6 research outputs found

    O circuito finance-investimento-poupança- funding em economias abertas

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    <abstract language="eng">The finance-investment-savings-funding circuit in open economies. On monetary economies the Finance-Investment-Savings-Funding circuit (F-I-S-F) prevails. Investment precedes savings. This circuit was worked out for a closed economy. This study seeks to demonstrate that the circuit F-I-S-F also prevails for open economies. A second point studied in this paper relates the relationship between budget deficits and savings restriction for investment. Conclusions highlight that the circuit F-I-S-F prevails for open economies and that budget deficits do not cause savings restriction for investment. In some situations budget déficits transfer the effects of investment for national savings formation from domestic economy to the rest of the world

    Influência das configurações organizacionais sobre valores no trabalho e preferências por recompensa

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    O artigo tem como objetivo identificar as similaridades e diferenças nos valores relacionados ao trabalho e preferências por recompensa entre diferentes configurações organizacionais, especificamente organizações privadas, públicas e de contextos mistos ou híbridos. Tendo como base pesquisa realizada no Brasil por Tamayo e Gondim (1996) sobre os valores e nos Estados Unidos por Wittmer (1991) sobre preferências por recompensa, as variáveis de interesse relacionaram-se a quatro categorias de valores associados ao trabalho: i) eficácia/eficiência, ii) sistema de gestão organizacional, iii) respeito ao empregado e iv) preferências por recompensa. O procedimento analítico adotado foi o da comparação das distribuições para os grupos, em cada categoria de análise, usando a análise da variância e confirmação pelo teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas no nível de 5% apenas para dois itens relacionados à categoria sistema de gestão organizacional (respeito aos níveis de autoridade e à hierarquia, e cumprimento das tarefas dentro dos padrões da organização) para as respostas dos três grupos. Em relação à categoria preferências por recompensa, os resultados contrariam aqueles obtidos por Wittmer (1991) no contexto americano

    Associations Between Environmental and Sociodemographic Data and Hepatitis‐A Transmission in Pará State (Brazil)

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    Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CAPES (finance Code 001), National Research Council, CNPq (grant #313588/2019-8) under program 2019-2023 (no. 4444327/2019-5) of the National Institute for Space Research, INPE; Brazil´s National Research Council (CNPq, grant #313588/2019- 8).Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations. National Institute for Space Research. Brasília, DF, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Geoprocessamento. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations. National Institute for Space Research. Brasília, DF, Brazil.Hepatitis‐A is a waterborne infectious disease transmitted by the eponymous hepatitis‐A virus (HAV). Due to the disease's sociodemographic and environmental characteristics, this study applied public census and remote sensing data to assess risk factors for hepatitis‐A transmission. Municipality‐level data were obtained for the state of Pará, Brazil. Generalized linear and non‐linear models were evaluated as alternative predictors for hepatitis‐A transmission in Pará. The Histogram Gradient Boost (HGB) regression model was deemed the best choice (urn:x-wiley:24711403:media:gh2229:gh2229-math-0001= 2.36, and higherurn:x-wiley:24711403:media:gh2229:gh2229-math-0002 = 0.95) among the tested models. Partial dependence analysis (PDA) and permutation feature importance analysis (PFI) were used to investigate the partial dependence and the relative importance values of the independent variables in the disease transmission prediction model. Results indicated a complex relationship between the disease transmission and the sociodemographic and environmental characteristics of the study area. Population size, lack of sanitation, urban clustering, year of notification, insufficient public vaccination programs, household proximity to open‐air dumpsites and storm‐drains, and lack of access to healthcare facilities and hospitals were sociodemographic parameters related to HAV transmission. Turbidity and precipitation were the environmental parameters closest related to disease transmission. Based on HGB model, a hepatitis‐A risk map was built for Pará state. The obtained risk map can be thought of as an auxiliary tool for public health strategies. This study reinforces the need to incorporate remote sensing data in epidemiological modelling and surveillance plans for the development of early prevention strategies for hepatitis‐A

    1994 Annual Selected Bibliography: Asian American Studies and the Crisis of Practice

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