693 research outputs found

    Clima organizacional um estudo em uma distribuidora de bebidas e alimentos em Guarabira - PB

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    31 f.: il.; colorO clima organizacional ? definido como os reflexos de associa??o de valores e comportamentos formais e informais existentes em uma organiza??o, isto quer dizer que, o clima representa a percep??o que os colaboradores t?m sobre a organiza??o. Essa percep??o pode ser boa ou ruim de acordo com a compreens?o particular de cada colaborador, pode-se dizer que o clima organizacional atua diretamente no grau de satisfa??o da equipe e, por consequ?ncia influi na qualidade de seu trabalho, sendo por isso, t?o importante estudar o clima de uma organiza??o. Com isso, o presente estudo buscou analisar o clima organizacional de uma empresa do ramo de distribui??o de bebidas e alimentos na cidade de Guarabira ? PB. A pesquisa ? do tipo descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa. Como m?todo de coleta de dados foi utilizado um question?rio denominado ECO ? Escala de Clima Organizacional, um dos modelos mais utilizados para avaliar a percep??o do trabalhador sobre v?rias dimens?es do clima organizacional, desenvolvido e validado por Martins et al. (2004) que foi aplicado a todos os colaboradores da organiza??o pesquisada. A an?lise de dados foi feita atrav?s do software Excel, analisando as m?dias e desvio padr?o de cada fator corresponde numa escala de respostas de 1 a 5. Os dados coletados foram submetidos ? an?lise, assim podendo concluir de forma geral, que o clima dessa organiza??o ? considerado satisfat?rio


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    Le programme \ue9pist\ue9mologique est pr\ue9sent\ue9 d'une nouvelle revue de musicologie, "Revue d'\ue9tudes du Jazz et des musiques audiotactiles", publi\ue9e en 4 langues par la Sorbonne Universit\ue9 sur le site de son D\ue9partement de Musicologie (Institut de Recherche en Musicologie - IReMus)

    Topological Graph Inverse Semigroups

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    To every directed graph EE one can associate a \emph{graph inverse semigroup} G(E)G(E), where elements roughly correspond to possible paths in EE. These semigroups generalize polycylic monoids, and they arise in the study of Leavitt path algebras, Cohn path algebras, Cuntz-Krieger CC^*-algebras, and Toeplitz CC^*-algebras. We investigate topologies that turn G(E)G(E) into a topological semigroup. For instance, we show that in any such topology that is Hausdorff, G(E){0}G(E)\setminus \{0\} must be discrete for any directed graph EE. On the other hand, G(E)G(E) need not be discrete in a Hausdorff semigroup topology, and for certain graphs EE, G(E)G(E) admits a T1T_1 semigroup topology in which G(E){0}G(E)\setminus \{0\} is not discrete. We also describe, in various situations, the algebraic structure and possible cardinality of the closure of G(E)G(E) in larger topological semigroups.Peer reviewe

    Navigating is precise, living is (im)precise.

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    Este artigo se prop?e a refletir sobre as respostas pol?ticas e sociais que v?m sendo constru?das no territ?rio nacional para lidar com o que hoje ? conhecido como ?o problema das drogas?. Partiremos da perspectiva hist?rica das pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas para a assist?ncia dos sujeitos que se drogam para, em seguida, fazer o tensionamento entre o que tem sido proposto atualmente e o que de fato ocorre na pr?tica. Finalmente, discutiremos criticamente as dificuldades de apropria??o de certas propostas pelo campo da sa?de, valendo-nos da biopol?tica como categoria de an?lise. A experi?ncia dos Consult?rios de Rua no munic?pio de Belo Horizonte ser? apresentada como uma possibilidade de interven??o no contexto da Sa?de Coletiva ? luz da Psican?lise.This article aims to reflect upon political and social responses that have been constructed in the national territory to cope with what is known today as ?the problem of drugs?. We start from the historical perspective of public policies aimed at assisting subjects who take drugs in order to make a counterpoint between what has been currently proposed and what actually occurs in practice. Finally, we critically discuss the difficulties in the appropriation of certain proposals by the health field, taking biopolitics as the analysis category. The experience of Street Clinics in the city of Belo Horizonte is presented as a possibility of intervention in the context of Public Health in light of Psychoanalysis

