128 research outputs found

    Synthesizing and standardizing criteria for the evaluation of sustainability indicators in the water sector

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Environment, Development and Sustainability. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-019-00508-zIndicators are one of the tools available in planning and management projects that aid in the decision-making process and the monitoring of those decisions on the path to sustainable use and management of water and natural resources. However, the quality and trustworthiness of the indicators depend on the constant improvement in the means to assess and design criteria sets. The identification of criteria to evaluate indicators and its subsequence selection are not an ordinary task. The research identified a proliferation of unconsolidated criteria in use in the sustainability and water resource management domains. In response, a process of synthesis and consolidation was undertaken in order to reduce the level of redundancies and to identify possible candidates for “core criteria” that are identified as being a relevant part of most evaluation frameworks. A representative collection of sources from the specialized literature was screened for evaluation criteria. Altogether, 74 sources were assessed, comprising 346 mentions of criteria applied for indicator assessment. A detailed synthesis was performed to organize the criteria and identify possible redundancies. The analysis allowed a reduction from the 346 initial criteria to 60 unique criteria. The study offers a standard title and description for each criterion, contributing to improve clarity and avoid ambiguity. The criteria were also ranked to identify which criteria were in more systemic use. Of the 60 criteria found, the 12 most cited were identified as possible core criteria for framework development. Also, in order to facilitate the design of indicator sets, all 60 criteria were divided into two approaches (scientific/top-down or end-use/bottom-up). This study identified significant redundancies and a lack of standardization in the use of criteria, and it also ranked criteria to facilitate multi-method framework development. Thus, it is essential that indicator designers not only consider criteria that have some level of standardization to be able to compare and communicate with other agencies and communities but also consider how to utilize core criteria in the design of indicator sets.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Theoretical modelling of epigenetically modified DNA sequences

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    We report herein a set of calculations designed to examine the effects of epigenetic modifications on the structure of DNA. The incorporation of methyl, hydroxymethyl, formyl and carboxy substituents at the 5-position of cytosine is shown to hardly affect the geometry of CG base pairs, but to result in rather larger changes to hydrogen-bond and stacking binding energies, as predicted by dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT) methods. The same modifications within double-stranded GCG and ACA trimers exhibit rather larger structural effects, when including the sugar-phosphate backbone as well as sodium counterions and implicit aqueous solvation. In particular, changes are observed in the buckle and propeller angles within base pairs and the slide and roll values of base pair steps, but these leave the overall helical shape of DNA essentially intact. The structures so obtained are useful as a benchmark of faster methods, including molecular mechanics (MM) and hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) methods. We show that previously developed MM parameters satisfactorily reproduce the trimer structures, as do QM/MM calculations which treat bases with dispersion-corrected DFT and the sugar-phosphate backbone with AMBER. The latter are improved by inclusion of all six bases in the QM region, since a truncated model including only the central CG base pair in the QM region is considerably further from the DFT structure. This QM/MM method is then applied to a set of double-stranded DNA heptamers derived from a recent X-ray crystallographic study, whose size puts a DFT study beyond our current computational resources. These data show that still larger structural changes are observed than in base pairs or trimers, leading us to conclude that it is important to model epigenetic modifications within realistic molecular contexts

    Fractional order dynamical systems and its applications

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    This article illustrates several applications of fractional calculus (FC) in science and engineering. It has been recognized the advantageous use of this mathematical tool in the modeling and control of many dynamical systems. In this perspective, this paper investigates the use of FC in the following fields: Controller tuning; Electrical systems; Traffic systems; Digital circuit synthesis; Evolutionary computing; Redundant robots; Legged robots; Robotic manipulators; Nonlinear friction; Financial modeling.N/

    Učinci ekstrakta Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. u životinjskom modelu neoplazije inducirane papiloma virusom

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    Infections with certain types of papillomavirus, such as the human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16), are associated with the development of preneoplastic lesions and cancers of the anogenital, and head and neck regions. Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. extracts are composed of substances presenting antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which might be promising as new therapeutic compounds. This study analysed the influence of topical application of an extract obtained from C. hypocistis (CH) on K14-HPV16 and FVB/n mice to evaluate its therapeutic and toxicological properties. To achieve the study goals, 30 female mice, 33–37 weeks old, were divided into six groups (n=5/group): I (HPV+CH3.1); II (HPV+CH6.2); III (HPV+CH12.4); IV (FVB/n+CH12.4); V (HPV+control) and VI (FVB/n+-control). CH was applied topically to both ears for 28 days. After this period, all animals were sacrificed for samples collection. Skin lesions were classified histologically. Toxicological parameters included haematological and biochemical blood markers, and hepatic oxidative stress analysis. Transgenic animals showed a decrease in mean body weight regardless of the concentration of extract applied. The extract had no influence on physiological parameters, organ weight, or biochemical and oxidative stress parameters. Histology demonstrated the presence of proliferative epithelial lesions in the skin and oral mucosa of K14-HPV16 mice, with no association with the application of this extract. Overall, the application of CH extract had no influence on the skin lesions and was well tolerated by the animals in these concentrations.Infekcije određenim vrstama papiloma virusa, poput humanog papiloma virusa 16 (HPV16), povezane su s razvojem preneoplastičnih lezija i karcinoma anogenitalnog područja i područja glave i vrata. Ekstrakti Cytinus hypocistis (CH) sadrže tvari koje pokazuju antiproliferativna, antioksidativna, protuupalna i antibakterijska svojstva te bi stoga mogle predstavljati nove, obećavajuće terapijske spojeve. Cilj je ovog rada bio analizirati utjecaj topikalne primjene ekstrakta dobivenog iz C. hypocistis (L.) L. na K14-HPV16 i FVB/n miševima za procjenu njegovih terapijskih i toksikoloških svojstava. Za postizanje ciljeva istraživanja, trideset ženki miševa starosti 33-37 tjedana podijeljeno je u šest skupina (n=5/ skupini): I (HPV+CH3,1); II (HPV+CH6,2); III (HPV+CH12,4); IV (FVB/n+CH12,4); V (HPV+kontrola) i VI (FVB/n+kontrola). CH je tijekom 28 dana topikalno primijenjen na oba uha. Nakon tog razdoblja sve životinje su žrtvovane u svrhu prikupljanja rezulata. Lezije kože su histološki klasificirane. Toksikološki parametri uključivali su hematološke i biokemijske markere krvi te analizu oksidativnog stresa jetre. Transgenične životinje pokazale su smanjenje srednje tjelesne mase, bez obzira na primijenjenu koncentraciju ekstrakta. Ekstrakt nije utjecao na fiziološke parametre, masu organa ili parametre biokemijskog i oksidativnog stresa. Histološki je dokazana prisutnost proliferativnih epitelnih lezija na koži i oralnoj sluznici K14-HPV16 miševa, bez povezanosti s primjenom ovog ekstrakta. Općenito, primjena CH ekstrakta nije utjecala na lezije kože te su ga životinje dobro podnosile u primijenjenim koncentracijama

    Meglumine antimoniate and miltefosine combined with allopurinol sustain pro-inflammatory immune environments during canine leishmaniosis treatment

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    Canine leishmaniosis (CanL) caused by Leishmania infantum is a zoonotic disease of global concern. Antileishmanial drug therapies commonly used to treat sick dogs improve their clinical condition, although when discontinued relapses can occur. Thus, the current study aims to evaluate the effect of CanL treatments in peripheral blood, lymph node, and bone marrow cytokine profile associated with clinical recovery. Two groups of six dogs diagnosed with CanL were treated with miltefosine combined with allopurinol and meglumine antimoniate combined with allopurinol (MT+A and MG+A), respectively. At diagnosis and after treatment, during a 3-month follow-up, clinical signs, hematological and biochemical parameters, urinalysis results and antileishmanial antibody titers were registered. Furthermore, peripheral blood, popliteal lymph node, and bone marrow samples were collected to assess the gene expression of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-α, TGF-β, and IFN-γ by qPCR. In parallel, were also evaluated samples obtained from five healthy dogs. Both treatment protocols promoted the remission of clinical signs as well as normalization of hematological and biochemical parameters and urinalysis values. Antileishmanial antibodies returned to non-significant titers in all dogs. Sick dogs showed a generalized upregulation of IFN-γ and downregulation of IL-2, IL-4, and TGF-β, while gene expression of IL-12, TNF-α, IL-5, and IL-10 varied between groups and according to evaluated tissue. A trend to the normalization of cytokine gene expression was induced by both miltefosine and meglumine antimoniate combined therapies. However, IFN-γ gene expression was still up-regulated in the three evaluated tissues. Furthermore, the effect of treatment in the gene expression of cytokines that were not significantly changed by infection, indicates that miltefosine and meglumine antimoniate combined therapy directly affects cytokine generation. Both combined therapies are effective in CanL treatment, leading to sustained pro-inflammatory immune environments that can compromise parasite survival and favor dogs' clinical cure. In the current study, anti-inflammatory and regulatory cytokines do not seem to play a prominent role in CanL or during clinical recovery.publishersversionpublishe

    INOVPESCA - Redução de capturas acidentais de espécies marinhas protegidas em pescarias costeiras algarvias: inovação de procedimentos e técnicas de mitigação

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    Relatório técnico iNOVPESCA, Programa MAR2020, MAR-16-01-03-FMP-0020, Universidade do Algarve, CCMARO presente relatório é uma iniciativa do Projecto iNOVPESCA, com o objetivo de documentar o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo do projeto (2018-2021) e incentivar a implementação voluntária de medidas que contribuam para uma melhoria da relação entre as pescas e as espécies marinhas protegidas, especialmente de cetáceos, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade ambiental com a redução de capturas acidentais e sustentabilidade económica do sector das pescarias costeiras Algarvias, podendo servir de exemplo a nível nacional. Este trabalho pretende ser um documento de referência sobre o nível de interação que existe entre pescarias costeiras ao longo da costa algarvia com espécies marinhas protegidas (cetáceos, aves marinhas e tartarugas), e por outro lado, pode servir como aconselhamento para todas as entidades que beneficiam das pescas e que necessitam desta atividade para o seu desenvolvimento económico e social. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma linha de orientação sobre boas práticas assente em dois aspetos chave: - Contribuir para a consciencialização, informação e treino de todas as partes interessadas, no que se refere a medidas de mitigação de conflitos entre pescas e espécies marinhas protegidas; - Promover o uso de práticas responsáveis de pesca e otimizar, em cooperação com o sector pesqueiro, soluções que ajudem a diminuir a mortalidade acidental de cetáceos ou outras espécies protegidas (ex. aves marinhas e tartarugas marinhas) e evitar situações que contribuam para perdas económicas para o pescador (como por exemplo, danos nas artes e perda ou danos no pescado por predação). As interações entre espécies marinhas protegidas e as pescas são um problema mundial com duas componentes importantes, a da conservação, quando os animais como captura não intencional ficam presos nas artes de pesca acabando por morrer, e a socioeconómica quando os animais causam danos nas artes de pesca e na captura alvo dos pescadores.Programa MAR2020, MAR-16-01-03-FMP-0020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Targeting Glutathione and Cystathionine β-Synthase in Ovarian Cancer Treatment by Selenium-Chrysin Polyurea Dendrimer Nanoformulation

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    The research was funded by iNOVA4Health UID/Multi/04462, a program financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/Ministério da Educação e Ciência (FCT-MCTES), through national funds, and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. We also acknowledge funding from FCT-MCTES through project DREAM PTDC/MEC-ONC/29327/2017.Ovarian cancer is the main cause of death from gynecological cancer, with its poor prognosis mainly related to late diagnosis and chemoresistance (acquired or intrinsic) to conventional alkylating and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating drugs. We and others reported that the availability of cysteine and glutathione (GSH) impacts the mechanisms of resistance to carboplatin in ovarian cancer. Different players in cysteine metabolism can be crucial in chemoresistance, such as the cystine/glutamate antiporter system Xc (xCT) and the H2S-synthesizing enzyme cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) in the pathway of cysteine catabolism. We hypothesized that, by disrupting cysteine metabolic flux, chemoresistance would be reverted. Since the xCT transporter is also able to take up selenium, we used selenium-containing chrysin (SeChry) as a plausible competitive inhibitor of xCT. For that, we tested the effects of SeChry on three different ovarian cancer cell lines (ES2, OVCAR3, and OVCAR8) and in two non-malignant cell lines (HaCaT and HK2). Results showed that, in addition to being highly cytotoxic, SeChry does not affect the uptake of cysteine, although it increases GSH depletion, indicating that SeChry might induce oxidative stress. However, enzymatic assays revealed an inhibitory effect of SeChry toward CBS, thus preventing production of the antioxidant H2S. Notably, our data showed that SeChry and folate-targeted polyurea dendrimer generation four (SeChry@PUREG4-FA) nanoparticles increased the specificity for SeChry delivery to ovarian cancer cells, reducing significantly the toxicity against non-malignant cells. Collectively, our data support SeChry@PUREG4-FA nanoparticles as a targeted strategy to improve ovarian cancer treatment, where GSH depletion and CBS inhibition underlie SeChry cytotoxicity.publishersversionpublishe

    a review of methodological design choices

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved.This systematic literature review aimed to provide an overview of the characteristics and methods used in studies applying the Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALY) concept for infectious diseases within European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA)/European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries and the United Kingdom. Electronic databases and grey literature were searched for articles reporting the assessment of DALY and its components. We considered studies in which researchers performed DALY calculations using primary epidemiological data input sources. We screened 3,053 studies of which 2,948 were excluded and 105 studies met our inclusion criteria. Of these studies, 22 were multi-country and 83 were single-country studies, of which 46 were from the Netherlands. Food- and water-borne diseases were the most frequently studied infectious diseases. Between 2015 and 2022, the number of burden of infectious disease studies was 1.6 times higher compared to that published between 2000 and 2014. Almost all studies (97%) estimated DALYs based on the incidence- and pathogen-based approach and without social weighting functions; however, there was less methodological consensus with regards to the disability weights and life tables that were applied. The number of burden of infectious disease studies undertaken across Europe has increased over time. Development and use of guidelines will promote performing burden of infectious disease studies and facilitate comparability of the results.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin