181 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pada  penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana suatu kritik sosial dalam novel Selamat Tinggal karya Tere Liye dan fakta sosial saling bersinggungan. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra, metode kualitatif dengan model penelitian deskriptif kualitatif . Pada hasil penelitian dan pembahasan akan dikaji sesuai dengan fokus dan kegunaan penelitian meliputi; (1) Kritik sosial yang berkenaan dengan pertentangan moral dalam diri tokoh terhadap lingkungan sosial tokoh pada novel Selamat Tinggal karya Tere Liye, Adapun bahasan dari fokus penelitian tersebut yakni, kritik sosial yang berkenaan dengan pertentangan moral dalam diri tokoh terhadap lingkungan sosial tokoh pada novel Selamat Tinggal karya Tere Liye, mengenai pilihan baik dan buruk mengenai perbuatan, sikap, akhlak, budi pekerti, susia, yang dihadapi tokoh, dan sikap berani, semangat, bergairah, dan berdisiplin dalam mengikuti norma masyarakat. (2) Kritik sosial yang berkenaan dengan perilaku politik dalam novel Selamat Tinggal Karya Tere Liye adapun kritik sosial yang berkenaan dengan perilaku politik dalam novel Selamat Tinggal Karya Tere Liye berupa, yang pertama kritik sosial terhadap pemerintah dan kekuasaan yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan, dan siasat, yang kedua kritik sosial yang berkaitan dengan negara, wilayah, dan lingkungan sosial masyarakat, dan yang ketiga kritik sosial yang berkaitan dengan cara bertindak menangani masalah.Kata Kunci: Kritik, Novel, Sosiologi Sastr

    Development of Mangrove Revegetation in Increasing the Availability of Food Materials from the Existence of Association Biota in Central Lombok

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    Mangrove forest is an ecosystem that functions as a habitat for various animals and biota, but mangrove damage has a negative impact on the diversity of associated biota and the availability of food materials. This study aims to determine the development of mangrove revegetation in increasing the availability of food materials from the presence of associated biota in Central Lombok. Primary data collected from quadratic sampling along the line transects were further analyzed to determine mangrove diversity and dispersion indices as well as macrofauna diversity, uniformity, dominance and abundance indices. The results of the analysis of mangroves, the highest diversity index was in Dondon Beach at 1.52, Tanjung Batutiang at 1.49 and Gili Perigi at 1.42, while the highest dispersion index at Gili Perigi at 0.61, Tanjung Batutiang at 0.55 and Dondon Beach at 0.51. Furthermore, the results of macrofauna analysis showed that the highest diversity index was in Tanjung Batutiang at 2.59, Dondon Beach at 2.51 and Gili Perigi at 2.49, the highest uniformity index at Tanjung Batutiang at 0.82, Dondon Beach at 0.80 and Gili Perigi at 0.79, the highest dominance index at Tanjung Batutiang at 0.91, on Gili Perigi and Dondon Beach of 0.89, the highest abundance index on Dondon Beach of 3.05, on Gili Perigi and Dondon Beach of 2.71. The conclusion of this study is that mangrove revegetation has succeeded in increasing the availability of food material in terms of the presence of macrofauna in Central Lombok

    Validation of a Novel Collection Device for Non-Invasive Urine Sampling from Free-Ranging Animals.

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    Recent advances in non-invasively collected samples have opened up new and exciting opportunities for wildlife research. Different types of samples, however, involve different limitations and certain physiological markers (e.g., C-peptide, oxytocin) can only be reliably measured from urine. Common collection methods for urine to date work best for arboreal animals and large volumes of urine. Sufficient recovery of urine is thus still difficult for wildlife biologists, particularly for terrestrial and small bodied animals. We tested three collection devices (two commercially available saliva swabs, Salivette synthetic and cotton, and cotton First aid swabs) against a control to permit the collection of small volumes of urine from the ground. We collected urine samples from captive and wild macaques, and humans, measured volume recovery, and analyzed concentrates of selected physiological markers (creatinine, C-peptide, and neopterin). The Salivette synthetic device was superior to the two alternative devices. Concentrations of creatinine, absolute C-peptide, C-peptide per creatinine, absolute neopterin, and neopterin per creatinine measured in samples collected with this device did not differ significantly from the control and were also strongly correlated to it. Fluid recovery was also best for this device. The least suitable device is the First aid collection device; we found that while absolute C-peptide and C-peptide per creatinine concentrations did not differ significantly from the control, creatinine concentrations were significantly lower than the control. In addition, these concentrations were either not or weakly correlated to the control. The Salivette cotton device provided intermediate results, although these concentrations were strongly correlated to the control. Salivette synthetic swabs seem to be useful devices for the collection of small amounts of urine from the ground destined for the assessment of physiological parameters. They thus provide new opportunities for field studies to incorporate physiological markers, particularly on smaller bodied and terrestrial animals and where urine collection is difficult

