24 research outputs found

    On the emergence of [n] in the derivation of nasal-final words in Brazilian Portuguese

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    This article deals with the correspondence between words closed by [n] followed by a vowel-initial suffix (e.g., ca[n]al 'channel', tupi[n]ismo 'Tupinism') and their respective bases in Brazilian Portuguese (e.g., cano 'pipe', tupi 'Tupi'). The data sources for the analysis are the Corpus Brasileiro, representing the lexicon in use, and a pseudoword test, representing the potential lexicon. Two representational hypotheses are contrasted in the analysis of this correspondence: the abstract approach, in which the bases are assumed to be closed by a VN structure, and the concrete approach, according to which [n] is part of the base or a product of epenthesis. The selection of the pattern VN was assumed as the response variable in the statistical analysis. According to the logistic regression test, final-stress bases and mid and high vowels preceding [n]Vsuffix are predictors of the VN pattern for the two samples. In the potential lexicon, the interaction between high frequency lexical strings and the suffixes -icV and -ismV as well as the random variables 'participant' and 'pseudoword' also contribute to the selection of the base pattern VN. The results confirm the plausibility of the abstract approach in the analysis of [n]Vsuffix forms in Brazilian Portuguese

    The relationship between aphasic subjects' linguistic interchanges and children in the process of acquiring written language

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    This paper discusses meaningful events that can help understand the relationship between the linguistic behavior of aphasic subjects in the process of recovering language and of children in the process of acquiring written language. We argue that both kinds of linguistic productions reveal more than what, at first sight, might be considered a "telegraphic style". What these kinds of productions exemplify are in fact intermediate signifying procedures that represent crucial moments of linguistic (re)elaboration in aphasic and in children language as well. KEYWORDS: Aphasic language. Children writings. “Telegraph style”. Internal language. Epilinguistic operations. Intermediate signification procedures.Discutem-se, neste texto, alguns episódios significativos para a compreensão da relação que estabelecem com a linguagem tanto os afásicos em situação de reconstrução dessa linguagem, como as crianças em fase de aquisição da sua representação escrita. Argumenta-se que nessas produções, para além do estilo “telegráfico” que parece caracterizar algumas delas, devem-se reconhecer indícios de procedimentos de significação intermediários que constituem momentos cruciais do processo de (re)elaboração lingüística tanto dos afásicos como das crianças.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Linguagem de afásicos. Primeiras escritas de crianças. Estilo “telegráfico”. Linguagem interna. Operações epilingüísticas. Processos intermediários de significação.ABSTRACT This paper discusses meaningful events that can help understand the relationship between the linguistic behavior of aphasic subjects in the process of recovering language and of children in the process of acquiring written language. We argue that both kinds of linguistic productions reveal more than what, at first sight, might be considered a "telegraphic style". What these kinds of productions exemplify are in fact intermediate signifying procedures that represent crucial moments of linguistic (re)elaboration in aphasic and in children language as well. KEYWORDS: Aphasic language. Children writings. “Telegraph style”. Internal language. Epilinguistic operations. Intermediate signification procedures

    Estrutura Entoacional de Sentenças Neutras em Português Brasileiro na variedade de Minas Gerais

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    This paper analyses the intonational structure of neutral declarative sentences of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) variety from Minas Gerais state, highlighting the influence of the number of syllables within prosodic words (PW), as well as of the prosodic word group (PWG) for the distribution of pitch accents (PAs). We analysed data from the variety of Minas Gerais, spoken in the Triângulo Mineiro, which was obtained in an experimentally controlled way, and analysed within the models of prosodic phonology and intonational phonology (Beckman; Pierrehumbert, 1986; Ladd, 1996, 2008; Selkirk, 1982, 1984, 1986; Nespor and Vogel, 1986). The results presented and analysed statistically show that the association of PA at the level of PW(G) in the internal position of the sentence is almost categorical. The analysis also showed that the number of syllables of PWs also play a relevant role in the high tonal density in this variety of BP, patterning similarly to the variety spoken in São Paulo state, as described in Vigário and Fernandes-Svartman (2010) and Fernandes-Svartman and Romano (2017).O presente trabalho analisa a estrutura entoacional de sentenças declarativas neutras na variedade de Minas Gerais do Português Brasileiro (PB), destacando a influência do número de sílabas em palavra prosódica (PW) e a importância do grupo de palavra prosódica (PWG)  para a distribuição de acentos tonais. Foram analisados dados da variedade mineira, falada no Triângulo Mineiro, os quais foram obtidos de modo controlado experimentalmente e analisados com base nos modelos teóricos da Fonologia Prosódica e Entoacional (Beckman; Pierrehumbert, 1986; Ladd, 1996, 2008; Selkirk, 1982, 1984, 1986; Nespor e Vogel, 1986). Os resultados apresentados e analisados estatisticamente mostram que há associação praticamente categórica de um acento tonal a cada PW(G) no interior da sentença. A análise mostrou que o número de sílabas das PWs em interior de sentença também desempenha um papel relevante na alta densidade tonal na variedade analisada, assim como na variedade paulista, tal como mostrado em Vigário e Fernandes-Svartman (2010) e Fernandes-Svartman e Romano (2017)

