31 research outputs found

    Investigating the Influences of Task Demand and Reward on Cardiac Pre-Ejection Period (PEP) Reactivity During a Speech-in-Noise Task

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    Objectives: Effort investment during listening varies as a function of task demand and motivation. Several studies have manipulated both these factors to elicit and measure changes in effort associated with listening. The cardiac pre-ejection period (PEP) is a relatively novel measure in the field of cognitive hearing science. This measure, which reflects sympathetic nervous system activity on the heart, has previously been implemented during a tone discrimination task but not during a speech-in-noise task. Therefore, the primary goal of this study was to explore the influences of signal to noise ratio (SNR) and monetary reward level on PEP reactivity during a speech-in-noise task. Design: Thirty-two participants with normal hearing (mean age = 22.22 years, SD = 3.03) were recruited at VU University Medical Center. Participants completed a Dutch speech-in-noise test with a single-interfering-talker masking noise. Six fixed SNRs, selected to span the entire psychometric performance curve, were presented in a block-wise fashion. Participants could earn a low (€0.20) or high (€5.00) reward by obtaining a score of ≥70% of words correct in each block. The authors analyzed PEP reactivity: the change in PEP measured during the task, relative to the baseline during rest. Two separate methods of PEP analysis were used, one including data from the whole task block and the other including data obtained during presentation of the target sentences only. After each block, participants rated their effort investment, performance, tendency to give up, and the perceived difficulty of the task. They also completed the need for recovery questionnaire and the reading span test, which are indices of additional factors (fatigue and working memory capacity, respectively) that are known to influence listening effort. Results: Average sentence perception scores ranged from 2.73 to 91.62%, revealing a significant effect of SNR. In addition, an improvement in performance was elicited by the high, compared to the low reward level. A linear relationship between SNR and PEP reactivity was demonstrated: at the lower SNRs PEP reactivity was the most negative, indicating greater effort investment compared to the higher SNRs. The target stimuli method of PEP analysis was more sensitive to this effect than the block-wise method. Contrary to expectations, no significant impact of reward on PEP reactivity was found in the present dataset. Also, there was no physiological evidence that participants were disengaged, even when performance was poor. A significant correlation between need for recovery scores and average PEP reactivity was demonstrated, indicating that a lower need for recovery was associated with less effort investment. Conclusions: This study successfully implemented the measurement of PEP during a standard speech-in-noise test and included two distinct methods of PEP analysis. The results revealed for the first time that PEP reactivity varies linearly with task demand during a speech-in-noise task, although the effect size was small. No effect of reward on PEP was demonstrated. Finally, participants with a higher need for recovery score invested more effort, as shown by average PEP reactivity, than those with a lower need for recovery score

    Social observation increases the cardiovascular response of hearing-impaired listeners during a speech reception task

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    Certain cardiovascular measures allow for distinction between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity. Applied during listening, these measures may provide a novel and complementary insight into listening effort. To date, few studies have implemented cardiovascular measures of listening effort and seldom have these included hearing-impaired participants. These studies have generally measured changes in cardiovascular parameters while manipulating environmental factors, such as listening difficulty. Yet, listening effort is also known to be moderated by individual factors, including the importance of performing successfully. In this study, we aimed to manipulate success importance by adding observers to the traditional laboratory set-up. Twenty-nine hearing-impaired participants performed a speech reception task both alone and in the presence of two observers. Auditory stimuli consisted of Danish Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) sentences masked by four-talker babble. Sentences were delivered at two individually adapted signal-to-noise ratios, corresponding to 50 and 80% of sentences correct. We measured change scores, relative to baseline, of pre-ejection period, two indices of heart rate variability, heart rate and blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure). After each condition, participants rated their effort investment, stress, tendency to give up and preference to change the situation to improve audibility. A multivariate analysis revealed that cardiovascular reactivity increased in the presence of the observers, compared to when the task was performed alone. More specifically, systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure increased while observed. Interestingly, participants’ subjective ratings were sensitive only to intelligibility level, not the observation state. This study was the first to report results from a range of different cardiovascular variables measured from hearing-impaired participants during a speech reception task. Due to the timing of the observers’ presence, we were not able to conclusively attribute these physiological changes to being task related. Therefore, instead of representing listening effort, we suggest that the increased cardiovascular response detected during observation reveals increased physiological stress associated with potential evaluation