    The function of postconflict interactions: new prospects from the study of a tolerant species of primate

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    Aggression can generate anxiety, create uncertainty about its aftermath and jeopardise social relationships. Postconflict interactions serve as conflict management strategies to mitigate these consequences. Whereas postconflict interactions are well characterized in many animals, their functions are still insufficiently investigated. Four functional hypotheses have been proposed: stress reduction, relationship repair, self-protection and benign intent. We aimed to test these hypotheses in females of a tolerant macaque species, the crested macaque, Macaca nigra, under natural conditions, for three postconflict interactions: reconciliation, affiliation and aggression with third parties. Our results provide meaningful contrasts compared with findings in other species. We found no evidence that aggression had consequences for individuals' behavioural indicators of anxiety, although it increased the likelihood of secondary aggression with third parties. There was little evidence for the stress reduction hypothesis as the occurrence of any of the three postconflict interactions investigated had little effect on the measured behavioural indicators of anxiety. Conflict and dyad characteristics also had limited influence on anxiety. The relationship repair function was only partly validated: dyads with stronger bonds or that exchanged more support did not reconcile more often, but dyads with attributes related to the symmetry, stability and predictability (i.e. security) within relationships did. Patterns of initiation and directionality of postconflict interactions in this study population suggest that reconciliation may constitute the signalling of appeasement and benign intent. Furthermore, we found that aggression towards third parties may serve as a source of self-protection and reassertion of the females' social status. The distinctive pattern of postconflict management strategies revealed in wild female crested macaques appears to be related to their typically tolerant social style. These results demonstrate the usefulness of concomitantly studying aggression, postconflict interactions and their functions, to understand conflict management strategies comprehensively, while taking into account the level of social tolerance characterizing the studied society


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    Abstrak : Taman Wisata Alam Suranadi merupakan satu dari 11 kawasan konservasi di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas kupu-kupu di TWA Suranadi Lombok Barat.Pengambilan data dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali pengulangan dalam waktu 2 bulan (April – Mei 2017) pada pagi dan sore hari. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik sweeping net mengikuti empat jalur pengamatan yakni jalur tepi kiri hutan, jalur tepi kanan hutan, jalur tengah dan jalur air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 5 famili kupu-kupu ditemukan di TWA Suranasi (Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Papilionidae dan Hesperiidae). Nymphalidae merupakan famili yang memiliki proporsi terbesar dari total proporsi kupu-kupu di TWA Suranadi yakni 35,7% sedangkan proporsi terendah yakni family Hesperiidae (0,9%).Proporsi famili kupu-kupu pada masing-masing jalur ditemukan berbeda. Famili Nymphalidae ditemukan memiliki proporsi tinggi pada dua jalur berbeda yakni jalur kiri (35,3%)dan kanan (37,0%), sedangkan pada jalur air proporsi tertinggi dimiliki oleh Papilionidae (34,1%), dan Pieridae (50,0%) pada jalur tengah. Proporsi terendah dimiliki oleh dua famili yakni famili Hesperiidae pada tiga jalur yakni 0,7% (kiri) 1,0% (kanan), tengah (2,1%), dan famili Lycaenidae (17,1%) pada jalur air. Struktur komunitas kupu-kupu berbeda-beda tiap jalur pengamatan karena perbedan karakteristik habitat di Taman Wisata Alam Suranadi.Kata kunci : Struktur Komunitas, Kupu-kupu, TWA SuranadiAbstract : Suranadi natural park is one of 11 conservation area in West Nusa Tenggara.This research is an explorative descriptive study with aim  to know the structure of the Butterfly community in Suranadi Natural Park, West Lombok. Data retrieval is done in 4 repetitions within 2 months (April-May 2017) in the morning and evening. The method of data collection uses a survey method with sweeping net techniques following four observation paths; first, the left edge of the forest. Second, right edge of the forest, third, middle lane and the last is waterway. The result of the study showed 5 families of butterflies are found in Suranadi Natural Park (Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Papilionidae dan Hesperiidae). Nymphalidae is the family that has the largest proportion (35.7%) of the total proportion of butterflies in Suranadi Natural park, while the lowest proporstion is the Hesperidae (0.9%). The different proportion of Butterflies families was found in each parth. Nymphalidae family was found highest proportion on two lines; left line (35.3%) and right line (37.0%), whereas in waterway, the high proportion was owned by Papilionidae (34.1%) and Pieridae (50.0%) in Middle line. The lowest proportion is owned by two families; Hesperidae family on three lines ( left (0.7%), Right (1.0%), and middle (2.1%)) and Lycanidae on waterway (17.1%). The structure of the Butterfly community difference  of each path due to differences in habitat characteristics.Keywords : Community Structure, Butterfly, TWA Suranad

