149 research outputs found

    UV/IR Mixing for Noncommutative Complex Scalar Field Theory, II (Interaction with Gauge Fields)

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    We consider noncommutative analogs of scalar electrodynamics and N=2 D=4 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. We show that one-loop renormalizability of noncommutative scalar electrodynamics requires the scalar potential to be an anticommutator squared. This form of the scalar potential differs from the one expected from the point of view of noncommutative gauge theories with extended SUSY containing a square of commutator. We show that fermion contributions restore the commutator in the scalar potential. This provides one-loop renormalizability of noncommutative N=2 SUSY gauge theory. We demonstrate a presence of non-integrable IR singularities in noncommutative scalar electrodynamics for general coupling constants. We find that for a special ratio of coupling constants these IR singularities vanish. Also we show that IR poles are absent in noncommutative N=2 SUSY gauge theory.Comment: 9 pages, 16 EPS figure

    Satellite observations of plasma-wave disturbances induced by high-power radio emission from the NWC transmitter

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    In this work, we present the results of in-situ measurements of the characteristics of electromagnetic and plasma disturbances in the ionospheric region modified by high-power emission from the NWC transmitter, which were obtained using the onboard equipment of the French microsatellite DEMETER. It is shown that under the influence of VLF emissions from the ground-based transmitters, artificial plasma-wave channels with typical transverse scales of about 1000 km can be formed in the ionospheric plasma.Представлены результаты непосредственных (in-situ) измерений бортовой аппаратурой французского микроспутника DEMETER характеристик электромагнитных и плазменных возмущений в модифицированной мощным излучением передатчика NWC области ионосферы. Отмечено, что при воздействии ОНЧ-излучения наземных передатчиков в ионосферной плазме формируются искусственные плазменно-волновые каналы с характерным поперечным масштабом ~ 1000 км.Представлені результати безпосередніх (in-situ) вимірювань бортовою апаратурою французького мікросупутника DEMETER характеристик електромагнітних і плазмових збурень у модифікованій потужним випромінюванням передавача NWC області іоносфери. Відзначено, що при впливі ОНЧ- випромінювання наземних передавачів в іоносферній плазмі формуються штучні плазмово-хвильові канали з характерним поперечним масштабом ~ 1000 км

    Quantizing non-Lagrangian gauge theories: an augmentation method

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    We discuss a recently proposed method of quantizing general non-Lagrangian gauge theories. The method can be implemented in many different ways, in particular, it can employ a conversion procedure that turns an original non-Lagrangian field theory in dd dimensions into an equivalent Lagrangian topological field theory in d+1d+1 dimensions. The method involves, besides the classical equations of motion, one more geometric ingredient called the Lagrange anchor. Different Lagrange anchors result in different quantizations of one and the same classical theory. Given the classical equations of motion and Lagrange anchor as input data, a new procedure, called the augmentation, is proposed to quantize non-Lagrangian dynamics. Within the augmentation procedure, the originally non-Lagrangian theory is absorbed by a wider Lagrangian theory on the same space-time manifold. The augmented theory is not generally equivalent to the original one as it has more physical degrees of freedom than the original theory. However, the extra degrees of freedom are factorized out in a certain regular way both at classical and quantum levels. The general techniques are exemplified by quantizing two non-Lagrangian models of physical interest.Comment: 46 pages, minor correction

    Tachyon condensation in cubic superstring field theory

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    It has been conjectured that at the stationary point of the tachyon potential for the non-BPS D-brane or brane-anti-D-brane pair, the negative energy density cancels the brane tension. We study this conjecture using a cubic superstring field theory with insertion of a double-step inverse picture changing operator. We compute the tachyon potential at levels (1/2,1) and (2,6). In the first case we obtain that the value of the potential at the minimum is 97.5% of the non BPS D-brane tension. Using a special gauge in the second case we get 105.8% of the tension.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures. Eqs. (3.2), (3.3) and (4.6) are corrected, and new gauge fixing condition is use

    Gauge Invariance and Tachyon Condensation in Cubic Superstring Field Theory

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    The gauge invariance of cubic open superstring field theory is considered in a framework of level truncation, and applications to the tachyon condensation problem are discussed. As it is known, in the bosonic case the Feynman-Siegel gauge is not universal within the level truncation method. We explore another gauge that is more suitable for calculation of the tachyon potential for fermionic string at level (2,6). We show that this new gauge has no restrictions on the region of its validity at least at this level.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX 2e; references added, typos correcte

    H⁻ injector for Moscow meson factory linac

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    Status report is presented for an H⁻ injector being now under construction. The injector parameters are as follows: energy − 400 keV; average beam current − 400 µA; beam pulse duration − up to 200 µs; pulse repetition rate − 50 Hz. A pulsed high-voltage generator and a surface-plasma ion source power supply have been developed and manufactured.Представлено состоянии работ по созданию инжектора отрицательных ионов водорода с энергией 400 кВ, который должен обеспечить средний ток пучка ионов до 400 мкА при длительности импульса тока до 200 мкс и частоте повторения импульсов 50 Гц. Разработаны, изготовлены и смонтированы генератор ускоряющего импульсного напряжения и система питания поверхностно-плазменного ионного источника.Представлено звіт про стан робіт зі створення інжектора негативних іонів водню з енергією 400 кВ, що повинен забезпечити середній струм пучка іонів до 400 мкА при тривалості імпульсу струму пучка до 200 мкс і частоті повторення імпульсів 50 Гц. Розроблено, виготовлені і змонтовані генератор прискорювальної імпульсної напруги і система живлення поверхнево-плазмового іонного джерел

    AEGIS at CERN: Measuring Antihydrogen Fall

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    The main goal of the AEGIS experiment at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator is the test of fundamental laws such as the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) and CPT symmetry. In the first phase of AEGIS, a beam of antihydrogen will be formed whose fall in the gravitational field is measured in a Moire' deflectometer; this will constitute the first test of the WEP with antimatter.Comment: Presented at the Fifth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, Bloomington, Indiana, June 28-July 2, 201

    Temporal evolution of solar energetic particle spectra

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    During solar flares and coronal mass ejections, solar energetic par- ticles (SEPs) may be released into the interplanetary medium and near-Earth locations. The energy spectra of SEP events at 1 AU are typically averaged over the entire event or studied in a few snapshots. In this paper we analyze the time evolution of the energy spectra of four large selected SEP events using a large number of snapshots. We use a multi-spacecraft and multi-instrument approach for the observations, obtained over a wide SEP energy range. We find large differences in the spectra at the beginning of the events as measured by different instruments. We show that over time, a wave-like structure is observed traveling through the spectra from the highest energies to the lowest energies, creating an “arch” shape which then straightens into a power law later in the event, after times of the order of 10 hours. We discuss the processes that determine SEP intensities and their role in shaping the spectral time evolution