517 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) fillet

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    Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is a freshwater fish originating from the United States of America (USA). This specie was introduced in Portugal (Azores) in the end of the XIX Century. Like in the USA, largemouth bass is one of the most popular freshwater sports fish in Portugal and it is very important in regional cuisine, especially in the countryside. However, there’s a lack of information about the chemical composition of largemouth bass fillet. All eaten largemouth bass in Portugal are caught in large dams and small irrigation dams because there’s no largemouth bass aquaculture industry. The aim of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition of largemouth bass fillet collected in an irrigation reservoir (39º49’27.89’’ N; 07º26’57.92’’ W) located in the Central region of Portugal. Thirteen largemouth bass were collected (average weight 349.85g ±74.23; average length 27.22cm ±1.43; average K condition factor 1.71 ±0.14) and were frozen during seven days. The cutting carcasses and the filet chemical analyses (moisture, protein, fat and ash) took place in the laboratory. In the carcass, the average amounts of viscera, spine, head, skin and filet were, respectively, 8.52% (±1.41), 17.24% (±1.29), 23.06% (±1.85), 7.58% (±0.60) and 43.59% (±1.91). In the filet, the average amounts of moisture, protein, fat and ash were, respectively, 77.67% (±1.07), 18.46% (±0.83), 0.90% (±0.31) and 1.20% (±0.05). We concluded that largemouth bass has a good filet yield with very low fat and high level of protein contents. In fact, as far as we know, these are the first results of carcass and filet characterization of largemouth bass collected in Portugal

    Metal contaminants in Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) collected in large dams from Tejo River basin and small irrigation dams

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    Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is a very important fresh water fish in the Portuguese regional cuisine mainly in the countryside (Central region and north Alentejo). Because there’s no aquaculture industry, all eaten largemouth bass in Portugal are collected in large dams (Basins of Tejo and Guadiana rivers) and small irrigation dams. For decades, the Tejo River received environmental pollutants from non-point and point sources that included intensive agriculture, industrial entities, municipalities and nuclear power plant. The aim of this work was to evaluate some metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Zn) present on largemouth bass muscle tissue collected in the section of Tejo River that makes border between Portugal and Spain (TR) (N=9) and collected in three irrigation reservoirs (IR) located near Castelo Branco – Portugal (N=11). Individual were weighted and measured. Age was determined by examining fish scales, and sex determined by gonads observation. Samples for liver, dorsolateral muscle and tail muscle were collected from the right side of the fish. TR average weight 435.14g (±109.15), average length 278.33mm (±23.28), average K condition factor 1.98 (±0.09) and average age 3.11 years (±0,78) were similar (P>0.05) to IR average weight 410.84g (±137.71), average length 278.36mm (±31.13), average K condition factor 1.86 (±0.17) and average age 3.18 years (±0,60). Total mercury was determined in freeze-dried samples by atomic absorption spectrometry with thermal decomposition and gold amalgamation. For the other metal analysis, freeze-dried powders were mineralized with a mixture of HNO3 and H2O2, followed by ICP-OES quantification. Cd and Pb presented concentrations below LOQ (0.025 and 0.15mg.kg-1wet.weight, respectively) for all muscle samples. These values are below legal limits in EU (0.05 and 0.3mg.kg-1wet.weight, respectively). Average Hg levels are below legal limits (0.5mg.kg-1wet.weight) and muscle presented higher levels than liver. These contaminant levels indicate that are no contamination sources in the sampling sites. Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn and Zn are essential micronutrients. Their concentrations were not significantly different between dorsal and tail muscle and were higher in liver (P>0.05), with mean concentrations on muscle being, respectively: TR 0.16 (±0.07), <LOQ(0.03), 1.45 (±0.42), 0.04 (±0.04) and 3.76 (±0.39) mg.kg-1wet.weight; IR 0.16 (±0.02), <LOQ(0.03), 1.80 (±0.52), 0.05 (±0.05) and 4.17 (±0.56) mg.kg-1wet.weight. We concluded that metallic concentrations of largemouth bass muscle tissues were below the maximum permissible for a safety utilization of theses fishes in human nutrition

    Composição nutricional do filete de três espécies piscícolas de águas interiores com interesse gastronómico

