266 research outputs found

    Concert recording 2019-03-06

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    [Track 1]. A place in this world / Taylor Swift -- [Track 2]. Alone / Heart -- [Track 3]. Baby Love / The Supremes -- [Track 4]. Before he cheats / Carrie Underwood -- [Track 5]. A case of you / Joni Mitchell -- [Track 6]. I hate love songs / Kelsea Ballerini -- [Track 7]. Jolene / Dolly Parton -- [Track 8]. Once upon another time / Sara Bareilles -- [Track 9]. Rhiannon / Fleetwood Mac -- [Track 10]. Say a little prayer for you / Aretha Franklin -- [Track 11]. Single ladies / Beyoncé -- [Track 12]. Sk8r boi / Avril Lavigne -- [Track 13]. Take it all / Adele -- [Track 14]. Valerie / Amy Winehouse -- [Track 15]. You make me feel like a natural woman / Aretha Franklin -- [Track 16]. You needed me / Anne Murray

    The Penetration of Financial Instability in Agricultural Credit and Leveraging. Factor Markets Working Paper No. 2, September 2011

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    This paper describes the aggregate rural capital markets of the EU and the main differences between the markets of its member countries. The results of our study suggest that the agricultural credit markets are still quite segmented and the segments are country- rather than currency- or region specific. Financial instability in Europe is also penetrating the agricultural sector and the variation of interest rates for agricultural credit is increasing across countries. Perhaps the most dramatic signal of growing financial instability is that the financial leverage (gearing rate) of European farms rose in 2008 by almost 4 percentage points, from 14 to 18%. The 4 percentage-point annual rise was twice the 2 percentage-point rise observed during the economic recession in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The distribution of the financial leverage of agriculture across countries does not, however, reflect the distribution of country-specific risk premiums in the manner that they are observed in government bond yields. Therefore, in those countries that have the weakest financial situation in the public sector and in which the bond markets are encumbered with high country-specific risk premiums, the agricultural sector is not directly exposed to a very large risk of increasing interest rates, since it is not so highly leveraged. For example in Greek and Spanish agriculture, the financial leverage (gearing) rate is only 0.6% and 2.2% respectively, while the highest gearing rates are found elsewhere (in Denmark), reaching 50%


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    Pasal 8 ayat (1) huruf a Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1961 tentang Pengutipan Uang dan Barang menentukan bahwa menyelenggarakan, menganjurkan atau membantu menyelenggarakan pengumpulan uang atau barang dengan tidak mendapat izin terlebih dahulu dipidana dengan pidana kurungan selama-lamanya 3 (tiga) bulan atau denda setinggi -tingginya Rp.10.000.00 (sepuluh ribu rupiah). Namun pada kenyataannya, di Kota Banda Aceh pada tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2016 ditemui para pengutip uang dan barang tanpa izin dari Dinas Sosial Kota Banda Aceh dijalan raya dan tempat umum. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai faktor penyebab penerapan sanksi ketentuan pidana Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1961 mengenai pengutipan uang tanpa izin di Kota Banda Aceh yang tidak berjalan sesuai dengan semestinya. Faktor penghambat Dinas Sosial dalam melakukan upaya penanggulangan serta upaya penanggulangan yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial terhadap pengutip uang dan barang tanpa izin.Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis empiris. Data dalam penulisan skripsi ini didapatkan melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan lapangan. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan. Sedangkan penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menelaah buku bacaan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Keseluruhan data tersebut kemudian dianalisis dan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan alasan utama Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1961 tentang Pengutipan Uang dan Barang tidak berjalan sesuai sebagaimana mestinya dikarenakan faktor kegiatan pengutipan yang dianggap biasa oleh masyarakat Aceh, lambatnya pejabat yang berwenang dalam melakukan pendataan dan menangani pengutip uang, adanya masyarakat yang merasa tidak ingin repot melakukan izin, datangnya pengutip uang dari luar Kota Banda Aceh, dan adanya upaya pengutipan uang demi keuntungan pribadi. Hambatan yang dialami oleh pihak Dinas Sosial adalah Undang-Undang yang sudah lama dan tidak adanya pembaruan dan tidak adanya pejabat PPNS di Dinas Sosial Kota Banda Aceh serta upaya yang dilakukan Dinas Sosial adalah denganmelakukan upaya preventif dengan cara mensosialisasikan dan upaya represif bagi pelanggar.Disarankan kepada pihak Dinas Sosial untuk lebih sering melakukan sosialisasi kemasyarakat atas eksistensi Undang-Undang tersebut, dan untuk secepat mungkin dibentuk atau dipilih Pejabat Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PPNS) yang selama ini kosong atau sangat terbatas jumlahnya


