514 research outputs found

    Baby Boomers & adult Ageing: Issues for Social and Public policy

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    This paper provides a critical assessment of academic and policy approaches to population ageing with an emphasis on the baby boomer cohort and constructions of late-life identity. It is suggested that policy towards an ageing population has shifted in focus, away from particular social hazards and towards an attempt to re-engineer the meaning of legitimate ageing and social participation in later life. Three themes are identified: constructing the baby boomers as a force for social change, a downward drift of the age associated with 'older people' and a shift away from defining ageing identities through consumption, bacl towards work and production. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for future social and public policy

    The Age-shift: observations on social policy, ageism and the dynamics of the adult lifecourse

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    Through a critical engagement with policy trends, we ask how shifts in ideologies of ageing might influence the possibilities available to adults as they grow older. Of particular interest are the implications for how people are being encouraged to think about the adult lifecourse. We address these questions by looking at policy development, taking the 2000–2005 period in the UK as a case example, and by comparing this period to wider regional and international trends. Finally, we assess the implications of contemporary policy, from a psychodynamic point of view, for the maintenance of a viable identity in later life and for intergenerational relationships

    Cuts and flows of cell complexes

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    We study the vector spaces and integer lattices of cuts and flows associated with an arbitrary finite CW complex, and their relationships to group invariants including the critical group of a complex. Our results extend to higher dimension the theory of cuts and flows in graphs, most notably the work of Bacher, de la Harpe and Nagnibeda. We construct explicit bases for the cut and flow spaces, interpret their coefficients topologically, and give sufficient conditions for them to be integral bases of the cut and flow lattices. Second, we determine the precise relationships between the discriminant groups of the cut and flow lattices and the higher critical and cocritical groups with error terms corresponding to torsion (co)homology. As an application, we generalize a result of Kotani and Sunada to give bounds for the complexity, girth, and connectivity of a complex in terms of Hermite's constant.Comment: 30 pages. Final version, to appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric

    Epilithic biomass in a large gravel-bed river (the Garonne, France): a manifestation of eutrophication?

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    In order to evaluate the impact of outputs of the city of Toulouse (740 000 inhabitants) on the epilithic communities colonizing pebble banks in the river Garonne, a large gravel-bed river (eighth order), dry mass (DM), ash-free dry mass (AFDM) and chlorophyll-a (chla) epilithic biomass per unit area were measured and autotrophic index (AI) (i.e. ratio AFDM/chla) was calculated at four stations. This river is morphologically characterized by a succession of pools and riffles and by highly fluctuating hydraulic conditions. At the four stations studied (223 km apart), the means of AFDM values varied between 17.1 and 31.1 g m−2 of colonized surface and the chla concentration varied between 112 and 254 mg m−2. However, there were no significant differences in AFDM per unit area between the parts of the river upstream and downstream of the Toulouse area (Mann–Whitney U-test statistic), nor between the four stations (Kruskal–Wallis test statistic), and the AI did not allow the description of changes in periphyton communities between sampling locations. This study showed that epilithic biomass should be considered as the typical microbial community of the river rather than as a manifestation of eutrophication

    Thinking about Later Life: Insights from the Capability Approach

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    A major criticism of mainstream gerontological frameworks is the inability of such frameworks to appreciate and incorporate issues of diversity and difference in engaging with experiences of aging. Given the prevailing socially structured nature of inequalities, such differences matter greatly in shaping experiences, as well as social constructions, of aging. I argue that Amartya Sen’s capability approach (2009) potentially offers gerontological scholars a broad conceptual framework that places at its core consideration of human beings (their values) and centrality of human diversity. As well as identifying these key features of the capability approach, I discuss and demonstrate their relevance to thinking about old age and aging. I maintain that in the context of complex and emerging identities in later life that shape and are shaped by shifting people-place and people-people relationships, Sen’s capability approach offers significant possibilities for gerontological research

    A differential equation for a class of discrete lifetime distributions with an application in reliability: A demonstration of the utility of computer algebra

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    YesIt is shown that the probability generating function of a lifetime random variable T on a finite lattice with polynomial failure rate satisfies a certain differential equation. The interrelationship with Markov chain theory is highlighted. The differential equation gives rise to a system of differential equations which, when inverted, can be used in the limit to express the polynomial coefficients in terms of the factorial moments of T. This then can be used to estimate the polynomial coefficients. Some special cases are worked through symbolically using Computer Algebra. A simulation study is used to validate the approach and to explore its potential in the reliability context

    Identification of a large rearrangement in CYLD as a cause of familial cylindromatosis

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    Pathogenic mutations in CYLD can be identified in patients affected with Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, (Familial) Cylindromatosis or multiple familial trichoepithelioma. To date, only technologies which are able to identify small point mutations in CYLD, such as sequence and WAVE analysis, were used. Here we describe the identification of a larger rearrangement identified by Quantitative PCR analysis of CYLD, indicating that a combination of these technologies is necessary when searching for pathogenic mutations in CYLD

    Power estimation of tests in log-linear non-uniform association models for ordinal agreement

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Log-linear association models have been extensively used to investigate the pattern of agreement between ordinal ratings. In 2007, log-linear non-uniform association models were introduced to estimate, from a cross-classification of two independent raters using an ordinal scale, varying degrees of distinguishability between distant and adjacent categories of the scale.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this paper, a simple method based on simulations was proposed to estimate the power of non-uniform association models to detect heterogeneities across distinguishabilities between adjacent categories of an ordinal scale, illustrating some possible scale defects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Different scenarios of distinguishability patterns were investigated, as well as different scenarios of marginal heterogeneity within rater. For sample size of N = 50, the probabilities of detecting heterogeneities within the tables are lower than .80, whatever the number of categories. In additition, even for large samples, marginal heterogeneities within raters led to a decrease in power estimates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This paper provided some issues about how many objects had to be classified by two independent observers (or by the same observer at two different times) to be able to detect a given scale structure defect. Our results also highlighted the importance of marginal homogeneity within raters, to ensure optimal power when using non-uniform association models.</p

    Transfer of training in an academic leadership development program for program coordinators

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    The higher education sector has increasingly begun to pay more attention to academic leadership. This qualitative study explores how such an investment in a 20-week leadership development program influenced the behaviour of 10 academic staff in the role of program coordinator 6 to 12 months following participation in the program. Otherwise known as program directors or department chairs, academic staff in this role are responsible for coordinating and leading degree courses or programs. Leadership learning and changes in the behaviour of program coordinators was evident, particularly in regard to building influence, communicating more effectively and managing upwards. Improved confidence in their ability to perform the role was a lasting outcome and the use of peer learning and coaching was an important part of the success of the intervention. However, workload factors, succession planning and orientation were seen to be factors that impact on leadership development in this role. The findings suggest that participation in well designed academic leadership programs can result in a lasting transfer of training for program coordinators
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