867 research outputs found

    Damage in Polymer Bonded Energetic Composites: Effect of Loading Rate

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    Particulate composites are widely used in the materials world. An understanding of their damage behaviour under a variety of loading conditions is necessary to inform models of their response to external stimuli. In the present experimental study, fine and coarse grained RDX-HTPB composites have been used to investigate the effect of loading rate on the degree of damage produced in polymer bonded explosives subjected to varying degrees of uniaxial compression. High strain rate loading (4×10⁺³ s⁻¹) was achieved using a direct impact Hopkinson pressure bar and low strain rate loading (1×10⁻² s⁻¹) using an Instron mechanical testing machine. The causal metrics are the degree to which the samples were strained and the mechanical energy expended in straining them. The damage metric is the residual low rate compressive modulus of the samples. The quantitative, physically based, results discussed in terms of the Porter-Gould activated debonding damage model clearly demonstrate that for both fine and coarse fills there is a marked reduction in residual moduli as a function of imposed strain, and substantially less specific energy is required to cause the same level of damage at the lower strain-rate. In the case of the coarse grained composite there is some evidence for a change in damage mechanism at the higher strain-rate. We obtain a value for the measured work of adhesion and a measure of the effective modulus local to the damage site, as damage is actually occurring. The observed underlying behaviour should be broadly applicable to particulate composites, whenever stiff filler particles are held in a viscoelastic matrix.The authors wish to acknowledge financial support in the form of an Industrial CASE PhD Studentship for RLB funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and by QinetiQ [EP/I501290/1]; UK MOD via a WSTC contract; DMW and APJ acknowledge the financial support of AWE.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40870-016-0050-x The data underlying this article can be found at the following persistent URL: https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/25319

    Shock Compression of Simulated Adobe

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    A series of plate impact experiments were conducted to investigate the shock response of a simulant for adobe, a traditional form of building material widely used around the world. Air dried bricks were sourced from the London brick company, dry machined and impacted at a range of velocities in a single stage gas gun. The shock Hugoniot was determined (Us =2.26up+0.37) as well as release information. The material was found to behave in a manner which was similar to that of loose sand and considerably less stiff than a weak porous sandstone. The effect of any cementing of the grains was examined by shocking powdered samples contained within a cell arrangement.The research was funded by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (part of UK MoD) under the Weapons Science and Technology Centre

    On the Theory of Evolution Versus the Concept of Evolution: Three Observations

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    Here we address three misconceptions stated by Rice et al. in their observations of our article Paz-y-Miño and Espinosa (Evo Edu Outreach 2:655–675, 2009), published in this journal. The five authors titled their note “The Theory of Evolution is Not an Explanation for the Origin of Life.” First, we argue that it is fallacious to believe that because the formulation of the theory of evolution, as conceived in the 1800s, did not include an explanation for the origin of life, nor of the universe, the concept of evolution would not allow us to hypothesize the possible beginnings of life and its connections to the cosmos. Not only Stanley Miller’s experiments of 1953 led scientists to envision a continuum from the inorganic world to the origin and diversification of life, but also Darwin’s own writings of 1871. Second, to dismiss the notion of Rice et al. that evolution does not provide explanations concerning the universe or the cosmos, we identify compelling scientific discussions on the topics: Zaikowski et al. (Evo Edu Outreach 1:65–73, 2008), Krauss (Evo Edu Outreach 3:193–197, 2010), Peretó et al. (Orig Life Evol Biosph 39:395–406, 2009) and Follmann and Brownson (Naturwissenschaften 96:1265–1292, 2009). Third, although we acknowledge that the term Darwinism may not be inclusive of all new discoveries in evolution, and also that creationists and Intelligent Designers hijack the term to portray evolution as ideology, we demonstrate that there is no statistical evidence suggesting that the word Darwinism interferes with public acceptance of evolution, nor does the inclusion of the origin of life or the universe within the concept of evolution. We examine the epistemological and empirical distinction between the theory of evolution and the concept of evolution and conclude that, although the distinction is important, it should not compromise scientific logic

    An observational prospective study of topical acidified nitrite for killing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in contaminated wounds

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    Background Endogenous nitric oxide (NO) kills bacteria and other organisms as part of the innate immune response. When nitrite is exposed to low pH, NO is generated and has been used as an NO delivery system to treat skin infections. We demonstrated eradication of MRSA carriage from wounds using a topical formulation of citric acid (4.5%) and sodium nitrite (3%) creams co-applied for 5 days to 15 wounds in an observational prospective pilot study of 8 patients. Findings Following treatment with topical citric acid and sodium nitrite, 9 of 15 wounds (60%) and 3 of 8 patients (37%) were cleared of infection. MRSA isolates from these patients were all sensitive to acidified nitrite in vitro compared to methicillin-sensitive S. aureus and a reference strain of MRSA. Conclusions Nitric oxide and acidified nitrite offer a novel therapy for control of MRSA in wounds. Wounds that were not cleared of infection may have been re-contaminated or the bioavailability of acidified nitrite impaired by local factors in the tissue

    Is Lamarckian evolution relevant to medicine?

