209 research outputs found

    Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands 1990-2012 : Informative Inventory Report 2014

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    Emissies Nederland blijven in 2012 onder nationale plafonds De uitstoot van stikstofoxiden (NOx), ammoniak, zwaveldioxide en niet-methaan vluchtige organische stoffen (NMVOS) is in 2012 in Nederland licht gedaald. Daarmee bleef de uitstoot onder de maxima die de Europese Unie daaraan sinds 2010 stelt. Nederland voldoet daardoor, net als in 2011, aan de vier 'nationale emissieplafonds' (NEC) voor deze stoffen. Dit blijkt uit de Nederlandse emissiecijfers van grootschalige luchtverontreinigende stoffen. Het RIVM verzamelt en analyseert deze cijfers. Behalve bovengenoemde stoffen gaat het om de uitstoot van koolmonoxide, fijn stof (PM10), zware metalen en persistente organische stoffen (POP's). De uitstoot van al deze stoffen is tussen 1990 en 2012 gedaald. Dit komt vooral door schonere auto's en brandstoffen en door emissiebeperkende maatregelen van industriële sectoren. Meer kilometers door bromfietsen Door de jaren heen zijn de methoden om de emissies te berekenen verbeterd, wat nu resulteert in nauwkeurigere cijfers. De emissies van bromfietsen en motorfietsen zijn afhankelijk van het aantal gereden kilometers per jaar en daar is nu beter inzicht in. Het totale aantal gereden kilometers door bromfietsen blijkt in de afgelopen jaren bijna twee keer zo hoog is als werd gedacht. Daarmee is de uitstoot van schadelijke stoffen navenant hoger. Ten opzichte van andere typ voertuigen blijven bromfietsen echter een relatief kleine emissiebron en dragen ze beperkt bij aan de totale nationale emissies. In steden zijn ze wel een relevante bron. Het aantal gereden kilometers door motorfietsen, en daarmee de uitstoot, blijft in lijn met eerdere inzichten. Vrachtauto's zwaarder beladen De uitstoot van schadelijke stoffen door vrachtauto's is voor het eerst berekend op basis van recente inzichten in het gewicht van vrachtauto's. Trekker-opleggers blijken zwaarder beladen dan tot nu toe werd verondersteld. Ook rijden vrachtauto's vaker met een aanhanger dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen, waardoor ze zwaarder zijn. Een hoger gewicht betekent een hoger brandstofverbruik, en veelal ook een hogere uitstoot per gereden kilometer. De uitstoot van PM10 door vrachtauto's is hierdoor circa 5 procent hoger dan in de vorige IIR-rapportage. Hogere emissies ammoniak De uitstoot van ammoniak blijkt hoger dan eerder werd verondersteld vanwege enkele nieuwe inzichten; de cijfers zijn hierdoor vanaf 1997 bijgesteld. Zo worden luchtwassers, die voornamelijk op varkensstallen zitten, niet altijd gebruikt. Ook is vanaf 2002 in melkveestallen het leefoppervlak per dier toegenomen. Door het grotere contactoppervlak van mest met lucht wordt meer ammoniak uitgestoten. Door de aangepaste aannames is het nationale totaal met 6,6 kiloton verhoogd ten opzichte van 2011.Emissions the Netherlands in 2012 remain under national ceilings Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia, sulphur dioxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) in the Netherlands have slightly decreased in 2012. Consequently, the emissions stayed below the caps the European Union has set from 2010. Herewith, the Netherlands comply with all four so-called emission ceilings (NEC). This has become apparent from the emission data on air pollutants from the Netherlands. RIVM collects and reports these data. Besides above-mentioned substances, emissions of carbon monoxide, particulate matter (PM10), heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been reported. The emissions of all substances have decreased in the 1990 - 2012 period. The downward trend may in particular be attributed to cleaner fuels, cleaner car engines and to emission reductions in the industrial sectors. More kilometres by mopeds Over the years emission calculation methods have been improved, resulting in higher data accuracy. In 2012, the emissions from mopeds and motorcycles have been calculated, based on improved knowledge of the mileages. The total number of kilometres driven by mopeds appears to have been nearly twice as high in recent years. As a result, the emissions of pollutants are proportionally higher. In relation to the total number of vehicles, the number of mopeds however remains relatively low and their contribution to the total national emissions is limited. In cities, they are a relevant source. The mileages by motorcycles, and consequently their emissions remain in line with previous insights. Heavy-duty vehicles carry heavier loads Emissions of pollutants by heavy-duty trucks have for the first time been calculated on the basis of recent insights in truck loads. Tractor-trailer combinations appear to carry heavier loads and the fraction of trailers behind rigid trucks is larger than previously assumed. A heavier load means a higher fuel use and for most substances a higher emission per kilometre driven. PM10 emissions by heavy-duty trucks are about 5 percent higher than in the previous IIR report. Higher agricultural ammonia emissions Agricultural ammonia emissions appear to be higher than previously assumed because of new insights. Air scrubbers on animal housing (predominantly pigs) were not always in use or even employed. Since 2002, the living space per animal has increased for dairy cattle housing. This resulted in a higher contact surface manure-air and thus more ammonia emitted. The new insights have raised the national total of ammonia emissions by about 6 percent compared to 2011

