247 research outputs found

    The influence of self-citation corrections on Egghe's g index

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    The g index was introduced by Leo Egghe as an improvement of Hirsch's index h for measuring the overall citation record of a set of articles. It better takes into account the highly skewed frequency distribution of citations than the h index. I propose to sharpen this g index by excluding the self-citations. I have worked out nine practical cases in physics and compare the h and g values with and without self-citations. As expected, the g index characterizes the data set better than the h index. The influence of the self-citations appears to be more significant for the g index than for the h index.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Scientometric

    Detecting h-index manipulation through self-citation analysis

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    The h-index has received an enormous attention for being an indicator that measures the quality of researchers and organizations. We investigate to what degree authors can inflate their h-index through strategic self-citations with the help of a simulation. We extended Burrell’s publication model with a procedure for placing self-citations, following three different strategies: random self-citation, recent self-citations and h-manipulating self-citations. The results show that authors can considerably inflate their h-index through self-citations. We propose the q-index as an indicator for how strategically an author has placed self-citations, and which serves as a tool to detect possible manipulation of the h-index. The results also show that the best strategy for an high h-index is publishing papers that are highly cited by others. The productivity has also a positive effect on the h-index

    Universality of Performance Indicators based on Citation and Reference Counts

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    We find evidence for the universality of two relative bibliometric indicators of the quality of individual scientific publications taken from different data sets. One of these is a new index that considers both citation and reference counts. We demonstrate this universality for relatively well cited publications from a single institute, grouped by year of publication and by faculty or by department. We show similar behaviour in publications submitted to the arXiv e-print archive, grouped by year of submission and by sub-archive. We also find that for reasonably well cited papers this distribution is well fitted by a lognormal with a variance of around 1.3 which is consistent with the results of Radicchi, Fortunato, and Castellano (2008). Our work demonstrates that comparisons can be made between publications from different disciplines and publication dates, regardless of their citation count and without expensive access to the whole world-wide citation graph. Further, it shows that averages of the logarithm of such relative bibliometric indices deal with the issue of long tails and avoid the need for statistics based on lengthy ranking procedures.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, 11 pages of supplementary material. Submitted to Scientometric

    Self-citations at the meso and individual levels: effects of different calculation methods

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    This paper focuses on the study of self-citations at the meso and micro (individual) levels, on the basis of an analysis of the production (1994–2004) of individual researchers working at the Spanish CSIC in the areas of Biology and Biomedicine and Material Sciences. Two different types of self-citations are described: author self-citations (citations received from the author him/herself) and co-author self-citations (citations received from the researchers’ co-authors but without his/her participation). Self-citations do not play a decisive role in the high citation scores of documents either at the individual or at the meso level, which are mainly due to external citations. At micro-level, the percentage of self-citations does not change by professional rank or age, but differences in the relative weight of author and co-author self-citations have been found. The percentage of co-author self-citations tends to decrease with age and professional rank while the percentage of author self-citations shows the opposite trend. Suppressing author self-citations from citation counts to prevent overblown self-citation practices may result in a higher reduction of citation numbers of old scientists and, particularly, of those in the highest categories. Author and co-author self-citations provide valuable information on the scientific communication process, but external citations are the most relevant for evaluative purposes. As a final recommendation, studies considering self-citations at the individual level should make clear whether author or total self-citations are used as these can affect researchers differently

    Gravity field determination of a Comet Nucleus: Rosetta at P/Wirtanen

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    One of the prime objectives of the Rosetta Radio Science Investigations (RSI) experiment is the determination of the mass, the bulk density and the low degree and order gravity of the nucleus of comet P/Wirtanen, the target object of the international Rosetta mission. The RSI experiment will use the spacecraft's radio carrier frequencies at X-band (8.4 GHz) and S-band (2.3 GHz) in order to measure slight changes of the orbit velocity via the classical Doppler effect induced by the gravity attraction of the comet nucleus. Based on an estimate of the background Doppler noise, it is expected that a mass determination (assuming a representative radius of 700 m and a bulk density of 500 kg/m^3) at an accuracy of 0.1% can be achieved if the spacecraft's orbit is iteratively reduced below 7 km altitude. The gravity field of degree and order two can be detected for reasonable tracking times below 5 km altitude. The major competing forces acting on the spacecraft are the radiation pressure and the gas mass flux from cometary activity. While the radiation pressure may be predicted, it is recommended to begin a gravity mapping campaign well before the onset of outgassing activity (>3.25 AU heliocentric distance). Radial acceleration by water outgassing is larger by orders of magnitude than the accelerations from the low degree and order gravity field and will mask the contributions from the gravity field

    Large Mesopelagic Fishes Biomass and Trophic Efficiency in the Open Ocean

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    With a current estimate of B1,000 million tons, mesopelagic fishes likely dominate the world total fishes biomass. However, recent acoustic observations show that mesopelagic fishes biomass could be significantly larger than the current estimate. Here we combine modelling and a sensitivity analysis of the acoustic observations from the Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation Expedition to show that the previous estimate needs to be revised to at least one order of magnitude higher. We show that there is a close relationship between the open ocean fishes biomass and primary production, and that the energy transfer efficiency from phytoplankton to mesopelagic fishes in the open ocean is higher than what is typically assumed. Our results indicate that the role of mesopelagic fishes in oceanic ecosystems and global ocean biogeochemical cycles needs to be revised as they may be respiring B10% of the primary production in deep water

    Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and hybrid ARMA/ANN model to predict global radiation

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    We propose in this paper an original technique to predict global radiation using a hybrid ARMA/ANN model and data issued from a numerical weather prediction model (ALADIN). We particularly look at the Multi-Layer Perceptron. After optimizing our architecture with ALADIN and endogenous data previously made stationary and using an innovative pre-input layer selection method, we combined it to an ARMA model from a rule based on the analysis of hourly data series. This model has been used to forecast the hourly global radiation for five places in Mediterranean area. Our technique outperforms classical models for all the places. The nRMSE for our hybrid model ANN/ARMA is 14.9% compared to 26.2% for the na\"ive persistence predictor. Note that in the stand alone ANN case the nRMSE is 18.4%. Finally, in order to discuss the reliability of the forecaster outputs, a complementary study concerning the confidence interval of each prediction is proposedComment: Energy (2012)