2,706 research outputs found

    Physical, chemical and sensory properties of cookies produced from sweet potato and mango mesocarp flours

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    This study was a result of the need for utilization of local raw materials for food production and diversification as well as an attempt to reduce the rising cost of wheat imports. The objective of this study was to investigate the physical, chemical and sensory properties of cookies produced from sweet potato and mango mesocarp composite flours. Sweet potato tubers and partially ripe mango fruits were processed into flours. Cookies were prepared from blends of 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40 sweet potato flour (SPF) to mango mesocarp flour (MMF), with cookies prepared from 100% sweet potato flour (SPF) and 100% wheat flour (WF) serving as control and standard respectively. Thereafter, all the cookie samples were subjected to chemical, physical and sensory analyses using standard methods. The moisture, fat, fibre, ash, energy values as well as beta carotene contents increased significantly (p < 0.05) as the level of substitution increased. The standard recorded the highest protein value with the control having the least value. However, the control had highest value in terms of carbohydrate. The crude protein increased significantly (p < 0.05) between the blends with increasing levels of mango mesocarp flour. Conversely, the carbohydrates content decreased as substitution levels increased. The diameter and spread ratio of the cookies decreased with increased substitution levels while the thickness increased. Cookies prepared from whole sweet potato flour were rated higher in terms of colour (8.1), crispiness (8.8), flavour (7.9), texture (7.2), taste (7.1) and overall acceptability (8.5) followed by cookies from whole wheat flour. Preference for the cookies decreased significantly (p<0.05) as the percentage of mango mesocarp flour (MMF) increased. Cookies from 60% SPF: 40% MMF had the least acceptability, though they had the highest β – carotene content. Generally, cookies produced from 100% SPF and the blends had good nutritional value except for protein which decreased with increasing levels of substitution with MMF.Keywords: Cookies, sweet potato, mango mesocarp, physical, Chemical, Sensory, Beta caroten

    A lightweight assessment method for medical device software processes

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    This paper outlines the MDevSPICE-Adept process assessment method. MDevSPICE-Adept is a lightweight process assessment method that has been created for the MDevSPICE software process assessment model which is currently being developed for the medical device industry. MDevSPICE is a fully validated release of a medical device software process assessment model (formerly known as Medi SPICE), which was developed by the authors. While the MDevSPICE process assessment model is detailed and comprehensive, there is industry demand for a lightweight medical device software process assessment method. To address this requirement the MDevSPICE-Adept method has been developed. Details on how this has taken place and the procedures for implementing an MDevSPICE-Adept process assessment are presented. Information is also provided regarding how an MDevSPICE process assessment was undertaken in an Irish based medical device company. A summary of the issues identified from this process assessment and the actions taken to facilitate process improvement is also presented. Finally, plans for future work are discussed

    Imaging the Black Hole Silhouette of M87: Implications for Jet Formation and Black Hole Spin

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    The silhouette cast by the horizon of the supermassive black hole in M87 can now be resolved with the emerging millimeter very-long baseline interferometry (VLBI) capability. Despite being ~2000 times farther away than SgrA* (the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky-Way and the primary target for horizon-scale imaging), M87's much larger black hole mass results in a horizon angular scale roughly half that of SgrA*'s, providing another practical target for direct imaging. However, unlike SgrA*, M87 exhibits a powerful radio jet, providing an opportunity to study jet formation physics on horizon scales. We employ a simple, qualitatively correct force-free jet model to explore the expected high-resolution images of M87 at wavelengths of 1.3mm and 0.87mm (230GHz and 345GHz), for a variety of jet parameters. We show that future VLBI data will be able to constrain the size of the jet footprint, the jet collimation rate, and the black hole spin. Polarization will further probe the structure of the jet's magnetic field and its effect on the emitting gas. Horizon-scale imaging of M87 and SgrA* will enable for the first time the empirical exploration of the relationship between the mass and spin of a black hole and the characteristics of the gas inflow/outflow around it.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    The home environment : influences on the health of young-old and old-old adults in Australia

