224 research outputs found


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    MALIK AKBAR AR-RAZZAAQ, The Correlation Between Work Fatigue With Work Accident On Employees At PT. Federal Karyatama Of Pulogadung Industrial Area In. Jakarta. Commerce Education Studies Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. This study aimed to obtain the right data (authentic, true,valid) and trustworthy (reliable). The research was conducted at PT. Federal Karyatama Of Pulogadung Industrial Area In. Jakarta, for four months from February 2015 until June 2015. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this research is all employees PT. Federal Karyatama Of Pulogadung Industrial Area In Jakarta, while the population of inaccessibility is employees part production plant rawa gelam as many as 50 people. The sampel used by is 44 people. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. The resulting regression equation is Ŷ = 27,80 + 0,95 X. Test requirement analysis of the normality test error of estimated regression of Y on X to produce Lcount liliefors test = 0,0866, while the Ltable for n = 44 at 0,05 significant level is 0,1336. Because the Lcount Ftable which 67,32 > 4,07, meaning that the regression equation is significant. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment generating rxy = 0,785, then performed the test significance correlation coefficient using the t test and the resulting tcount > ttable, tcount= 8,205 and t table = 1,66. It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient rxy = 0,785 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtain for is 61,58%, which shows that 61,58% of the variation of work accident is determined by work fatigue


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui partisipasi setiap peserta didik, dalam megikuti kegiatan pembelajaran permainan tradisional hadang. Sampel atau subjek yang diteliti adalah peserta didik kelas III Cindai Alus Martapura 1. Pengambilan Sampel menggunakan Sampling Purposive adalah teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu, jadi dalam penelitian ini setiap populasi berjumlah 92. Dari jumlah tersebut diambil 48 peserta didik laki-laki untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini berupa angket. Data yang terkumpul selama penelitian adalah data berupa angket di analisis menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian : Pada indikator keikutsertaan berada pada kategori sangat tinggi 0%, kategori tinggi 10% atau 5 peserta didik, kategori sedang 80% dengan 38 peserta didik, kategori rendah 10% dengan 5 peserta didik dan sangat rendah 0%. Kemudian pada indikator Keterlibatan sangat tinggi 0%,kategori tinggi 6% dengan 3 peserta didik, kategori sedang 88% dengan 42 peserta didik, kategori rendah 6% dengan 3 peserta didik dan sangat rendah 0%. Pada indikator Kemauan kategori sangat tinggi 0%, kategori tinggi 17% dengan 8 peserta didik, kategori sedang 71% dengan 34 peserta didik, kategori rendah 12% dengan 6 peserta didik, dan kategori sangat rendah 0%. Dari 3 indikator tersebut didapat data generalasi dominan pada kategori “Sedang” 83%

    Efektifitas Pupuk K2O Pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kencur (Kaempferia galanga) Aksesi Kab. Lumajang dan Aksesi Kab. Nganjuk Pada Tingkat Naungan 25%

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    Kencur (Kaempferia galanga) memiliki banyak manfaat yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan rempah, penyedap makanan maupun minuman, dan obat tradisional maupun obat tablet. Peningkatan kebutuhan akan tanaman kencur dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian pupuk kalium. Pupuk kalium dapat meningkatkan produksi kencur terhadap rimpang. Terdapat berbagai jenis tanaman kencur di wilayah Indonesia khususnya di Jawa Timur, dipilih dua aksesi pilihan yaitu aksesi Lumajang dan aksesi Nganjuk yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya interaksi antara aplikasi pemberian dosis pupuk kalium pada dua aksesi terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kencur dengan tingkat naungan 25%. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2020 hingga bulan Mei 2021 dilakukan di Kawasan Agro Techno Park (ATP) Jatikerto, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT), yaitu dengan petak utama aksesi Lumajang dan aksesi Nganjuk dan anak petak dosis pupuk 4 taraf meliputi 0 kg ha-1 K2O, 120 kg ha-1 K2O, 180 kg ha-1 K2O dan 240 kg ha-1 K2O dengan 3 ulangan sehingga terdapat 24 petak percobaan. Analisa data menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dengan uji lanjut BNT 5%. Variabel pengamatan meliputi Jumlah Daun, Luas Daun, Volume Akar, Bobot Segar Total, Bobot Segar Rimpang, Bobot Kering Total, dan Bobot Kering Rimpang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada parameter pertumbuhan menunjukkan respon yang nyata terhadap aksesi Nganjuk. Sedangkan pemberian dosis pupuk 120 kg ha-1 memberikan hasil yang lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan dosis pupuk 0 kg ha-1, 180 kg ha-1 dan 240 kg ha-1.Ă‚


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    Ar Rasyiid Akbar, 2018: The Influence of Liqiudity, Audit Commiitee and Company Size Against Tax Aggressiveness on Mining Companies, Property and Real Estate Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange at 2014-2017. State University of Jakarta. The pupose of this research is knowing the effects of Liquidity, Audit Committees and Company Size against Tax Aggressiveness. This research is conducted by taking information on mining companies, property and real estate listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange at 2014-2017. The sample selection method used purposive sampling by making 21 sample of companies. This research was done by using descriptive statistic analysis technique and ordinary least square panel (OLS) method through E-views 8 software. The result of the research found that the liquidity and audit committee variables did not affect the aggressiveness of corporate tax, while company size showed significant negative result toward tax aggressiveness, which means company size had positive effect to company tax aggressiveness. Keywords: Tax Aggressiveness, Liquidity, Audit Committees, Company Siz