    Combining cardiovascular and pupil features using k-nearest neighbor classifiers to assess task demand, social context and sentence accuracy during listening

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    In daily life, both acoustic factors and social context can affect listening effort investment. In laboratory settings, information about listening effort has been deduced from pupil and cardiovascular responses independently. The extent to which these measures can jointly predict listening-related factors is unknown. Here we combined pupil and cardiovascular features to predict acoustic and contextual aspects of speech perception. Data were collected from 29 adults (mean  =  64.6 years, SD  =  9.2) with hearing loss. Participants performed a speech perception task at two individualized signal-to-noise ratios (corresponding to 50% and 80% of sentences correct) and in two social contexts (the presence and absence of two observers). Seven features were extracted per trial: baseline pupil size, peak pupil dilation, mean pupil dilation, interbeat interval, blood volume pulse amplitude, pre-ejection period and pulse arrival time. These features were used to train k-nearest neighbor classifiers to predict task demand, social context and sentence accuracy. The k-fold cross validation on the group-level data revealed above-chance classification accuracies: task demand, 64.4%; social context, 78.3%; and sentence accuracy, 55.1%. However, classification accuracies diminished when the classifiers were trained and tested on data from different participants. Individually trained classifiers (one per participant) performed better than group-level classifiers: 71.7% (SD  =  10.2) for task demand, 88.0% (SD  =  7.5) for social context, and 60.0% (SD  =  13.1) for sentence accuracy. We demonstrated that classifiers trained on group-level physiological data to predict aspects of speech perception generalized poorly to novel participants. Individually calibrated classifiers hold more promise for future applications

    An inhibitory pull-push circuit in frontal cortex.

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    Push-pull is a canonical computation of excitatory cortical circuits. By contrast, we identify a pull-push inhibitory circuit in frontal cortex that originates in vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing interneurons. During arousal, VIP cells rapidly and directly inhibit pyramidal neurons; VIP cells also indirectly excite these pyramidal neurons via parallel disinhibition. Thus, arousal exerts a feedback pull-push influence on excitatory neurons-an inversion of the canonical push-pull of feedforward input

    Parasympathetic nervous system dysfunction, as identified by pupil light reflex, and its possible connection to hearing impairment

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    Context Although the pupil light reflex has been widely used as a clinical diagnostic tool for autonomic nervous system dysfunction, there is no systematic review available to summarize the evidence that the pupil light reflex is a sensitive method to detect parasympathetic dysfunction. Meanwhile, the relationship between parasympathetic functioning and hearing impairment is relatively unknown. Objectives To 1) review the evidence for the pupil light reflex being a sensitive method to evaluate parasympathetic dysfunction, 2) review the evidence relating hearing impairment and parasympathetic activity and 3) seek evidence of possible connections between hearing impairment and the pupil light reflex. Methods Literature searches were performed in five electronic databases. All selected articles were categorized into three sections: pupil light reflex and parasympathetic dysfunction, hearing impairment and parasympathetic activity, pupil light reflex and hearing impairment. Results Thirty-eight articles were included in this review. Among them, 36 articles addressed the pupil light reflex and parasympathetic dysfunction. We summarized the information in these data according to different types of parasympathetic-related diseases. Most of the studies showed a difference on at least one pupil light reflex parameter between patients and healthy controls. Two articles discussed the relationship between hearing impairment and parasympathetic activity. Both studies reported a reduced parasympathetic activity in the hearing impaired groups. The searches identified no results for pupil light reflex and hearing impairment. Discussion and Conclusions As the first systematic review of the evidence, our findings suggest that the pupil light reflex is a sensitive tool to assess the presence of parasympathetic dysfunction. Maximum constriction velocity and relative constriction amplitude appear to be the most sensitive parameters. There are only two studies investigating the relationship between parasympathetic activity and hearing impairment, hence further research is needed. The pupil light reflex could be a candidate measurement tool to achieve this goal

    What insights into pupil size during listening do various analysis techniques provide and how sensitive are they to task demands and luminance?

