3,171 research outputs found

    Some aspects of the coiled sprout condition of potatoes caused by verticillium nubilum

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    FARMERS IN THE FOREST: AN ESSAY ON HUMAN NEEDS AND POSSIBILITY OF INDONESIA NATURAL WORLD DEVELOPMENT (Petani di Hutan: Sebuah Esai atas Kebutuhan Manusia dan Kemungkinan Pembangunan Dunia Alam Indonesia)

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    Rangkaian kata-kata kunci dalam artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi pedoman bahwa ‘petani dalam hutan’ sebagai lambang rakyat kecil, berpotensi besar dan arif. Mereka merupakan pionir hidup di dunia alami melalui suatu proses evolusi interaksi yang panjang terhadap ekologi dan ekosistem. Kelompok masyarakat ini menimba ilmu sebagai hasil dari interaksi itu, sehngga tidak boleh diabaikan dalam konservasi dan pembangunan Indonesia. Kebijakan konservasi dan pembangunan Indonesia hendaklah menggali kembali ilmu pengetahuan masyarakat kecil ini. Hasil galian itu dapat dipadukan dengan temuan ilmu terkini. Tujuannya adalah mempercepat upaya evolusi guna memperoleh kesejahteraan ekonomi rakyat.Kata kunci: evolusi, koevolusi, reformasi, ekologi, nila

    Teachers’ Conflict-Inducing Attitudes and Their Repercussions on Students’ Psychological Health and Learning Outcomes

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    This paper studied the causes and effects of negative teacher–student relationships on students’ psychological health and educational outcomes, primarily due to negative teacher–teacher interactions. Survey data were collected from 130 faculty members and 746 students of 10 higher educational institutions located in different cities of the Punjab province of Pakistan. Path analysis was used to estimate results. The findings revealed that incivility among faculty members and higher discontent with university resources generates a conflict-inducing attitude in faculty members, which subsequently creates negative behavior in teachers towards students. It was further observed that hostile attitudes of faculty members towards students adversely affects the psychological health and educational outcomes of students at universities. These findings suggest that students’ learning processes can be improved by controlling negative teacher–teacher interactions, which has important implications for institutions of higher learning

    Effects of supplemental feed and fertilizer on growth and survival of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) post larvae in pond nursery system

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    The study was conducted to compare the performance of different nursing practices of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) post-larvae (PL). Three treatments such as only fertilizers (T1), fertilizers with 5% supplementary feed (local feed) (T2), and 10% commercial feed (T3) were applied in the nursing system of prawn PLs in earthen pond. An earthen pond (315m²) was divided into nine equal small ponds by fine meshed nylon nets. Feeds were used once daily on a tray placed near the pond bottom. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in some water quality parameters like pH and total alkalinity, but all measured water quality parameters viz. water temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen and ammonia-nitrogen were within the acceptable range for nursing of prawn PL. The results showed that the mean final lengths of prawn post-larvae were 6.3±0.07 cm, 7.12±0.22 cm and 8.17±0.16 cm in T1, T2 and T3, respectively. There were significant difference (p<0.05) in mean final length of prawn PL among the treatments. Significantly higher (p<0.05) average daily weight gain was observed in T3 (0.071 ±0.007 g) than in T2 (0.052±0.006 g) and T1 (0.031 ±0.002 g). The specific growth rate (SGR) of T3 (8.81±0.26) was found significantly higher (p<0.05) than T2 (8.35±0.22) and T1 (7.42±0.11). Survival rate (%) was also significantly higher (p<0.05) in T3 (66.24±1.58) than in T2 (60.52±1.64) and T1 (53.86±2.71). Therefore, it may be concluded that the growth and survival in prawn nursery was better in commercial feed than only fertilizers and fertilizers with local feeds

    Al-Jazeera (Arabic) satellite television: a platform for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe Qatari-funded channel, Al-Jazeera Arabic (AJA) has been subject to criticism as being in favour of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt. The approach taken by AJA Satellite Television to represent the MB, the Mubarak regime and other political actors in Egypt, during its coverage of four key electoral moments - before and after the 2011‘revolution’- is reviewed in this research. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is applied to study the constructive effects of AJA’s language in an interpretive way (Parker & Burman, 1993). The effect of the language used by two predominant AJA TV programmes, Without Borders بلا حدود and Opposite Direction الاتجاه المعاكس has been investigated and a number of current and former AJA journalists have been interviewed. Van Dijk’s Ideological Square and Pier Robinson’s Framing Model, in conjunction with Chouliaraki’s Three Rhetorical Strategies (Verbal Mode, Agency and Time Space) have been used as analysis tools to study the process of AJA’s representation of different political ideologies: the MB’s Islamic ideology and the Mubarak regime’s secular ideology. Van Dijk’s Ideological Square helps to identify the boundaries between ‘us’ (the good) and ‘them’ (the bad), and to classify people according to their support of specific ideology against another - the ‘in-group’ or the ‘outgroup’. AJA positively framed the Islamic MB movement on the basis that the group and its members were democratic, Islamic and victims, whereas it negatively framed the Mubarak regime and the Military Council in Egypt as repressive, secular and villains. The assigned role of different actors (including; the Egyptian people and opposition parties) in AJA TV programmes changed from one electoral moment to another. While the Mubarak regime, its supporters and the Military Council were represented as the ‘out-group’ at all times, the role allocated to the Egyptian people and the opposition shifted between the ‘in-group’ and the ‘out-group’, depending on the political mood they held towards the MB

    The Underwater Photic Environment of Two Subarctic Icelandic Lakes

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    The underwater light fields of two Icelandic lakes of volcanic origin and differing trophic status, Thingvallavatn (oligotrophic) and Myvatn (eutrophic), were investigated. Gilvin and turbidity depth profiles were also measured. Diurnal variation in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) reached almost 3 orders or magnitude. Downward irradiance spectra were variable near the surface, but with increases in depth transmission peaks at 510, 560 and 570 nanometres (nm) became apparent in Thingvallavatn, Myvatn-East Basin and Myvatn-South Basin respectively. Upward irradiance transmission maxima shifted from 480 to 500 nm with depth in Thingvallavatn, while in Myvatn they remained near 570 nm. An irradiance trough at 520 nm was noted in both the upward and downward spectra of Thingvallavatn. The importance of phytoplankton (chlorophyll) and gilvin in modifying the underwater light climate of Myvatn is clearly demonstrated. The mean downwelling and upwelling irradiance curves for Thingvallavatn coincide very well with the spectral sensitivities of resident adult arctic charr. This provides support for the sensitivity hypothesis.Key words: subarctic, limnology, imdiance, underwater light, arctic charr, spectral sensitivitjr, IcelandL'environnement photique sous-marin de deux lacs islandais, le Thingvallavatn (oligotrophe) et le Myvatn (eutrophe), d'origine volcanique et pr&eacute;sentant un &eacute;tat trophique diff&eacute;rent, ont &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;tudi&eacute;s. La quantit&eacute; de mati&egrave;re organique dissoute (gilvin) et la turbidit&eacute; ont &eacute;t&eacute; mesur&eacute;es en fonction de la profondeur dans chaque lac. La radiation disponible pour la photosynth&egrave;se (PAR) pouvait varier quotidiennement jusqu'&agrave; trois ordres de grandeur. Alors que les spectres de l'irradiance descendante variaient pr&egrave;s de la surface, ils augmentaient avec la profondeur aux pics de transmission de 510, 560 et 570 nanom&egrave;tres (nm) respectivement dans le Thingvallavatn et le bassin est du Myvatn et le bassin sud du Myvatn. Les maxima dans la transmission de l'irradiance ascendante ont &eacute;t&eacute; d&eacute;cal&eacute;s avec la profondeur de 480 &agrave; 500 nm dans le Thingvallavatn tandis que dans le Myvatn ils sont demeur&eacute;s pr&egrave;s de 570 nm. Une zone d'absorption &agrave; 520 nm a &eacute;galement &eacute;t&eacute; observ&eacute;e dans les spectres descendants et ascendants du Thingvallavatn. L'importance du phytoplancton (chlorophylle) et de la mati&egrave;re organique dissoute (gilvin) dans la modification de l'environnement photique sous-marin du Myvatn a &eacute;t&eacute; nettement d&eacute;montr&eacute;e. Les spectres moyens de l'irradiance descendante et ascendante co&iuml;ncident tr&egrave;s &eacute;troitement avec les sensibilit&eacute;s spectrales chez les ombles-chevaliers adultes indig&egrave;nes. Ceci appuie l'hypoth&egrave;se de la sensibilit&eacute; chez ces poissons.Mots cl&eacute;s: subarctique, limnologie, irradiance, lumi&egrave;re sous-marine, omble-chevalier, sensibilite spectrale, Island