    Cultivation of Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans in sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolyzate

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    Background: The yeast strain IB09 was isolated from the gut of Calosoma sp. (Carabidae, Coleoptera, Insecta) that were collected in the central Amazon rainforest. First, tolerance of the strain to ethanol and heat was tested. Then, IB09 was cultivated in a medium using sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolyzate as a carbon source, and cell growth (OD600), specific growth rate (\u3bcMAX, h-1), biomass yield (YB, g.g-1) and relative sugar consumption (RSC, %) were evaluated. Taxonomic identification was determined by sequencing the ITS1 region of IB09 and comparing it to sequences obtained from the GenBank database (NCBI). Results: IB09 showed both ethanol tolerance and thermotolerance. Relative sugar consumption indicated that IB09 was able to perform saccharification of sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolyzate, increasing the total reducing sugar concentration by approximately 50%. The \u3bcMAX value obtained was 0,20, indicating that cell growth was slow under the assessed conditions. Biomass yield was 0,701 g per g of consumed sugar, which is relatively high when compared with other findings in the literature. After 120 hrs of cultivation, 80,1% of total reducing sugar had been consumed. Sequencing of the ITS1 region identified IB09 as Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans . Conclusion: This is the first report to document this species in the central Amazon rainforest at this host. Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans has great biotechnological potential for use in the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolyzate and for biomass production with this substrate as carbon source

    Rendas têxteis artesanais nos ambientes de memória: a inclusão digital multiplicadora da informação

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    Esse artigo propõe apresentar e debater as possibilidades de comunicação das coleções têxteis, e de modo especial, dos acervos de rendas artesanais e suas rendilheiras nos espaços expositivos como a casa-museu, os centros de memória e memoriais contextualizando o patrimônio cultural e considerando as categorias de lugar. Nessa perspetiva, pretende-se ampliar a discussão sobre a inclusão digital como impulsionadora dos processos de reconhecimento, gestão e salvaguarda do património imaterial. O estudo é desenvolvido pela análise de projetos expositivos que se valem de abordagens híbridas incorporando as tecnologias digitais como multiplicadoras da abrangência, continuidade e (re)uso da informação. A abordagem conceitual inclui o debate sobre a curadoria contextualizada da produção artesanal no amplo espectro dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Portanto, os contextos de produção do bem cultural, com ênfase na capacidade de transmissão a partir dos processos tradicionais de formação, bem como os modos de organização social do trabalho artesanal, revelam-se norteadores do discurso adotado para apresentação dos acervos nos ambientes físicos e digitais

    Hyperscanning fNIRS data analysis using multiregression dynamic models: an illustration in a violin duo

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    IntroductionInterpersonal neural synchronization (INS) demands a greater understanding of a brain's influence on others. Therefore, brain synchronization is an even more complex system than intrasubject brain connectivity and must be investigated. There is a need to develop novel methods for statistical inference in this context.MethodsIn this study, motivated by the analysis of fNIRS hyperscanning data, which measure the activity of multiple brains simultaneously, we propose a two-step network estimation: Tabu search local method and global maximization in the selected subgroup [partial conditional directed acyclic graph (DAG) + multiregression dynamic model]. We illustrate this approach in a dataset of two individuals who are playing the violin together.ResultsThis study contributes new tools to the social neuroscience field, which may provide new perspectives about intersubject interactions. Our proposed approach estimates the best probabilistic network representation, in addition to providing access to the time-varying parameters, which may be helpful in understanding the brain-to-brain association of these two players.DiscussionThe illustration of the violin duo highlights the time-evolving changes in the brain activation of an individual influencing the other one through a data-driven analysis. We confirmed that one player was leading the other given the ROI causal relation toward the other player