291 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Kawasan Agrowisata Bbi Lubuak Minturun Sebagai Destinasi Utama Pariwisata Sumatera Barat

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    This research focuses on community social economic attraction in agrotourism BBI Lubuk Minturun of West Sumatra region. The method is regional economic approach with tool analyses are location quotient, shift share analysis, and travel cost method to determine integrating linkages of community economic activities in the region. This research shows, first: Padang tourism attraction potency as National activitiy center (PKN) in PP No: 50 year 2011 about National tourism masterplan included in national tourism destination (DPN) together with Bukittinggi. Furthermore, in West Sumatra tourism masterplan, Padang has become Province tourism destination region (DPP) with its strategic destination region (KSPP) are Pesisir Selatan, Padang Pariaman and its potential region is Pariaman city. In the case as DPN, DPP of Padang city has wide tourism potential, approximately 169 tourism destinations to attract foreign and national tourist to visit and spend their leisure time. Second: Kuranji district zone has the highest travel cost on average outside Koto Tangah district in amount of 170,783 rupiahs, in the other hand Bungus Teluk Kabung district has the lowest travel cost is 120,877 rupiahs. The high average travel cost to BBI Lubuk Minturun is determined by average visit per year per person. The highest consumer surplus is at Koto Tangah district zone attain 99,875.23 rupiahs and the lowest is Teluk Kabung district zone. Furthermore, the lowest average costs based on origin visit zone are Agam, Lima Puluh Kota, and west Pasaman destination

    The vegetation ecology of the Witteberg and Dwyka Groups south of Worcester, Western Cape Province, South Africa

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    The vegetation supported by the Witteberg and Dwyka Groups south of Worcester is a diverse mosaic of fynbos-, renosterveld- and succulent karoo vegetation units sustained by a winter-rainfall pattern. Elytropappus rhinocerotis (renosterbos) dominated plant communities are found on finer grained soils derived from the various mudrock-dominated formations of the Witteberg Group, a Passerina truncata (gonnabos) dominated shrubland with large Protea shrubs and / or small Protea trees where the substrate is largely influenced by the sandstone-dominated formations of the Witteberg Group, a grass dominated Capeochloa arundinacea (Olifantgras) shrubland where both mudrock-dominated and sandstone-dominated formations influence the substrate as a result of folding, a karoo Hirpicium integrifolium (Haarbossie) dominated shrubland where succulents are in abundance on the Dwyka tillite, and a distinct Thamnochortus bachmannii restio-dominated sandveld in areas where deep aeolian sand had accumulated. The differences in vegetation communities are mainly based on geology with consequent soil characters and degree of rockiness, as well as topography, moisture availability and the water holding capacity of the soil. Although slope, aspect and elevation can sometimes be associated with specific plant communities, geology, soil pH and rock cover are the principal elements responsible for shaping the vegetation mosaic. Rather than a broad ecotone, the vegetation of the study area is understood as a complex mosaic mountain vegetation entity.Environmental SciencesPh. D. (Environmental Sciences

    Case study: Applying coaching and mentoring methods to leading a secondary school science department

