19 research outputs found

    Contextual and individual factors associated with dental services utilisation by Brazilian adults: A multilevel analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Inequalities in the utilisation of dental services in Brazil are remarkable. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of contextual and individual factors with the utilisation of dental services by Brazilian adults using the Andersen's behavioural model. METHODS: Individual-level data from 27,017 adults residents in the State capitals who were interviewed in the 2013 Brazilian National Health Survey were pooled with contextual city-level data. The outcomes were non-utilisation of dental services and last dental visit over 12 months ago. Individual predisposing variables were age, sex, race/skin colour, schooling and social network. Individual enabling variables included income, health insurance and registration in primary health care. Individual need variables were self-perceived dental health and self-reported missing teeth. Multilevel logistic regression models were performed to estimate odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) of the association of contextual and individual predisposing, enabling and need-related variables with dental services outcomes. RESULTS: Predisposing (OR = 0.89; 95% CI 0.81-0.97) and enabling (OR = 0.90; 95% CI 0.85-0.96) contextual factors were associated with non-utilisation of dental services. Individual predisposing (sex, race/skin colour, schooling), enabling (income, health insurance) and need (self-perceived oral health, missing teeth) were associated with non-utilisation of dental services and last dental visit over 12 months ago. The latter was also associated with other individual predisposing (age, social network) and need (eating difficulties due to oral problems) characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Individual and contextual determinants influenced dental services utilisation in Brazilian adults. These factors should be on the policy agenda and considered in the organisation of health services aiming to reduce oral health inequalities related to access and utilisation of dental services

    Nursing diagnosis sedentary lifestyle in individuals with hypertension: an analysis of accuracy

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    Objective Assessing the accuracy of the defining characteristics (DC) of the nursing diagnosis Sedentary Lifestyle (SL) in people with hypertension. Method A cross-sectional study carried out in a referral center in the outpatient care of people with hypertension and diabetes, with a sample of 285 individuals. The form used in the study was designed from operational definitions constructed for each DC of the diagnosis. Four nurses with training to carry out diagnostic inferences did the clinical assessment for the presence of SL. Results The prevalence of SL was 55.8%. Regarding measures of accuracy, the main DC for SL was chooses a daily routine lacking physical exercise, with sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 84.13%. Two DC stood out in the logistic regression, namely: reports preference for activities low in physical activity and poor performance in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Conclusion The results allowed identifying the best clinical indicators for SL in hypertensive adults

    Determinantes individuales y sociales del estado de salud subjetivo y bienestar de la poblaciĂłn de la tercera edad de Portugal

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    This article aims to identify the main determinants of self-rated health and well-being in the elderly Portuguese population, using a set of dimensions including demographic and socioeconomic indicators, characteristics of interpersonal networks and social activities, health, sexual activity, representations of aging, and feeling of happiness. Taking socioeconomic, behavioral, and attitudinal predictors into account to analyze the explanatory value of the interrelated dimensions and weights for each factor, the author argues that social capital, activities associated with active aging, and greater optimism towards aging can contribute greatly to better self-rated health and wellbeing among the elderly, partially offsetting the effect of socioeconomic factors and illness associated with age.Neste artigo pretende-se identificar os principais determinantes da autoavaliação do estado de saĂșde e do bem-estar da população sĂȘnior, tendo em conta um conjunto de dimensĂ”es que reĂșnem indicadores demogrĂĄficos e socioeconĂŽmicos, caracterĂ­sticas das redes interpessoais e atividades sociais praticadas, de saĂșde, atividade sexual, de representaçÔes sobre o envelhecimento e sentimento de felicidade. A equação em simultĂąneo de preditores socioeconĂŽmicos e de carĂĄter comportamental e atitudinal dessas vĂĄrias vertentes, com o intuito de analisar o valor explicativo de cada uma das dimensĂ”es inter-relacionadas e o peso de cada um dos fatores, permite concluir que o social capital, a prĂĄtica de atividades associadas ao envelhecimento ativo e um maior otimismo em relação ao envelhecimento podem contribuir em grande medida para uma melhor autoavaliação do estado de saĂșde e do bemestar dos mais velhos, compensando, em parte, o efeito de fatores socioeconĂŽmicos e de doença associados Ă  idade