    Evaluasi Rasio Keuangan Dan Metode Economic Value Added (Eva) Guna Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan (Studi Pada PT. Hm. Sampoerna, Tbk Dan PT. Gudang Garam, Tbk Ysng Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode Tahun 2011 – 2013)

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    This study aims to determine the financial performance of the company\u27s financial PT. HM Sampoerna and PT Gudang Garam year period 2011-2013 based on the analysis of financial ratios and the Economic Value Added as well as to determine the differences between the financial performance of the company\u27s financial ratio analysis by the method of EVA. This study took two tobacco companies of all cigarette companies listed on the Stock Exchange for the sample, namely PT. HM Sampoerna and PT. Gudang Garam. The results of this study showed that based on the analysis of financial ratios, each maisng ratios contained in the financial ratios indicate that the financial performance of PT. HM Sampoerna is much better than the financial performance of PT. Gudang Garam. The calculation of EVA method to determine the financial performance, it is known that from each of the components contained in the EVA method showed that the financial performance of PT. HM Sampoerna is also better than the financial performance of PT. Gudang Garam. Measurement of financial ratio analysis as well as by using EVA has the same end result, namely PT. HM Sampoerna, which has a better financial performance than PT. Gudang Garam

    Penerapan Metode Bermain Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Dalam Mengikuti Pembelajaran Tolak Peluru Di SMP

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    Olahraga atletik cabang tolak peluru adalah salah satu nomor lomba dalam atletik nomor lempar. Atlit tolak peluru melemparkan bola besi yang berat sejauh mungkin. Peluru ini merupakan peralatan utama dalam olahraga ini. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal, diperoleh hasil bahwa keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran tolak peluru masih belum optimal. Banyak siswa yang k urang aktif, kurang senang dan kurang tekun dalam mengikuti kegiatan pemb elajaran pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Melalui PTK ini dilaksanakan pembelajaran tolak peluru dengan menggunakan metode bermain. Melalui permainan ini, siswa melakukan gerak dasar tolak peluru sambil bermain dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Hal ini penting mengingat siswa kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 3 Gempol Kab. Pasuruan belum menunjukkan keaktifan dalam melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran. Dalam pen elitian ini, peneliti berkolaborasi dengan guru merencanakan tindakan pembel ajaran yang berlangsung selama 2 siklus

    Can Multinomial Logistic Regression Predicts Research Group using Text Input?

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    While submitting proposals in SISINTA, students often confuse or falsely submit their proposals to the less relevant or incorrect research group. There are 13 research groups for the students to choose from. We proposed a text classification method to help students find the best research group based on the title and/or abstract. The stages in this study include data collection, preprocessing data, classification using Logistic Regression, and evaluation of the results. Three scenarios in research group classification are based on 1) title only, 2) abstract only, and 3) title and abstract. Based on the experiments, research group classification using title-only input is the best overall. This scenario gets the most optimal results with accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score successively at 63.68%, 64.91%, 63.68%, and 63.46%. This result is sufficient to help students find the best research group based on the text titles. In addition, lecturers can comment more elaborately since the proposals are relevant to the research group’s scope


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    One of the criminal acts of money laundering is known as a white collar crime that has been committed since 1867. This crime has a negative impact on the lives of people engaged in the economic and business sectors, where this crime is committed by using the financial system, namely criminal act and eliminating the origin of proceeds from criminal acts. Criminals can take advantage of financial institutions such as investing and transferring money from money laundering obtained through corruption, committing fraud, buying traveler's checks, mutual funds, bribes, crimes in banking, capital markets, stocks and financial instruments. The crime of money laundering has a tremendous impact and even threatens the country's economic stability. In this study, information on developments related to the crime of money laundering and its impact on the economic and business sectors is informed

    A Method for Upscaling In Situ Soil Moisture Measurements to Satellite Footprint Scale Using Random Forests

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    Geophysical products generated from remotely sensed data require validation to evaluate their accuracy. Typically in situ measurements are used for validation, as is the case for satellite-derived soil moisture products. However, a large disparity in scales often exists between in situ measurements (covering meters to 10 s of meters) and satellite footprints (often hundreds of meters to several kilometers), making direct comparison difficult. Before using in situ measurements for validation, they must be “upscaled” to provide the mean soil moisture within the satellite footprint. There are a number of existing upscaling methods previously applied to soil moisture measurements, but many place strict requirements on the number and spatial distribution of soil moisture sensors difficult to achieve with permanent/semipermanent ground networks necessary for long-term validation efforts. A new method for upscaling is presented here, using Random Forests to fit a model between in situ measurements and a number of landscape parameters and variables impacting the spatial and temporal distributions of soil moisture. The method is specifically intended for validation of the NASA soil moisture active passive (SMAP) products at 36-, 9-, and 3-km scales. The method was applied to in situ data from the SoilSCAPE network in California, validated with data from the SMAPVEX12 campaign in Manitoba, Canada with additional verification from the TxSON network in Texas. For the SMAPVEX12 site, the proposed method was compared to extensive field measurements and was able to predict mean soil moisture over a large area more accurately than other upscaling approaches
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