    Socioeconomic inequalities in reach, compliance and effectiveness of lifestyle interventions among workers: protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis and equity-specific reanalysis

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    Introduction Obesity and unhealthy behaviour are more prevalent among workers with a low compared with a high socioeconomic position (SEP), and thus contribute to socioeconomic health inequalities. The occupational setting is considered an important setting to address unhealthy behaviours due to the possibility to efficiently reach a large group of adults through worksite health promotion. This paper describes the rationale and design for an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis and a soci

    Motor and non-motor determinants of health-related quality of life in young dystonia patients

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    Objectives To systematically investigate the relationship between motor and non-motor symptoms, and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) in children and young adults with dystonia. Methods In this prospective observational cross-sectional study, 60 patients (6–25 years) with childhood-onset dystonia underwent a multidisciplinary assessment of dystonia severity (Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale, Global Clinical Impression), motor function (Gross Motor Function Measure, Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function), pain (visual analogue scale), intelligence (Wechsler Intelligence Scale), executive functioning (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function) and anxiety/depression (Child/Adult Behavior Checklist). Measures were analyzed using a principal component analysis and subsequent multiple regression to evaluate which components were associated with HR-QoL (Pediatric Quality of life Inventory) for total group, and non-lesional (primary) and lesional (secondary) subgroups. Results Patients (29 non-lesional, 31 lesional dystonia) had a mean age of 13.6 ± 5.9 years. The principal component analysis revealed three components: 1) motor symptoms; 2) psychiatric and behavioral symptoms; and 3) pain. HR-QoL was associated with motor symptoms and psychiatric and behavioral symptoms (R2 = 0.66) for the total sample and lesional dystonia, but in the non-lesional dystonia subgroup only with psychiatric and behavioral symptoms (R2 = 0.51). Conclusions Non-motor symptoms are important for HR-QoL in childhood-onset dystonia. We suggest a multidisciplinary assessment of motor and non-motor symptoms to optimize individual patient management

    Cumulative Low Back Load at Work as a Risk Factor of Low Back Pain: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Purpose Much research has been performed on physical exposures during work (e.g. lifting, trunk flexion or body vibrations) as risk factors for low back pain (LBP), however results are inconsistent. Information on the effect of doses (e.g. spinal force or low back moments) on LBP may be more reliable but is lacking yet. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prospective relationship of cumulative low back loads (CLBL) with LBP and to compare the association of this mechanical load measure to exposure measures used previously. Methods The current study was part of the Study on Musculoskeletal disorders, Absenteeism and Health (SMASH) study in which 1,745 workers completed questionnaires. Physical load at the workplace was assessed by video-observations and force measurements. These measures were used to calculate CLBL. Furthermore, a 3-year follow-up was conducted to assess the occurrence of LBP. Logistic regressions were performed to assess associations of CLBL and physical risk factors established earlier (i.e. lifting and working in a flexed posture) with LBP. Furthermore, CLBL and the risk factors combined were assessed as predictors in logistic regression analyses to assess the association with LBP. Results Results showed that CLBL is a significant risk factor for LBP (OR: 2.06 (1.32-3.20)). Furthermore, CLBL had a more consistent association with LBP than two of the three risk factors reported earlier. Conclusions From these results it can be concluded that CLBL is a risk factor for the occurrence of LBP, having a more consistent association with LBP compared to most risk factors reported earlier. © 2012 The Author(s)

    Validation Study of Existing Gene Expression Signatures for Anti-TNF Treatment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    So far, there are no means of identifying rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who will fail to respond to tumour necrosis factor blocking agents (anti-TNF), prior to treatment. We set out to validate eight previously reported gene expression signatures predicting therapy outcome. Genome-wide expression profiling using Affymetrix GeneChip Exon 1.0 ST arrays was performed on RNA isolated from whole blood of 42 RA patients starting treatment with infliximab or adalimumab. Clinical response according to EULAR criteria was determined at week 14 of therapy. Genes that have been reported to be associated with anti-TNF treatment were extracted from our dataset. K-means partition clustering was performed to assess the predictive value of the gene-sets. We performed a hypothesis-driven analysis of the dataset using eight existing gene sets predictive of anti-TNF treatment outcome. The set that performed best reached a sensitivity of 71% and a specificity of 61%, for classifying the patients in the current study. We successfully validated one of eight previously reported predictive expression profile. This replicated expression signature is a good starting point for developing a prediction model for anti-TNF treatment outcome that can be used in a daily clinical setting. Our results confirm that gene expression profiling prior to treatment is a useful tool to predict anti-TNF (non) response

    T cells, more than antibodies, may prevent symptoms developing from respiratory syncytial virus infections in older adults.

