208 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Characteristics of 30 GT Fishing Ship Hull Form in Sulawesi Waters

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    This study aims to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of the 30 GT fishing ship hull form, operating around Sulawesi waters. The hydrodynamic study includes determinations of; i) ship main dimensions, ii) ship resistance and power, iii) ship stability and maneuvering. The main dimensions identifications were based on a several fishing ship. Ship resistance and power aproximination used Holtrop method. The investigation of ship stability and maneuvering was based on the IMO criteria. Three samples of the fishing ship were investigated. The results of the hydrodynamic analysis showed that the influences of B/T ratio is significant. Properly selecting the B/T ratio on fishing ships can be improved in power reduction and possible increase in safety of shi

    Hydrodynamic Characteristics of 30 GT Fishing Ship Hull Form in Sulawesi Waters

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    This study aims to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of the 30 GT fishing ship hull form, operating around Sulawesi waters. The hydrodynamic study includes determinations of; i) ship main dimensions, ii) ship resistance and power, iii) ship stability and maneuvering. The main dimensions identifications were based on a several fishing ship. Ship resistance and power aproximination used Holtrop method. The investigation of ship stability and maneuvering was based on the IMO criteria. Three samples of the fishing ship were investigated. The results of the hydrodynamic analysis showed that the influences of B/T ratio is significant. Properly selecting the B/T ratio on fishing ships can be improved in power reduction and possible increase in safety of shi

    Characterization of Coal obtained from the Sahelian Regions of Nigeria and Niger Republic

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    Coal is the most widely available fossil fuel energy resource. This work was carried out to compare the composition, Sulphur content and combustibility of the Nigerian and Nigerien coal samples. Coal samples were obtained from Enugu, Nigeria, Tahuoa and Agadez of Niger Republic. Results indicated that, coal samples from Tahuoa (RS/T) and coal from Agadez (RS/A) have highest percentage of fixed carbon (71.2% and 61.0% for Tohoua and Agadez respectively), while the coal from Enugu (RS/E), Nigeria, have the least percentage (49.2%) which made them to have high fuel ratio enabling them to be more combustible, as determined by the thermal efficiency test. The study revealed that the coal from Niger is of higher grade with ease of combustion and less smoke as found in the combustibility test. Keywords: Coal, Sulphur, fuel ratio, carbon content, combustion and thermal efficiency

    Potential of phytoremediation using Scirpus validus for domestic waste open dumping leachate

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    Currently in Malaysia there are only few sanitary landfills available for domestic waste disposal and most of them are located in Johore, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. However, to date, there is no sanitary landfill in the state of Kelantan. All the twelve (12) rubbish disposal facilities in Kelantan are open dumping without any treatment. Leachate water was created by decomposition of organic waste flow out and polluted the surface water bodies, soil, ground water and air (smell). Phytoremediation treatment can overcome the water, groundwater, soil and air pollutions from rubbish disposal by using any significant plant either using trees or grassland. The mechanisms such rhizofiltration, phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytovolatilization and phtodegradation are discussed. This study utilized Scirpus validus, a grass-like plant from Cyperaceae family to treat leachate from open dumping site. It is a fresh water plant that can be found at wetland, shallow water, lake side and wet meadows. The physicochemical parameter is used as an indicator to indicate the effectiveness of Scirpus validus in reducing the concentrations (%) of COD, BOD5 and AN. This experiment is conducted only for 15 days due to time constrains. The results showed that, 11.20% of removing efficiency for COD, 30.90% for BOD5 and 8.70% for AN. It was believed the removal rate will increase as the treatment time increases. So, it can be concluded that, Scirpus validus has quite substantial potential to be used for open dumping site leachate treatment especially at tertiary treatment or polishing level.Keywords: Scirpus validus, phytoremediation, leachate, domestic waste, open dumping, effectivenes

    The Impact of Sustainability Concept on the Architecture of Islamic Centers (Clarity of Identity - as a Case Study)

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     يعد تحقيق مفهوم الاستدامة بجوانبه (البيئي، الاجتماعي، الاقتصادي) من التوجهات المهمة اثناء تصميم المباني بصورة عامة والمساجد والمراكز الاسلامية بصورة خاصة كون ان العقيدة الاسلامية تنادي باحترام البيئة والانسان وحفظ الاقتصاد حيث تمثلت المشكلة العامة بأزدياد الاهتمام بتحقيق هذه المحاور وفق تقنيات عالية التكنولوجيا فبدأت عمارة المساجد بمرور الزمن تفقد وضوحية هويتها كعمارة اسلامية لان حلول الاستدامة قد يكون لها تأثيراً عميقاً على الشكل العام للمسجد حيث مثل ذلك المشكلة الخاصة للبحث، وتحددت المشكلة البحثية بالقصور المعرفي في تأثير مفهوم الاستدامة على وضوحية هوية المراكز الاسلامية المعاصرة، لاهمية المراكز الاسلامية في التعريف بكيان الدين الاسلامي وبالخصوص في دول الغرب. وتمثل هدف البحث بالتوصل الى مبادئ تصميمية وتقنية يوصى  باستخدامها في عمارة المراكز الاسلامية المعاصرة بما يخدم تحقيق الاستدامة بجميع جوانبها من دون التغطية على ملامح هويتها كعمارة اسلامية. وفرضية البحث (تؤثر الحلول التقنية العالية التكنولوجيا المحققة للاستدامة على وضوحية هوية المراكز الاسلامية). واعتمد منهج البحث بناء اطار مفاهيمي معرفي تناول التعاريف الخاصة بمفاهيم الاستدامة في العمارة بصورة عامة وتعريف المساجد وهوية العمارة الاسلامية كما تضمن تحليل واستنباط حلول الاستدامة من خلال امثلة لمساجد ومراكز اسلامية تقليدية ومعاصرة، وكذلك نقد الدراسات السابقة التي تناولت هذه مفاهيم الاستدامة وهوية عمارة المساجد وعلى ضوئها تم تحديد المشكلة البحثية وبعدها بناء الإطار النظري واستخلاص المفردات الرئيسة والثانوية، ثم الجانب التطبيقي الذي تناول عينات منتخبة لمراكز اسلامية (عالمية وعربية) وصولاً الى الاستنتاجات النهائية والتوصيات، واهم ماتوصل البحث اليه هو امكانية استخدام تقنيات عالية التكنولوجيا لتحقيق الاستدامة في عمارة المراكز الاسلامية من دون طمس ملامح هويتها كعمارة اسلامية،وضرورة التاكيد على وضوحية الهوية الاسلامية للمراكز الاسلامية المستدامة كوجه من وجوه الاعتزاز بالعقيدة الاسلامية والارث التاريخي للعمارة المسجدية العريقة. وكذلك توصل البحث الى اعتمادية مفردات اطاره النظري كمعايير تصميمية/ تقنية لابد من مراعاتها في تصميم المراكز الاسلامية المستدامة المعاصرة المتميزة بوضوحية هويتها الاسلامية. Achieving the concept of sustainability in its aspects (environmental, social, economic) is an important orientation during the design of buildings in general and mosques and Islamic centers in particular, since the Islamic faith calls for respect for the environment and man and the preservation of the economy, where the general problem was the increasing interest in achieving these axes in accordance with high-tech technologies. Losing the clarity of its identity as an Islamic architecture because sustainability solutions may have a profound impact on the overall shape of the mosque where it represented the particular problem of research, and the research problem was defined by Cognitive impairment in the impact of the concept of sustainability on the clarity of  identity in Islamic centers. Because the importance of Islamic centers in the definition of the Islamic religion, especially in the West. The aim of the research is to reach the design and technical principles recommended to be used in the architecture of contemporary Islamic centers to serve the achievement of sustainability in all its aspects without covering the features of its identity as Islamic architecture.The hypothesis of research (high-tech solutions to achieve sustainability affects the clarity of the identity of Islamic centers). The research methodology adopted a conceptual framework of knowledge to address the definitions of the concepts of sustainability in architecture in general and the definition of mosques and the identity of Islamic architecture as well as analysis and devise sustainability solutions through examples of traditional and contemporary mosques, also criticism of previous studies that addressed these concepts of sustainability and the identity of mosque architecture ,and then build the theoretical framework and extract the main and secondary  variables, and then the practical part, which addressed elected samples of Islamic centers (global and Arab) to reach the final conclusions and recommendations. The most important research reached is the possibility of using high-tech technologies to achieve sustainability in the construction of Islamic centers without blurring the features of its identity as Islamic architecture, and the need to emphasize the clarity of the Islamic identity of sustainable Islamic centers as a pride in the Islamic faith and the historical legacy of the ancient mosque architecture. Variables of its theoretical framework as design / technical criteria preferred to be taken into account in the design of contemporary sustainable Islamic centers characterized by the clarity of its Islamic identity

    Electrolyte and oxidative stress profile of healthy adult population in Zaria, Nigeria, and their relationship with experimental pain response

