740 research outputs found

    Developing A Framework For The Training Of Communication Skills In English For Institutional Drivers

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    Communication skills development of institutional drivers from English for Specific Purposes perspective has been found inadequate as there are gaps which have not been satisfactorily addressed. In contrast, communication skills development from a human capital development perspective has been found to be systematically organised using a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) approach along three lines of analysis, i.e., Organisation, Task and Person (OTP). With that OTP typology we propose to develop a framework for development of communication skills in English for institutional drivers. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be adopted for data collection. The qualitative data will be collected through interviews of top administrators, academic staff, non-academic staff, visiting professors and students. Additional data will be gathered through client appraisal forms, diary entries, observation and document analysis. The quantitative data will be gathered through survey questionnaires distributed to related respondents including, academic staff, non-academic staff, students and visitors. The qualitative data will be analysed using constant comparative method and Nvivo software while the quantitative data using SPSS version 20 involving descriptive and inferential descriptive statistics. Results of the analyses are used to develop a framework for the development of communication skills in English that has evaluated the training needs and expectations revealed at the Organisation, Task and Person levels. The study is significant in that it considers an alternative approach to development of the communication skills of the non-academic staff that meets the need for a more efficient and effective communication skills training programme

    Affective Strategies Used by High Proficiency Learners at Hand Fortuna Center

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    This qualitative study aims to find out the affective strategies used by high proficiency learners at Hand Fortuna Center, Kupang. The theory applied was the theory of Affective Strategies by Oxford (1990) as a main theory and Oxford (2011) as a supporting theory. The source of data was the result of the questionnaires and the transcripts of interview that have been conducted with the ten high proficiency students at Hand Fortuna Center. The findings showed that the learners mostly used the first and the second part of affective strategies, namely “lowering your anxiety” and “encouraging yourself”. There are three sub-strategies in each part such as using “progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation”, “using music”, and “using laughter” (lowering your anxiety) and “making positive statements”, “taking risks wisely”, and “rewarding yourself” (encouraging yourself). The third part of affective strategies, “taking your emotional temperature”, was the least frequently used by the learners. It is possible that the learners might not be familiar with the strategies such as “using a checklist” or “writing a language learning diary”

    Distinctive Sans Forgetica Font Does Not Benefit Memory Accuracy in the DRM Paradigm

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    A common method used by memory scholars to enhance retention is to make materials more challenging to learn—a benefit termed desirable difficulties. Recently, researchers have investigated the efficacy of Sans Forgetica, a perceptually disfluent or distinctive font, which may increase the processing effort required at study and, as a result, enhance memory. We examined the effects of Sans Forgetica relative to a standard control font (Arial) on both correct memory and associative memory errors using the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) false memory paradigm. Across four experiments which included nearly 300 participants, Sans Forgetica was found to have no impact on correct or false memory of DRM lists relative to a standard Arial control font when font type was manipulated in both within- and between-subject designs and when memory tests involved free recall and recognition. Our results indicate that Sans Forgetica is insufficient to induce a memory accuracy benefit even when accounting for associative memory errors. Keywords: Sans Forgetica, Associative Memory Errors, Free Recall, Recognition, Distinctivenes


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    This project is to propose a new exploitation technique of smart well in gas injection to mitigate production depletion. It is known a field in Baram Delta, Baronia Field is approaching mature depletion, so a mitigation plan has to be investigated. Based on real data from Baronia field, the author will simulate gas injection as secondary recovery and miscible injection by rich gas execution in hypothetical smart well based on Baronia-7 well design. Typically, smart completions will cost more per completion but manipulation of the technology and exploit reservoir will make it worthwhile. So, the reservoir management is essential to control operations to obtain the maximum possible economic recovery from a reservoir. Hence, some key factors that impact performance of gas injection projects have to be effectively understood such as reservoir pressure, fluid composition, reservoir characteristics and relative permeability. Apart from that, reservoir profile will define the optimization scheme for intelligence device of smart well as well as its control techniques. Completion of study is by showing optimization of smart well function in gas injection to improve deliverability reservoir performance. Briefly, scope of study for this project will cover both reservoir engineering and production and well completion aspect as the author will have to enhance knowledge in smart well system and application then simulating the injections and perform analysis. To achieve the expected outcome the author will conduct a research methodology as doing the literature research and case study review, then simulation which will be using sector modeling and Eclipse and Petrel RE software. A discussion will be done on the simulation result and correlate it with the knowledge from research to develop recommendation in the case study. Hence, expectation on this project is to create another new finding in oil and gas research world involving smart well application. The author want to prove that smart well will improve reservoir performance by optimization of smart completion as well as to show that this new technology is more efficient in cost and time consumption

