27 research outputs found

    Beta cell death by cell-free DNA and outcome after clinical islet transplantation

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    Background: Optimizing engraftment and early survival after clinical islet transplantation is critical to long-term function, but there are no reliable, quantifiable measures to assess beta cell death. Circulating cell free DNA (cfDNA) derived from beta cells has been identified as a novel biomarker to detect cell loss, and was recently validated in new-onset type 1 diabetes and in islet transplant patients. Methods: Herein we report beta cell cfDNA measurements after allotransplantation in 37 subjects and the correlation with clinical outcomes. Results: A distinctive peak of cfDNA was observed 1hr after transplantation in 31/37 (83.8%) of subjects. The presence and magnitude of this signal did not correlate with transplant outcome. The 1hr signal represents dead beta cells carried over into the recipient after islet isolation and culture, combined with acute cell death post infusion. Beta cell cfDNA was also detected 24hrs post-transplant (8/37 subjects, 21.6%). This signal was associated with higher 1-month insulin requirements (p=0.04), lower 1-month stimulated C-peptide levels (p=0.01) and overall worse 3-month engraftment, by insulin independence (ROC:AUC=0.70, p=0.03) and Beta 2 score (ROC:AUC=0.77, p=0.006). Conclusions: cfDNA-based estimation of beta cell death 24hrs after islet allotransplantation correlates with clinical outcome and could predict early engraftment.B.G.-L. is supported through the Alberta Innovates :Health Solutions (AIHS) Clinician Fellowship and through the CNTRP. A.P. is supported through AIHS Postgraduate Fellowship and CNTRP. A.M.J.S. is supported through AIHS, and holds a Canada Research Chair in Transplantation Surgery and Regenerative Medicine funded through the Government of Canada. A.M.J.S. is also funded by AIHS Collaborative Research and Innovation Opportunity Team Award and the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation of Canada (DRIFCan). Supported by grants from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) (3-SRA-2014-38-Q-R, to Y.D. and A.M.J.S.), National Institute of Health (NIH) (HIRN grant UC4 DK104216, to Y.D.), DON foundation (Stichting Diabetes Onderzoek Nederland) (to Y.D), the European Union (ELASTISLET project, to Y.D.) and the Kahn foundation (to Y.D., R.S., and B.G.). Supported in part by a grant from The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) American Schools and Hospitals Abroad Program for the upgrading of the Hebrew University sequencing core facilit

    Distribution of Major Health Risks: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study

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    BACKGROUND: Most analyses of risks to health focus on the total burden of their aggregate effects. The distribution of risk-factor-attributable disease burden, for example by age or exposure level, can inform the selection and targeting of specific interventions and programs, and increase cost-effectiveness. METHODS AND FINDINGS: For 26 selected risk factors, expert working groups conducted comprehensive reviews of data on risk-factor exposure and hazard for 14 epidemiological subregions of the world, by age and sex. Age-sex-subregion-population attributable fractions were estimated and applied to the mortality and burden of disease estimates from the World Health Organization Global Burden of Disease database. Where possible, exposure levels were assessed as continuous measures, or as multiple categories. The proportion of risk-factor-attributable burden in different population subgroups, defined by age, sex, and exposure level, was estimated. For major cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, cholesterol, tobacco use, fruit and vegetable intake, body mass index, and physical inactivity) 43%–61% of attributable disease burden occurred between the ages of 15 and 59 y, and 87% of alcohol-attributable burden occurred in this age group. Most of the disease burden for continuous risks occurred in those with only moderately raised levels, not among those with levels above commonly used cut-points, such as those with hypertension or obesity. Of all disease burden attributable to being underweight during childhood, 55% occurred among children 1–3 standard deviations below the reference population median, and the remainder occurred among severely malnourished children, who were three or more standard deviations below median. CONCLUSIONS: Many major global risks are widely spread in a population, rather than restricted to a minority. Population-based strategies that seek to shift the whole distribution of risk factors often have the potential to produce substantial reductions in disease burden

    Phosphorylation of the MEKK Ste11p by the PAK-like kinase Ste20p is required for MAP kinase signaling in vivo.

