350 research outputs found

    Lack of insurance coverage and urgent care use for asthma: A retrospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Asthma is a common chronic disease with profound impacts upon individuals and the US health care system. Inadequate health care coverage has been associated with more frequent and severe exacerbations of the disease. We examined the relationship between adequacy of health care coverage and use of emergent care of adults with asthma. METHODS: The 2001 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System was the source of data on adults with current asthma. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analysis modeled identifiable factors in predicting urgent or emergent care. RESULTS: Key variables included demographics and information on self-reported gaps in health care coverage. The primary outcome was emergency room or urgent care visits for worsening of asthma symptoms. Of 16,234 subjects nationally with current asthma, 2,195 from eight states had valid responses to a supplemental module asking about emergency room use or urgent care visits because of asthma. Thirty four percent of these individuals required such care in the previous year. Having an interruption in health care coverage in the past year was associated with an increased risk of needed urgent or emergent care (crude Odds Ratio [OR] 1.48, 95% confidence intervals [CI]1.03, 2.1). The association was not statistically significant in the adjusted multivariate model including race/ethnicity, employment status, gender, age, education and the ability to identify a primary physician (adjusted OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.8, 1.8). CONCLUSION: This study provides population-level, generalizable evidence of increased risk of exacerbations of asthma in adults and (1) their demographic characteristics, and (2) continuous adequate health care coverage

    The effectiveness and satisfaction of web-based physiotherapy in people with spinal cord injury: a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    Study Design: Pilot randomised controlled trial. Objectives: The aims of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness and participant satisfaction of web-based physiotherapy for people with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Setting: Community patients of a national spinal injury unit in a university teaching hospital, Scotland, UK. Methods: Twenty-four participants were recruited and randomised to receive eight weeks of web-based physiotherapy (intervention), twice per week, or usual care (control). Individual exercise programmes were prescribed based upon participant’s abilities. The intervention was delivered via a website (www.webbasedphysio.com) and monitored and progressed remotely by the physiotherapist. Results: Participants logged on to the website an average of 1.4±0.8 times per week. Between-group differences, although not significant were more pronounced for the 6 minute walk test. Participants were positive about using web-based physiotherapy and stated they would be happy to use it again and would recommend it to others. Overall it was rated as either good or excellent. Conclusions: Web-based physiotherapy was feasible and acceptable for people with SCI. Participants achieved good compliance with the intervention, rated the programme highly and beneficial for health and well-being at various states post injury. The results of this study warrant further work with a more homogenous sample

