159 research outputs found

    A road to reality with topological superconductors

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    Topological states of matter are a source of low-energy quasiparticles, bound to a defect or propagating along the surface. In a superconductor these are Majorana fermions, described by a real rather than a complex wave function. The absence of complex phase factors promises protection against decoherence in quantum computations based on topological superconductivity. This is a tutorial style introduction written for a Nature Physics focus issue on topological matter.Comment: pre-copy-editing, author-produced version of the published paper: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The first ground-level enhancement of solar cycle 25 on 28 October 2021

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    Aims. The first relativistic solar proton event of solar cycle 25 was detected on 28 October 2021 by neutron monitors (NMs) on the ground and particle detectors on board spacecraft in near-Earth space. This is the first ground-level enhancement (GLE) of the current cycle. A detailed reconstruction of the NM response together with the identification of the solar eruption that generated these particles is investigated based on in situ and remote-sensing measurements. Methods. In situ proton observations from a few MeV to similar to 500 MeV were combined with the detection of a solar flare in soft X-rays, a coronal mass ejection, radio bursts, and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations to identify the solar origin of the GLE. Timing analysis was performed, and a relation to the solar sources was outlined. Results. GLE73 reached a maximum particle rigidity of similar to 2.4 GV and is associated with type III, type II, and type IV radio bursts and an EUV wave. A diversity of time profiles recorded by NMs was observed. This points to the event having an anisotropic nature. The peak flux at E & x2004;>& x2004;10 MeV was only similar to 30 pfu and remained at this level for several days. The release time of >= 1 GV particles was found to be similar to 15:40 UT. GLE73 had a moderately hard rigidity spectrum at very high energies (gamma & x2004;similar to & x2004;5.5). Comparison of GLE73 to previous GLEs with similar solar drivers is performed.</p

    Protein disulphide isomerase-mediated grafting of cysteine-containing peptides onto over-bleached hair

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    The ability of Protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) to promote the grafting of two cysteine-containing peptides onto hair was investigated in order to develop an alternative treatment for over-bleached hair. The studied peptides were designed based on human keratin and human lung surfactant proteins and were linked to a fluorescent dye to facilitate visualisation of the grafting process and to assess hair penetration. The ability of the peptides to restore mechanical and thermal properties lost by repeated bleaching treatments was also studied. After eight bleaching treatments, hair samples displayed 42% less mechanical resistance, coupled with a decrease in α-helix denaturation enthalpies and temperatures. Hair surface damage following bleaching was visualized by scanning electron microscopy. Addition of PDI to the treatment formulations promoted peptide attachment to the hair via disulphide bonds, facilitating their penetration into the hair cortex, as observed by fluorescence microscopy. The proposed peptide treatment resulted in an increase in α-helix denaturation enthalpy in over-bleached hair, as well as an increase in both Young's modulus and tensile strength. Thus, mechanical and thermal properties were improved after the peptide treatment in the presence of PDI; suggesting that the formulations presented in this work are promising candidates for hair-care applications

    Pyrite-induced hydroxyl radical formation and its effect on nucleic acids

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    BACKGROUND: Pyrite, the most abundant metal sulphide on Earth, is known to spontaneously form hydrogen peroxide when exposed to water. In this study the hypothesis that pyrite-induced hydrogen peroxide is transformed to hydroxyl radicals is tested. RESULTS: Using a combination of electron spin resonance (ESR) spin-trapping techniques and scavenging reactions involving nucleic acids, the formation of hydroxyl radicals in pyrite/aqueous suspensions is demonstrated. The addition of EDTA to pyrite slurries inhibits the hydrogen peroxide-to-hydroxyl radical conversion, but does not inhibit the formation of hydrogen peroxide. Given the stability of EDTA chelation with both ferrous and ferric iron, this suggests that the addition of the EDTA prevents the transformation by chelation of dissolved iron species. CONCLUSION: While the exact mechanism or mechanisms of the hydrogen peroxide-to-hydroxyl radical conversion cannot be resolved on the basis of the experiments reported in this study, it is clear that the pyrite surface promotes the reaction. The formation of hydroxyl radicals is significant because they react nearly instantaneously with most organic molecules. This suggests that the presence of pyrite in natural, engineered, or physiological aqueous systems may induce the transformation of a wide range of organic molecules. This finding has implications for the role pyrite may play in aquatic environments and raises the question whether inhalation of pyrite dust contributes to the development of lung diseases

    Differing views - can chimpanzees do level 2 perspective-taking?

