271 research outputs found


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    Indonesia dengan politik luar negeri yang bebas dan aktif memiliki peran penting untuk mewujudkan kepentingan Negara Indonesia dan kepentingan dunia internasional yang diperankan dalam furum PBB dan DK PBB sehubungan dengan bermacam persoalan internasional yang terjadi, seperti politik, hukum dan keamanan internasional. Indonesia telah berkontribusi, namun keefektifannya perlu diperhatikan untuk peningkatannya.  Penulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui  bagaimana kontribusi aktif yang telah dijalankan Indonesia tersebut telah membawa hasil yang efektif dan optimal bagi kepentingan masyarakat internasional, seperti persoalan yang terjadi di kawasan Timur Tengah dan Asia. Berkenaan  dengan eksistensi Indonesia di D K PBB sebagai anggota tidak tetap, ternyata Indonesia telah berperan aktif dan memberikan kontribusi  bagi kepentingan bersama, termasuk perdamaian dan keamanan dunia, seperti persoalan politik dan  hak asasi manusia, pendelegasian perempuan  dan  isu keamanan kawasan. Dalam kaitan tersebut  Indonesia telah berperan dalam mencari solusi, seperti  terhadap konflik bersenjata di Timur Tengah,  masalah Palestina dan berkenaan dengan hak asasi manusia di Rohingnya Myanmar, perdamaian Filipina, termasuk persoalan konflik Rusia dengan Ukraina.  Namun demikian keefektifan dan optimalisasi kontribusi Indonesia sangat perlu ditingkatkan di forum internasional guna lebih berkontribusi lagi ke depa


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    The Article 12 Paragraph (1) of The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 31 of 2004 on Fisheries states that any person is prohibited from doing acts that lead to pollution and / or damage fish resources and / or the environment in fisheries management area of the Republic of Indonesia. According to the provision, the fishery resource must be protected. However, the protection given has not run properly. This study aims at explaining about the protection of marine fisheries resources in the Aceh region, the impacts of illegal fishing and the efforts to solve the problems. Library and field research was done to obtain the data of this research. The results showed that the protection done by Aceh Government is based on national regulations and local rules although there are no specific rules, the government authority of Aceh is only 12 nautical miles, the use of Rumpon and Langge can trigger conflict between fishermen, the destruction of small fish dead, and the use of trawl. The consequences are the destruction of coral reefs, the potential conflicts between fishermen, the destruction of small fish, the depletion of fish biodiversity, and the declining income of fishermen. The efforts taken are to prioritize the regulation of fisheries issues comprehensively and improve the supervision. It is recommended that local governments make special regulations in order to protect fish resources, fishermen, and enhance better coordination

    Perlindungan Sumber Daya Perikanan Laut sebagai Bentuk Tanggung Jawab Pemerintah Daerah di Perairan Laut Wilayah Provinsi Aceh

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    The Article 12 Paragraph (1) of The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 31 of 2004 on Fisheries states that any person is prohibited from doing acts that lead to pollution and / or damage fish resources and / or the environment in fisheries management area of the Republic of Indonesia. According to the provision, the fishery resource must be protected. However, the protection given has not run properly. This study aims at explaining about the protection of marine fisheries resources in the Aceh region, the impacts of illegal fishing and the efforts to solve the problems. Library and field research was done to obtain the data of this research. The results showed that the protection done by Aceh Government is based on national regulations and local rules although there are no specific rules, the government authority of Aceh is only 12 nautical miles, the use of Rumpon and Langge can trigger conflict between fishermen, the destruction of small fish dead, and the use of trawl. The consequences are the destruction of coral reefs, the potential conflicts between fishermen, the destruction of small fish, the depletion of fish biodiversity, and the declining income of fishermen. The efforts taken are to prioritize the regulation of fisheries issues comprehensively and improve the supervision. It is recommended that local governments make special regulations in order to protect fish resources, fishermen, and enhance better coordination.Keywords: Protection, Fishery, Local governmen

    Penanggulangan Penangkapan Ikan secara Ilegal di Perairan Provinsi Aceh

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    Countermeasure against illegal fishing in Aceh water territory has not yet run effectively as expected in accordance with the Law Number 45 of 2009 on Fisheries. This research aims to identify the policies of the local government relating to the countermeasure of illegal missing the mentioned territory. Data were collected through library research on reliable sources such as books, journals and other scholary works. In addition, field works foe collecting primary data have also been conducted through interview with relevant informen and respondents. It is found that the local government has shown necessary efforts in preventing and combating illegal fishing by issuing regulation concerning fishery issues and making coordination with relevant parties the Navy, Office of Maritime Affairs and Panglima Laot. Nevertheless, more efforts are needed including the issuance of the more specific regulation on illegal fishing which can address the case of illegal fissing by foreign fishing vessels. This is important since the existing regulation can only deal with the case of illegal fishing carried out by local fishermen with regards to illegal fishing gear and fishing permits