    One-carbon metabolism and epigenetic programming of mammalian development

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    One-carbon (1C) metabolism comprises a series of integrated metabolic pathways, including the linked methionine-folate cycles, that provide methyl groups for the synthesis of biomolecules and the epigenetic regulation of gene expression via chromatin methylation. Most of the research investigating the function of 1C metabolism pertains to studies undertaken in the rodent liver. Comparatively little is known about the function of 1C metabolism in reproductive and embryonic cells, particularly in domestic ruminant species. Periconceptional dietary deficiencies in 1C substrates and cofactors are known to lead to epigenetic alterations in DNA methylation in genes that regulate key developmental processes in the embryo. Such modifications can have negative implications on the subsequent development, metabolism and health of offspring. This thesis sought to improve current understanding of the regulation of 1C metabolism in the ruminant liver, ovary and preimplantation embryo through in vivo and in vitro nutritional supplementation experiments coupled with metabolomic, transcriptomic and epigenetic analyses. The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) assessed the metabolic consequences of dietary methyl deficiency using novel mass spectrometry–based methods that were developed for the quantification of B vitamins, folates and 1C-related amines in sheep liver. This study provided the first comparison of the relative abundance of bioactive 1C metabolites in liver harvested from methyl deficient sheep relative to a control study population of abattoir derived sheep. Relevant reductions in dietary methyl availability led to significant alterations in hepatic 1C metabolite concentrations. Large natural variations in the hepatic concentrations of individual metabolites in both sheep study populations reflected the dietary and genetic variation in our chosen outbred model species. These metabolomics platforms will be useful for investigating 1C metabolism and linked biochemical pathways in order to facilitate future dietary and genetic studies of metabolic health and epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Based on the absence of methionine cycle enzyme transcripts (e.g. MAT1A and BHMT) in the bovine ovary and preimplantation embryo, the second part of this thesis (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) addressed the hypothesis that ruminant reproductive and embryonic cells are highly sensitive to methyl group availability and, therefore, epigenetic programming during the periconceptional period. Transcript analyses confirmed MAT2A expression in the bovine liver, ovary and at each stage of preimplantation embryo development assessed to Day 8. Transcripts for BHMT isoforms (BHMT and BHMT2) were detected in the bovine ovary but were weak or absent in embryos, highlighting a key difference in methionine metabolism between hepatic and reproductive cells. Bovine embryos were produced in vitro using custom-made media containing 0 (nonphysiological), 10 (low physiological), 50 (high physiological), and 500 µmol/L (supraphysiological) added methionine (Chapter 3). Gross morphological assessments of embryo stage, grade, cell lineage allocation and primary sex ratio revealed that culture in non- and supraphysiological methionine concentrations was detrimental for embryo development, whilst culture in the high physiological concentration appeared to be best. Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells immunodissected from Day 8 blastocysts demonstrated that culturing embryos in low physiological methionine led to global hypomethylation within both cell lineages. Bioinformatic analyses of differentially methylated genes included gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA). Gene Ontology (GO) terms and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways that were enriched within the ICM were associated with protein catabolism and autophagy, and significant terms and pathways enriched within the TE were associated with cellular transport. Of particular biological interest was the loss of methylation within regulatory region (DMR2) of the paternally imprinted gene, IGF2R, in the TE following culture in low physiological methionine. Transcript analysis found no significant effect of methionine concentration on the expression of IGF2R or the antisense transcript, AIRN, in the primary cell lineages of the Day 8 bovine preimplantation embryo. Hypomethylation of IGF2R DMR2 has been associated with aberrant IGF2R expression and large offspring syndrome (LOS) in cattle and sheep that were subjected to embryo manipulation during assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, such as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) or non-physiological in vitro embryo culture environments. Chapter 5 sought to evaluate the effect of somatic donor cell type on epigenetic reprogramming via DNA methylation in hepatocytes isolated from cloned sheep. RRBS facilitated the comparison of methylation reprogramming between Finn Dorset (D) clone hepatocytes and their mammary epithelial (OP5) donor cell line; and, Lleyn (L) clone hepatocytes and their Lleyn fetal fibroblast (LFF4) donor cell line. Methylation was most closely correlated between D and L clone hepatocytes than between clones and their respective donor cell lines. In general, hepatocytes were hypomethylated relative to their somatic donor cell nuclei. GSEA identified genes that encoded transcription factor proteins enriched within the ‘Sequence-specific DNA binding’ term (GO:0043565) as differentially methylated between clone hepatocytes and their donor cell lines. In addition, imprinted genes, including IGF2R, were differentially methylated in clone hepatocytes relative to somatic cell nuclei. In summary, this thesis promotes and supports the importance of an optimal methyl balance to support periconceptional development in mammals. The experiments detailed herein provide an insight into the metabolic consequences of dietary methyl deficiency (and excess) in outbred populations of domestic ruminants, with a specific focus on the liver, ovary and preimplantation embryo. The results demonstrate that tissue- and species-specific features of 1C metabolism render ruminant embryonic cells sensitive to methionine inputs within a physiological range. The observation that in vitro embryo culture and manipulation techniques, such as somatic cell nuclear transfer, can cause epigenetic alterations to DNA methylation during preimplantation development provides a basis for further study into the safety and efficacy of emerging assisted reproductive technologies

    The Interstellar Medium In Galaxies Seen A Billion Years After The Big Bang

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    Evolution in the measured rest frame ultraviolet spectral slope and ultraviolet to optical flux ratios indicate a rapid evolution in the dust obscuration of galaxies during the first 3 billion years of cosmic time (z>4). This evolution implies a change in the average interstellar medium properties, but the measurements are systematically uncertain due to untested assumptions, and the inability to measure heavily obscured regions of the galaxies. Previous attempts to directly measure the interstellar medium in normal galaxies at these redshifts have failed for a number of reasons with one notable exception. Here we report measurements of the [CII] gas and dust emission in 9 typical (~1-4L*) star-forming galaxies ~1 billon years after the big bang (z~5-6). We find these galaxies have >12x less thermal emission compared with similar systems ~2 billion years later, and enhanced [CII] emission relative to the far-infrared continuum, confirming a strong evolution in the interstellar medium properties in the early universe. The gas is distributed over scales of 1-8 kpc, and shows diverse dynamics within the sample. These results are consistent with early galaxies having significantly less dust than typical galaxies seen at z<3 and being comparable to local low-metallicity systems.Comment: Submitted to Nature, under review after referee report. 22 pages, 4 figures, 4 Extended Data Figures, 5 Extended Data table

    Predictability of evolutionary trajectories in fitness landscapes

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    Experimental studies on enzyme evolution show that only a small fraction of all possible mutation trajectories are accessible to evolution. However, these experiments deal with individual enzymes and explore a tiny part of the fitness landscape. We report an exhaustive analysis of fitness landscapes constructed with an off-lattice model of protein folding where fitness is equated with robustness to misfolding. This model mimics the essential features of the interactions between amino acids, is consistent with the key paradigms of protein folding and reproduces the universal distribution of evolutionary rates among orthologous proteins. We introduce mean path divergence as a quantitative measure of the degree to which the starting and ending points determine the path of evolution in fitness landscapes. Global measures of landscape roughness are good predictors of path divergence in all studied landscapes: the mean path divergence is greater in smooth landscapes than in rough ones. The model-derived and experimental landscapes are significantly smoother than random landscapes and resemble additive landscapes perturbed with moderate amounts of noise; thus, these landscapes are substantially robust to mutation. The model landscapes show a deficit of suboptimal peaks even compared with noisy additive landscapes with similar overall roughness. We suggest that smoothness and the substantial deficit of peaks in the fitness landscapes of protein evolution are fundamental consequences of the physics of protein folding.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    What do aquaporin knockout studies tell us about fluid transport in epithelia?

