51 research outputs found

    Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Commercial Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars

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    Manipulation of agronomic traits at the cellular and molecular levels offers an efficient approach to enhance conventional breeding efforts for rice improvement. Plant regeneration protocols, required for biotechnological applications, have not yet been developed for a number of important rice cultivars. This study was conducted to establish a system for plant regeneration of elite rice cultivars adapted to the southern U.S.A. Callus was induced from dehusked grains of cultivars Alan, Katy, and LaGrue, on MS media containing 0.5, 2, and 4 mg L-1 2,4-D, with 0.5 mg L-1 kinetin or without kinetin. Plant regeneration was accomplished by transferring the callus to a hormone-free medium. Callus proliferation was influenced by 2,4-D, kinetin, and genotype in two-way interactions. The effects of these factors on embryogenesis and rhizogenesis was expressed in a three-way interaction. Depending upon the genotype up to 50% plant regeneration was obtained. In most cases treatments consisting of 0.5 to 2 mg L-1 2,4-D plus 0.5 mg L-1 kinetin produced the best callus proliferations with the highest embryogenic capacity. Regenerants grew to maturity in soil and produced viable seeds. The establishment of this regeneration system is essential for the development of a genetic transformation system for the aforementioned commercial rice cultivars

    Silver ions disrupt K+ homeostasis and cellular integrity in intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots

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    The heavy metals silver, gold, and mercury can strongly inhibit aquaporin-mediated water flow across plant cell membranes, but critical examinations of their side effects are rare. Here, the short-lived radiotracer 42K is used to demonstrate that these metals, especially silver, profoundly change potassium homeostasis in roots of intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants, by altering unidirectional K+ fluxes. Doses as low as 5 μM AgNO3 rapidly reduced K+ influx to 5% that of controls, and brought about pronounced and immediate increases in K+ efflux, while higher doses of Au3+ and Hg2+ were required to produce similar responses. Reduced influx and enhanced efflux of K+ resulted in a net loss of >40% of root tissue K+ during a 15 min application of 500 μM AgNO3, comprising the entire cytosolic potassium pool and about a third of the vacuolar pool. Silver also brought about major losses of UV-absorbing compounds, total electrolytes, and NH4+. Co-application, with silver, of the channel blockers Cs+, TEA+, or Ca2+, did not affect the enhanced efflux, ruling out the involvement of outwardly rectifying ion channels. Taken together with an examination of propidium iodide staining under confocal microscopy, the results indicate that silver ions affect K+ homeostasis by directly inhibiting K+ influx at lower concentrations, and indirectly inhibiting K+ influx and enhancing K+ efflux, via membrane destruction, at higher concentrations. Ni2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+, three heavy metals not generally known to affect aquaporins, did not enhance K+ efflux or cause propidium iodide incorporation. The study reveals strong and previously unknown effects of major aquaporin inhibitors and recommends caution in their application

    Solni in sušni stres se izražata kot oksidacijski stres in vplivata na vzorce beljakovin v koreninah in listih dateljeve palme (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

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    The formation of new proteins under the influence of harsh environmental conditions is a plant adaptation reaction. Two-year-old date palm tissue culture-derived plants from ‘Barhee’ grown in the field were subjected to salt stress (70 g l-1 NaCl) and dehydration-induced by applying 70 g l-1 polyethylene glycol or without irrigation and withholding irrigation (0 g l-1) for one month. The soluble carbohydrate content increased in response to salinity and polyethylene glycol treatment in leaves compared to the control and drought treatment without irrigation. Proline increased in all treatments. Malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide increased under salinity. Salinity treatment increased the activity of ascorbate peroxidase and catalase enzyme. Salinity and polyethylene glycol treatments increased abscisic acid, whereas the indoleacetic acid level decreased. The protein pattern of roots and leaves in one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the stress conditions led to new protein bands\u27 appearance and other proteins\u27 disappearance. A comparison of protein patterns between the control and stress treatments revealed that the relative intensity of proteins in roots and leaves were more associated with salinity treatment than the drought. The results may be clearing important the molecular mechanism of tolerance under the influence of extreme environmental stress.Tvorba novih beljakovin je pod vplivom neugodnih okoljskih razmer prilagoditveni odziv rastlin. Dvoletne dateljeve palme, vzgojene v tkivnih kulturah iz sorte ‘Barhee’, posajene na prostem, so bile izpostavljene solnemu stresu (70 g l-1 NaCl) in dehidraciji z uporabo 70 g l-1 polietilen glikola ali brez zalivanja za en mesec (0 g l-1). Vsebnost topnih ogljikovih hidratov se je v listih povečala kot odziv na slanost in obravnavanje s polietilen glikolom v primerjavi s kontrolo in obravnavanjem s sušo brez zalivanja. Vsebnost prolina se je povečala v vseh obravnavanjih. Vsebnosti malondialdehida in vodikovega peroksida sta se povečali v razmerah slanosti. Obravnavanje s slanostjo je povečalo aktivnosti encimov askorbat peroksidaze in katalaze. Obravnavanji s slanostjo in polietilen glikolom sta povečali vsebnost abscizinske kisline, a zmanšali vsebnost indolocetne kisline. Vorec beljakovin v koreninah in listih določen z enodimenzionalno poliakrilamidno gelsko elektroforezo je pokazal, da so stresne razmere vodile k novemu vzorcu beljakovin v stresnih razmerah in izginjanju drugih. Primerjava vzorcev beljakovin med kontrolo in stresnimi obravnavanji je pokazala, da je relativna jakost pojavljanja beljakovin v koreninah in listih bolj povezana z obravnavanjem s slanostjo kot s sušo. Rezultati bi lahko bili pomembni pri pojasnitvi molekularnega mehanizma tolerance pod vplivom ekstremnega okoljskega stresa