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    The physical and societal characteristics of home have been established as important in influencing the health and wellbeing of older adults, yet these have rarely been explored together. There is also limited research into variation across age groups, with older adults often examined as a homogenous group of those 65 years and over. This study advances the knowledge base by using the concept of person–environment (P-E) fit to analyse differences in personal and home environment (physical and societal) characteristics between young-old (65–74 years) and old-old (75 and above) age groups, and to assess how these characteristics influence their self-perceived health. This cross-sectional study draws upon survey data from 1,999 older adult participants from the Australian Housing Conditions Dataset. Descriptive statistics and inferential analysis were used to assess for significant differences between age groups and a binomial logistic regression was utilised to examine influences on health. The analysis found that the factors which influence health varies appreciably between age groups. For the young-old financial strain, being on the fixed-income pension and hypertension were important contributing factors, in contrast for the old-old gender (being male), having depression and the home being modified for disability were key influences. For both age groups heart disease was a contributing factor to perceived health. The results indicate the important contribution to knowledge of incorporating a wide range of person and environment characteristics when exploring P-E fit for older adults. The inclusion of societal aspects, such as financial strain, fixed-income pension, tenure and access to community aged care services when exploring influences on health, arises as a key conclusion of the study. In terms of impact, this research is significant given rising inequalities globally and specifically in the Australian context, the need for policy measures to address income inequality, and its health and social implications for older households.https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ageing-and-societyFinancial Managemen

    Stratospheric Ozone Changes From Explosive Tropical Volcanoes: Modeling and Ice Core Constraints

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    Major tropical volcanic eruptions have emitted large quantities of stratospheric sulphate and are potential sources of stratospheric chlorine although this is less well constrained by observations. This study combines model and ice core analysis to investigate past changes in total column ozone. Historic eruptions are good analogues for future eruptions as stratospheric chlorine levels have been decreasing since the year 2000. We perturb the pre-industrial atmosphere of a chemistry-climate model with high and low emissions of sulphate and chlorine. The sign of the resulting Antarctic ozone change is highly sensitive to the background stratospheric chlorine loading. In the first year, the response is dynamical, with ozone increases over Antarctica. In the high HCl (2 Tg emission) experiment, the injected chlorine is slowly transported to the polar regions with subsequent chemical ozone depletion. These model results are then compared to measurements of the stable nitrogen isotopic ratio, δ15N(NO−3), from a low snow accumulation Antarctic ice core from Dronning Maud Land (recovered in 2016-17). We expect ozone depletion to lead to increased surface ultraviolet (UV) radiation, enhanced air-snow nitrate photo-chemistry and enrichment in δ15N(NO−3) in the ice core. We focus on the possible ozone depletion event that followed the largest volcanic eruption in the past 1000 years, Samalas in 1257. The characteristic sulphate signal from this volcano is present in the ice-core but the variability in δ15N(NO−3) dominates any signal arising from changes in UV from ozone depletion. Prolonged complete ozone removal following this eruption is unlikely to have occurred over Antarctica.National Environment Research Council (NERC) Standard Grant (NE/N011813/1

    Opinion: more mouse models and more translation needed for ALS

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a complex disorder most of which is 'sporadic' of unknown origin but approximately 10% is familial, arising from single mutations in any of more than 30 genes. Thus, there are more than 30 familial ALS subtypes, with different, often unknown, molecular pathologies leading to a complex constellation of clinical phenotypes. We have mouse models for many genetic forms of the disorder, but these do not, on their own, necessarily show us the key pathological pathways at work in human patients. To date, we have no models for the 90% of ALS that is 'sporadic'. Potential therapies have been developed mainly using a limited set of mouse models, and through lack of alternatives, in the past these have been tested on patients regardless of aetiology. Cancer researchers have undertaken therapy development with similar challenges; they have responded by producing complex mouse models that have transformed understanding of pathological processes, and they have implemented patient stratification in multi-centre trials, leading to the effective translation of basic research findings to the clinic. ALS researchers have successfully adopted this combined approach, and now to increase our understanding of key disease pathologies, and our rate of progress for moving from mouse models to mechanism to ALS therapies we need more, innovative, complex mouse models to address specific questions

    Physical mapping integrated with syntenic analysis to characterize the gene space of the long arm of wheat chromosome 1A

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    Background: Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important crops worldwide and its production faces pressing challenges, the solution of which demands genome information. However, the large, highly repetitive hexaploid wheat genome has been considered intractable to standard sequencing approaches. Therefore the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) proposes to map and sequence the genome on a chromosome-by-chromosome basis. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have constructed a physical map of the long arm of bread wheat chromosome 1A using chromosome-specific BAC libraries by High Information Content Fingerprinting (HICF). Two alternative methods (FPC and LTC) were used to assemble the fingerprints into a high-resolution physical map of the chromosome arm. A total of 365 molecular markers were added to the map, in addition to 1122 putative unique transcripts that were identified by microarray hybridization. The final map consists of 1180 FPC based or 583 LTC based contigs. Conclusions/Significance: The physical map presented here marks an important step forward in mapping of hexaploid bread wheat. The map is orders of magnitude more detailed than previously available maps of this chromosome, and the assignment of over a thousand putative expressed gene sequences to specific map locations will greatly assist future functional studies. This map will be an essential tool for future sequencing of and positional cloning within chromosome 1A