    Budidaya Tanaman Hidrophonik Asman Toga “Terollas” sebagai Inovasi Media Tanam di Desa Kalidawir Sidoarjo

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    Many people in Kalidawir village, Tanggulangin district, Sidoarjo district still use the asman toga through land media in front of their house. As time goes by, the land as a planting medium is getting narrower due to the increasing number of buildings that stand to replace the function of land for cultivation. The existence of new innovations in the form of hydrophonic planting media is expected to be able to answer that challenge. The method used in the implementation of this hydrophonic plant is ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) by utilizing local assets in the form of an abandoned hydrophonic chart at the Kalidawir village hall. This cultivation is very useful as an effort to reduce operational costs but can optimize crop yields. Asman toga hydrophonic plant cultivation training is carried out in the UMSIDA KKN – T program as a form of community service application, where students can apply the theory that has been obtained so that it can be applied in real time in Kalidawir village, Sidoarjo. The results of the implementation of the KKN – T activity can be seen from the increasing number of Asman Toga hydrophonic plants in the yards of residents' houses and the use of organic fertilizers as an environmentally friendly hydrophonic plant fertilizer

    Kekayaan Spesies Amfibi di Pulau Lombok, Indonesia

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    Walaupun daftar tentang kekayaan spesies amfibi di Pulau Lombok telah ada di dalam buku The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku, namun catatan tersebut memiliki kelemahan yaitu Limnonectes kadarsani tidak tercantum, penamaan spesies masih menggunakan klasifikasi lama yang telah mengalami revisi, dan Oreophryne jeffersoniana yang tidak ditemukan di Lombok namun ada dalam daftar tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan kegiatan revisi terhadap kekayaan spesies amphibi di Pulau Lombok. Untuk melakukannya, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan catatan terbaru. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventaris kekayaan spesies yang ada di Pulau Lombok. Survey dilakukan pada kurun waktu bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2016 di 10 titik yang tersebar di Pulau Lombok menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah ditemukan 12 spesies yang diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 famili. Keduabelas spesies tersebut adalah Bufo melanostictus, Bufo biporcatus, Rana erytraea, Rana florensis, Fejervarya cancrivora, Fejervarya limnocharis, Limnonectes kadarsani, Limnonectes dammermani, Phrynoglosus laevis, Oreophryne monticola, kaloula baleata, dan Polypedathes leucomystax. Dari 12 spesies yang telah ditemukan, 2 spesies di antaranya yaitu Rana erytraea dan Limnonectes kadarsani tidak tercantum di dalam buku Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku

    An in Vitro Antiosteoporotic Activity of 96% Ethanol Extract of Abelmoschus Manihot L. Medik Leaves Using Mc3t3-e1 Preosteoblast Cells

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    Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue. Estrogen deficiency causes loss of bone mineral density which causes osteoporosis. Phytoestrogen is a potential alternative of estrogen that can be used as Hormone Replacement Therapy on osteoporosis with minimum side effects. Many edible plants contain phytoestrogens that are believed to promote bone health. Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik has been known as a plant that is empirically used in the traditional medicine and has potency to prevent osteoporosis. The aim of this research is to determine whether the Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik leaves have the potential to increase bone formation in an in vitro assays using preosteoblast cell line MC3T3-E1. The results showed an increasing activity of Alkaline phosphatase using confocal laser scanning microscopy technique

    Temporal dynamics and fitness consequences of coalition formation in male primates

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    Coalition formation is one of the most striking forms of cooperation found in animals. Yet, there is substantial variation between taxa regarding the mechanisms by which coalitions can result in fitness consequences. Here, we investigate the influence of coalitions on dominance rank trajectories and subsequently on reproductive success in wild male crested macaques (Macaca nigra) at Tangkoko Nature Reserve (Sulawesi, Indonesia). We observed 128 coalition events involving 28 males and tested how a variety of coalition properties and factors related to the social environment influenced future male rank. We further used genetic paternity analysis of 19 infants conceived during the study to assess male reproductive success. Our results show that males participating in coalitions achieved higher-than-expected future ranks, while coalition targets had lower-than-expected future ranks. Additionally, all-up coalitions had stronger effects on rank than all-down and bridging coalitions, and these were modulated by the relative strength of coalition partners versus targets. Finally, higher ranking males were more likely to sire infants than lower ranking males. These results provide important insights regarding the mechanisms underlying coalition formation and support the idea that one major path by which coalitions can affect fitness is through influencing male dominance trajectories
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