222 research outputs found

    Unruh quantization in presence of a condensate

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    We have shown that the Unruh quantization scheme can be realized in Minkowski spacetime in the presence of Bose-Einstein condensate containing infinite average number of particles in the zero boost mode and located basically inside the light cone. Unlike the case of an empty Minkowski spacetime the condensate provides the boundary conditions necessary for the Fulling quantization of the part of the field restricted only to the Rindler wedge of Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 4 page

    "Shaking" of an atom in a non-stationary cavity

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    We consider an atom interacting with a quantized electromagnetic field inside a cavity with variable parameters. The atom in the ground state located in the initially empty cavity can be excited by variation of cavity parameters. We have discovered two mechanisms of atomic excitation. The first arises due to the interaction of the atom with the non-stationary electromagnetic field created by modulation of cavity parameters. If the characteristic time of variation of cavity parameters is of the order of the atomic transition time, the processes of photon creation and atomic excitation are going on simultaneously and hence excitation of the atom cannot be reduced to trivial absorption of the photons produced by the dynamical Casimir effect. The second mechanism is "shaking" of the atom due to fast modulation of its ground state Lamb shift which takes place as a result of fast variation of cavity arameters. The last mechanism has no connection with the vacuum dynamical Casimir effect. Moreover, it opens a new channel of photon creation in the non-stationary cavity. Nevertheless, the process of photon creation is altered by the presence of the atom in the cavity, even if one disregards the existence of the new channel. In particular, it removes the restriction for creation of only even number of photons and also changes the expectation value for the number of created photons. Our consideration is based on a simple model of a two-level atom interacting with a single mode of the cavity field. Qualitatively our results are valid for a real atom in a physical cavity.Comment: 12 pages,4 *.eps figures, this version is identical to the one to be published in Physics Letters A (in print

    An example of a uniformly accelerated particle detector with non-Unruh response

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    We propose a scalar background in Minkowski spacetime imparting constant proper acceleration to a classical particle. In contrast to the case of a constant electric field the proposed scalar potential does not create particle-antiparticle pairs. Therefore an elementary particle accelerated by such field is a more appropriate candidate for an "Unruh-detector" than a particle moving in a constant electric field. We show that the proposed detector does not reveal the universal thermal response of the Unruh type.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Fiber-optic control and thermometry of single-cell thermosensation logic

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    Thermal activation of transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels is one of the most striking examples of temperature-controlled processes in cell biology. As the evidence indicating the fundamental role of such processes in thermosensation builds at a fast pace, adequately accurate tools that would allow heat receptor logic behind thermosensation to be examined on a single-cell level are in great demand. Here, we demonstrate a specifically designed fiber-optic probe that enables thermal activation with simultaneous online thermometry of individual cells expressing genetically encoded TRP channels. This probe integrates a fiber-optic tract for the delivery of laser light with a two-wire microwave transmission line. A diamond microcrystal fixed on the fiber tip is heated by laser radiation transmitted through the fiber, providing a local heating of a cell culture, enabling a well-controlled TRP-assisted thermal activation of cells. Online local temperature measurements are performed by using the temperature-dependent frequency shift of optically detected magnetic resonance, induced by coupling the microwave field, delivered by the microwave transmission line, to nitrogen—vacancy centers in the diamond microcrystal. Activation of TRP channels is verified by using genetically encoded fluorescence indicators, visualizing an increase in the calcium flow through activated TRP channels

    Quantum field aspect of Unruh problem

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    It is shown using both conventional and algebraic approach to quantum field theory that it is impossible to perform quantization on Unruh modes in Minkowski spacetime. Such quantization implies setting boundary condition for the quantum field operator which changes topological properties and symmetry group of spacetime and leads to field theory in two disconnected left and right Rindler spacetimes. It means that "Unruh effect" does not exist.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, 1 figur

    Generation of harmonics by a focused laser beam in vacuum

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    Generation of odd harmonics by a super strong focused laser beam in vacuum is considered. The process occurs due to the plural light-by-light scattering effect. In the leading order of perturbation theory, generation of (2k+1)(2k+1)th harmonic is described by a loop diagram with (2k+2)(2k+2) external incoming, and two outgoing legs. A frequency of the beam is assumed to be much smaller than the Compton frequency, so that the approximation of a constant uniform electromagnetic field is valid locally. Analytical expressions for angular distribution of generated photons, as well as for their total emission rate are obtained in the leading order of perturbation theory. Influence of higher-order diagrams is studied numerically using the formalism of Intense Field QED. It is shown that the process may become observable for the beam intensity of the order of 1027W/cm210^{27}\rm{W/cm}^2.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Added comparison with the probability of SHG in the crossed beam setup, several abridgments mad

    Dynamical features of reaction-diffusion fronts in fractals

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    The speed of front propagation in fractals is studied by using (i) the reduction of the reaction-transport equation into a Hamilton-Jacobi equation and (ii) the local-equilibrium approach. Different equations proposed for describing transport in fractal media, together with logistic reaction kinetics, are considered. Finally, we analyze the main features of wave fronts resulting from this dynamic process, i.e., why they are accelerated and what is the exact form of this acceleration

    Generalizations of normal ordering and applications to quantization in classical backgrounds

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    A nonlocal method of extracting the positive (or the negative) frequency part of a field, based on knowledge of a 2-point function, leads to certain natural generalizations of the normal ordering of quantum fields in classical gravitational and electromagnetic backgrounds and illuminates the origin of the recently discovered nonlocalities related to a local description of particles. A local description of particle creation by gravitational backgrounds is given, with emphasis on the case of black-hole evaporation. The formalism reveals a previously hidden relation between various definitions of the particle current and those of the energy-momentum tensor. The implications to particle creation by classical backgrounds, as well as to the relation between vacuum energy, dark matter, and cosmological constant, are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, revised, title shortened, to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Long- and short-term earthquake prediction in Kamchatka

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    This paper presents the results of long- and short-term earthquake prediction obtained during 1971–1974. They can be summarized as follows: The map of long-term prediction for the Kurile—Kamchatka zone compiled in 1965 and supplemented in 1972 by S.A. Fedotov is in good agreement (in four of four possible cases) with recorded seismicity. The results obtained allow us to suppose that the areas for which the log (Ep/Es) of small earthquakes is low may be the areas of future large earthquakes. Prediction of active periods for the Kamchatka earthquakes with M > 7 has been made on the basis of studying the correlation of seismicity with the lunar tide with a 18.6-year period. A possibility has been found for using the phenomenon of “induced foreshocks” for earthquake prediction, i.e., when a large remote earthquake induces small preceding events in the zone of preparation of a large earthquake. The following three methods were used for operative short-term prediction of the time and place of future earthquakes with M > 5.5. 1.(1) Use of specific electrotelluric field anomalies, from 5 to 20 days in duration, which are recorded by a specially designed network of stations. 2.(2) Method of Vp/Vs anomalies. The anomalously high and low Vp/Vs values for a seismic station point to the possibility of large earthquakes near the latter. 3.(3) The earthquake statistics method described by Fedotov et al. in 1972. Short-term seismic prediction is being made twice a week in two versions: Forecast I (for the whole of Kamchatka) and Forecast II (for each of six overlapping segments of the Kamchatka seismic zone). This paper discusses the results of successful testing of short-term earthquake prediction during two years. During the “alarm” periods the probability of large earthquakes is double the average. Paper presented at the Symposium on Earthquake Forerunners Searching, Tashkent, May 26–June 1, 1974