1,755 research outputs found

    Production and nutritional composition of two annual ryegrass cultivars (Diploid and Tetraploid)

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    The feed cost represents the major cost in milk production. Direct grazing and forage produced on the dairy farm could allow the farmer to a better feed production cost control. Ryegrass have been extensively used for grazing and forage production. This study evaluates the production and nutritional composition of two ryegrass cultivars diploid and tetraploid alone or in a binary mixture (50:50). The results showed that the binary mixture is a good option because of its higher production of DM/ha, higher ME and NFC and lower content of NDF, ADF and ADL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ants Visit Nectaries Of Epidendrum Denticulatum (orchidaceae) In A Brazilian Rainforest: Effects On Herbivory And Pollination.

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    Epidendrum denticulatum (Orchidaceae) produces nectar on the petioles of buds, flowers, and fruits (extrafloral nectaries) but no nectar is found on its flowers, and it is probably a deceptive species. In the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest, some aspects of both the ecology and behavior of Camponotus sericeiventris (Formicinae) and Ectatomma tuberculatum (Ponerinae), two ant species foraging on E. denticulatum extrafloral nectaries, were investigated. Both experiments, using termites as baits and field observations, suggest that these ant species are able to prevent reproductive organ herbivory, without affecting pollinator behaviour. Since a low fruit set is often cited as a characteristic of the family, especially for deceptive species, ants attracted to orchid inflorescences protect reproductive structures and increase the probability of pollination success. Epidendrum denticulatum flowers were visited and probably pollinated by Heliconius erato (Nymphalidae) and Euphyes leptosema (Hesperiidae).63455155

    Quantum molecular dynamics simulations of conjugated polymers

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    The softness of conjugated polymers leads to strong coupling between polymer's electrons and lattice vibrations. Therefore, it is necessary to perform quantum molecular dynamics computer simulations in order to study their electronic and optical properties at molecular level. We have used self-consistent molecular dynamics calculations with interatomic forces evaluated from quantum mechanical calculations at the complete neglect of differential overlap level to discuss some of the issues relating to the electronic processes involved in polydiacetylene and poly(p-phenylene vinylene). Specifically addressed are the charge induced structural changes of the polymer chains and the intra-molecular charge mobility. The change in the chemical potential of individual polymer strands at zero temperature is also discussed. Our results suggest a geometrical distortion in the bond length distribution relative to the uncharged chains which is accompanied by changes in atomic charges at the distortion site. The charge carrier mobility is predicted to depend on the strength of the electric field, in accordance with experiments

    Effect of molecular properties on the performance of polymer light-emitting diodes

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    The performance of a single layer polymer light-emitting diode depends on several interdependent factors, although recombination between electrons and holes within the polymer layer is believed to play an important role. Our aim is to carry out computer experiments in which bipolar charge carriers are injected in polymer networks made of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) chains randomly oriented. In these simulations, we follow the charge evolution in time from some initial state to the steady state. The intra-molecular properties of the polymer molecules obtained from self-consistent quantum molecular dynamics calculations are used in the mesoscopic model. The purpose of the present work is to clarify the effects of intra-molecular charge mobility and energy disorder on recombination efficiency. In particular, we find that charge mobility along the polymer chains has a serious influence on recombination within the polymer layer. Our results also show that energy disorder due to differences in ionization potential and electron affinity of neighbouring molecules affects mainly recombinations that occur near the electrodes at polymer chains parallel to them.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – Programa Operacional “Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação” - POCTI/CTM/41574/2001Comunidade Europeia (CE). Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER

    Produção de azevém anual : diploide e tetraploide em monoculturas e mistura binária.

