24 research outputs found

    Scheuermann’s disease: a case report

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    Scheuermann hastalığı spinal ağrı, kozmetik deformite, torakal disk hernisi ve prematür dejeneratif değişikliklere neden olan, adolesan çağda % 5-8 sıklıkta karşılaşılabilen bir hastalıktır. Etyoloji bilinmemekte, ailesel yatkınlık ve muhtemel lokal bir osteokondrit üzerinde durulmaktadır. Yorgunluk, ağrı, lokal hassasiyet gibi semptomlar pubertede başlar. Hastaların çoğu deformite ve kifozlarının farkında olmayıp tanı sıklıkla rutin bir lateral grafi çekimi ile konur. En sık orta ve alt torasik vertebralar tutulur, başka bir laboratuvar tanısı yoktur. Tedavi hastanın yaşı ve deformitesine bağlıdır. Analjezikler, rehabilitasyon egzersiz programları, ileri olgularda gerekirse destek operasyonları (Milwauke brace veya Harrington enstrumanları) uygulanabilir. Klinik ve radyolojik olarak Scheuermann hastalığı tanısı almış bir olgu sunuldu.Scheuermann s disease is a common disorder of the adolescent (5-8 %) which may result in spinal pain and cosmetic deformity and predispose to thorasic disc herniation and premature degenerative changes. The aetiology is unknown but may include a familial predisposition and possibly local osteochondritis. Symptoms like fatigue, pain, local tenderness become at puberty. Many of the patients are unaware that they have a deformity or kyphosis and are diagnosed by routine lateral chest radiographs. The most affected spinal regions are the mid or lower thoracic vertebrae and there are no other laboratory findings. Therapy depends on the degree of the deformity and on the patient s age. Analgesics, rehabilitation exercises, operations for stabilisation with a Milwauke brace or Harrington instruments may be tried. We present a patient with Scheuermann s disease with its clinic and radiologic findings

    Determining the learning approaches of Biology teacher candidates : Learning approaches of Biology teacher candidates

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    Learning approaches refer to the differentiation in the purpose that students consider and the activities they choose to perform a particular learning task. Many studies have been carried out at university level, in various grade levels and fields, in order to determine the learning approaches of students and to enable them to learn to learn by enabling them to gain effective learning approaches in the light of these determinations. In this study, it was aimed to determine the learning approaches of biology teacher candidates. The study group of the research consists of 12 teacher candidates studying in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades of Gazi Education Faculty, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Biology Education Department in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The teacher candidates were selected to be 3 teacher candidates from each grade level and 9 of the candidates were girls and 3 were boys. This study is a qualitative research and the data of the research were obtained by using a semi-structured interview form consisting of 5 questions developed by the researchers. In the analysis of the data, content analysis was used in qualitative data analysis methods. When the statements of the teacher candidates were examined, the results of the research showed that one of the learning objectives of the teacher candidates was the sense of curiosity and they aimed to improve themselves in the process based on learning. The results obtained as a result of the research indicate that some of the teacher candidates aim to get high grades, organize their studies, plan their time consciously and avoid memorization

    Spectrophotometric behavior of polyvinylpyrrolidone in aqueous and nonaqueous media (I)

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    Electronic spectral behavior of polyvinylpyrrolidone solutions in various media has been determined by UV-VIS spectrophotometry. A theoretical approach has been developed to explain the experimentally observed concentration dependent spectral behavior of polyvinyl pyrrolidone in aqueous and nonaqueous solvents. Increase in the concentration of the polymer or the addition of guanidine salts caused bathochromic shift. A similar concentration effect has been observed in nonaqueous media in the absence of guanidine salts

    Magnetic properties of the welded joined TSMG Y123+x wt% Y211 (x=20 and 30) bulk superconductors

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    Although the welding techniques have been used to join for bulk YBCO superconductors with a sintered superconductor, similar technique as a Ag2O added bulk YBCO superconductor fabricated by melt-powder-melt-growth process (MPMG) for using as a solder material has not been used, until now. Also, physical and the bulk superconducting properties of the welded samples have not been investigated. In this study, two 20 wt% Y211 and two 30 wt% Y211 added YBCO main samples were fabricated by cold top seeding-melt-growth (TSMG) method by using an Nd123 seed. Two main samples having the same Y211 addition and welding sample positioned between the main samples stacked and welded thermally with a pressure source simultaneously. It can be seen from the levitation force measurement, making before the welding process, that the 30 wt% Y211 added samples have the larger the maximum repulsive forces values than the 20 wt% Y211 added and Ag2O added welding samples but at the same order. After the welding process the welded samples cut into the specimens, to investigate micro structure and electromagnetic properties, positioned above, on and below of the welding region of the each welded Y123 samples. From the SEM analysis a continuous structural phase was obtained between the solder material and the main samples with a good integration without any boundary gap or defects. The welding process had no negative noticeable effect on T-c of the samples under zero magnetic field, while superconducting transition width (Delta T-c) of the specimen cutting from the 30 wt% Y211 added sample (Y30-ab) is smaller the specimen cutting from the 20 wt% Y211 added sample (Y20-ab) under applied magnetic field points out that Y30-ab is more resistant to the applied field than the Y20-ab because of the 211 addition. In addition, 30 wt% 211 addition ratio is more efficient for welding region and whole welded sample in terms of the supplying uniform superconducting properties as J(c). The obtained results on welded joined bulk superconductor can be beneficial to increase application potential of these superconducting materials in real scale magnetic systems