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    Listening effort is a specific form of mental effort that occurs when a task involves listening as defined in the Framework for Understanding Effortful Listening (FUEL). The pupil dilation response is sensitive to listening effort during listening to speech in noise, it is sensitive to task demands and monetary reward. Different analysis techniques of pupil data have been proposed in the literature to provide comprehensive indicators of effort. In this study, we assessed and compared the sensitivity of several proposed analysis techniques to auditory task demands and luminance. The techniques were applied to two independent datasets containing pupil data from normal-hearing participants recorded during Speech Reception Threshold (SRT) tests. The first dataset was recorded during an SRT with stimuli at fixed Signal-to-Noise (SNR) ratios (Ohlenforst et al. 2017). The second dataset was based on an adaptive SRT test that was performed in two luminance levels (Wang et al. 2018). Data were analysed using several techniques, including calculation of the Index of Pupillary Activity measuring pupillary oscillations and Principal Component Analysis revealing independent time components in the signal. The results indicate that applied analyses techniques provide parameters differentially sensitive to task demand and luminance

    The presence of a social other motivates to invest effort while listening to speech-in-noise

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    Background: Mental effort has been gaining attention as an important facet of listening. A relevant factor influencing mental effort is motivation, which in turn can be influenced by reward. Reward has been found to enhance the mental effort that is spent while listening, as shown by an increased peak pupil dilation. Furthermore, social interactions have been suggested to be rewarding and may also increase the motivation to spent effort while listening. However, how social aspects influence listening effort has not been examined until now. In this study, we examined the influence of a social presence on listening effort. Objectives: The aim of this study was to modify existing speech-in-noise paradigms to assess whether a social presence influences the amount of effort spent while listening. More specifically, we aimed to assess if doing a speech-in-noise task together with another individual, rather than alone, affected the task-evoked pupil dilation response. Furthermore, we examined if any potential effects were influenced by the difficulty of the task and the requirement to repeat the sentence. Method: 34 Young, normal-hearing participants (10 males, 24 females) listened to Dutch sentences that were masked with a stationary noise masker and presented through a loudspeaker. The participants’ task alternated between repeating sentences (active condition) and not repeating sentences (passive condition). The participant did this either alone or together with another individual in the booth. When together, they repeated sentences in turn. The participant and the other individual did not know each other before the study. Participants performed the task at three intelligibility levels (20%, 50% and 80% sentences correct) in a blockwise fashion. During testing, pupil size was recorded as an objective outcome measure of listening effort. Results: Both task difficulty and doing the task in the presence of another individual significantly increased peak pupil dilation (PPD). There was no interaction between task difficulty and the presence/absence of another individual on PPD. Furthermore, PPD was significantly lower in the passive conditions. This effect interacted with intelligibility. Lastly, performance on the listening task was affected by task difficulty, but not the physical presence/absence of another individual. Conclusion: Increased PPD values suggest an increase in mental effort during listening when another participant is present, but only in the active condition (i.e. when the participants had to repeat the sentence). The effect of a social presence on pupil dilation seems to be independent of task difficulty

    Combining Cardiovascular and Pupil Features Using k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers to Assess Task Demand, Social Context, and Sentence Accuracy During Listening

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    In daily life, both acoustic factors and social context can affect listening effort investment. In laboratory settings, information about listening effort has been deduced from pupil and cardiovascular responses independently. The extent to which these measures can jointly predict listening-related factors is unknown. Here we combined pupil and cardiovascular features to predict acoustic and contextual aspects of speech perception. Data were collected from 29 adults (mean  =  64.6 years, SD  =  9.2) with hearing loss. Participants performed a speech perception task at two individualized signal-to-noise ratios (corresponding to 50% and 80% of sentences correct) and in two social contexts (the presence and absence of two observers). Seven features were extracted per trial: baseline pupil size, peak pupil dilation, mean pupil dilation, interbeat interval, blood volume pulse amplitude, pre-ejection period and pulse arrival time. These features were used to train k-nearest neighbor classifiers to predict task demand, social context and sentence accuracy. The k-fold cross validation on the group-level data revealed above-chance classification accuracies: task demand, 64.4%; social context, 78.3%; and sentence accuracy, 55.1%. However, classification accuracies diminished when the classifiers were trained and tested on data from different participants. Individually trained classifiers (one per participant) performed better than group-level classifiers: 71.7% (SD  =  10.2) for task demand, 88.0% (SD  =  7.5) for social context, and 60.0% (SD  =  13.1) for sentence accuracy. We demonstrated that classifiers trained on group-level physiological data to predict aspects of speech perception generalized poorly to novel participants. Individually calibrated classifiers hold more promise for future applications