46 research outputs found

    Coherent master equation for laser modelocking

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    Modelocked lasers constitute the fundamental source of optically-coherent ultrashort-pulsed radiation, with huge impact in science and technology. Their modeling largely rests on the master equation (ME) approach introduced in 1975 by Hermann A. Haus. However, that description fails when the medium dynamics is fast and, ultimately, when light-matter quantum coherence is relevant. Here we set a rigorous and general ME framework, the coherent ME (CME), that overcomes both limitations. The CME predicts strong deviations from Haus ME, which we substantiate through an amplitude-modulated semiconductor laser experiment. Accounting for coherent effects, like the Risken-Nummedal-Graham-Haken multimode instability, we envisage the usefulness of the CME for describing self-modelocking and spontaneous frequency comb formation in quantum-cascade and quantum-dot lasers. Furthermore, the CME paves the way for exploiting the rich phenomenology of coherent effects in laser design, which has been hampered so far by the lack of a coherent ME formalism

    High power Q-switched thulium doped fibre laser using carbon nanotube polymer composite saturable absorber

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    We have proposed and demonstrated a Q-switched Thulium doped bre laser (TDFL) with a ‘Yin-Yang’ all- bre cavity scheme based on a combination of nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) and nonlinear ampli ed loop mirror (NALM). Unidirectional lasing operation has been achieved without any intracavity isolator. By using a carbon nanotube polymer composite based saturable absorber (SA), we demonstrated the laser output power of ~197 mW and pulse energy of 1.7 μJ. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output power from a nanotube polymer composite SA based Q-switched Thulium doped bre laser

    Comparison of 1- and 2-year screening intervals for women undergoing screening mammography

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    We compared the long-term impact of 1- and 2-year screening mammography intervals using prognostic, screening, and outcome information for women aged 50–74 years obtained from the Screening Mammography Program of British Columbia in two time periods, prior to 1997 (policy of annual mammography) and after 1997 (biennial mammography). Survival was estimated for both periods using a prognostic model and the expected rate of interval and screen-detected cancers. The likelihood of a screen-detected cancer with annual screening was 2.32 per thousand screens and with biennial screening was 3.32 per thousand screens. The prognostic profile of screen-detected cancers was better than that of interval cancers. Among both screen-detected and interval cancers, the prognostic profiles with annual and biennial screening were similar. The estimated breast cancer-specific survival rates for women undergoing annual and biennial screening mammography were 95.2 and 94.6% at 5 years, and 90.4 and 89.2% at 10 years, respectively. Annual compared to biennial mammography was associated with a 1.2% increase in the estimated 10-year breast cancer-specific survival for women aged 50–74 years, diagnosed with invasive breast cancer after screening programme attendance

    Seasonality in Human Zoonotic Enteric Diseases: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Although seasonality is a defining characteristic of many infectious diseases, few studies have described and compared seasonal patterns across diseases globally, impeding our understanding of putative mechanisms. Here, we review seasonal patterns across five enteric zoonotic diseases: campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, vero-cytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC), cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis in the context of two primary drivers of seasonality: (i) environmental effects on pathogen occurrence and pathogen-host associations and (ii) population characteristics/behaviour. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We systematically reviewed published literature from 1960-2010, resulting in the review of 86 studies across the five diseases. The Gini coefficient compared temporal variations in incidence across diseases and the monthly seasonality index characterised timing of seasonal peaks. Consistent seasonal patterns across transnational boundaries, albeit with regional variations was observed. The bacterial diseases all had a distinct summer peak, with identical Gini values for campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis (0.22) and a higher index for VTEC (Gini  0.36). Cryptosporidiosis displayed a bi-modal peak with spring and summer highs and the most marked temporal variation (Gini = 0.39). Giardiasis showed a relatively small summer increase and was the least variable (Gini = 0.18). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Seasonal variation in enteric zoonotic diseases is ubiquitous, with regional variations highlighting complex environment-pathogen-host interactions. Results suggest that proximal environmental influences and host population dynamics, together with distal, longer-term climatic variability could have important direct and indirect consequences for future enteric disease risk. Additional understanding of the concerted influence of these factors on disease patterns may improve assessment and prediction of enteric disease burden in temperate, developed countries

    Análise e gerenciamento de efluentes de serviços de radiologia Analysis and management of effluents from radiology departments

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    OBJETIVO: Com o intuito de prevenir e minimizar os riscos de ocorrência de danos ambientais, foram avaliados a manipulação e o destino final dos rejeitos e foi elaborado um modelo de gestão para serviços de radiodiagnóstico que visa à obtenção de recursos para o setor. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados a manipulação e os rejeitos, baseados em análises de amostras de efluentes das processadoras automáticas de filmes de serviços de radiologia. Foi feita uma análise econômica da viabilidade do modelo proposto. RESULTADOS: As observações in loco enfatizam que os princípios da gestão devem ser obedecidos, ou seja, os componentes dos efluentes (revelador, fixador e água de lavagem) necessitam ser tratados convenientemente antes de serem lançados direta ou indiretamente no meio ambiente, o que não ocorre. A análise econômica confirmou que a receita resultante da comercialização da prata (que varia de 3,5 a 10,2 g/l), recuperada a partir do fixador usado, acrescida da economia proporcionada pela reciclagem do fixador após seu beneficiamento, na pior das hipóteses (quando existe concentração de prata no fixador igual a 3,5 g/l) é suficiente para que toda a despesa correspondente à sua implantação seja paga. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo de gestão proposto demonstra que o reprocessamento do fixador pode ser uma escolha adequada para solucionar os problemas ambientais e financeiros desses serviços. O modelo proposto poderá se tornar, além de ecologicamente correto, uma fonte de recursos para os setores de diagnóstico por imagem e pode ser aplicado a outras instituições, em face da semelhança de problemas e recursos.<br>OBJECTIVE: With the aim of reducing and preventing environmental damages, handling and disposing practices of chemical effluents from radiology departments were investigated and a service management model was created in order to obtain financial resources for the department. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The proposed model, based on the evaluation of chemical effluents from automatic processors of radiographic films, showed that fixer reprocessing can be an adequate choice to solve environmental and financial problems in these departments. This model also emphasizes that compliance with management guidelines should be observed, i.e. other effluents (developer and water) must be chemically treated before disposal in the natural environment. The economical analysis has confirmed that the income originated from commercializing the silver (of which concentration ranges from 3.5 to 10.2 g/l), recovered from the used fixer, in addition to the income from the reuse of the fixer (after its recovery), is in the worst scenario (when the silver concentration is 3.5 g/l) enough to cover all the expenses with the implementation of the project. CONCLUSION: The proposed model can be a good choice for solution of environmental and financial problems. Moreover, it is ecologically correct, a potential source of financial resources to radiology departments, and can be applied to other institutions due to the similarity of problems and resources