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    ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi dan aplikasi perangkat komputer di semua bidang membutuhkan perhatian khusus dari banyak pihak. Penguasaan teknologi adalah satu hal yang harus dimiliki oleh kaum muda sekarang. Tuntutan era globalisasi dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan pembelajaran. Proses pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media, respon peserta didik dan pendidik, kemenarikan pengguna media pembelajaran berbasis Website pada materi Bilangan untuk kelas VII SMP/MTs. Prosedur penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang meliputi potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, revisi produk final dan produksi masal. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket yang diberikan kepada empat orang ahli (dua orang ahli materi dan dua orang ahli media) dilibatkan untuk menilai kelayakan media, 79 peserta didik (12 peserta didik uji coba kelompok kecil dan 67 peserta didik uji coba kelompok besar) dan 3 pendidik matematika dilibatkan untuk melihat kemenarikan media, dan 75 pengguna website untuk mengetahui respon media. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penilaian dari para ahli sangat layak (89% ahli materi, 93% ahli media dan 93% ahli bahasa), respon peserta didik dan pendidik sangat menarik (89% uji coba kelompok kecil, 82% uji coba lapangan dan 86% uji coba pendidik) dan respon pengguna website yang terdiri dari pendidik, dosen dan mahapeserta didik menunjukan bahwa respon pengguna sangat menarik dengan persentase 90%. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa media yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti dapat dimanfaatkan dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah

    Utilization of various industrial wastes for the production of poly-b-hydroxy butyrate (PHB) by Alcaligenes eutrophus

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    Considering the industrial interest of poly-b-hydroxy butyrate (PHB) and its high production cost, work has been undertaken for the production of PHB by Alcaligenes eutrophus. Different industrial wastes (malt, soya, sesame, molasses, bagasse and pharmaceutical waste) were used as a cheap substrate to minimize the production of cost and nitrogen limited minimal agar synthetic medium was also used for comparison. Accumulation of PHB granules in the organism was analyzed by sudan black method. ThePHB production in various industrial waste based medium and nitrogen limited minimal agar synthetic medium was studied by crotonic acid method. The pure form of PHB was collected and qualitatively analyzed by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance methods. Highest PHB production was found innitrogen limited minimal agar synthetic medium. Among the various industrial wastes based media, highest yield was obtained with sesame oil waste as carbon sourc

    Beyond the Woodward-Hoffman rules: what controls reactivity in eliminative aromatic ring-forming reactions?

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    The Mallory (photocyclization) and Scholl (thermal cyclohydrogenation) reactions are widely used in the synthesis of extended conjugated systems of high scientific interest and technological importance, including molecular wires, semiconducting polymers and nanographenes. While simple electrocyclization reactions obey the Woodward-Hoffman rules, no such simple, general and powerful model is available for eliminative cyclization reactions due to their increased mechanistic complexity. In this work, detailed mechanistic investigations of prototypical reactions 10 reveal that there is no single rate-determining step for thermal oxidative dehydrogenation reactions, but they are very sensitive to the presence and distribution of heteroatoms around the photocyclizing ring system. Key aspects of reactivity are correlated to the constituent ring oxidation potentials. For photocyclization reactions, planarization occurs readily and/or spontaneously following photo-excitation, and is promoted by heteroatoms within 5-membered ring adjacent to the photocyclizing site. Oxidative photocyclization requires intersystem crossing to proceed to products, while reactants configured to undergo purely eliminative photocyclization could proceed to products entirely in the excited state. Overall, oxidative photocyclization seems to strike the optimal balance between synthetic convenience (ease of preparation of reactants, mild conditions, tolerant to chemical diversity in reactants) and favourable kinetic and thermodynamic properties

