16 research outputs found

    Detecting the impact of temperature on transmission of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya using mechanistic models

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    Recent epidemics of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya have heightened the need to understand the seasonal and geographic range of transmission by Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes. We use mechanistic transmission models to derive predictions for how the probability and magnitude of transmission for Zika, chikungunya, and dengue change with mean temperature, and we show that these predictions are well matched by human case data. Across all three viruses, models and human case data both show that transmission occurs between 18–34°C with maximal transmission occurring in a range from 26–29°C. Controlling for population size and two socioeconomic factors, temperature-dependent transmission based on our mechanistic model is an important predictor of human transmission occurrence and incidence. Risk maps indicate that tropical and subtropical regions are suitable for extended seasonal or year-round transmission, but transmission in temperate areas is limited to at most three months per year even if vectors are present. Such brief transmission windows limit the likelihood of major epidemics following disease introduction in temperate zones

    Tumores nasossinusais raros: série de casos e revisão de literatura Rare nasosinusal tumors: case series and literature review

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    Os tumores nasossinusais são patologias pouco freqüentes na prática clínica. Aproximadamente 0,8% de todos os cânceres humanos localizam-se nessa região. Apesar de rara, a neoplasia nasossinusal manifesta-se habitualmente através de sintomas inespecíficos e comuns a inúmeras patologias inflamatórias. Este estudo se propõe a descrever uma série de casos de tumores nasossinusais não-epiteliais raros, incluindo estesioneuroblastoma, granuloma central de células gigantes, plasmocitoma extramedular, hemangiopericitoma sinonasal, neurofibroma e fibroma cemento-ossificante, diagnosticados no Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, SESA/SUS. Faz-se uma breve revisão de literatura de cada patologia, salientando-se a necessidade do diagnóstico anatomopatológico preciso para condução adequada de cada caso.<br>Tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are unusual pathologies found in clinical practice. Approximately 0.8% of all human cancers are located in this area. Despite being rare, nasosinusal neoplasms usually manifest through nonspecific symptoms that are common to numerous inflammatory pathologies. The aim of this study is to describe a series of rare nasosinusal tumors, including esthesioneuroblastomas, central giant cell granulomas, extramedullary plasmocytomas, nasosinusal hemangiopericytomas, neurofibromas and cemento-ossifying fibromas, diagnosed at the Fortaleza General Hospital. We, hereby, briefly review each of the aforementioned pathologies, stressing the need for a precise histological diagnosis for proper treatment in each case

    Water extracts of Brazilian leguminous seeds as rich sources of larvicidal compounds against Aedes aegypti L.

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    This study assessed the toxicity of seed water extracts of 15 leguminous species upon Aedes aegypti larvae. A partial chemical and biochemical characterization of water extracts, as well as the assessment of their acute toxicity in mice, were performed. The extracts of Amburana cearensis, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Dioclea megacarpa, Enterolobium contortisiliquum and Piptadenia moniliformis caused 100% of mortalit y after 1 to 3 h of exposure. They showed LC50 and LC90 values ranging from 0.43 ± 0.01 to 9.06 ± 0.12 mg/mL and from 0.71 ± 0.02 to 13.03 ± 0.15 mg/mL, respectively. Among the secondary metabolite constituents, the seed water extracts showed tannins, phenols, flavones, favonols, xanthones, saponins and alkaloids. The extracts also showed high soluble proteins content (0.98 to 7.71 mg/mL), lectin (32 to 256 HU/mL) and trypsin inhibitory activity (3.64 = 0.43 to 26.19 = 0.05 gIT/kg of flour) The electrophoretic profiles showed a great diversity of protein bands, many of which already described as insecticide proteins. The extracts showed low toxicity to mice (LD50 > 0.15 = 0.01 g/kg body weight), but despite these promising results, further studies are necessary to understand the toxicity of these extracts and their constituentsfrom primary and secondary metabolism upon Ae. aegypti.<br>Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a toxicidade dos extratos aquosos de sementes de 15 espécies de leguminosas contra larvas de Aedes aegypti. Foi realizada uma caracterização química e bioquímica parcial dos extratos aquosos e a avaliação da toxicidade aguda em camundongos. Os extratos de Amburana cearensis, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Dioclea megacarpa, Enterolobium contortisiliquum e Piptadenia moniliformis causaram 100% de mortalidade depois de 1 a 3 h de exposição e mostraram valores de CL50 e CL90 entre 0,43 = 0,01 e 9,06 ± 0,12 e entre 0,71 = 0,02 e 13,03 = 0,15 mg/mL, respectivamente. Dentre os constituintes do metabolismo secundário, os extratos das sementes apresentaram taninos, fenóis, flavonas, flavonóis, xantonas, saponinas e alcalóides. Os extratos apresentaram alto teor de proteínas solúveis (0,98 to 7,71 mg/mL), lectina (32 to 256 UH/mL) e inibidor de tripsina (3,64 ± 0,43 to 26,19 = 0,05 gIT/kg de farinha). O perfil eletroforéticomostrou uma grande diversidade de proteínas, muitas dasquais já descritas como inseticidas. Os extratos mostraram baixa toxicidade ao camundongo (DL50 > 0,15 = 0,01 g/kg peso corporal), porém apesar desses resultados promissores, estudos posteriores são necessários para compreender a toxicidade desses extratos e de seus constituintes do metabolismo primário e secundário sobre Ae. aegypti