    Position of Deed Made by a Retired Notary in Court Proceedings in Banda Aceh

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    Article 65 of Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning Notarial Department states "Notary, Substitute Notary and Notary Acting Officer are responsible for any deed made even though the Notary Protocol has been submitted or transferred to the notary protocol depository." In practice, it often occurs when the Protocol Deed is transferred to the Notary protocol holder of the party harmed by the existence of the deed to a lawsuit involving a retired notary public. This is as happened in the case in the Banda Aceh District Court. This relates to the summoning of witnesses who must obtain approval from the Notary Honorary Assembly in accordance with Article 66 paragraph 1 of the UUJN. This research aims to explain the position of the Deed made by a retired Notary who is sued to the Court and the liability of the Notary Protocol Holder if the Deed of Protocol held in question in the Court and to know the need for approval from the Notary Honorary Assembly if the retired notary is called as a witness in a court case. The research method used is normative research method. The data used is primary data. The results showed that: A retired notary (werda) the position of the deed that he made as a deed of protocol submitted to the Notary protocol holder. If the deed of protocol is questioned to the court, then the retired notary is responsible for the deed he made. The notary of the Protocol holder cannot be held liable for the Deed of Protocol he holds if it is in question in the Court. If there is a problem with the deed then the responsible person remains the notary concerned and not the notary protocol holder. The summons of a retired Notary does not require permission from the Notary Honorary Assembly (MKN)

    Kedudukan Notaris sebagai Mediator Sengketa Kenotariatan Terkait dengan Kewajiban Penyuluhan Hukum

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    Notaris berwenang memberikan penyuluhan hukum untuk menjamin kepastian hukum akta. Moralitas, ketelitian, kehati-hatian merupakan faktor utama untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan wewenang yang menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak lain. Dalam praktek ditemukan, notaris tidak memberikan penyuluhan hukum sehingga terjadi sengketa, ada notaris yang menjadi mediator. Tujuan penelitian menjelaskan akibat hukum akta yang tidak didahului dengan penyuluhan hukum, menjelaskan kedudukan notaris dalam mediasi sengketa. Penelitian menggunakan metode hukum normatif, menggunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, tersier. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelitian kepustakaan, penelitian lapangan dalam bentuk wawancara, teknik pengolahan bahan hukum, analisis bahan hukum dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan notaris yang bertindak sebagai mediator tidak dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban hukum, karena mediator merupakan pihak ketiga yang bersifat netral dan tidak memihak. Tidak ada larangan bagi notaris menjadi mediator, karena mediator bukanlah pejabat negara, lembaga tinggi negara, tidak melaksanakan administrasi negara, profesi mediator tidak digolongkan sebagai pegawai negeri, advokat, pemimpin atau pegawai BUMN/D, dan profesi yang bertentangan dengan norma agama, kesusilaan/kepatutan, yang dapat mempengaruhi kehormatan notaris. Saran, notaris wajib memberikan penyuluhan hukum secara profesional untuk menghindari sengketa dan gugatan kepada notaris. Notaris harus memperhatikan etika, moral, ketidakberpihakan dalam proses mediasi. Ikatan Notaris Indonesia perlu menyusun mekanisme dan batasan mediasi yang boleh dilakukan oleh notaris

    Construction of Narcotics Law Against Narcotics Abusers in Perspective Justice

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    Article 54 of the Narcotic Drugs Act stipulates that drug abuse must undergo medical and social rehabilitation, but in fact, the provisions of Article 54 are not implemented to the maximum. This is evident from the existence of narcotic abusers who became non-rehabilitated addicts but dropped criminal penalties in prison. As a result, the agency is filled with excess capacity. The study's objectives are to investigate and evaluate the legal frameworks surrounding drugs law in order to fulfill the sense of justice towards drug abuse. This research is a normative law study, exploring legal thinking about the reconstruction of a fair law against drug abuse. To support data accuracy, legislative approaches, conceptual approaches, and comparison approaches are used. In normative legal research, data collection is carried out with library research and supplemented with field research. Data analysis is done qualitatively. The results of the research show that legal constructions that provide legal certainty, utility, and justice to drug addicts and drug users through a victim perspective, access to both social and medical rehabilitation, in addition to the trusts and purposes of the Narcotics Act, are ideal and coveted legislative constructions
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