    Influence of Mevalonic Acid and Linalool on Limonene Accumulation in Callus Tissues of Citrus Grandis Osbeck

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    Effect on callus growth was studied for Citrus grandis cultured with feeding of exogenous mevalonic acid (MVA) at concentrations of 0.04, 0.08, 0.38, 0.77, 1.15 and 1.54 mM. Similar effect with linalool ranging from 10 to 200 nl was studied under various incubation periods. The growth was proportional to the concentrations of precursors used meaning that higher precursors concentrations influenced more growth on C. grandis callus culture. Mevalonic acid and linalool showed quite similar precursor feeding effects on limonene accumulation of C. grandis callus cultures. It was revealed that limonene production was triggered with the introduction of MVA and linalool even at low concentration. Limonene accumulation was detected as early as week four and continued to increase at about 0.0030 and 0.0032 mg/g with MVA and linalool, respectively, after the seventh week incubation. In comparison to the unfed cultures, no limonene was detected from the callus up to eight weeks in incubation


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    Effect on callus growth was studied for Citrus grandis  cultured with feeding of exogenous mevalonic acid (MVA) at concentrations of 0.04, 0.08, 0.38, 0.77, 1.15 and 1.54 mM. Similar effect with linalool ranging from 10 to 200 nl was studied under various incubation periods. The growth was proportional to the concentrations of precursors used meaning that higher precursors concentrations influenced more growth on C. grandis callus culture. Mevalonic acid and linalool showed quite similar precursor feeding effects on limonene accumulation of C. grandis callus cultures. It was revealed that limonene production was triggered with the introduction of MVA and linalool even at low concentration. Limonene accumulation was detected as early as week four and continued to increase at about 0.0030 and 0.0032 mg/g with MVA and linalool, respectively, after the seventh week incubation. In comparison to the unfed cultures, no limonene was detected from the callus up to eight weeks in incubation. Keywords :   C/rrusgrarafo/Limonene/Linalool/Mevalonic acid Abbreviations: 2,4-D: 2,4 — Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, ABA: Abscisic acid, MVA : Mevalonic aci

    NLO-QCD Corrections to Dilepton Production in the Randall-Sundrum Model

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    The dilepton production process at hadron colliders in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model is studied at next-to-leading order in QCD. The NLO-QCD corrections have been computed for the virtual graviton exchange process in the RS model, in addition to the usual gamma, Z-mediated processes of standard Drell-Yan. K-factors for the cross-sections at the LHC and Tevatron for differential in the invariant mass, Q, and the rapidity, Y, of the lepton pair are presented. We find the K-factors are large over substantial regions of the phase space.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    The Radiated Energy Budget of Chromospheric Plasma in a Major Solar Flare Deduced From Multi-Wavelength Observations

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    This paper presents measurements of the energy radiated by the lower solar atmosphere, at optical, UV, and EUV wavelengths, during an X-class solar flare (SOL2011-02-15T01:56) in response to an injection of energy assumed to be in the form of nonthermal electrons. Hard X-ray observations from RHESSI were used to track the evolution of the parameters of the nonthermal electron distribution to reveal the total power contained in flare accelerated electrons. By integrating over the duration of the impulsive phase, the total energy contained in the nonthermal electrons was found to be >2×1031>2\times10^{31} erg. The response of the lower solar atmosphere was measured in the free-bound EUV continua of H I (Lyman), He I, and He II, plus the emission lines of He II at 304\AA\ and H I (Lyα\alpha) at 1216\AA\ by SDO/EVE, the UV continua at 1600\AA\ and 1700\AA\ by SDO/AIA, and the WL continuum at 4504\AA, 5550\AA, and 6684\AA, along with the Ca II H line at 3968\AA\ using Hinode/SOT. The summed energy detected by these instruments amounted to 3×1030\sim3\times10^{30} erg; about 15% of the total nonthermal energy. The Lyα\alpha line was found to dominate the measured radiative losses. Parameters of both the driving electron distribution and the resulting chromospheric response are presented in detail to encourage the numerical modelling of flare heating for this event, to determine the depth of the solar atmosphere at which these line and continuum processes originate, and the mechanism(s) responsible for their generation.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics Journa