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    INTRODUCTION: The immune mechanisms supporting partial protection from reinfection and disease by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have not been fully characterized. In older adults, symptoms are typically mild but can be serious in patients with comorbidities when the infection extends to the lower respiratory tract. METHODS: This study formed part of the RESCEU older-adults prospective-cohort study in Northern Europe (2017-2019; NCT03621930) in which a thousand participants were followed over an RSV season. Peripheral-blood samples (taken pre-season, post-season, during illness and convalescence) were analyzed from participants who (i) had a symptomatic acute respiratory tract infection by RSV (RSV-ARTI; N=35) or (ii) asymptomatic RSV infection (RSV-Asymptomatic; N=16). These analyses included evaluations of antibody (Fc-mediated-) functional features and cell-mediated immunity, in which univariate and machine-learning (ML) models were used to explore differences between groups. RESULTS: Pre-RSV-season peripheral-blood biomarkers were predictive of symptomatic RSV infection. T-cell data were more predictive than functional antibody data (area under receiver operating characteristic curve [AUROC] for the models were 99% and 76%, respectively). The pre-RSV season T-cell phenotypes which were selected by the ML modelling and which were more frequent in RSV-Asymptomatic group than in the RSV-ARTI group, coincided with prominent phenotypes identified during convalescence from RSV-ARTI (e.g., IFN-γ+, TNF-α+ and CD40L+ for CD4+, and IFN-γ+ and 4-1BB+ for CD8+). CONCLUSION: The evaluation and statistical modelling of numerous immunological parameters over the RSV season suggests a primary role of cellular immunity in preventing symptomatic RSV infections in older adults

    Trends in sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands, combining surveillance data from general practices and sexually transmitted infection centers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sexually transmitted infections (STI) care in the Netherlands is primarily provided by general practitioners (GPs) and specialized STI centers. STI surveillance is based on data from STI centers, which show increasing numbers of clients. Data from a GP morbidity surveillance network were used to investigate the distribution in the provision of STI care and the usefulness of GP data in surveillance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on STI-related episodes and STI diagnoses based on ICPC codes and, for chlamydia, prescriptions, were obtained from GP electronic medical records (EMRs) of the GP network and compared to data from STI centers from 2002 to 2007. Incidence rates were estimated for the total population in the Netherlands.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incidence of STI-consultations and -diagnoses increased substantially in recent years, both at GPs and STI centers. The increase in consultations was larger than the increase in diagnoses; Chlamydia incidence rose especially at STI centers. GPs were responsible for 70% of STI-related episodes and 80-85% of STI diagnoses. STI centers attract relatively younger and more often male STI-patients than GPs. Symptomatic STIs like <it>Herpes genitalis </it>and genital warts were more frequently diagnosed at GPs and chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis at STI centers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>GPs fulfill an important role in STI care, complementary to STI centers. Case definitions of STI could be improved, particularly by including laboratory results in EMRs. The contribution of primary care is often overlooked in STI health care. Including estimates from GP EMRs can improve the surveillance of STIs.</p

    Can antibiotic prescriptions in respiratory tract infections be improved? A cluster-randomized educational intervention in general practice – The Prescription Peer Academic Detailing (Rx-PAD) Study [NCT00272155]

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    BACKGROUND: More than half of all antibiotic prescriptions in general practice are issued for respiratory tract infections (RTIs), despite convincing evidence that many of these infections are caused by viruses. Frequent misuse of antimicrobial agents is of great global health concern, as we face an emerging worldwide threat of bacterial antibiotic resistance. There is an increasing need to identify determinants and patterns of antibiotic prescribing, in order to identify where clinical practice can be improved. METHODS/DESIGN: Approximately 80 peer continuing medical education (CME) groups in southern Norway will be recruited to a cluster randomized trial. Participating groups will be randomized either to an intervention- or a control group. A multifaceted intervention has been tailored, where key components are educational outreach visits to the CME-groups, work-shops, audit and feedback. Prescription Peer Academic Detailers (Rx-PADs), who are trained GPs, will conduct the educational outreach visits. During these visits, evidence-based recommendations of antibiotic prescriptions for RTIs will be presented and software will be handed out for installation in participants PCs, enabling collection of prescription data. These data will subsequently be linked to corresponding data from the Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD). Individual feedback reports will be sent all participating GPs during and one year after the intervention. Main outcomes are baseline proportion of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions for RTIs and change in prescription patterns compared to baseline one year after the initiation of the tailored pedagogic intervention. DISCUSSION: Improvement of prescription patterns in medical practice is a challenging task. A thorough evaluation of guidelines for antibiotic treatment in RTIs may impose important benefits, whereas inappropriate prescribing entails substantial costs, as well as undesirable consequences like development of antibiotic resistance. Our hypothesis is that an educational intervention program will be effective in improving prescription patterns by reducing the total number of antibiotic prescriptions, as well as reducing the amount of broad-spectrum antibiotics, with special emphasis on macrolides