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    Heads of subject departments in New Zealand secondary schools generally have recognised expertise in teaching their subject and this expertise together with a mixture of leadership and organisational skills are recognised in their selection for the position of Head of Department (HOD). They seldom have formal training in leading staff. Single day training in job skills for new HODs is regularly offered at local education centres but few HODs undertake extended tertiary training in leadership skills. This case study records the experiences of one secondary Head of Department as she does a literature review of coaching and mentoring principles and applies a selection of these principles to her work with her staff. The initial focus of the study was to use coaching and mentoring methods to lead the department in the implementation of differentiation; varying teaching to cater for the diversity of learners. The scope of the study broadened to encompass all coaching and mentoring interactions with department staff. Both coaches and mentors work with individuals to improve performance in an area. The vision of mentoring moves considerably beyond emotional support and provision of sample lessons to developing staff in best teaching practice and developing the teacher's ability to problem solve for themselves. Coaching is described as the art of identifying the coachee's strengths and using this information to choose an effective approach in a given situation. The case study is based on the journal records kept of selected routine interactions with department staff. The journal recorded examples which showed common patterns of interaction, and interactions influenced by the coaching/mentoring literature. A second data source was questionnaire responses from staff who left over the course of the year. Major themes that emerged in the data analysis were an increased awareness of the importance of learning needs when working with individual staff, and working strategically. The Myers-Briggs description of personality preferences was used as a neutral framework for describing personality. Recognising the learning needs that arise from those descriptions gave a framework and guidelines for purposeful coaching / mentoring interactions with staff. The concept of learning preferences brought clarity to individual staff responses to different situations; instead of being idiosyncratic and unpredictable, they can be explained as due to the individual combinations of learning preferences in each staff member. There were a variety of competing demands from outside the department and from individual staff priorities. Over the course of this study the HOD did extensive reflection on her selection of differentiation to cater for student diversity, on using a coaching/mentoring approach for this implementation, and on how to work with experienced staff who may have limited openness to change. The reflection increased her clarity about both the direction and the approaches, and this helped her maintain these in the face of completing demands. There are few studies of New Zealand school middle-managers using coaching and/or mentoring. This case study contributes an example to show other middle-managers what can be done in one year in one specific context; using coaching/mentoring to implement differentiation in a department

    Structural basis of bacterial glyeans biosynthesis and processing: ímpact in human health and disease

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    181 p.El objetivo a largo plazo de nuestro grupo es estudiar a nivel molecular la estructura, la especificidad por sustrato y el mecanismo de acción de diferentes enzimas bacterianas involucradas en el reconocimiento o modificación de carbohidratos que sean relevantes en la interacción, tanto beneficiosa como patogénica, con el ser humano como hospedador.En este contexto, durante mi tesis, he trabajado en la comprensión a nivel estructural de la catálisis, así como del mecanismo de reconocimiento del sustrato de enzimas de bacterias tanto beneficiosas (Akkermansia muciniphila) como perjudiciales (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) para la salud del hospedador. Siguiendo este criterio, la tesis ha sido dividida en dos secciones; el estudio de la maquinaria enzimática que Akkermansia muciniphila, bacteria que forman parte de la microbiota intestinal, presenta para la digestión de los azúcares presentes en las mucinas por un lado, y el estudio de la biosíntesis de los glucolípidos (fosfatidil-myo-inositol mannósidos; PIMs, lipomannanos; LM y lipoarabinomannanos; LAM) presentes en la compleja envoltura celular de M. tuberculosis, por otro lado

    Designing and implementing a non-smoking policy at the university of Navarre, Spain

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    The aim of this study was to design and implement a non-smoking policy at a university and to recommend health promotion interventions based on die transtheoretical model and employee interest. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods was used. A questionnaire was sent to a random sample of employees (N=641) to assess smoking habits, nicotine dependency, intention to quit, perception of norms, daily exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, and attitudes towards a non-smoking policy. To complement the survey data gathered, measurements of particulate matters and benzene were taken in several locations at the university. In addition, eight focus group discussions took place with a purposive sample of employees seeking positive ideas for implementing a successful policy, and reasons for their objection. A response rate of 70.4% was obtained from 578 eligible employees. Survey results suggest that 25.7% university employees smoke. The majority of respondents supported a restrictive non-smoking policy (81.7%). Acceptance among active smokers was significantly lower (59.2% vs 89.3%). Smoking prohibition with the provision of smoking areas was the most favoured option (46.9%). Lack of compliance and the presence of persistent smokers were seen as potential obstacles for the implementation of a non-smoking policy. Most of the smokers (73.6%) presented a low level of nicotine dependence. The application of the transtheoretical model of change to the sample under study suggests that the majority (59.6%) of smokers at the university were not considering quitting in the near future. Interest in availability of smoking cessation activities differed by stage of change. Based on this research a non-smoking policy has been implemented at the University of Navarre. This project could result in an improvement on die future health of 1,900 university employees and 12,000 students. There is great potential for learning from this experience and for applying it to other settings where tobacco control efforts are needed

    What is the willingness to pay for green electricity in Norway? A perspective on Guarantees of Origin.