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    Composição nutricional do filete de três espécies piscícolas de águas interiores com interesse gastronómico

    Composição em proteína, gordura e ácidos gordos de filetes de achigãs (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède, 1802) submetidos a três regimes alimentares diferentes

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    Composição em proteína, gordura e ácidos gordos de filetes de achigãs (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède, 1802) submetidos a três regimes alimentares diferentes

    The role of point-like topological excitations at criticality: from vortices to global monopoles

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    We determine the detailed thermodynamic behavior of vortices in the O(2) scalar model in 2D and of global monopoles in the O(3) model in 3D. We construct new numerical techniques, based on cluster decomposition algorithms, to analyze the point defect configurations. We find that these criteria produce results for the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature in agreement with a topological transition between a polarizable insulator and a conductor, at which free topological charges appear in the system. For global monopoles we find no pair unbinding transition. Instead a transition to a dense state where pairs are no longer distinguishable occurs at T<Tc, without leading to long range disorder. We produce both extensive numerical evidence of this behavior as well as a semi-analytic treatment of the partition function for defects. General expectations for N=D>3 are drawn, based on the observed behavior.Comment: 14 pages, REVTEX, 13 eps figure

    Fenologia e produção de cultivares de amoreira-preta em sistema agroecológico.

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    A amoreira-preta é uma espécie de exploração recente no Brasil. Nos últimos ano, s tem sido dada especial atenção ao cultivo orgânico ou agroecológico dessa espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o comportamento fenológico e produtivo das cultivares de amora-preta ‘Tupy’, ‘Guarani’, ‘Caingangue’, ‘Cherokee’ e ‘Brazos’, e das seleções denominadas ‘seleção 97’ e ‘seleção 787’ na região de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul(RS), em sistema agroecológico. O trabalho foi realizado na Estação Experimental de Cascata (EEC), Embrapa Clima Temperado. As plantas foram dispostas no pomar, em blocos varietais aleatórios, com 10 plantas por genótipo, perfazendo quatro linhas com duas cultivares por linha. Foram observadas as datas de início da floração e fim da floração, início e final de colheita, massa (gramas) e número de frutos por planta, teor de sólidos solúveis totais (ºBrix), produção média por planta (g pl-1) e produtividade estimada por hectare (kg ha-1). Para análise das características dos frutos, a média de cada ano de avaliação (três) foi considerada como uma repetição. Na região de Pelotas-RS, é viável o cultivo agroecológico de amoreira-preta. Não há diferenças de produção, produtividade, número de frutos e teores de sólidos solúveis totais entre os genótipos estudados

    SpectraNet–53: A deep residual learning architecture for predicting soluble solids content with VIS–NIR spectroscopy

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    This work presents a new deep learning architecture, SpectraNet-53, for quantitative analysis of fruit spectra, optimized for predicting Soluble Solids Content (SSC, in Brix). The novelty of this approach resides in being an architecture trainable on a very small dataset, while keeping a performance level on-par or above Partial Least Squares (PLS), a time-proven machine learning method in the field of spectroscopy. SpectraNet-53 performance is assessed by determining the SSC of 616 Citrus sinensi L. Osbeck 'Newhall' oranges, from two Algarve (Portugal) orchards, spanning two consecutive years, and under different edaphoclimatic conditions. This dataset consists of short-wave near-infrared spectroscopic (SW-NIRS) data, and was acquired with a portable spectrometer, in the visible to near infrared region, on-tree and without temperature equalization. SpectraNet-53 results are compared to a similar state-of-the-art architecture, DeepSpectra, as well as PLS, and thoroughly assessed on 15 internal validation sets (where the training and test data were sampled from the same orchard or year) and on 28 external validation sets (training/test data sampled from different orchards/years). SpectraNet-53 was able to achieve better performance than DeepSpectra and PLS in several metrics, and is especially robust to training overfit. For external validation results, on average, SpectraNet-53 was 3.1% better than PLS on RMSEP (1.16 vs. 1.20 Brix), 11.6% better in SDR (1.22 vs. 1.10), and 28.0% better in R2 (0.40 vs. 0.31).project NIBAP ALG-01-0247-FEDER-037303, project OtiCalFrut ALG-010247-FEDER-033652info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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