406 research outputs found

    Perceptions in Living Kidney Donation: What ProtagonistsThink and Feel

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    Abstract Background Although donor perceptions of donation have been evaluated in several programs, evaluation of associated recipients has not been as frequent. Purpose Our aim was to evaluate and compare after transplantation, donor and recipient perceptions of donation. Methods After transplantation 35 recipients and 45 donors completed a sociodemographic and a donation perception questionnaire. We applied the Fisher test to descriptive (absolute and relative frequency) data. Results 57.8% of donors were female and 62.9% of recipients male. 53.3% of donors were siblings, 44.5% parents, and 2.2% a daughter. Most recipients (71.9%) thought that the donation was the donors' initiative and 21.9% that it was suggested by medical team. 96.4% responded that it was the donor's wish that determined their decision; 51.4% had serious or some doubts about accepting the option, but for 48.6% it was an easy decision. Among the donors, 88.9% decided by themselves and 8.9% were asked for donation. For 91.1%, their wish was the main reason of the decision, but 8.9% felt a moral obligation; 77.8% thought it was an easy decision, and 17.8% hesitated a little 84.4% were not worried about their future health. Conclusions Altruistic motivations were predominant in both groups. Most recipients thought that the motivation for donation was self-determined, a finding that agreed with donor perceptions. Perceptions about the quality of and changes in emotional relationship were the same in both groups. Donors and recipients referred to the donation process as positive, but there were some negative emotions and perceptions

    Depression and anxiety in living kidney donation: evaluation of donors and recipients.

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    Transplant Proc. 2011 Jan-Feb;43(1):131-6. Depression and anxiety in living kidney donation: evaluation of donors and recipients. Lopes A, Frade IC, Teixeira L, Oliveira C, Almeida M, Dias L, Henriques AC. SourceLyaison-Psychiatry and Health Psychology Unit, Oporto Hospital Centre, Oporto, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract BACKGROUND: Psychosocial status of donors before and after living kidney donor transplantation has been an important concern. Investigations of psychosocial issues in related recipients are not frequent. AIM: The aims of this study were to evaluate and compare psychopathologic dimensions in donors and recipients before and after transplantation. METHODS: Thirty-five recipients and 45 donors completed a psychosocial evaluation before and after transplantation. We applied Pearson chi-square, McNemar, Fisher, Wilcoxon, and Mann-Whitney tests as well as linear and logistic regression statistical methods. RESULTS: Before transplantation 100% of the recipients presented total anxiety, compared with 64.4% of donors, with higher anxiety levels in all dimensions (P < .001). Also, 38.7% of recipients and 16.3% of donors had moderate/serious depression (P = .029). Men showed higher levels of cognitive anxiety before transplantation (odds ratio [OR] = 4.3; P = .008). After versus before transplantation central nervous system and cognitive anxiety had diminished in recipients (P = .031; P = .035, respectively); there were higher levels of cognitive anxiety than among the donors (P = .007). Depression showed no significant changes in recipients or donors; the differences were no longer significant. There were less severely depressed recipients but an increase among severely depressed donors. Male recipients and donors showed greater cognitive anxiety (P = .02; P = .04, respectively) at both times. Female recipients presented with more severe depression (P = .036). CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety is an important symptom. Surgery had a positive impact to lower anxiety in recipients. Most protagonists displayed little or no depression; it was more prevalent among recipients. Donors and recipients maintained some psychopathologic symptoms after surgery. We defined vulnerable groups among these cohorts. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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    O estudo foi realizado no rio Paraguai no trecho entre o Poço do Renato a baía Inharosa no município de Cáceres, MT. Realizou a quantificação das feições morfológicas, batimétria e análise de laboratório. Na área de estudo encontrou-se várias feições morfologicas como: lagoas, canal comaltados, canal secundários, ilhas e bancos de sedimentos. Nos sedimentos de fundo predominou areia média

    Synaptic Transmission: Looking for Clues to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Etiology in Copy Number Variants Containing Synaptic Genes

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    Copy Number Variants (CNVs) play an important role in susceptibility to ASD, often mediated by the deletion or duplication of genes involved in synaptic structure and function. Increasing evidence suggests a central role for defects in synaptic structure and function in the pathogenesis of non-syndromic ASD. In this study we tested the hypothesis of an enrichment in CNVs encompassing synaptic transmission genes in ASDThis work was supported by the fellowships SFRH/BD/79081/2011 to BO, SFRH/BPD/74739/2010 to ICC and SFRH/BPD/64281/2009 to CC from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT; Portugal)

    Copy number variants involving components of the glutamatergic synaptic pathway in ASD patients

