648 research outputs found

    Lesions that do or do not impair digit span: a study of 816 stroke survivors

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    Prior studies have reported inconsistency in the lesion sites associated with verbal short-term memory impairments. Here we asked: How many different lesion sites can account for selective impairments in verbal short-term memory that persist over time, and how consistently do these lesion sites impair verbal short-term memory? We assessed verbal short-term memory impairments using a forward digit span task from the Comprehensive Aphasia Test. First, we identified the incidence of digit span impairments in a sample of 816 stroke survivors (541 males/275 females; age at stroke onset 56 ± 13 years; time post-stroke 4.4 ± 5.2 years). Second, we studied the lesion sites in a subgroup of these patients (n = 39) with left hemisphere damage and selective digit span impairment-defined as impaired digit span with unimpaired spoken picture naming and spoken word comprehension (tests of speech production and speech perception, respectively). Third, we examined how often these lesion sites were observed in patients who either had no digit span impairments or digit span impairments that co-occurred with difficulties in speech perception and/or production tasks. Digit span impairments were observed in 222/816 patients. Almost all (199/222 = 90%) had left hemisphere damage to five small regions in basal ganglia and/or temporo-parietal areas. Even complete damage to one or more of these five regions was not consistently associated with persistent digit span impairment. However, when the same regions were spared, only 5% (23/455) presented with digit span impairments. These data suggest that verbal short-term memory impairments are most consistently associated with damage to left temporo-parietal and basal ganglia structures. Sparing of these regions very rarely results in persistently poor verbal short-term memory. These findings have clinical implications for predicting recovery of verbal short-term memory after stroke

    Damage to Broca's area does not contribute to long-term speech production outcome after stroke

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    Broca’s area in the posterior half of the left inferior frontal gyrus has long been thought to be critical for speech production. The current view is that long-term speech production outcome in patients with Broca’s area damage is best explained by the combination of damage to Broca’s area and neighbouring regions including the underlying white matter, which was also damaged in Paul Broca’s two historic cases. Here, we dissociate the effect of damage to Broca’s area from the effect of damage to surrounding areas by studying long-term speech production outcome in 134 stroke survivors with relatively circumscribed left frontal lobe lesions that spared posterior speech production areas in lateral inferior parietal and superior temporal association cortices. Collectively, these patients had varying degrees of damage to one or more of nine atlas-based grey or white matter regions: Brodmann areas 44 and 45 (together known as Broca’s area), ventral premotor cortex, primary motor cortex, insula, putamen, the anterior segment of the arcuate fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus and frontal aslant tract. Spoken picture description scores from the Comprehensive Aphasia Test were used as the outcome measure. Multiple regression analyses allowed us to tease apart the contribution of other variables influencing speech production abilities such as total lesion volume and time post-stroke. We found that, in our sample of patients with left frontal damage, long-term speech production impairments (lasting beyond 3 months post-stroke) were solely predicted by the degree of damage to white matter, directly above the insula, in the vicinity of the anterior part of the arcuate fasciculus, with no contribution from the degree of damage to Broca’s area (as confirmed with Bayesian statistics). The effect of white matter damage cannot be explained by a disconnection of Broca’s area, because speech production scores were worse after damage to the anterior arcuate fasciculus with relative sparing of Broca’s area than after damage to Broca’s area with relative sparing of the anterior arcuate fasciculus. Our findings provide evidence for three novel conclusions: (i) Broca’s area damage does not contribute to long-term speech production outcome after left frontal lobe strokes; (ii) persistent speech production impairments after damage to the anterior arcuate fasciculus cannot be explained by a disconnection of Broca’s area; and (iii) the prior association between persistent speech production impairments and Broca’s area damage can be explained by co-occurring white matter damage, above the insula, in the vicinity of the anterior part of the arcuate fasciculus

    The modern pollen-vegetation relationship of a tropical forest-savannah mosaic landscape, Ghana, West Africa