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    A produção de leite em Portugal atravessa momentos difíceis. O preço pago aos produtores é um dos mais baixos da UE tendo atingido em julho de 2018 0,3007 €/kg, menos 2,77 cêntimos do que o valor médio pago aos produtores europeus no mesmo mês (0,3284 €/kg) (MMO, 2018). Os custos de alimentação da vaca leiteira têm um peso importante na formação do preço do leite. Representam 50% e 78,4% do custo total da produção de leite (Alqaisi et al., 2011; Baptista et al., 2012; Sottomayor et al., 2012). Isto significa que para aumentar a rentabilidade da exploração é fundamental reduzir os custos com a alimentação satisfazendo as necessidades nutricionais dos animais utilizando mais forragens produzidas na exploração. Regimes alimentares baseados no pastoreio ou na utilização de forragens produzidas na própria exploração são economicamente mais interessantes do que regimes baseados na utilização de concentrados cujo preço o produtor não controla (Alqaisi et al., 2011). O azevém tem sido uma das forragens mais utilizadas na alimentação de vacas leiteiras (Wilson e McDowall, 1966; Tas, 2006; Cooke et al, 2008; Cooke et al, 2009). Esta forragem pode ser fornecida em pastoreio direto, em feno, feno-silagem, silagem ou em regimes mistos com pastoreio e conservação. Também em Portugal, o azevém anual é muito utilizado na formulação de regimes alimentares para vacas leiteiras e a influência favorável que esta forragem tem sobre a composição do leite em ácidos gordos (CLA, ácido linoleico e ácido α-linolénico) é demostrada num artigo de revisão (Kalač e Samková, 2010). Assumindo a importância que o azevém tem na produção leiteira em Portugal pretendeu-se avaliar a produção e a composição nutricional de duas variedades cultivadas em monocultura ou em mistura binária em condições características de um clima Termomediterrânico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Symplectic evolution of Wigner functions in markovian open systems

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    The Wigner function is known to evolve classically under the exclusive action of a quadratic hamiltonian. If the system does interact with the environment through Lindblad operators that are linear functions of position and momentum, we show that the general evolution is the convolution of the classically evolving Wigner function with a phase space gaussian that broadens in time. We analyze the three generic cases of elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic Hamiltonians. The Wigner function always becomes positive in a definite time, which is shortest in the hyperbolic case. We also derive an exact formula for the evolving linear entropy as the average of a narrowing gaussian taken over a probability distribution that depends only on the initial state. This leads to a long time asymptotic formula for the growth of linear entropy.Comment: this new version treats the dissipative cas

    Poincare's Recurrence Theorem and the Unitarity of the S matrix

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    A scattering process can be described by suitably closing the system and considering the first return map from the entrance onto itself. This scattering map may be singular and discontinuous, but it will be measure preserving as a consequence of the recurrence theorem applied to any region of a simpler map. In the case of a billiard this is the Birkhoff map. The semiclassical quantization of the Birkhoff map can be subdivided into an entrance and a repeller. The construction of a scattering operator then follows in exact analogy to the classical process. Generically, the approximate unitarity of the semiclassical Birkhoff map is inherited by the S-matrix, even for highly resonant scattering where direct quantization of the scattering map breaks down.Comment: 4 latex pages, 5 ps figure

    Development of sulfur based polymers for rechargeable lithium batteries

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    Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are in the front edge of recent achievements concerning energy storage. However, Li-ion devices are reaching their maximum regarding energy density storage which restricts their appiicatíon in systems with large power needs, such as electric vehicles. Driven by this shortcoming, in the last few years, Lithium-Sulfur (Li-S) batteries are being considered as an alternative for the exploitatíon of energy storage and conversion systems with improved performance. Indeed, to the S cathodes is associated a theoretical specifíc capacity of 1672 mA h g-1 and a specifíc energy of 2600 W h kg-\ which are several times higher than the correspondent to other possible systems. The relative low atomic weight of S in comparison with other elements (e.g. cobalt) and the multí-electron transfer reactíons in the pair Li/S are at the source ofthis superior theoretícal performance of Li-S batteries.Este trabalho foi financiado por: projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 - Laboratório Associado LSRE-LCM - financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), através do COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio