563 research outputs found

    Charting the evolution of the ages and metallicities of massive galaxies since z=0.7

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    The stellar populations of intermediate-redshift galaxies can shed light onto the growth of massive galaxies in the last 8 billion years. We perform deep, multi-object rest-frame optical spectroscopy with IMACS/Magellan of ~70 galaxies in the E-CDFS with redshift 0.6522.7 and stellar mass >10^{10}Msun. Following the Bayesian approach adopted for previous low-redshift studies, we constrain the stellar mass, mean stellar age and stellar metallicity of individual galaxies from stellar absorption features. We characterize for the first time the dependence of stellar metallicity and age on stellar mass at z~0.7 for all galaxies and for quiescent and star-forming galaxies separately. These relations for the whole sample have a similar shape as the z=0.1 SDSS analog, but are shifted by -0.28 dex in age and by -0.13 dex in metallicity, at odds with simple passive evolution. We find that no additional star formation and chemical enrichment are required for z=0.7 quiescent galaxies to evolve into the present-day quiescent population. However, this must be accompanied by the quenching of a fraction of z=0.7 Mstar>10^{11}Msun star-forming galaxies with metallicities comparable to those of quiescent galaxies, thus increasing the scatter in age without affecting the metallicity distribution. However rapid quenching of the entire population of massive star-forming galaxies at z=0.7 would be inconsistent with the age/metallicity--mass relation for the population as a whole and with the metallicity distribution of star-forming galaxies only, which are on average 0.12 dex less metal-rich than their local counterparts. This indicates chemical enrichment until the present in at least a fraction of the z=0.7 massive star-forming galaxies.[abridged]Comment: accepted for publication on ApJ, 26 pages, 13 figure

    Resolving the Stellar Outskirts of M31 and M33

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    Many clues about the galaxy assembly process lurk in the faint outer regions of galaxies. The low surface brightnesses of these parts pose a significant challenge for studies of diffuse light, and few robust constraints on galaxy formation models have been derived to date from this technique. Our group has pioneered the use of extremely wide-area star counts to quantitatively address the large-scale structure and stellar content of external galaxies at very faint light levels. We highlight here some results from our imaging and spectroscopic surveys of M31 and M33.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies", editor R.S. de Jong (Springer: Dordrecht

    The Pittsburgh Sloan Digital Sky Survey MgII Quasar Absorption-Line Survey Catalog

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    We present a catalog of intervening MgII quasar absorption-line systems in the redshift interval 0.36 <= z <= 2.28. The catalog was built from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Four (SDSS DR4) quasar spectra. Currently, the catalog contains > 17,000 measured MgII doublets. We also present data on the ~44,600 quasar spectra which were searched to construct the catalog, including redshift and magnitude information, continuum-normalized spectra, and corresponding arrays of redshift-dependent minimum rest equivalent widths detectable at our confidence threshold. The catalog is available on the web. A careful second search of 500 random spectra indicated that, for every 100 spectra searched, approximately one significant MgII system was accidentally rejected. Current plans to expand the catalog beyond DR4 quasars are discussed. Many MgII absorbers are known to be associated with galaxies. Therefore, the combination of large size and well understood statistics makes this catalog ideal for precision studies of the low-ionization and neutral gas regions associated with galaxies at low to moderate redshift. An analysis of the statistics of MgII absorbers using this catalog will be presented in a subsequent paper.Comment: AJ, in pres

    Direct detection of galaxy stellar halos : NGC 3957 as a test case

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    We present a direct detection of the stellar halo of the edge-on S0 galaxy NGC 3957, using ultra-deep VLT/VIMOS V and R images. This is achieved with a sky subtraction strategy based on infrared techniques. These observations allow us to reach unprecedented high signal-to-noise ratios up to 15 kpc away from the galaxy center, rendering photon-noise negligible. The 1 sigma detection limits are R = 30.6 mag/arcsec^2 and V = 31.4 mag/arcsec^2. We conduct a thorough analysis of the possible sources of systematic errors that could affect the data: flat-fielding, differences in CCD responses, scaling of the sky background, the extended halo itself, and PSF wings. We conclude that the V-R colour of the NGC 3957 halo, calculated between 5 and 8 kpc above the disc plane where the systematic errors are modest, is consistent with an old and preferentially metal-poor normal stellar population, like that revealed in nearby galaxy halos from studies of their resolved stellar content. We do not find support for the extremely red colours found in earlier studies of diffuse halo emission, which we suggest might have been due to residual systematic errors.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A - "language edited

    The Intergalactic Stellar Population from Mergers of Elliptical Galaxies with Dark Matter halos

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    We present simulations of dry-merger encounters between pairs of elliptical galaxies with dark matter halos. The aim of these simulations is to study the intergalactic stellar populations produced in both parabolic and hyperbolic encounters. We model progenitor galaxies with total-to-luminous mass ratios M_T/M_L 3 and 11. The initial mass of the colliding galaxies are chosen so that M_1/M_2 and 10. The model galaxies are populated by particles representing stars, as in Stanghellini et al. (2006), and dark matter. Merger remnants resulting from these encounters display a population of unbounded particles, both dark and luminous. The number of particles becoming unbounded depends on orbital configuration, with hyperbolic encounters producing a larger luminous intracluster population than parabolic encounters. Furthermore, in simulations with identical orbital parameters, a lower M_T/M_L of the colliding galaxies produces a larger fraction of unbounded luminous particles. For each modeled collision, the fraction of unbounded to initial stellar mass is the same in all mass-bins considered, similarly to what we found previously by modeling encounters of galaxies without dark halos. The fraction of intergalactic to total luminosity resulting from our simulations is ~ 4% and ~ 6% for dark-to-bright mass rations of 10 and 2 respectively. These unbounded-to-total luminous fractions are down from 17 % that we had previously found in the case of no dark halos. Our results are in broad agreement with intergalactic light observed in groups of galaxies, while the results of our previous models without dark halos better encompass observed intracluster populations. We suggest a possible formation scenario of intergalactic stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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