21 research outputs found

    El juego de luces y sombras es el que nos guía : colonialidad, nocturnidad y mercantilización en la ciudad de Córdoba

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    La ponencia presenta un análisis sobre los discursos sociales presentes en el plan “La provincia recupera el alma de la ciudad" y sus circuitos turísticos emergentes desde el Bicentenario de la independencia en la ciudad de Córdoba. Los procesos de mercantilización del patrimonio arquitectónico urbano vinculados a la Manzana Jesuítica y el barrio Güemes son el eje central de las actuales políticas turísticas en la capital cordobesa. La hipótesis enfatiza que así como el repertorio de políticas provinciales relativas al Bicentenario de la Patria del año 2010 condensaron el vínculo del Estado y el mercado, en esta ocasión se avizora una impronta normativa más pronunciada e instituye nuevos espacio-tiempos valorizados. Desde la noción benjaminiana de embellecimiento estratégico, el trabajo propone explorar los sentidos de la nocturnidad que vinculan al centro de la ciudad de Córdoba con el Barrio Güemes como dos espacios constitutivos de la política turística patrimonial provincial y municipal. La estrategia metodológica articula el análisis semiótico basado en un corpus constituido por la folletería oficial sobre la oferta de circuitos turísticos y de arte con observación etnográfica y notas de campo.Fil: Quevedo, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de CórdobaFil: Angelelli, María Belén. Universidad Nacional de CórdobaFil: Suyai Pereyra, Ailén. Universidad Nacional de Córdob

    ‟Diffidate da tutto quello che leggete qui”. Countryside. The Future.

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    Rem Koolhaas è un architetto olandese, fondatore dello studio OMA e di AMO, il ramo di ricerca dello studio, il quale opera in aree che vanno oltre l’esclusivo campo dell’architettura. Countryside: The Future è la ricerca che indaga il tema della campagna e il suo futuro. Dopo numerosi anni di ricerca, la mostra è stata presentata ufficialmente a febbraio 2020 al Guggenheim Museum di New York. Attraverso una serie di storie, casi studio e dati, Koolhaas cerca di sensibilizzare il pubblico su temi importanti per il futuro del pianeta come l’eccessiva urbanizzazione e il riscaldamento globale, mostrando la campagna come unica alternativa. La ricerca offre una visione inedita delle aree rurali del mondo, ritenendole le chiavi di volta per un futuro responsabile e sostenibile. I dati forniti risultano davvero impressionanti. Nonostante questo, se confrontati con quelli delle fonti ufficiali citate da lui stesso, paiono vaghi, imprecisi o addirittura non attinenti alla realtà. Da un confronto dei dati citati da Koolhaas con i dati ufficiali e dall'intervista alle persone coinvolte nelle indagini, l’articolo cerca di dare una risposta al perché di determinate imprecisioni

    Differentiation-dependent lysine 4 acetylation enhances MEF2C binding to DNA in skeletal muscle cells

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    Myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) proteins play a key role in promoting the expression of muscle-specific genes in differentiated muscle cells. MEF2 activity is regulated by the association with several transcriptional co-factors and by post-translational modifications. In the present report, we provide evidence for a novel regulatory mechanism of MEF2C activity, which occurs at the onset of skeletal muscle differentiation and is based on Lys4 acetylation. This covalent modification results in the enhancement of MEF2C binding to DNA and chromatin. In particular, we report that the kinetic parameters of MEF2/DNA association change substantially upon induction of differentiation to give a more stable complex and that this effect is mediated by Lys4 acetylation. We also show that Lys4 acetylation plays a prominent role in the p300-dependent activation of MEF2C

    La competencia matemática "plantear y resolver problemas" en el alumno de primer año de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, UNCuyo

