a una clasificación en cinco categorías de estilo de acciónemoción (Tipo B, tipo Impaciente-hostil, Tipo Medio, Tipo CompetitivoSobrecarga Laboral y Tipo A). El objetivo de la presente investigación fue establecer la relación entre las características del EAE con los enfoques de aprendizaje (enfoque profundo y enfoque superficial) y las estrategias de afrontamiento (centradas en la emoción y centradas en el problema). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 225 estudiantes del Programa de Licenciatura en Psicología. Se realizaron análisis de correlaciones bivariados de Pearson y análisis multivariados. Los resultados mostraron una asociación positiva y significativa de las características de la competitividad-sobrecarga con el enfoque profundo y las estrategias centradas en el problema, así como de la impaciencia-hostilidad con el enfoque superficial y las estrategias centradas en la emoción. El nivel de estilo de acción-emoción tuvo un efecto principal significativo. Los resultados obtenidos verifican las hipótesis planteadas referidas a la relación entre el estilo de acción-emoción, los enfoques de aprendizaje y las estrategias de afrontamiento

    Impacto del teletrabajo en el nivel de compromiso laboral (engagement) y de agotamiento de los docentes del Tecnológico Nacional de México en la pandemia COVID 19 y el retorno a la nueva normalidad.

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    This article have the purpose to determinate the impact that was had on the teachers of the National Technological Institute of Mexico in terms of the level of their commitment and exhaustion work during the times of COVID-19 pandemic, performing their teaching function throught teleworking, to carry out this study to work was carried out in collaboration with CIRCULAR HR Fundación Chile y UNESCO WHEC (World Higher Education Conference 2022), 1994 surveys were applied to teachers of all the categories of the Technological System. This instrument was applied in different universities convened by UNESCO, in total were 3351 surveys and the Technological System help the 59.5% of the information for this study. As part of the results obtained, it was found that if there were differences on the level of exhaustion depending on the main function of each teaching category and the gender, but the level of commitment remained the same regardless of seniority, gender or category in which teacher was.El presente artículo tiene como finalidad determinar cuál fue el impacto que se tuvo en los docentes del Tecnológico Nacional de México en cuanto a su nivel de compromiso y el agotamiento laboral durante los tiempos de pandemia COVID-19 realizando su funciones docentes a través del teletrabajo, para llevar a cabo este estudio se trabajó en colaboración con CIRCULAR HR Fundación Chile Y UNESCO&nbsp; WHEC (World Higher Education Conference 2022), se aplicaron 1994 encuestas a docentes&nbsp; de todas las categorías del Sistema Tecnológico. Este instrumento fue aplicado a diferentes universidades convocadas por la UNESCO, en total fueron 3351 encuestas y el Sistema Tecnológico aportó el 59.5% de la información para este estudio. Como parte de los resultados obtenidos se encontró que si hay diferencias en nivel de agotamiento dependiendo de la función principal de cada categoría docente y el género, pero el nivel de compromiso se mantenía igual independientemente de la antigüedad, género o categoría en la que estuviera el docente

    Structural Equation Model (SEM) of stroke mortality in Spanish inpatient hospital settings: The role of individual and contextual factors

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    Introduction: Traditionally, predictive models of in-hospital mortality in ischemic stroke have focused on individual patient variables, to the neglect of in-hospital contextual variables. In addition, frequently used scores are betters predictors of risk of sequelae than mortality, and, to date, the use of structural equations in elaborating such measures has only been anecdotal. Aims: The aim of this paper was to analyze the joint predictive weight of the following: (1) individual factors (age, gender, obesity, and epilepsy) on the mediating factors (arrhythmias, dyslipidemia, hypertension), and ultimately death (exitus); (2) contextual in-hospital factors (year and existence of a stroke unit) on the mediating factors (number of diagnoses, procedures and length of stay, and re-admission), as determinants of death; and (3) certain factors in predicting others. Material and Methods: Retrospective cohort study through observational analysis of all hospital stays of Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) 14, non-lysed ischemic stroke, during the time period 2008¿2012. The sample consisted of a total of 186,245 hospital stays, taken from the Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS) upon discharge from Spanish hospitals. MANOVAs were carried out to establish the linear effect of certain variables on others. These formed the basis for building the Structural Equation Model (SEM), with the corresponding parameters and restrictive indicators. Results: A consistent model of causal predictive relationships between the postulated variables was obtained. One of the most interesting effects was the predictive value of contextual variables on individual variables, especially the indirect effect of the existence of stroke units on reducing number of procedures, readmission and in-hospital mortality. Conclusion: Contextual variables, and specifically the availability of stroke units, made a positive impact on individual variables that affect prognosis and mortality in ischemic stroke. Moreover, it is feasible to determine this impact through the use of structural equation methodology. We analyze the methodological and clinical implications of this type of study for hospital policies

    A role for XRCC2 gene polymorphisms in breast cancer risk and survival

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    Background The XRCC2 gene is a key mediator in the homologous recombination repair of DNA double strand breaks. It is hypothesised that inherited variants in the XRCC2 gene might also affect susceptibility to, and survival from, breast cancer. Methods The study genotyped 12 XRCC2 tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 1131 breast cancer cases and 1148 controls from the Sheffield Breast Cancer Study (SBCS), and examined their associations with breast cancer risk and survival by estimating ORs and HRs, and their corresponding 95% CIs. Positive findings were further investigated in 860 cases and 869 controls from the Utah Breast Cancer Study (UBCS) and jointly analysed together with available published data for breast cancer risk. The survival findings were further confirmed in studies (8074 cases) from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC). Results The most significant association with breast cancer risk in the SBCS dataset was the XRCC2 rs3218408 SNP (recessive model p=2.3×10−4, minor allele frequency (MAF)=0.23). This SNP yielded an ORrec of 1.64 (95% CI 1.25 to 2.16) in a two-site analysis of SBCS and UBCS, and a meta-ORrec of 1.33 (95% CI 1.12 to 1.57) when all published data were included. This SNP may mark a rare risk haplotype carried by two in 1000 of the control population. Furthermore, the XRCC2 coding R188H SNP (rs3218536, MAF=0.08) was significantly associated with poor survival, with an increased per-allele HR of 1.58 (95% CI 1.01 to 2.49) in a multivariate analysis. This effect was still evident in a pooled meta-analysis of 8781 breast cancer patients from the BCAC (HR 1.19, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.36; p=0.01). Conclusions These findings suggest that XRCC2 SNPs may influence breast cancer risk and survival

    Implications of Unconnected Micro, Molecular, and Molar Level Research in Psychology: The Case of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation

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    The proliferation of research production in Psychology as a science has been increasing exponentially. This situation leads to the necessity of organizing the research production into different levels of analysis that make it possible to delimit each research domain. The objective of this analysis is to clearly distinguish the different levels of research: micro-analysis, molecular, and molar. Each level is presented, along with an analysis of its benefits and limitations. Next, this analysis is applied to the topics of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation. Conclusions, limitations, and implications for future research are offered, with a view toward a better connection of research production across the different levels, and an allusion to ethical considerations