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    BACKGROUND: Many signals are transduced from the cell surface to the nucleus through mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades. Activation of MAP kinase requires phosphorylation by MEK, which in turn is controlled by Raf, Mos or a group of structurally related kinases termed MEKKs. It is not understood how MEKKs are regulated by extracellular signals. In yeast, the MEKK Ste11p functions in multiple MAP kinase cascades activated in response to pheromones, high osmolarity and nutrient starvation. Genetic evidence suggests that the p21-activated protein kinase (PAK) Ste20p functions upstream of Ste11p, and Ste20p has been shown to phosphorylate Ste11p in vitro. RESULTS: Ste20p phosphorylated Ste11p on Ser302 and/or Ser306 and Thr307 in yeast, residues that are conserved in MEKKs of other organisms. Mutating these sites to non-phosphorylatable residues abolished Ste11p function, whereas changing them to aspartic acid to mimic the phosphorylated form constitutively activated Ste11p in vivo in a Ste20p-independent manner. The amino-terminal regulatory domain of Ste11p interacted with its catalytic domain, and overexpression of a small amino-terminal fragment of Ste11p was able to inhibit signaling in response to pheromones. Mutational analysis suggested that this interaction was regulated by phosphorylation and dependent on Thr596, which is located in the substrate cleft of the catalytic domain. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that, in response to multiple extracellular signals, phosphorylation of Ste11p by Ste20p removes an amino-terminal inhibitory domain, leading to activation of the Ste11 protein kinase. This mechanism may serve as a paradigm for the activation of mammalian MEKKs

    Modelling of photo-thermal control of biological cellular oscillators

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    We study the transient dynamics of biological oscillators subjected to brief heat pulses. A prospective well-defined experimental system for thermal control of oscillators is the peripheral electroreceptors in paddlefish. Epithelial cells in these receptors show spontaneous voltage oscillations which are known to be temperature sensitive. We use a computational model to predict the effect of brief thermal pulses in this system. In our model thermal stimulation is realized through the light excitation of gold nanoparticles delivered in close proximity to epithelial cells and generating heat due to plasmon resonance. We use an ensemble of modified Morris-Lecar systems to model oscillatory epithelial cells. First, we validate that the model quantitatively reproduces the dynamics of epithelial oscillations in paddlefish electroreceptors, including responses to static and slow temperature changes. Second, we use the model to predict transient responses to short heat pulses generated by the light actuated gold nanoparticles. The model predicts that the epithelial oscillators can be partially synchronized by brief 5 – 15 ms light stimuli resulting in a large-amplitude oscillations of the mean field potential

    Maximum phonation time: variability and reliability

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    The objective of the study was to determine maximum phonation time reliability as a function of the number of trials, days, and raters in dysphonic and control subjects. Two groups of adult subjects participated in this reliability study: a group of outpatients with functional or organic dysphonia versus a group of healthy control subjects matched by age and gender. Over a period of maximally 6 weeks, three video recordings were made of five subjects' maximum phonation time trials. A panel of five experts were responsible for all measurements, including a repeated measurement of the subjects' first recordings. Patients showed significantly shorter maximum phonation times compared with healthy controls (on average, 6.6 seconds shorter). The averaged interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) over all raters per trial for the first day was 0.998. The averaged reliability coefficient per rater and per trial for repeated measurements of the first day's data was 0.997, indicating high intrarater reliability. The mean reliability coefficient per day for one trial was 0.939. When using five trials, the reliability increased to 0.987. The reliability over five trials for a single day was 0.836; for 2 days, 0.911; and for 3 days, 0.935. To conclude, the maximum phonation time has proven to be a highly reliable measure in voice assessment. A single rater is sufficient to provide highly reliable measurements