14 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to identify and to report the occurrence of one of the insects that feeds on the seeds of the pindo palm (Butia odorata). The material was collected in the city of Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The larvae obtained in mature fruit were developed in a gerboxe containing sterilized wet sand substrate and not under controlled conditions. The larvae found in the endocarps of Pindo palm originated insects Curculionidae identified as Revena plaumanni Bondar, 1943. Comments about it’s biology and behavior are based on the observations performed in the laboratory

    Taxonomic study and population variation of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccidae and Diaspididae) and associated parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in an olive grove at Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    This study evaluated the population variation of Hemiberlesia lataniae (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) and associated parasitoids in Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) groves located in the municipality of Barra do Ribeiro (30°30′54.95″S; 51°30′20.84″W), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eight samples were collected during the four seasons from November 2015 until October 2017; four branches with approximately 20 leaves were taken from12 olive trees (four each from Arbequina, Arbosana and Koroneiki varieties). The collected material was placed inplastic bags and taken to the laboratory for further study. Scale insects were slide-mounted and were identifiedaccording to morphological characteristics of the adult female. Parts of two branches and 40 leaves of each variety infested with scale insects were sectioned and placed inside glass tubes, labeled, capped with cotton, kept in the laboratory at room temperature and examined daily to verify the emergence of parasitoids. Parasitoid specimens studied were critical point dried from ethanol and point-mounted. Some specimens were slide mounted in Canada balsam for more detailed study. In all samples, the presence of H. lataniae, as well as six associated parasitoid species, were identified. Metaphycus flavus (Howard) is recorded for the first time as a parasitoid of H. lataniae. Two other scale insects were also identified: Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni Tozzetti) (Diaspididae) and Saissetia coffeae (Walker) (Coccidae), but the population data of these did not permit statistical analysis. A key to identify the scale insect species recorded on olive trees in Brazil, based on adult females, is provided.Fil: Wolff, Vera. Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, Pecuária e Irrigação; BrasilFil: Efron, Caio. Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, Pecuária e Irrigação; BrasilFil: Aquino, Daniel Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Tonietto, Adilson. Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, Pecuária e Irrigação; Brasi

    Taxonomic study and population variation of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccidae and Diaspididae) and associated parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in an olive grove at Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    This study evaluated the population variation of Hemiberlesia lataniae (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) and associated parasitoids in Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) groves located in the municipality of Barra do Ribeiro (30°30′54.95″S; 51°30′20.84″W), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eight samples were collected during the four seasons from November 2015 until October 2017; four branches with approximately 20 leaves were taken from12 olive trees (four each from Arbequina, Arbosana and Koroneiki varieties). The collected material was placed inplastic bags and taken to the laboratory for further study. Scale insects were slide-mounted and were identifiedaccording to morphological characteristics of the adult female. Parts of two branches and 40 leaves of each variety infested with scale insects were sectioned and placed inside glass tubes, labeled, capped with cotton, kept in the laboratory at room temperature and examined daily to verify the emergence of parasitoids. Parasitoid specimens studied were critical point dried from ethanol and point-mounted. Some specimens were slide mounted in Canada balsam for more detailed study. In all samples, the presence of H. lataniae, as well as six associated parasitoid species, were identified. Metaphycus flavus (Howard) is recorded for the first time as a parasitoid of H. lataniae. Two other scale insects were also identified: Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni Tozzetti) (Diaspididae) and Saissetia coffeae (Walker) (Coccidae), but the population data of these did not permit statistical analysis. A key to identify the scale insect species recorded on olive trees in Brazil, based on adult females, is provided.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Floração da variedade Tobias (Citrus sinensis Osbeck.) sobre três porta-enxertos no Vale do Taquari-RS Bloom of Tobias variety (Citrus sinensis Osbeck.) on three rootstocks in Taquari Valley, RS

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a plena floração (70% de flores abertas) de uma variedade cítrica no Vale do Taquari - RS, no ano de 2003. O trabalho foi realizado no Centro de Pesquisa de Fruticultura de Taquari, em um pomar de laranjeira Tobias, com 16 anos de idade, e enxertado sobre os seguintes porta-enxertos: C13, Poncirus trifoliata e Laranjeira Caipira, denominadas de Tobias 1, Tobias 2 e Tobias 3, respectivamente. A data utilizada como início da floração foi 1º/09/2003. A plena floração foi estimada em 16-07 para a variedade Tobias enxertada sobre C13 e Poncirus trifoliata e 19-07 sobre Laranjeira Caipira; a combinação Tobias 2 apresentou a data de plena floração antes da Tobias 3; o quadrante Sul reduz a média da plena floração da Laranjeira Tobias sobre a Laranjeira Caipira (Tobias 3).<br>The objective of this work was to determine the date of the full bloom (70% of open flowers) in a citric variety in Taquari Valley - RS, in 2003. The work was carried out in the Research Center of Fruticulture of Taquari, in an orchard with 16 years old. The variety of citrus studied was the Tobias on three rootstocks: C13, Poncirus trifoliata and orange tree Caipira, called Tobias 1, Tobias 2 e Tobias 3, respectively. The date considered the beginning of flowering was 09/01/2003. The full bloom was estimated in 07/16 to Tobias variety on C13 and Poncirus trifoliata rootstock and 07/19 on Caipira orange tree; the combination Tobias 2 showed the date of full bloom before Tobias 3; the South quadrant reduces the media of the full bloom of the Tobias orange tree on Caipira orange tree (Tobias 3)

    Diversity of scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha) in ten varieties of olive trees (Olea europaea L.) in Southern Brazil

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    Abstract Olive production (Olea europaea L.) is a recent activity in Brazil and studies on the adaptability of olive trees varieties in the States are required. One of the problems that can hamper the development of olive trees is the incidence of pests, such as scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha). In this study, the associated scale insect species were found in ten varieties in an olive grove located at the Research Center of the Serra do Sudeste Region (30º33’15”S, 52º23’45”W) in Brazil. The surveys were carried out twice in each season (2013-2014). Six species of armored scale insect (Diaspididae) and two soft scales (Coccidae) were determined. Saissetia oleae (Coccidae) with 88.15% and Aspidiotus nerii (Diaspididae) with 5.85% occurred in all varieties of olive trees. The varieties Arbequina, Frantoio and Cipressino were with greater richness of scale insects, the highest values of diversity occurred in Frantoio, Arbequina and Picual; in Alfafara, Arbosana and Coratina there was a high dominance of one species (S. oleae)