52 research outputs found

    Angle-dependent optical perfect absorption and enhanced photoluminescence in excitonic thin films

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    We experimentally demonstrate perfect absorption of incident light in an ultrathin, planar organic layer, together with large photoluminescence (PL) enhancement. We find that diverse features appear in the absorption spectra of J-aggregate excitonic films, depending on the incident light angle and the phase controller thickness. We achieve strong absorption even away from the excitonic absorption pole. We explain the angle-dependent perfect absorption by comparing radiative and nonradiative damping rates for different incident angles. Moreover, we achieve large PL enhancement at strong light absorption conditions. This demonstrates that the absorbed light energy in excitonic perfect absorbers can be retrieved, unlike other perfect absorbers based on metal nanostructures where the absorbed energy is mainly dissipated as heat due to ohmic losses. Excitonic perfect absorbers can be useful for energy conversion devices or fluorescence-based optical devices

    Live Flow Cytometry Analysis of c-di-GMP Levels in Single Cell Populations.

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    Second-generation RNA-based fluorescent biosensors have been developed that enable flow cytometry experiments to monitor the population dynamics of c-di-GMP signaling in live bacteria. These experiments are high-throughput, provide information at the single-cell level, and can be performed on cells grown in complex media and/or under anaerobic conditions. Here, we describe flow cytometry methods for three applications: (1) high-throughput screening for diguanylate cyclase activity, (2) analyzing c-di-GMP levels under anaerobic conditions, and (3) monitoring cell population dynamics of c-di-GMP levels upon environmental changes. These methods showcase RNA-based fluorescent biosensors as versatile tools for studying c-di-GMP signaling in bacteria