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    We gratefully acknowledge financial support by the German National Academic Foundation.Although chimpanzees understand what others may see, it is unclear if they understand how others see things (Level 2 perspective-taking). We investigated whether chimpanzees can predict the behavior of a conspecific which is holding a mistaken perspective that differs from their own. The subject competed with a conspecific over two food sticks. While the subject could see that both were the same size, to the competitor one appeared bigger than the other. In a previously established game, the competitor chose one stick in private first and the subject chose thereafter, without knowing which of the sticks was gone. Chimpanzees and 6-year-old children chose the ‘riskier’ stick (that looked bigger to the competitor) significantly less in the game than in a nonsocial control. Children chose randomly in the control, thus showing Level 2 perspective-taking skills; in contrast, chimpanzees had a preference for the ‘riskier’ stick here, rendering it possible that they attributed their own preference to the competitor to predict her choice. We thus run a follow-up in which chimpanzees did not have a preference in the control. Now they also chose randomly in the game. We conclude that chimpanzees solved the task by attributing their own preference to the other, while children truly understood the other’s mistaken perspective.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Conceptual framework and rationale

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    The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been shown to be an effective and sustainable genetic approach to control populations of selected major pest insects, when part of area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes. The technique introduces genetic sterility in females of the target population in the field following their mating with released sterile males. This process results in population reduction or elimination via embryo lethality caused by dominant lethal mutations induced in sperm of the released males. In the past, several field trials have been carried out for mosquitoes with varying degrees of success. New technology and experience gained with other species of insect pests has encouraged a reassessment of the use of the sterility principle as part of integrated control of malaria vectors. Significant technical and logistic hurdles will need to be overcome to develop the technology and make it effective to suppress selected vector populations, and its application will probably be limited to specific ecological situations. Using sterile males to control mosquito vector populations can only be effective as part of an AW-IPM programme. The area-wide concept entails the targeting of the total mosquito population within a defined area. It requires, therefore, a thorough understanding of the target pest population biology especially as regards mating behaviour, population dynamics, dispersal and level of reproductive isolation. The key challenges for success are: 1) devising methods to monitor vector populations and measuring competitiveness of sterile males in the field, 2) designing mass rearing, sterilization and release strategies that maintain competitiveness of the sterile male mosquitoes, 3) developing methods to separate sexes in order to release only male mosquitoes and 4) adapting suppression measures and release rates to take into account the high reproductive rate of mosquitoes. Finally, success in area-wide implementation in the field can only be achieved if close attention is paid to political, socio-economic and environmental sensitivities and an efficient management organization is established taking into account the interests of all potential stakeholders of an AW-IPM programme

    Pogostick: A New Versatile piggyBac Vector for Inducible Gene Over-Expression and Down-Regulation in Emerging Model Systems

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    Non-traditional model systems need new tools that will enable them to enter the field of functional genetics. These tools should enable the exploration of gene function, via knock-downs of endogenous genes, as well as over-expression and ectopic expression of transgenes.We constructed a new vector called Pogostick that can be used to over-express or down-regulate genes in organisms amenable to germ line transformation by the piggyBac transposable element. Pogostick can be found at www.addgene.org, a non-profit plasmid repository. The vector currently uses the heat-shock promoter Hsp70 from Drosophila to drive transgene expression and, as such, will have immediate applicability to organisms that can correctly interpret this promotor sequence. We detail how to clone candidate genes into this vector and test its functionality in Drosophila by targeting a gene coding for the fluorescent protein DsRed. By cloning a single DsRed copy into the vector, and generating transgenic lines, we show that DsRed mRNA and protein levels are elevated following heat-shock. When cloning a second copy of DsRed in reverse orientation into a flanking site, and transforming flies constitutively expressing DsRed in the eyes, we show that endogenous mRNA and protein levels drop following heat-shock. We then test the over-expression vector, containing the complete cDNA of Ultrabithorax (Ubx) gene, in an emerging model system, Bicyclus anynana. We produce a transgenic line and show that levels of Ubx mRNA expression rise significantly following a heat-shock. Finally, we show how to obtain genomic sequence adjacent to the Pogostick insertion site and to estimate transgene copy number in genomes of transformed individuals.This new vector will allow emerging model systems to enter the field of functional genetics with few hurdles

    Transport in topological insulator nanowires

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    In this chapter we review our work on the theory of quantum transport in topological insulator nanowires. We discuss both normal state properties and superconducting proximity effects, including the effects of magnetic fields and disorder. Throughout we assume that the bulk is insulating and inert, and work with a surface-only theory. The essential transport properties are understood in terms of three special modes: in the normal state, half a flux quantum along the length of the wire induces a perfectly transmitted mode protected by an effective time reversal symmetry; a transverse magnetic field induces chiral modes at the sides of the wire, with different chiralities residing on different sides protecting them from backscattering; and, finally, Majorana zero modes are obtained at the ends of a wire in a proximity to a superconductor, when combined with a flux along the wire. Some parts of our discussion have a small overlap with the discussion in the review [Bardarson and Moore, Rep. Prog. Phys., 76, 056501, (2013)]. We do not aim to give a complete review of the published literature, instead the focus is mainly on our own and directly related work.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; Chapter in "Topological Matter. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, vol 190. Springer