514 research outputs found

    Influence of the strong metal support interaction effect (SMSI) of Pt/TiO2 and Pd/TiO2 systems in the photocatalytic biohydrogen production from glucose solution

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    Two different catalysts consisting of Pt/TiO2 and Pd/TiO 2 were submitted to diverse oxidative and reductive calcination treatments and tested for photocatalytic reforming of glucose water solution (as a model of biomass component) in H2 production. Oxidation and reduction at 850°C resulted in better photocatalysts for hydrogen production than Degussa P-25 and the ones prepared at 500°C, despite the fact that the former consisted in very low surface area (6-8 m2/g) rutile titania specimens. The platinum-containing systems prepared at 850°C give the most effective catalysts. XPS characterization of the systems showed that thermal treatment at 850°C resulted in electron transfer from titania to metal particles through the so-called strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) effect. Furthermore, the greater the SMSI effect, the better the catalytic performance. Improvement in photocatalytic behavior is explained in terms of avoidance of electron-hole recombination through the electron transfer from titania to metal particles

    Síndrome del tunel carpiano

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    La compresión del nervio mediano o síndrome del túnel carpiano es la neuropatía por atrapamiento más frecuente. Presenta unos síntomas -y en ocasiones unos signos- característicos que es preciso recordar. La etiología es multifactorial –anatómica, sistémica, ocupacional laboral, etc.-. El diagnóstico se basa en la anamnesis, exploración física y confirmación electromiográfica. Su cronicidad conlleva a una reactivación de la clínica y menoscabo funcional. La amplia fisiopatología, frecuencia y tratamientos conservadores entre ellos la inmovilización, el rehabilitador –programa de fisioterapia de deslizamiento nervioso-, la infiltración corticoidea i.e., son resolutivos. La cirugía se reserva como terapia liberadora cada vez menos invasiva en sus diversas técnicas. Presentamos una técnica de miniincisión, de corta cicatriz, con rápida recuperación clínica y laboral, baja morbilidad y riesgos limitados, en comparación con la técnica clásica abierta y la endoscópica.Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common compressive neuropathy of the upper extremity. As a result of median nerve compression, the patient reports pain, weakness, and paresthesias in the hand and fingers. The etiology of this condition is multifactorial: anatomic, systemic, and occupational factors have all been implicated. The diagnosis is based on the patient history, physical examination and is confirmed by electrodiagnostic testing. Treatment methods range from observation and splinting; workplace task modification and wrist splints can reduce or defer referral to hospital for surgical decompression. Nerve and tendon gliding exercises may also be of benefit. The short-incision we present, also called mini-open, may allow for quicker recovery time, minimal scar, no tenderness, low morbidity, while avoiding some of the complications of endoscopy and than with the open approach, found in the few article

    Flow regime effects over non-cavitating diesel injection nozzles

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    [EN] The research conducted and explained in this paper aims to explore and understand the influence of flow regime (laminar, transition or turbulent) inside diesel injector nozzles. For this purpose, an experimental study based on mass flow rate and momentum flux measurements on three convergent nozzles has been carried out. The combination of both types of measurement has been helpful to obtain information about the nature of the flow and its consequences on important variables, such as injection effective velocity and effective area of nozzle outlet orifices. As a main result of the investigation, and depending of the flow regime, a differentiated behaviour has been observed which was clearly reflected in the non-dimensional flow parameters defined and used through the study. © Author 2011.This work was supported by Project ‘Estudio de la influencia del levantamiento de aguja en el proceso de inyeccio´n die´sel’ from Universidad Polite´cnica de Valencia, Spain [grant number PAID-06-10-2362].Payri, R.; Salvador, F.; Gimeno, J.; García Martínez, A. (2012). Flow regime effects over non-cavitating diesel injection nozzles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering. 226(1):133-144. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954407011413056S133144226

    Group Decision Making Based on a Framework of Granular Computing for Multi-Criteria and Linguistic Contexts

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    The usage of linguistic information involves computing with words, a methodology assuming linguistic values as computational elements, in group decision-making environments. In recent times, a new methodology founded on a framework of granular computing has been employed to manage linguistic information. An advantage of this methodology is that the distribution and the semantics of the linguistic values, in place of being initially established, are defined by the optimization of a certain criterion. In this paper, different from the existing approaches, we present a novel approach build on the basis of a granular computing framework that is able to cope with group decision-making problems defined in multi-criteria contexts, that is, those in which different criteria are considered to evaluate the possible alternatives for solving the problem. In particular, it models group decision-making problems in a more realistic way by taking into account that each criterion has an importance weight and by considering that each decision maker has a different importance weight for each criterion. This approach makes operational the linguistic values by associating them with intervals via the optimization of an optimization criterion composed of two important aspects that must be taken into account in this kind of decision problems, that is, the consensus at the level of group of decision makers and the consistency at the level of individual decision makers.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Project DPI2016-77677-P, in part by the RoboCity2030-DIH-CM Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub (``Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Fase IV''; S2018/NMT-4331), funded by the ``Programas de Actividades I+D de la Comunidad de Madrid,'' and co-funded by the Structural Funds of the EU, and in part by the research grant from the Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado (AUIP) and Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía

    A case study: the rehabilitation of residential buildings in Parque Alcosa district, analysis of common diseases and intervention proposal

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    La barriada del Parque Alcosa se localiza en el noroeste del núcleo urbano de Sevilla, y está formada por un conjunto de 10.640 viviendas de promoción pública construida durante los años 69-72 por el constructor valenciano Alfredo Corral. Existen tres modelos de edificación diferentes que responden a fases de construcción, siendo objeto de estudio en este artículo la correspondiente a la primera fase, comprendidas por las calles Ciudad de Játiva, Gandía, Sueca, Onteniente, Carcagente, Burjasot, Godella, Alfafar, Buñol, Paterna y Oliva. El presente trabajo expone el análisis de las patologías constructivas comunes existentes en la fase 1 del Parque Alcosa, relacionadas con el carácter potencialmente expansivo de los terrenos donde se ubica. Así mismo se desarrollan las soluciones constructivas de la intervención proyectada, llevado a cabo mediante el programa de Rehabilitación Singular de Edificios de la Empresa Pública del Suelo de Andalucía.The Parque Alcosa district is located in northwestern area of Seville. It consists of 10,640 public housing development,that was promoted throughout the years 69-72 by the builder Alfredo Corral. There are three different building types which correspond to the different building stages. This article focuses on the the first one, which includes the streets, Ciudad de Jativa, Gandía, Sueca, Onteniente, Carcagente, Burjasot, Godella, Alfafar, Buñol, Paterna y Oliva. The present paper provides a constructive analisys of common building pathologies in phase 1 of Parque Alcosa, related to the potentially expansive features of the land where it is located. This paper also describes the structural sollutions for the projected intervention designed by the architect who subscribes, and was supported by the Public Land Company of Andalusia, under the Singular Building Rehabilitation program

    Genetic characterisation of bovino criollo argentino cattle using microsatellites

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    It is characterized a sample of Bovino Criollo Argentino cattle with a panel of eight microsatellites. It is detected a number of alleles between 2 and 7. The values of Heterocigosity by locus are between 0.46 for HEL-1 and 0.72 for BM-1824 and the mean of Heterocigosity is 0.58.Se caracteriza una muestra de ganado Bovino Criollo Argentino con un panel de ocho microsatélites. Se detecta un número de alelos entre 2 y 7. Los valores de Heterocigosidad por locus están entre 0,46 para HEL-1 y 0,72 para BM-1824, la Heterocigosidad media es de 0,58