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    This work was supported by the fellowships SFRH/BD/79081/2011 to BO, SFRH/BPD/74739/2010 to ICC and SFRH/BPD/64281/2009 to CC from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT; Portugal).Copy Number Variants (CNVs) play an important role in susceptibility to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), in particular when deleting or duplicating genes involved in synaptic structure and function such as glutamatergic synapse genes. Identifying CNVs of etiologic relevance for ASD that include glutamatergic genes may contribute to the understanding of glutamate-related pathogenic mechanisms in this disorder

    Avaliação do curso de Engenharia de das Ciências Agrárias - Opção Engenharia Rural

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    O presente relatório resulta do trabalho de avaliação ao curso de Engenharia das Ciências Agrárias opção Engenharia Rural levado a cabo pela equipa de Auto-Avaliação da Escola Superior Agrária. Esta equipa, designada pelo conselho científico com a finalidade de proceder a todas as solicitações de avaliação tanto dos cursos como da instituição, é basicamente composta por um coordenador e um elemento de cada unidade departamental. Conforme o curso que se está a avaliar juntam-se à equipa o respectivo coordenador de curso e colaboradores na compilação do relatório. Além destes elementos participaram também neste trabalho um representante dos alunos (designado pela associação de estudantes) e dois funcionários representantes do pessoal administrativo e do pessoal não docente. Em termos metodológicos optou-se pelo seguimento mais ou menos fiel do guião proposto pelo CNAVES, tendo-se recolhido informação de diversos modos: pesquisa documental e bases de dados nos serviços administrativos, inquéritos auto administrados a alunos, docentes e funcionários, inquérito postal aos diplomados e entrevistas directas (por telefone) às entidades empregadoras. Uma vez recolhida e tratada a informação procedeu-se à sua análise crítica tendo como referência os trabalhos de avaliação que até então decorreram relativamente na Escola

    II Ciclo de Conferências : Conselho Técnico-Científico: temas atuais em investigação

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    A obra é constituída pelos resumos das comunicações apresentadas pelos docentes da Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e são referentes aos projetos de investigação nos quais estão envolvidos.O atual Conselho Técnico-Científico (CTC) da Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco (ESACB) tomou posse em fevereiro de 2012, tendo decidido dar continuidade ao ciclo de conferências iniciado pelo CTC anterior. Os trabalhos de Investigação, Inovação e Experimentação que foram apresentados demonstram não só o dinamismo e a ligação com a comunidade, como também a preocupação na identificação e resolução de problemas, que acrescentem valor aos produtos e processos que se situam no âmbito das competências desta Escola. Sendo este um objetivo prioritário da missão do IPCB/ESA, a divulgação destas conferências permite chegar a um público mais alargado e abrir caminhos para a concretização de novos projetos, que contribuam de forma efetiva para o desenvolvimento e aumento da competitividade da região e do país

    Recurrent duplications of the annexin A1 gene (ANXA1) in autism spectrum disorders

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    Validating the potential pathogenicity of copy number variants (CNVs) identified in genome-wide studies of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) requires detailed assessment of case/control frequencies, inheritance patterns, clinical correlations, and functional impact. Here, we characterize a small recurrent duplication in the annexin A1 (ANXA1) gene, identified by the Autism Genome Project (AGP) study

    Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks And Tuberculosis Avoidable Hospitalizations: Is There A Relation Between Them In Brazil?

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    The early identification of the Breathing Symptoms within the scope of Primary Health Care is recommended, and is also one of the strategies of national sanitary authorities for reaching the elimination of tuberculosis. The purpose of this study is to consider which attributes and which territories have shown the most significant progress in Primary Health Care, in terms of coordination of Health Care Networks, and also check if those areas of Primary Health Care that are most critical regarding coordination, there were more or less cases of avoidable hospitalizations for tuberculosis. Methods: This is an ecological study that uses primary and secondary data. For analysis, coropletic maps were developed through the ArcGIS software, version 10.2. There was also the calculation of gross annual and Bayesian rates for hospitalizations for tuberculosis, for each Primary Health Care territory. Results: There were satisfactory results for attributes such as Population (n = 37; 80.4 %), Primary Health Care (n = 43; 93.5 %), Support System (n = 45; 97.8 %); the exceptions were Logistics System (n = 32; 76.0 %) and Governance System, with fewer units in good condition (n = 31; 67.3 %). There is no evidence of any connection between networks' coordination by Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable admissions. Conclusion: The results show that progress has been made regarding the coordination of the Health Care Networks, and a positive trend has been shown, even though the levels are not excellent. It was found no relationship between the critical areas of Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable hospitalizations, possibly because other variables necessary to comprehend the phenomena. © 2016 Popolin et al.16