    Evaluation of biofilm and enterotoxin producing capacity of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from healthy persons

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    This study is aimed at investigating biofilm and enterotoxin producing capacity of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from nostrils of healthy students of Delta State University Oleh campus. Three hundred (300) nasal samples were collected using sterile swab stick and the isolates were identified using relevant biochemical tests. Determination of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was carried out with the aid of Oxacillin sensitivity disc to test the presence of penicillin binding protein2a (PBP2a). The Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates were screened to determine their biofilm producing ability using crystal binding assay. Latex agglutination test was carried out to detect the presence of enterotoxins among the MRSA isolates. The incidence of MRSA colonization among healthy individuals in the community of the S. aureus isolated was 47 (48.9%). Enterotoxins B was mostly detected, only three Enterotoxin C were detected. All the MRSA isolates tested for the presence of biofilm showed positive results. It has been observed that MRSAs are capable of producing biofilms and enterotoxins which pose the risk antibiotic resistance and human Staphylococci toxicity.Keywords: Enterotoxins, Biofilm, Staphylococcus aureu


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    Oebobo terminal is a terminal that expected able to filling the public transportation’s need of Kupang city and its around, but in fact its activity, there are many public transportation that should grounded inside the terminal and parking at parking area as their route section on the contrary groundedat outside the terminal or most called by Kupang’s people as “shadow terminal”, so that caused the jammed traffic at some roads line in Kupang city. In order to conducting a research, there is some phase, consist of: location survey, validity test, and reliability, determining samples number, interview, and distributing questionnaire, peak hour calculation. The data collection is conducted through questionnaire distribution to the user of terminal service. The respondents who are able to collected as much as 200 persons that consist of 100 persons as a passenger of public transportation and 100 persons as a driver crew. The analysis is conducted by calculating Important Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The research result is gained that the index value of average satisfaction from the passenger of public transportation at Oebobo terminal toward 8 (eight) service factors as much as 82,61 percent that included in very satisfy criteria. The other terminal facility factors that have been filling the expectation (such as: toilet, small mosque, kiosk, park and etc.) is included to less satisfy criteria and should be a major priority to developed its performance by terminal management. The average satisfaction index of user (driver crew) at Oebobo terminal based on 7 (seven) service factors as much as 76,12 percent that included in satisfy criteria. The other terminal facility factors that has been filling the expectation (such as: toilet, small mosque, kiosk, park and etc.) is included to less satisfy criteriaand should be a major priority to developed its performance by terminal management. The number of bus that can parking inside Oebobo terminal as much as 56 vehicles, if it is in peak hour, there are 15 vehicles, so the terminal that for bus area still sufficing the capacity for vehicles parking that planned


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Tentang Teks Naratif Lisan dan Tulis Berbentuk Legenda Sederhana Menggunakan Metode Cooperative Learning Tipe Cooperative Script Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Salem Kecamatan Salem Kabupaten Brebes. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata nilai siswa pada siklus 1 sebesar 68,47, kemudian meningkat pada siklus 2 menjadi 75,14 meningkat 6,67. Siswa yang telah tuntas pada siklus 1 sebesar 38,89%, kemudian meningkat pada Siklus 2 menjadi 75%, meningkat 36,11%. Serta siswa yang belum tuntas pada Siklus 1 sebesar 61,11% menurun pada Siklus 2 menjadi 25%, menurun 36,11%. Dari Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang telah dilaksanakan, dapat dilihat dari prosentase ketercapaian pada siklus 1 mengalami peningkatan pada siklus 2. Kesimpulan bahwa melalui penggunaan metode Cooperative Script dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa inggris tentang teks naratif lisan dan tulis berbentuk legenda sederhana pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Salem kecamatan Salem kabupaten Brebes.Kata kunci: Cooperative Learning , Cooperative Script, Tindakan Kela

    Education in France during World War II

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    The Impact of Gender on the Use of the Digital Library at the University of Ibadan

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    Digital libraries have the potential to offer unprecedented resources to enhance effective use of library services and resources. This paper addresses gender as a factor in digital library use, how digital library resources are located, and factors inhibiting effective use of the digital library. The paper uses a descriptive survey to explore gender in the use of digital libraries