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    Norway is one of the only countries in the world producing its electricity from almost only renewable resources. The Renewable Energy Directive 2001/77/EC (2001) introduced a system of Guarantees of Origin (GOs) as an incentive system for power producers and a tracking system of the renewable electricity consumption in Europe. It is mandatory to purchase GOs to be able to claim any renewable electricity consumption. A low demand for GOs results in only 18 percent (2019) of the renewable electricity being purchased in Norway and the remainings being exported in Europe making Norway the largest exporter of GOs. Consequently, the electricity consumed by Norwegians is not as renewable as believed. Thus, in this thesis we tried to figure out if the low demand has roots in low knowledge about GOs or not. Furtheremore, we aimed to estimate their maximum willingness to pay and factors affecting it. In order to achieve these aims, we used contingent valuation method survey. The survey introduces GOs through a scenario and simplified example, followed by a payment card as the elicitation method. The data is further analyzed by Logistic Regression, Ordinal Logistic Regression, and Interval Regression to gain more in-depth insight about factors affecting willingness to buy (WTB) and willingness to pay (WTP). The results show that most respondents are neither aware of Norway’s green electricity production nor GOs. Nevertheless, after being informed about GOs, most of the respondents without prior knowledge were willing to buy these with an average WTP of 5 to 9 percent of their electricity bill. The most critical factors affecting respondents’ WTB are gender, age, heating source, social media behavior, beliefs and behaviors towards the environment, car type, and prior knowledge about GOs. The models regarding WTP indicate that the most vital factors are education, heating source, employment status, beliefs and behavior toward the environment, social media behavior, and satisfaction with the electricity provider

    The Impact of Performance Appraisal on Employee Performance. A case study of first bank of Nigeria plc.

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    2014 dissertation for MA in International Human Resource Management. Selected by academic staff as a good example of a masters level dissertation. Performance appraisal has emerged as a tool for enhancing organisational growth and professional development. To this effect, this research will focus on the impact the appraisal exercise have on employee performance using First Bank of Nigeria Plc as a case study. Key performance indicators will be investigated including the efficacy of the available performance appraisal strategies in enhancing self-efficacy and motivation of employees in the overall satisfaction of organisational goals. The research will embrace a qualitative research approach that is buttressed by the interpretive, phenomenological or constructive philosophy that gives precedence to the subjective state of the employee’s mind and the meaning attached to data collected rather than the measurement of parameters. Epistemological underpinnings will be assessed as a means of validating knowledge acquired through social interaction and constant revision. Data collection was done through questionnaires and follow up calls using a sample size of 100 respondents for which 96 of the 100 questionnaires distributed was valid for the research. Findings suggest that performance appraisal leveraged by employee assessment; career and professional development, feedback and benefits are valid ingredients of enhanced employee performance in an organisation. The theoretical assumptions of the research, therefore, tilted towards the proponents of performance appraisal as a vital tool for promoting personal and organisational growth. Recommendations made include regular appraisal exercises, quality and timely feedback information, and a more robust reward system as effective motivational factors to enhancing employee performance at all levels. The research also recommended the adoption of the experimental 360 degree feedback used in the bank as a substantial performance appraisal method

    Die ongetroude kliënt se persepsie van verpleegkundiges se houding ten opsigte van kontraseptiewe metodes

