1,592 research outputs found

    Organic vs Conventional Suckling Lamb Production: Product Quality and Consumer Acceptance

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    Samples of suckling lambs (n=40) of two breeds reared under conventional and organic conditions were analysed to asses physico-chemical characteristics, including instrumental texture, and nutritional quality in terms of fatty acid composition. Consumer acceptance was also studied using the home-use test. Results revealed that organic suckling lamb meat is healthier as shown by the lower saturated fatty acid levels, the higher polyunsaturated fatty acid contents and the higher 6/3 ratiko. The organic meat had lower instrumental hardness, received higher scores in all sensory parameters, and had statistically better fat sensation and higher ratings for overall liking. These results lend support to the notion among consumers that organic products are healthier and tastier

    Consumer Appreciation of Carcass Quality of Organic vs Conventional Suckling Lamb Production

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    Carcass characteristics of sucking lambs (n= 40) of two breeds reared under conventional and organic conditions were analysed including objective and subjective parameters for fatness and conformation, meat and fat colour. Consumer acceptance was also studied using the home-use test. Results showed that the characteristics of the carcass of suckling lamb were similar for both types of production systems pointing out that organic production system did not affect fatness or muscle development. However, organic meat was darker (higher L* and a* values) probably related with the higher amount of exercise, although fat was not more yellow. In contrast consumers did not consider organic meat darker and there were not significant differences in appearance related with the similar conformation. These results reflect that consumer perceive organic meat as at least as good as conventional production not only regarding environmental quality but also regarding carcass quality

    Mónica P. Martini (1954-2003) in memoriam

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    Analysis of water erosion using GIS and remote sensing for the management of protected natural environments in the south of the province of Salamanca (Spain)

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al IV International Symposium on Gully Erosion, celebrado en la Universidad Pública de Navarra del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2007.The soil is a natural resource that must be conserved in protected natural areas since it is one of the determinant physical supports in territorial planning because it governs its different uses. Accordingly, specific studies must be carried out aimed at estimating soil losses at individual project level and at the general level of Natural Environments in order to establish methodologies for the control and ordering of activities, above all in protected environments whose focus is on sustainable activities. The basic objective should delimit different erosive forms where best it reflects the risk of water erosion (gullies, rills) and the degree (weak, light, important, and burden) and the processes induced (slides, scarp, remontant erosion...) in addition the evolution with time.Part of the work reported in this paper was financially supported by the GCL 2005-04655/BTE and CGL 2005-01336/BTE Projects

    Electrochemical behavior of lanthanum and yttrium ions in two molten chlorides with different oxoacidic properties: The eutectic LiCl-KCl and the equimolar mixture CaCl2-NaCl

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    The electrochemical behavior of LaCl3 and YCl3 was studied in two molten chloride mixtures with different oxoacidic properties, the eutectic LiCl-KCl and the equimolar CaCl2-NaCl melt at different temperatures. The stable oxidation states of both elements have been found to be (III) and (0) in both melts, and it was found that both La(III) and Y(III) cations were less solvated by the chloride ions in the calcium-based melt, which was explained by the stability of CaCl4 2- ions in that melt. Transient electrochemical techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and chronoamperometry were used in order to study the reaction mechanism and the transport parameters of electro active species at a tungsten electrode. The results showed that in the eutectic LiCl-KCl, the electro crystallization of lanthanum and yttrium seems to be the controlling electrochemical step while in CaCl2-NaCl this phenomenon has not been observed. That was explained in terms of the differences in the physicochemical properties of the systems, especially interfacial tensions. In the eutectic LiCl-KCl chronoamperometric studies indicated instantaneous and three dimensional nucleation and crystal growth of lanthanum and yttrium whatever the applied over potential of the rare earth metal is, whereas in the equimolar mixture CaCl2-NaCl, the corresponding electrochemical exchanges were found to be quasi-reversible, and the values of the kinetic parameters, K0 and α,were obtained for both reactions. Mass transport towards the electrode is a simple diffusion process, and the diffusion coefficients have been calculated. The validity of the Arrhenius law was also verified by plotting the variation of the logarithm of the diffusion coefficient versus 1/T

    Solution on square domains of reaction-convection-diffusion equations using spectral stochastic finite element and streamline upwind Galerkin Petrov