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    The investigation of near-isosmotic water transport in epithelia goes back over 100 years; however, debates over mechanism and pathway remain. Aquaporin (AQP) knockouts have been used by various research groups to test the hypothesis of an osmotic mechanism as well as to explore the paracellular versus transcellular pathway debate. Nonproportional reductions in the water permeability of a water-transporting epithelial cell (e.g., a reduction of around 80–90 %) compared to the reduction in overall water transport rate in the knockout animal (e.g., a reduction of 50–60 %) are commonly found. This nonproportionality has led to controversy over whether AQP knockout studies support or contradict the osmotic mechanism. Arguments raised for and against an interpretation supporting the osmotic mechanism typically have partially specified, implicit, or incorrect assumptions. We present a simple mathematical model of the osmotic mechanism with clear assumptions and, for models based on this mechanism, establish a baseline prediction of AQP knockout studies. We allow for deviations from isotonic/isosmotic conditions and utilize dimensional analysis to reduce the number of parameters that must be considered independently. This enables a single prediction curve to be used for multiple epithelial systems. We find that a simple, transcellular-only osmotic mechanism sufficiently predicts the results of knockout studies and find criticisms of this mechanism to be overstated. We note, however, that AQP knockout studies do not give sufficient information to definitively rule out an additional paracellular pathway

    Membranes by the Numbers

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    Many of the most important processes in cells take place on and across membranes. With the rise of an impressive array of powerful quantitative methods for characterizing these membranes, it is an opportune time to reflect on the structure and function of membranes from the point of view of biological numeracy. To that end, in this article, I review the quantitative parameters that characterize the mechanical, electrical and transport properties of membranes and carry out a number of corresponding order of magnitude estimates that help us understand the values of those parameters.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Happiness economics

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    There is enough evidence to be confident that individuals are able and willing to provide a meaningful answer when asked to value on a finite scale their satisfaction with their own lives, a question that psychologists have long and often posed to respondents of large questionnaires. Without taking its limitations and criticisms too lightly, some economists have been using thismeasure of self-reported satisfaction as a proxy for utility so as to contribute to a better understanding of individuals' tastes and hopefully behavior. By means of satisfaction questions we can elicit information on individual likes and dislikes over a large set of relevant issues, such as income, working status and job amenities, the risk of becoming unemployed, inflation, and health status. This information can be used to evaluate existing ideas from a new perspective, understand individual behavior, evaluate and design public policies, study poverty and inequality, and develop a preference based valuation method. In this article I first critically assess the pros and cons of using satisfaction variables, and then discuss its main applications

    Performance status score: do patients and their oncologists agree?

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    Oncologists traditionally assess their patients' ECOG performance status (PS), and few studies have evaluated the accuracy of these assessments. In this study, 101 patients attending a rapid access clinic at Papworth Hospital with a diagnosis of lung cancer were asked to assess their own ECOG PS score on a scale between 0 and 4. Patients' scores were compared to the PS assessment of them made by their oncologists. Of 98 patients with primary non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), weighted kappa statistics showed PS score agreement between patient and oncologist of 0.45. Both patient- and oncologist-assessed scores reflected survival duration (in NSCLC and SCLC) as well as disease stage (in NSCLC), with oncologist-assessed scores being only marginally more predictive of survival. There was no sex difference in patient assessment of PS scores, but oncologists scored female patients more pessimistically than males. This study showed that, with few exceptions, patients and oncologists assessed PS scores similarly. Although oncologists should continue to score PS objectively, it may benefit their clinical practice to involve their patients in these assessments

    Suboptimal asthma care for immigrant children: results of an audit study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little is known on the scope and nature of ethnic inequalities in suboptimal asthma care for children. This study aimed to assess (1) ethnic differences in suboptimal asthma care for children with an asthma exacerbation who consulted a physician, and (2) ethnic differences in the nature of suboptimal care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All children aged 6–16 years who during a period of six months consulted the paediatric department of the Academic Medical Centre-University of Amsterdam or one of the six regional primary care centres with an asthma exacerbation were included. Clinical guidelines were systematically converted to review criteria following the strategy as proposed by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Based upon these review criteria and their experience experts of two multidisciplinary panels retrospectively assessed the quality of care and its (possible) failure to prevent the occurrence of asthma exacerbation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only a small number of children (n = 35) were included in the analysis as a result of which the ethnic differences in suboptimal care were not significant. However, the results do indicate immigrant children, in particular 'other non-Western' children (n = 11), more frequently to receive suboptimal care related to the asthma exacerbation when compared to ethnic Dutch children. Furthermore, we found the nature of suboptimal care to differ with under-prescribing in the 'other non-Western' group (n = 11), lack of information exchange between physicians in the Surinamese/Antillean group (n = 12) and lack of education, and counselling of patients and parents in the ethnic Dutch (n = 12) as the most relevant factor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ethnic inequalities in the scope and nature of suboptimal asthma care for children in the Netherlands seem to exist. For the non-western immigrant groups the results indicate the importance of the prescription behaviour of the medical doctor, as well as the supervision by one health care provider.</p