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    Background: Electrolyte imbalance and oxidative stress (OS) are known to impair physiological functions, which can alter health and wellbeing. The reactive species produced due to OS are detoxified by endogenous antioxidants to maintain homeostasis. This study investigated the electrolyte and oxidative stress profile of a healthy adult population in Zaria, Nigeria and their relationship with experimental pain outcome. Method: Participants were apparently healthy adult volunteers between the ages of 20 to 65 years and drawn from the city of Zaria and its environs. Experimental pain was induced using pressure algometry. About 5 ml of blood was collected for determination of serum electrolytes, malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Result: The results showed that serum concentrations of sodium, potassium and chloride as well as oxidative stress profile did not vary with sex, age and ethnicity among the studied population. There was a significant negative correlation between pressure pain threshold and serum concentration of potassium (r = 0.2330, p = 0.003) and chloride (r = 0.2126, p = 0.007), while serum sodium correlated positively (r = 0.3439, p = 0.000). Serum MDA, SOD and GSH did not show statistically significant correlation with pressure pain threshold (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Serum electrolytes, but not oxidative stress markers, correlate significantly with experimental pressure pain threshold among healthy adult population in Zaria, Nigeria Keywords: Electrolytes, oxidative stress, pressure pain, sex, age, ethnicit

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Video Pembelajaran dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mempraktikkan Shalat bagi Peserta Didik MI al-Wathaniyah Kota Gorontalo

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang penggunaan video pembelajaran di MI al-Wathaniyah Kota Gorontalo. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mempraktikkan shalat bagi peserta didik di MI al-Wathaniyah Kota Gorontalo melalui penggunaan video pembelajaran. Penelitian deskriptif (descriptive research) yaitu jenis penelitian yang memberikan gambaran atau uraian atas sesuatu keadaan sejelas mungkin tanpa ada perlakuan terhadap objek yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan mengguanakan video pembelajaran sangat efektif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempraktikkan shalat, video pembelajaran mempermudah guru dalam mengajar juga sangat mempermudah peserta didik dalam menelaah serta membuat peserta lebih cepat memahami gerakan-gerakan serta bacaan´dalam shalat. Penggunaan video pembelajaran khususnya dalam menerapkan materi khususnya pada kemampuan mempratikkan dapat dilihat dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempraktikan shalat dengan adanya suara serta gambar yang dapat mereka lihat secara langsung sehingga merangsang perhatian serta dapat mengasah kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempraktikkan shalat

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Video Pembelajaran dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mempraktikkan Shalat bagi Peserta Didik MI al-Wathaniyah Kota Gorontalo

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang penggunaan video pembelajaran di MI al-Wathaniyah Kota Gorontalo. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mempraktikkan shalat bagi peserta didik di MI al-Wathaniyah Kota Gorontalo melalui penggunaan video pembelajaran. Penelitian deskriptif (descriptive research) yaitu jenis penelitian yang memberikan gambaran atau uraian atas sesuatu keadaan sejelas mungkin tanpa ada perlakuan terhadap objek yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan mengguanakan video pembelajaran sangat efektif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempraktikkan shalat, video pembelajaran mempermudah guru dalam mengajar juga sangat mempermudah peserta didik dalam menelaah serta membuat peserta lebih cepat memahami gerakan-gerakan serta bacaan´dalam shalat. Penggunaan video pembelajaran khususnya dalam menerapkan materi khususnya pada kemampuan mempratikkan dapat dilihat dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempraktikan shalat dengan adanya suara serta gambar yang dapat mereka lihat secara langsung sehingga merangsang perhatian serta dapat mengasah kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempraktikkan shalat

    The effects of water on an on-body monopole diversity antenna pair at 1800MHz

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    This paper presents the effect of water on a pair of 1.8GHz on-body diversity monopole antennas mounted on the forearm of a sitting male static volunteer. Application of a water layer to the forearm was seen to both reduce efficiency and increase directivity leading to a slight overall increase in gain. Increased gain was shown to increase antenna correlation thereby reducing diversity gain in the antenna pair

    Tropical Marine Phytoplankton Assemblages and Water Quality Characteristics Associated with Thermal Discharge from a Coastal Power Station

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    A study of phytoplankton assemblages and water quality characteristics was conducted monthly from November 2009 to October 2010 at the coastal waters adjacent to the Sultan Azlan Shah Power Station (SASPS) in Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. Water quality parameters were measured and phytoplankton samples were collected at five sampling stations with different environmental conditions. The results showed a significant difference of total phytoplankton abundance, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, TSS, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, BOD, chlorophyll-a, and water transparency among sampling stations (P<0.05). In this study, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, and Dinophyta were the major phylum presented at all sampling stations, and the most dominant phytoplankton species was Odontella sinensis based on Importance Species Indices. The Principal Component Analysis recommended a combination of factors such as anthropogenic input, thermal discharge, and turbidity that influenced the phytoplankton abundance and water quality condition within the vicinity of SASPS. Keywords: Phytoplankton, Thermal Stress, Manjung, Water Quality, Tropic, Bioindicato