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    En los últimos años se ha observado un aumento de las dificultades que manifiestan los estudiantes ingresantes a las carreras asociadas a la tecnología y a los números, como ingeniería y ciencias económicas, frente a actividades que implican plantear y resolver problemas matemáticos. Este trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos al evaluar el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia “Plantear y resolver problemas" en los alumnos que cursaron la asignatura Matemática I durante el año 2019 en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UNCuyo. Más de la mitad de los alumnos de la muestra analizada demostraron no alcanzar el nivel mínimo de desarrollo esperado en la competencia evaluada. Además, observamos que una gran parte de los alumnos evidencian dificultades en la interpretación de textos y en la comunicación de respuestas. A partir de estos resultados, intentamos brindar un aporte didáctico que permita contribuir al desarrollo de las competencias a lograr en el futuro profesional de Ciencias Económicas.In recent years, there has been an increase in the difficulties manifested by students of the first years of the careers associated with technology and numbers, such as engineering and economics, in facing activities that involve formulating and solving mathematical problems. This work intends to show the level of development of the competence “formulating and solving problems" in students who took the subject Mathematics I in the year 2019 at the Cuyo National University’s School of Economics (FCEUNCuyo). We found that approximately half of the students in our sample did not reach the minimum level of development expected in the studied competence. In addition, we noted that many students have difficulties understanding text and communicating results. For this reasons, we try to provide a didactic contribution that may have a significative impact in developing the competencias and abilities needed for a future profesional of the economic sciences.Fil: Angelelli, Ana Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Farés, Graciela Yasmín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Mahnic, Pablo David. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Polenta, Cecilia Rosana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Integrating gender perspective in interpreter training: a fundamental requirement in contexts of gender violence

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    This chapter aims to present the importance of specialization and acquisition of gender competence for the practice of interpretation in contexts of gender-based violence. The arguments are of a political and technical nature, such as compliance with legislation or improvement of the efficiency and quality of the services available. However, there are also ethical considerations. Gender training equips interpreters with an interpretative framework from which to focus on violence as a structural and systematic phenomenon. This conceptualization removes any normalization or justification of violence. It also enables interpreters to develop critical awareness of their own actions that help them identify or recognize cultural prejudices and stereotypes that are internalized and rooted in society and that hinder the scrupulous technical neutrality and ethical commitment required

    Structure of p300 bound to MEF2 on DNA reveals a mechanism of enhanceosome assembly

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    Transcription co-activators CBP and p300 are recruited by sequence-specific transcription factors to specific genomic loci to control gene expression. A highly conserved domain in CBP/p300, the TAZ2 domain, mediates direct interaction with a variety of transcription factors including the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2). Here we report the crystal structure of a ternary complex of the p300 TAZ2 domain bound to MEF2 on DNA at 2.2Å resolution. The structure reveals three MEF2:DNA complexes binding to different sites of the TAZ2 domain. Using structure-guided mutations and a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we show that all three interfaces contribute to the binding of MEF2 to p300, suggesting that p300 may use one of the three interfaces to interact with MEF2 in different cellular contexts and that one p300 can bind three MEF2:DNA complexes simultaneously. These studies, together with previously characterized TAZ2 complexes bound to different transcription factors, demonstrate the potency and versatility of TAZ2 in protein–protein interactions. Our results also support a model wherein p300 promotes the assembly of a higher-order enhanceosome by simultaneous interactions with multiple DNA-bound transcription factors


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    MEF2C belongs to the family of Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2 transcription factors, which activate the muscle-specific gene expression program. Its activity is finely modulated at several levels but some aspects of this regulation still remains uncharacterized; for example, MEF2C is already expressed in proliferating myoblasts, but it is transcriptionally silent unless the cells are stimulated to withdraw the cell cycle and differentiate. Phosphorylation of MEF2 factors at so-called Ser/Thr-Pro motifs can modulate protein function through the induction of conformational changes by the peptidyl–prolyl cis/trans isomerase Pin1. This regulatory mechanism is based on the physical interaction between Pin1 and the Ser98 and Ser110 phosphoacceptor sites located in the alternative spliced exon α1 of MEF2C. The MEF2C/Pin1 interaction results in the repression of MEF2C stability and transcriptional activity, inhibiting muscle differentiation. We investigated the function of this regulatory mechanism in primary myogenic stem cells (SCs) combining the analysis of the dynamics of MEF2C phosphorylation with the study of the alternative splicing pattern. We demonstrated that the conditions necessary for the interaction between MEF2C and Pin1 are satisfied exclusively in proliferating SCs, where: Pin1 expression is upregulated MEF2C isoform containing the exon α1 specifically appears in response to activation signals MEF2C phosphorylation on the Pin1-binding sites occurs specifically in proliferating SCs Indeed we showed that MEF2C and Pin1 can interact in the nuclei of C2C7 and SCs-derived myoblasts. Overall we provide evidence that this interaction not only would serve as a failsafe mechanism to keep silent the MEF2C-dependent transcription of muscle specific genes in proliferating SCs but we hypothesize that the expression of the MEF2Cα1 isoform phosphorylated on Ser98 and Ser110 and the interaction with Pin1 might actively contribute to promote SCs proliferation, allowing the expansion of the activated SCs pool and avoiding their premature differentiation

    Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2 Activates Promoter Sequences of the Human AβH-J-J Locus, Encoding Aspartyl-β-Hydroxylase, Junctin, and Junctate

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    Alternative splicing of the locus AβH-J-J generates three functionally distinct proteins: an enzyme, AβH (aspartyl-β-hydroxylase), a structural protein of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane (junctin), and an integral membrane calcium binding protein (junctate). Junctin and junctate are two important proteins involved in calcium regulation in eukaryotic cells. To understand the regulation of these two proteins, we identified and functionally characterized one of the two promoter sequences of the AβH-J-J locus. We demonstrate that the P2 promoter of the AβH-J-J locus contains (i) a minimal sequence localized within a region −159 bp from the transcription initiation site, which is sufficient to activate transcription of both mRNAs; (ii) sequences which bind known transcriptional factors such as those belonging to the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF-2), MEF-3, and NF-κB protein families; and (iii) sequences bound by unknown proteins. The functional characterization of the minimal promoter in C2C12 cells and in the rat soleus muscle in vivo model indicates the existence of cis elements having positive and negative effects on transcription. In addition, our data demonstrate that in striated muscle cells the calcium-dependent transcription factor MEF-2 is crucial for the transcription activity directed by the P2 promoter. The transcription directed by the AβH-J-J P2 promoter is induced by high expression of MEF-2, further stimulated by calcineurin and Ca2(+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I, and inhibited by histone deacetylase 4


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    Il principale interesse del laboratorio è lo studio della funzione della proteina MEF2C, un fattore di trascrizione abbondante nel tessuto muscolare scheletrico dove dirige il differenziamento terminale dei precursori miogenici (mioblasti). In specifico, ci occupiamo di definire i meccanismi che regolano la funzione di MEF2C nella progressione miogenica. Abbiamo identificato un meccanismo di repressione dell'attività di MEF2C nei mioblasti proliferanti che coinvolge la fosforilazione della proteina e la sua successiva interazione fosfo-specifica con l'enzima Pin1, una peptidil-prolil cis trans isomerasi che diminuisce la stabilità di MEF2C. Questo meccanismo repressivo è importante per inibire un differenziamento prematuro dei precursori miogenici che in tal modo possono amplificarsi. La repressione Pin1-dipendente di MEF2C è attiva sia nella linea cellulare miogenica C2C12 che in cellule satelliti, vale a dire mioblasti primari di muscolo adulto, responsabili dei meccanismi di rigenerazione in caso di danno muscolare. Ci proponiamo di valutare se questo meccanismo è alterato nella distrofia di Duchenne, dove è stata osservata una diminuita capacità proliferativa delle cellule satelliti. L'attività di MEF2C è anche regolata da meccanismi di splicing alternativo del corrispondente trascritto. Nel nostro laboratorio stiamo definendo le funzioni specifiche di due isoforme di splicing di MEF2C che si differenziano per la presenza di due esoni mutualmente esclusivi: esone alpha1 e alpha 2. I nostri dati preliminari indicano che le due varianti di splicing svolgono funzioni opposte nel corso della progressione miogenica, in particolare la variante alpha1 sembra essere importante nel controllare la progressione nel ciclo delle cellule muscolari mentre la variante alpha 2 sembra essenziale per la trascrizione muscolo-specifica. Infine abbiamo osservato che in Zebrafish, Danio rerio, Mef2c svolge un ruolo importante nel regolare lo sviluppo embrionale, specificamente nella determinazione dorso-ventrale dell'embrione, inoltre la sua attività viene modulata attraverso meccanismi di splicing anche in questo organismo