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    Text in AfrikaansDie effek van die klient-verpleegkundige-verhoudings op kliente se keuse en volgehoue gebruik van kontraseptiewe metodes het tot op hede baie min aandag geniet. Die doel van hierdie studie was 'n ondersoek na die ongetroude klient se persepsie van die verpleegkundige se houding. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 99 kliente (tussen die ouderdomme van 15 en 50 jaar) wat die betrokke reproduktiewegesondheidsklinieke in die Kaapse Metropool besoek het. Die eerste 20 kliente wat die kliniek besoek het, is genader om 'n vraelys in te vul. Hierdie studie toon 'n algehele positiwiteit, naamlik 58,3% teenoor die houding van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges. Die meerderheid van die kliente (88,0%) het aangedui dat hulle weer die kliniek sal besoek wat dus die kliente se tevredenheid toon.The effect of the client-registered nurse relationship on clients' choice and continuous use of contraceptive methods has until now received very little attention. The purpose of this study was to explore unmarried clients' perception of the attitude of the registered nurse. The sample existed of 99 clients (between the ages of 15 and 50 years) who visited the relevant reproductive health clinics in the Cape Metropole. The first 20 clients who visited the clinic were approached to complete a questionnaire. This study shows an overall positivity of 58,3% with regard to the attitude of registered nurses. Most of the clients (88,0%) indicated that they would visit the clinic again, which indicate their satisfaction.Health StudiesM.A. (Nursing Science


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    This study aims to determine 1) the effect of economic growth on the open unemployment rate, 2) the effect of the inflation rate on the open unemployment rate 3) the effect of the minimum wage on the open unemployment rate, 4) the effect of the human development index on the open unemployment rate. This type of research used in this research is associative research. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sumatra with the amount of data for 10 years from 2010-2019. The analytical method used is the Autoregression-Moving Average (ARMA). The results showed that: (1) First,economic growth in 1 period (year) previously affected the open Unemployment Ratefor the next 3 periods (years) which was determined by the coefficient value of 0.999846 with a tstatistic value of 1.893209 t table 1.94318. This means that the inflation rate changes by 1%, it will increase the open unemployment rate by 0.999846. (2) Second,the inflation rate in the previous 2 years has an effect on the Open unemployment rate for the next 4 periods (years) which is determined by the coefficient value of 0.293276 with the tstatistic value of 8.696093 t table 1.94318. This means that changes in economic growth of 1% will increase the open unemployment rate by 0.293276. (3) The three, previous Mininum Wages 2 periods (years) affect the Open unemployment rate for the next 3 periods (years) which is determined by the coefficient value of 0.911151 with a tstatistic value of 49.83026 t table of 1.94318. This means that the change in minimum wage by 1% will increase the open unemployment rate by 0.911151. (4) The fourth, the human Development Index for 2 periods (years) previously affected the open unemployment rate for the next 4 periods (years) which was determined by the coefficient value of 1.117429 with a tstatistic value of 12.54998 t ttable 1.94318. This means that the change in the human development index by 1% will increase the open unemployment rate by 1.117429