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    BACKGROUND: 200 years have now passed since Darwin was born and scientists around the world are celebrating this important anniversary of the birth of an evolutionary visionary. However, the theories of his colleague Lamarck are treated with considerably less acclaim. These theories centre on the tendency for complexity to increase in organisms over time and the direct transmission of phenotypic traits from parents to offspring. DISCUSSION: Lamarckian concepts, long thought of no relevance to modern evolutionary theory, are enjoying a quiet resurgence with the increasing complexity of epigenetic theories of inheritance. There is evidence that epigenetic alterations, including DNA methylation and histone modifications, are transmitted transgenerationally, thus providing a potential mechanism for environmental influences to be passed from parents to offspring: Lamarckian evolution. Furthermore, evidence is accumulating that epigenetics plays an important role in many common medical conditions. SUMMARY: Epigenetics allows the peaceful co-existence of Darwinian and Lamarckian evolution. Further efforts should be exerted on studying the mechanisms by which this occurs so that public health measures can be undertaken to reverse or prevent epigenetic changes important in disease susceptibility. Perhaps in 2059 we will be celebrating the anniversary of both Darwin and Lamarck

    Pneumococcal colonization in healthy adult research participants in the conjugate vaccine era, United Kingdom, 2010-2017.

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    Pneumococcal colonization is rarely studied in adults, except as part of family surveys. We report the outcomes of colonization screening in healthy adults (non-smokers without major comorbidities or contact with children under five years) who had volunteered to take part in clinical research. Using nasal wash culture, we detected colonization in 6.5% (52/795) of volunteers. Serotype 3 was the commonest serotype (10/52). The majority of the remainder (35/52) were non-vaccine serotypes, but we also identified persistent circulation of serotypes 19A and 19F. Resistance to at least one of six antibiotics tested was found in 8/52 isolates

    Ingestion of radioactively contaminated diets for two generations in the pale grass blue butterfly

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    Background: The release of radioactive materials due to the Fukushima nuclear accident has raised concern regarding the biological impacts of ingesting radioactively contaminated diets on organisms. We previously performed an internal exposure experiment in which contaminated leaves collected from polluted areas were fed to larvae of the pale grass blue butterfly, Zizeeria maha, from Okinawa, which is one of the least polluted localities in Japan. Using the same experimental system, in the present study, we further examined the effects of low-level-contaminated diets on this butterfly. Leaves were collected from two localities in Tohoku (Motomiya (161 Bq/kg) and Koriyama (117 Bq/kg)); two in Kanto (Kashiwa (47.6 Bq/kg) and Musashino (6.4 Bq/kg)); one in Tokai (Atami (2.5 Bq/kg)); and from Okinawa (0.2 Bq/kg). In addition to the effects on the first generation, we examined the possible transgenerational effects of the diets on the next generation.Results: In the first generation, the Tohoku groups showed higher rates of mortality and abnormalities and a smaller forewing size than the Okinawa group. The mortality rates were largely dependent on the ingested dose of caesium. The survival rates of the Kanto-Tokai groups were greater than 80%, but the rates in the Tohoku groups were much lower. In the next generation, the survival rates in the Tohoku groups were below 20%, whereas those of the Okinawa groups were above 70%. The survival rates in the second generation were independent of the locality of the leaves ingested by the first generation, indicating that the diet in the second generation was the determinant of their survival. Moreover, a smaller forewing size was observed in the Tohoku groups in the second generation. However, the forewing size was inversely correlated with the cumulative caesium dose ingested throughout the first and second generations, indicating that the diet in the first generation also influenced the forewing size of the second generation.Conclusions: Biological effects are detectable under a low ingested dose of radioactivity from a contaminated diet. The effects are transgenerational but can be overcome by ingesting a non-contaminated diet, suggesting that at least some of the observed effects are attributable to non-genetic physiological changes

    A novel hybrid promoter responsive to pathophysiological and pharmacological regulation

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    The aim of this study was to construct a promoter containing DNA motifs for an endogenous transcription factor associated with inflammation along with motifs for pharmacological regulation factors. We demonstrate in transfected cells that expression of a gene of interest is induced by hypoxic conditions or through pharmacological induction, and also show pharmacological repression. In vivo studies utilised electroporation of plasmid to mouse paws, a delivery method shown to be effective by bioluminescence imaging. For gene therapy, the promoter was used to drive expression of IL-1Ra in a paw inflammation model with therapeutic effect observed which was further enhanced when the promoter was additionally induced with a pharmacological activator. One of the most important observations from this study was that promoter induction by hypoxia or inflammation could be prevented by the pharmacological repressor in the absence of doxycycline. These studies demonstrate that hybrid promoters enable pharmacological adjustment to the pathophysiological level of gene expression and, importantly, that they allow termination of gene expression even in the presence of pathophysiological stimuli