191 research outputs found

    Linearization of CIF Through SOS

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    Linearization is the procedure of rewriting a process term into a linear form, which consist only of basic operators of the process language. This procedure is interesting both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. In particular, a linearization algorithm is needed for the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF), an automaton based modeling language. The problem of devising efficient linearization algorithms is not trivial, and has been already addressed in literature. However, the linearization algorithms obtained are the result of an inventive process, and the proof of correctness comes as an afterthought. Furthermore, the semantic specification of the language does not play an important role on the design of the algorithm. In this work we present a method for obtaining an efficient linearization algorithm, through a step-wise refinement of the SOS rules of CIF. As a result, we show how the semantic specification of the language can guide the implementation of such a procedure, yielding a simple proof of correctness.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS 2011, arXiv:1108.407

    A Double Payload Complex between Hypericin and All-trans Retinoic Acid in the β-Lactoglobulin Protein

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    Combined therapies are usually used to treat acne vulgaris since this approach can tackle various foci simultaneously. Using a combination of spectroscopic, computational, and microbiological techniques and methods, herein we report on the use of β-lactoglobulin as a double payload carrier of hypericin (an antimicrobial photodynamic agent) and all-trans retinoic acid (an anti-inflammatory drug) for S. aureus in vitro photodynamic inactivation. The addition of all-trans retinoic acid to hypericinβ-lactoglobulin complex renders a photochemically safe vehicle due to the photophysical quenching of hypericin, which recovers its photodynamic activity when in contact with bacteria. The ability of hypericin to photoinactivate S. aureus was not affected by retinoic acid. β-Lactoglobulin is a novel biocompatible and photochemically safe nanovehicle with strong potential for the treatment of acne

    ¿Cuál es tu diagnóstico?

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    Historia clínica: Se presentó en el Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad de Murcia una gata común europea de 12 años que presentaba anorexia, poliuria, polidipsia, distensión abdominal y secreción mucopurulenta por vulva desde hacía dos días. El último celo se presentó 3 meses antes y hacía un año que se le había realizado una mastectomía regional por tumores mamarios. Durante la exploración clínica presentó dolor a la palpación del abdomen medio y caudal. La analítica sanguínea mostró leucocitosis con desviación a la izquierda, anemia no regenerativa y azotemia. Se le realizó una radiografía lateral de abdome