    Lenguas en contacto : el finés y el español en dos tipos de enseñanza bilingüe

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    Language Contact: Finnish‐Spanish in Two Types of Bilingual Education In recent decades, talking about bilingualism and multilingualism has become usual, since globalization is everywhere, therefore also in Finnish society. This dissertation is based on two types of bilingual education: the bilingual school education and the maintenance courses. This longitudinal study contributes to the field of interlinguistic influences in languages in contact, in this case between two languages rarely studied between one another, Finnish and Spanish, and never before studied within the bilingual school context in Finland. In this way, the present study characterizes the Finnish-Spanish bilingualism, both linguistic and contextual, of children enrolled in bilingual programs in Finland. Within the linguistic framework, the analysis has been carried out on the phenomena of contact languages, quantitatively found: interferences, borrowings, in addition to the compensatory communicative strategies. We also compared the data from the two types of education and the variation over the period studied. At the same time, the family contextual framework has been studied, such as the parents' attitudes to enroll their children in such programs, as well as the role of the father and of the mother, in the learning and transmission of the Spanish language, through sociolinguistic description of the participating families. Linguistically, the results show the strong influence of the dominant language, Finnish. At the same time, they also show the linguistic distance between languages and the markedness of some linguistic aspects, which, together with the lack of experience in the Spanish language, cause a series of linguistic contact phenomena, as well as communicative strategies that characterize an incomplete acquisition. Quantitatively, there are outstanding morphosyntactic interferences, nonce borrowings and a large example of compensatory communicative strategies, especially those of substitution. Contextually, a common pattern emerges from the families studied: high educational and socio-economic level of the parents, with a father mostly coming from a Spanish-speaking country and a Finnish native mother. There are also differences between the families as for the two types of education analyzed: among the others, the use of the minority language at home, the parents’ role in the acquisition, the strategies used to become and remain bilingual. The differences between the contexts of the two types of education analyzed affect both learning and becoming or remaining bilingual.Kielen kontakti: espanja‐suomi, kahdessa kaksikielisessä opetuksessa Globalisaation myötä keskustelu kaksi- ja monikielisyydestä on yleistynyt kaikkialla, myös Suomessa. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan kahta erilaista kaksikielisen opetuksen muotoa: kaksikielistä kouluopetusta ja kotikielen opetusta. Tämä pitkittäistutkimus tarkastelee kieltenvälisiä vaikutuksia, erityisesti sitä miten oppijan eri kielet vaikuttavat toisiinsa, näiden ollessa kielikontaktissa. Tutkimus keskittyy kahteen kieleen: espanjaan ja suomeen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomi-espanja-kaksikielisyyttä sekä kielellisesti että kontekstuaalisesti suomalaisissa opetusryhmissä, joissa noudatetaan kaksikielistä opetusohjelmaa. Espanjan ja suomen välisiä kaksikielisyysilmiöitä ei juurikaan ole tutkittu, eikä koskaan aiemmin kaksikielisessä opetuksessa Suomessa. Tutkimukessa analysoidaan yleisimpiä löydettyjä kielikontakti-ilmiöitä, kuten interferenssejä, lainoja sekä erilaisia korvaavia viestintästrategioita Kielikontakti-ilmiöiden yleisyyttä tarkastellaan suhteessa eri taustatekijöihin: perhetaustaan, äidin ja isän kieliasenteisiin sekä eroihin kaksikielisen opetuksen ja kotikielen opetuksen välillä. Tulokset osoittavat hallitsevan kielen – tässä tapauksessa suomen – merkittävän vaikutuksen espanjan kieleen. Tulokset kuvastavat myös kielellistä etäisyyttä kielien välillä, ja joidenkin kielinäkökohtien tunnusmerkkisyyttä., Nämä yhdessä puutteellisen espanjankielen hallinnan kanssa johtavat useiden kielikontakti-ilmiöiden ja viestintästrategioiden syntymiseen, ilmentäen näin kielen epätäydellistä omaksumista. Määrällisesti esiin nousevat morfosyntaktiseyt interferenssit, kertalainasanat ja korvaavien viestintästrategioiden laaja esiintyminen, erityisesti erilaiset substituutiotyypit. Tutkituissa perheissä vanhempien koulutustaso ja sosioekonominen status on korkea. Isä on useimmiten kotoisin espanjankielistä maasta ja äiti on suomalainen. Kahden tutkimani kaksikielisen opetuksen muodon välillä on myös joitakin eroja liittyen: vähemmistökielen käyttöön kotona, vanhempien rooliin kielen omaksumisessa ja strategioissa, joilla kaksikielisyys hankitaan ja joilla sitä ylläpidetään. Kontekstierot näiden kahden analysoidun kaksikielisen opetuksen muodon välillä vaikuttavat niin oppimiseen kuin kaksikieliseksi tulemiseen ja kaksikielisyyden ylläpitoon