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    Transitions between forest and savannah vegetation types in fossil pollen records are often poorly understood due to over-production by taxa such as Poaceae and a lack of modern pollen-vegetation studies. Here, modern pollen assemblages from within a forest-savannah transition in West Africa are presented and compared, their characteristic taxa discussed, and implications for the fossil record considered. Fifteen artificial pollen traps were deployed for 1 year, to collect pollen rain from three vegetation plots within the forest-savannah transition in Ghana. High percentages of Poaceae and Melastomataceae/Combretaceae were recorded in all three plots. Erythrophleum suaveolens characterised the forest plot, Manilkara obovata the transition plot and Terminalia the savannah plot. The results indicate that Poaceae pollen influx rates provide the best representation of the forest-savannah gradient, and that a Poaceae abundance of >40% should be considered as indicative of savannah-type vegetation in the fossil record

    Addressing the Future Burden of Cancer and Its Impact on the Oncology Workforce: Where Is Cancer Prevention and Control?

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    The need for cancer professionals has never been more urgent than it is today. Reports project serious shortages by 2020 of oncology health care providers. Although many plans have been proposed, no role for prevention has been described. In response, a 2-day symposium was held in 2009 at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to capture the current status of the cancer prevention workforce and begin to identify gaps in the workforce. Five working groups were organized around the following topic areas: (a) health policy and advocacy; (b) translation to the community; (c) integrating cancer prevention into clinical practice; (d) health services infrastructure and economics; and (e) discovery, research, and technology. Along with specific recommendations on these topics, the working groups identified two additional major themes: the difficulty of defining areas within the field (including barriers to communication) and lack of sufficient funding. These interdependent issues synergistically impede progress in preventing cancer; they are explored in detail in this synthesis, and recommendations for actions to address them are presented. Progress in cancer prevention should be a major national and international goal. To achieve this goal, ensuring the health of the workforce in cancer prevention and control is imperative

    A cost-effective method to quantify biological surface sediment reworking

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    We propose a simple and inexpensive method to determine the rate and pattern of surface sediment reworking by benthic organisms. Unlike many existing methods commonly used in bioturbation studies, which usually require sediment sampling, our approach is fully non-destructive and is well suited for investigating non-cohesive fine sediments in streams and rivers. Optical tracer (e.g., luminophores or coloured sand) disappearance or appearance is assessed through time based on optical quantification of surfaces occupied by tracers. Data are used to calculate surface sediment reworking (SSR) coefficients depicting bioturbation intensities. Using this method, we evaluated reworking activity of stream organisms (three benthic invertebrates and a fish) in laboratory microcosms mimicking pool habitats or directly in the field within arenas set in depositional zones. Our method was sensitive enough to measure SSR as low as 0.2 cm2.d-1, such as triggered by intermediate density (774 m-2) of Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda) in microcosms. In contrast, complex invertebrate community in the field and a fish (Barbatula barabatula) in laboratory microcosms were found to yield to excessively high SSR (>60 cm2.d-1). Lastly, we suggest that images acquired during experiments can be used for qualitative evaluation of species-specific effects on sediment distribution

    Estimation of changes in the force of infection for intestinal and urogenital schistosomiasis in countries with Schistosomiasis Control Initiative-assisted programmes

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    The last decade has seen an expansion of national schistosomiasis control programmes in Africa based on large-scale preventative chemotherapy. In many areas this has resulted in considerable reductions in infection and morbidity levels in treated individuals. In this paper, we quantify changes in the force of infection (FOI), defined here as the per (human) host parasite establishment rate, to ascertain the impact on transmission of some of these programmes under the umbrella of the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI)

    Comparative studies of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high-density lipoprotein-binding protein 1: evidence for a eutherian mammalian origin for the GPIHBP1 gene from an LY6-like gene