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    Se desarrolla la solución numérica de 2 problemas de difusión-convección (DC), mediante el empleo del método de elementos finitos de Petrov-Galerkin en contracorriente (SUPG). Los parámetros que definen el comportamiento de las ecuaciones se modelan como campos estocásticos, y son los siguientes: la velocidad convectiva, la difusión y la capacidad calorífica como valores de tipo aleatorio. Por tanto, se combina el método SUPG para ecuaciones de DC, con convección dominante, con el método de los elementos finitos estocásticos espectrales. Los parámetros de cada ecuación se han descrito mediante la expansión de Karhunen-Loève, mientras que la incógnita se representa mediante la expansión de los polinomios de caos. Los objetivos del artículo son: en primer lugar, estudiar la influencia de los campos estocásticos en la solución de problemas de DC con SUPG, y en segundo lugar obtener los patrones de cada coeficiente de la expansión en polinomios de caos. Los resultados muestran la versatilidad del método para solucionar diferentes problemas físicos gracias a la generalidad en la descripción estadística de la solución, y la riqueza en la representación de las zonas donde se halla la mayor variabilidad en la respuesta. Los patrones muestran la incertidumbre en la incógnita que depende de la dinámica de la difusión, la velocidad convectiva y el tipo de solución utilizado.In this paper we have developed the numerical solution of two problems of diffusion-convection (DC), using the finite element method of Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG). The parameters that define the behavior of the equations are modeled as stochastic fields, specifically, are used: the convective velocity, diffusion and heat capacity as values of random type. Therefore, we have included SUPG method to DC, with dominant convection, with the stochastic spectral finite element method. Each parameter was described by Karhunen-Loève expansion, while the unknown is represented by the polynomial expansion of the chaos. The objectives of the paper are: 1. To study the influence of stochastic fields in solving problems with SUPG DC and 2. Get the solution of each expansion unknown variable. The results show the versatility of the method for solving different physical problems due to the generality of the statistical description of the solution and the richness in the representation of the areas where there is the greater variability in response. The patterns shown in the unknown uncertainty depends on the dynamics of diffusion, convective velocity and the type of solution used.Peer Reviewe

    Solubility of gases in fluoroorganic alcohols. Part III. Solubilities of several non-polar gases in water¿+¿1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoropropan-2-ol at 298.15¿K and 101.33¿kPa

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    Solubilities of the non-polar gases H2, N2, O2, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, CF4, SF6, and CO2 in the mixture (water + 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoropropan-2-ol) at the temperature of 298.15 K and 101.33 kPa partial pressure of gas are reported. A polynomial dependence of the solubilities on the molar fraction of the binary liquid mixture is found. The Henry''s constants at the vapor pressure of water, the standard changes in the Gibbs energy for the solution process and for the solvation process, and the so-called excess Henry''s constant are calculated. The results have been compared with those obtained by Scaled Particle Theory (SPT). A method to compare the solubility of a gas in different liquids is proposed and applied to 2, 2, 2-trifluoroethanol and 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoropropan-2-ol

    Connections between Tsallis' formalisms employing the standard linear average energy and ones employing the normalized qq-average energy

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    Tsallis' thermostatistics with the standard linear average energy is revisited by employing S2−qS_{2-q}, which is the Tsallis entropy with qq replaced by 2−q2-q. We explore the connections among the S2−qS_{2-q} approach and the other different versions of Tsallis formalisms. It is shown that the normalized qq-average energy and the standard linear average energy are related to each other. The relations among the Lagrange multipliers of the different versions are revealed. The relevant Legendre transform structures concerning the Lagrange multipliers associated with the normalization of probability are studied. It is shown that the generalized Massieu potential associated with S2−qS_{2-q} and the linear average energy is related to one associated with the normalized Tsallis entropy and the normalized qq-average energy.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, submitted to Physics Letter

    Thermophysical and volumetric study of mixtures {p-cymene¿+¿propan-1-ol} at several temperatures and atmospheric pressure. Modeling with COSMO-RS

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    Experimental isobaric molar heat capacities at atmospheric pressure have been determined for the mixture {p-cymene + propan-1-ol} every 10 K in the temperature interval (298.8–328.5) K and over the entire composition range with a Calvet type calorimeter. Densities, necessary for calculating heat capacities, have been also measured in similar conditions. Excess molar volumes have been calculated from densities. They are positive at (318.15 and 328.15) K and sigmoidal at (298.15 and 308.15) K with negative values in the zone very rich in propan-1-ol. Excess molar heat capacities have been calculated from the molar heat capacities and show positive values. Both excess molar properties increase as the temperature rises at a given molar fraction. Excess properties are discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions. The solvation model COSMO-RS has been applied to predict the excess molar heat capacities, being the quantitative predictions rather poor

    Solubilities of gases in cycloethers. The solubility of 13 nonpolar gases in 2, 5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran at 273.15 to 303.15¿K and 101.32¿kPa

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    The solubilities of gases in liquids are interesting, not only from a practical point of view, but also because they provide a rigorous touchstone to test the structural models on the liquid state. In this work the solubilities of 13 nonpolar gases, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, H2, D2, N2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, CF4, and SF6, in 2, 5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran at five temperatures between (273.15 and 303.15) K and 101.32 kPa partial pressure of gas were measured and the associated thermodynamic functions were calculated. Correlation of data has been made and the capacity of prediction of several typical molecular models of liquids, namely, SPT model, perturbation theory, UNIFAC and COSMO-RS, specifically applied to gas solubilities, has been checked
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