309 research outputs found

    The LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES Domain gene family in grapevine: Genome-wide characterization and expression analyses during developmental processes and stress responses

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    LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES (LOB) DOMAIN (LBD) constitute a family of plant-specific transcription factors with key roles in the regulation of plant organ development, pollen development, plant regeneration, pathogen response, and anthocyanin and nitrogen metabolisms. However, the role of LBDs in fruit ripening and in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) development and stress responses is poorly documented. By performing a model curation of LBDs in the latest genome annotation 50 genes were identified. Phylogenetic analysis showed that LBD genes can be grouped into two classes mapping on 16 out of the 19 V. vinifera chromosomes. New gene subclasses were identified that have not been characterized in other species. Segmental and tandem duplications contributed significantly to the expansion and evolution of the LBD gene family in grapevine as noticed for other species. The analysis of cis-regulatory elements and transcription factor binding sites in the VviLBD promoter regions suggests the involvement of several hormones in the regulation of LBDs expression. Expression profiling suggest the involvement of LBD transcription factors in grapevine development, berry ripening and stress responses. Altogether this study provides valuable information and robust candidate genes for future functional analysis aiming to clarify mechanisms responsible for the onset of fruit ripening and fruit defense strategies. © 2017 The Author(s)

    New Tetromycin Derivatives with Anti-Trypanosomal and Protease Inhibitory Activities †

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    Four new tetromycin derivatives, tetromycins 1–4 and a previously known one, tetromycin B (5) were isolated from Streptomyces axinellae Pol001T cultivated from the Mediterranean sponge Axinella polypoides. Structures were assigned using extensive 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy as well as HRESIMS analysis. The compounds were tested for antiparasitic activities against Leishmania major and Trypanosoma brucei, and for protease inhibition against several cysteine proteases such as falcipain, rhodesain, cathepsin L, cathepsin B, and viral proteases SARS-CoV Mpro, and PLpro. The compounds showed antiparasitic activities against T. brucei and time-dependent inhibition of cathepsin L-like proteases with Ki values in the low micromolar range

    Percepção ambiental dos produtores e qualidade do solo em propriedades orgùnicas e convencionais.

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    O sistema orgĂąnico de produção deve resultar na utilização mais racional dos recursos naturais, sobretudo do solo. Os produtores orgĂąnicos devem adotar prĂĄticas conservacionistas, alĂ©m de atender a outros princĂ­pios deste sistema de produção. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas as prĂĄticas de manejo e conservação do solo adotadas por produtores orgĂąnicos e convencionais nas regiĂ”es dos municĂ­pios de Socorro (Serra da Mantiqueira e Mogiana) e IbiĂșna, situados no Estado de SĂŁo Paulo. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar o grau de adoção de prĂĄticas conservacionistas pelos produtores e avaliar a qualidade do solo na agricultura orgĂąnica e convencional. Foi elaborado e aplicado um questionĂĄrio, com visitas locais para verificação das prĂĄticas conservacionistas e ocorrĂȘncia de erosĂŁo, em 30 propriedades. Os resultados foram expressos em Ă­ndices indicadores de diversidade de uso do solo, atitude conservacionista, percepção de erosĂŁo e do impacto sobre os recursos hĂ­dricos. Foram tambĂ©m realizadas anĂĄlises de atributos quĂ­micos, fĂ­sicos e biolĂłgicos indicadores da qualidade do solo. Concluiu-se que os produtores orgĂąnicos tĂȘm maior percepção quanto Ă  atitude conservacionista e nas propriedades orgĂąnicas hĂĄ maior diversidade de cultivos, embora nĂŁo haja maior diversidade geral de uso do solo. A produção orgĂąnica de alface, em IbiĂșna proporcionou maior atividade biolĂłgica no solo e maior colonização por fungos micorrĂ­zicos arbusculares. O sistema orgĂąnico possui maiores teores de matĂ©ria orgĂąnica e menores de potĂĄssio e nĂŁo houve diferença entre os atributos fĂ­sicos do solo dos sistemas orgĂąnico e convencional

    Second-line treatment in advanced gastric cancer : Data from the Spanish AGAMENON registry

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    Second-line treatments boost overall survival in advanced gastric cancer (AGC). However, there is a paucity of information as to patterns of use and the results achieved in actual clinical practice. The study population comprised patients with AGC in the AGAMENON registry who had received second-line. The objective was to describe the pattern of second-line therapies administered, progression-free survival following second-line (PFS-2), and post-progression survival since first-line (PPS). 2311 cases with 2066 progression events since first-line (89.3%) were recorded; 245 (10.6%) patients died during first-line treatment and 1326/2066 (64.1%) received a second-line. Median PFS-2 and PPS were 3.1 (95% CI, 2.9-3.3) and 5.8 months (5.5-6.3), respectively. The most widely used strategies were monoCT (56.9%), polyCT (15.0%), ramucirumab+CT (12.6%), platinum-reintroduction (8.3%), trastuzumab+CT (6.1%), and ramucirumab (1.1%). PFS-2/PPS medians gradually increased in monoCT, 2.6/5.1 months; polyCT 3.4/6.3 months; ramucirumab+CT, 4.1/6.5 months; platinum-reintroduction, 4.2/6.7 months, and for the HER2+ subgroup in particular, trastuzumab+CT, 5.2/11.7 months. Correlation between PFS since first-line and OS was moderate in the series as a whole (Kendall's τ = 0.613), lower in those subjects who received second-line (Kendall's τ = 0.539), especially with ramucirumab+CT (Kendall's τ = 0.413). This analysis reveals the diversity in second-line treatment for AGC, highlighting the effectiveness of paclitaxel-ramucirumab and, for a selected subgroup of patients, platinum reintroduction; both strategies endorsed by recent clinical guidelines