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    Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high-density lipoprotein-binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1) functions as a platform and transport agent for lipoprotein lipase (LPL) which functions in the hydrolysis of chylomicrons, principally in heart, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue capillary endothelial cells. Previous reports of genetic deficiency for this protein have described severe chylomicronemia. Comparative GPIHBP1 amino acid sequences and structures and GPIHBP1 gene locations were examined using data from several mammalian genome projects. Mammalian GPIHBP1 genes usually contain four coding exons on the positive strand. Mammalian GPIHBP1 sequences shared 41–96% identities as compared with 9–32% sequence identities with other LY6-domain-containing human proteins (LY6-like). The human N-glycosylation site was predominantly conserved among other mammalian GPIHBP1 proteins except cow, dog and pig. Sequence alignments, key amino acid residues and conserved predicted secondary structures were also examined, including the N-terminal signal peptide, the acidic amino acid sequence region which binds LPL, the glycosylphosphatidylinositol linkage group, the Ly6 domain and the C-terminal α-helix. Comparative and phylogenetic studies of mammalian GPIHBP1 suggested that it originated in eutherian mammals from a gene duplication event of an ancestral LY6-like gene and subsequent integration of exon 2, which may have been derived from BCL11A (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A gene) encoding an extended acidic amino acid sequence

    Changes in the relative thickness of individual subcutaneous adipose tissue layers in growing pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer is an important parameter at all stages of pig production. It is used to inform decisions on dietary requirements to optimize growth, in gilts to promote longevity and finally to assist in the calculation of payments to producers that allow for general adiposity. Currently for reasons of tradition and ease, total adipose thickness measurements are made at one or multiple sites although it has been long recognized that up to three well defined layers (outer (L1), middle (L2), and inner (L3)) may be present to make up the total. Various features and properties of these layers have been described. This paper examines the contribution of each layer to total adipose thickness at three time points and describes the change in thickness of each layer per unit change in body weight in normal growing pigs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A group of nine pigs was examined using 14 MHz linear array transducer on three separate occasions. The average weight was 51, 94 and 124 kg for each successive scan. The time between scanning was approximately 4 weeks. The proportion of each layer to total thickness was modeled statistically with scan session as a variable and the change in absolute thickness of each layer per unit change in body weight was modeled in a random regression model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a significant change in ratios between scans for the middle and inner layers (<it>P </it>< 0.001). The significant changes were seen between the first and second, and between the first and final, scan sessions. The change in thickness per unit change in body weight was greatest for L2, followed by L1 and L3.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate that subcutaneous adipose layers grow at different rates relative to each other and to change in body weight and indicate that ultrasound can be used to track these differences.</p

    Mixture models for analysis of melting temperature data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In addition to their use in detecting undesired real-time PCR products, melting temperatures are useful for detecting variations in the desired target sequences. Methodological improvements in recent years allow the generation of high-resolution melting-temperature (T<sub>m</sub>) data. However, there is currently no convention on how to statistically analyze such high-resolution T<sub>m </sub>data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mixture model analysis was applied to T<sub>m </sub>data. Models were selected based on Akaike's information criterion. Mixture model analysis correctly identified categories in T<sub>m </sub>data obtained for known plasmid targets. Using simulated data, we investigated the number of observations required for model construction. The precision of the reported mixing proportions from data fitted to a preconstructed model was also evaluated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Mixture model analysis of T<sub>m </sub>data allows the minimum number of different sequences in a set of amplicons and their relative frequencies to be determined. This approach allows T<sub>m </sub>data to be analyzed, classified, and compared in an unbiased manner.</p

    Transcriptome profiling of grapevine seedless segregants during berry development reveals candidate genes associated with berry weight

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    Indexación: Web of Science; PubMedBackground Berry size is considered as one of the main selection criteria in table grape breeding programs. However, this is a quantitative and polygenic trait, and its genetic determination is still poorly understood. Considering its economic importance, it is relevant to determine its genetic architecture and elucidate the mechanisms involved in its expression. To approach this issue, an RNA-Seq experiment based on Illumina platform was performed (14 libraries), including seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight at fruit setting (FST) and 6–8 mm berries (B68) phenological stages. Results A group of 526 differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified, by comparing seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight: 101 genes from the FST stage and 463 from the B68 stage. Also, we integrated differential expression, principal components analysis (PCA), correlations and network co-expression analyses to characterize the transcriptome profiling observed in segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. After this, 68 DE genes were selected as candidate genes, and seven candidate genes were validated by real time-PCR, confirming their expression profiles. Conclusions We have carried out the first transcriptome analysis focused on table grape seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. Our findings contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in berry weight determination. Also, this comparative transcriptome profiling revealed candidate genes for berry weight which could be evaluated as selection tools in table grape breeding programs.http://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-016-0789-