    Vowel deletion and binarity in portuguese: a study based on Bayesian predictive inference

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    The applications of statistical models in laboratory phonology have been shown to be productive in evaluating the predictive power of hypotheses. In this paper, the strength of the restriction FootBin was tested statistically in Brazilian and European Portuguese, on the basis of a Bayesian predictive inference model. We assumed that if the restriction FootBin is active there is a preference, in a language, for words with an even number of syllables. This sudy, based on such assumption, was conducted on the basis of acoustic and statistical analysis of data from an experiment on vowel deletion / reduction. Our statistical results show that FootBin is active in both PB and EP, although the strength of binarity is stronger in PB. The fact that FootBin is active in both varieties with a different strength in BP and in EP supports an optimality constraint-based analysis.As aplicações de modelos estatísticos em fonologia de laboratório têm se mostrado produtivas na avaliações do poder de predição de hipóteses. Neste trabalho, a força da restrição FootBin foi testada estatisticamente, no português brasileiro e no português europeu, a partir de preditivas Bayesianas. Partimos do pressuposto de que, se a restrição FootBin for ativa, há uma preferência, na língua observada, por palavras com um número par de sílabas. Com base neste pressuposto, o estudo foi realizado a partir de dados experimentais (apagamento/redução vocálica) analisados acusticamente e tratados estatisticamente. Nossos resultados estatísticos apontam para o fato de FootBin estar ativa nas duas variedades de português, embora a força para binariedade se manifeste de maneira mais forte em PB. O fato de FootBin estar ativa nas duas variedades da língua com forças diferentes suporta uma análise otimalista baseada em restrições.012

    Questões sobre o estilo e sua relação com gêneros do discurso no processo de aquisição da escrita

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    This paper presents the theoretical and methodological background which underlies the work conducted over the last decade at IEL/Unicamp by researchers of CNPq project A relevância dos dados singulares para a aquisição da linguagem escrita. The central role attributed to the bakhtinian concept of discourse genres is emphasized, as well as the close relationship between genres and style. Texts representative of two subjects writing acquisition process are presented and discussed as examples of the emergence of style and genre differentiation

    QuestÕes Sobre O Estilo E Sua RelaÇÃo Com GÊneros Do Discurso No Processo De AquisiÇÃo Da Escrita

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    This paper presents the theoretical and methodological background which underlies the work conducted over the last decade at IEL/Unicamp by researchers of CNPq project A relevância dos dados singulares para a aquisição da linguagem escrita. The central role attributed to the bakhtinian concept of discourse genres is emphasized, as well as the close relationship between genres and style. Texts representative of two subjects writing acquisition process are presented and discussed as examples of the emergence of style and genre differentiation.44


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    This text reports some preliminary results of the research project “The theoretical relevance of singular data on the acquisition of written language” (supported by Brazilian National Research Council) which has been carried out since 1992 at the State University of Campinas, São Paulo. Theoretical and methodological assumptions are discussed, with emphasis on the singular nature of some naturalistic data characteristic of the language acquisition process. To illustrate theoretical discussion, some data representative of textual rewriting episodes are analysed

    A fonologia na gramática do português falado

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    Palestra: Considerações sobre o Novo Acordo Ortográfic